A. 如何寫英語作文課評課稿
1、 體現了任務性教學以學生為主體,以人的發展為本的教育理念。從這堂課的題目來看,老師與學生的訓練很默契,
2、 通過各種各樣的課堂活動,注重對學生動機、興趣、意志、信心等非智力因素的培養。
1、 運用現代化的教學手段,給學生創設了良好的語言交際環境。
2、 學生參與面廣。據我統計,整堂課有30位左右的同學站起來發言。
3、 課堂互動頻繁。師生之間的一問一答,生生之間的pair work、group work使課堂動了起來,活了起來。
1、 運用多種教學手段。能用不同手段完成不同任務。
2、 有親和力。上課時老師始終面帶笑容,平等待人,對學生耐心啟發,循循誘導,課堂氣氛輕松和諧。在這種氛圍下能充分發揮學生的積極性和能動性。
3、 應變能力強。能妥善解決課堂上出現的隨機問題,並與教師設計的課堂進程以及提出的各項要求同步。
B. 英語寫作評價標準是什麼
C. 評價一下這本書 劍橋實境英語—寫作
「劍橋實境英語」系列叢書(Cambridge Real English Skills)由新東方自劍橋大學出版社獨家引進出版,是一套針對英語聽、說、讀、寫的綜合技能提高教程。
D. 如何寫好英語翻譯評論英語寫作與評論(包括一篇翻譯評
分析文章好不好,可以從以下幾個方面入手.一,語法.這是最簡單的部分,通俗的說就是內看有沒有語法錯誤容,比方說是不是沒有注意到人稱的變化,單復數等等.第二,流暢度,或者說邏輯.就是看看譯過來的文章是不是前言不搭後語,我感覺國外的很多名著,像鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的,羊脂球等等翻譯的都是顛三倒四,一句話重復好多遍,很不地道!第三,修辭.這個就稍微專業一點了,比方說最簡單的:he is an animal !(他是個禽獸!)這是個典型的metapher 的句子,還有種種類似於排比啊,明喻啊,擬人啊,等等吧,就湊字數上來說你也可以多舉一些例子的.第四,最後可以寫寫你對這篇文章的整體感受,比方是寫對歐洲古典文化的描述,可以寫寫你對歐洲古典文化的看法等等,好了,就寫到這里吧,希望對你有所幫助!
E. 如何有效進行英語寫作及評價教學
更新傳統模式 1、聽寫 聽寫是非常傳統且行之有效的教學模式,但是聽寫不能僅僅限於單詞,應根據學生的能力水平,適當增加片語與句子的聽寫,特別是課本單詞表以外的,但是是與課文內容相關的詞彙與句子
F. 對高中英語寫作校本課程教學結果評價
噢 順便說一下,幾天前幫我指導的ABC天卞英語的助教和我們說過,若想將英內語學好應該是不費力地。一容定需要個適合的學習情境和練習口語對象,外教水平很重要,純正歐美口音(非東南亞)才是最好 保持天天口語學習 1&1家教式教學才可以有很.好.的學習成果..課後同樣要復習聽取錄音文檔 好鞏固知識點!實在是真的無口語交談的人的話 那麼就上 VOA或大耳朵獲取課余學習材料研習 多問多聽一下子口語能力會提高起來,學習成效會非常突飛猛進的;我覺得背背作文很重要,如果要語詞較通順的話就被新概念英語.(前提是你英語底子不錯),如果英語底子差的話我覺得英語系列的五分鍾突破高中英語,.我就是這樣靠背的,作文拿了不低分哦
G. 英語作文,看漫畫寫看法 求範文或思路
H. 如何開展初中英語寫作評價與反饋的課堂教學敘事研究
I. 怎麼寫英文評語
Well done!做得好/Neat and tidy!乾的漂亮
That's OK! 很好。
What a good job you have done! 做得很棒。
Now you can do better than before. 你還能做得更好。
Your handwriting is excellent! 書寫很漂亮。
Keep it up. 繼續加油。
Your English will become better if you work harder. 加油,努力之後還能更好。
Although you have not been successful,you have done better than ever.Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。
Failure is the only highroad to success.失敗是成功之母。
1、針對特點, 實事求是;
2、鼓勵為主, 不忘建議;
3、發揮個性, 引發興趣;
4、用對代詞, 拉近距離。
J. 評論家對霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)作品中象徵主義寫作手法的評論,需要英文的,麻煩!
Hawthorne Writing Style
Nathaniel Hawthorne was a prominent early American Author who contributed greatly to the evolution of modern American literature. A New England native, Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804 and died on May 19, 1864 in New Hampshire. An avid seaman, Hawthorne's father died in 1808 when Nathaniel Hawthorne was only a young child. After his father's death, Hawthorne showed a keen interest in his father's worldwide nautical adventures and often read the logbooks his father had compiled from sailing abroad. Hawthorne was a descendant of a long line of New England Puritans, which sparked his interest in the Puritan way of life. After he graated from Bowdoin College in 1825, Hawthorne returned to his home in Salem were he began to write in semi-seclusion. Hawthorne published his first novel, Fanshawe in 1828. In 1839, Hawthorne was appointed weigher and gauger at the Boston Custom House. He later married Sophia Amelia Peabody in 1842. In the following years, Hawthorne wrote his more famous novels which shaped his own literary style, as well as the genres of the romance novel and short story. Eventually, Hawthorne developed a style of romance fiction representative of his own beliefs. Although Nathaniel Hawthorne's writing style was often viewed as outdated when compared to modern literature, Hawthorne conveyed modern themes of psychology and human nature through his crafty use of allegory and symbolism. To begin with, Hawthorne's style was commonplace for a writer of the nineteenth century. During the time period in which Hawthorne wrote, printing technology was not yet advanced enough to easily reproce photographs in books. Therefore, Hawthorne frequently wrote lengthy visual descriptions since his audience had no other means to see the setting of the novel. (Magill:1 840). One example of such descriptions was in The Scarlet Letter when Hawthorne intricately describes the prison door and its surroundings. Another aspect of Hawthorne's writing which was exclusive to his time period was the use of formal dialogue which remained fairly consistent from character to character (Magill:2 140). Such overblown dialogue was evident in The Scarlet Letter when the dialogue of Pearl, a young child, exhibited no difference from the dialogue of the other characters in the novel. Hawthorne adopted the use of overly formal dialogue partly from a British writer, Sir Walter Scott, whose works were popular in the United States and Great Britain (Magill:1 841). Although Hawthorne's dialogue was overly formal, it was an accurate tool in describing human emotion (Gale). Absence of character confrontation was another component of Hawthorne's literary style. Hawthorne frequently focused more on a character's inner struggle or a central theme than on heated encounters between characters (Gale). One example of this style can be found in The Scarlet Letter since the novel was almost solely based on the commandment 'Thou shall not commit altery' (Magill:1 846). Despite dated dialogue and dated writing style, Hawthorne implied various modern themes in his works. One of Hawthorne's recurring themes throughout his works was his own view on human nature. Hawthorne explored an interesting human psychology through his exploration of the dark side of human consciousness (Magill:1 841). In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne introced 'a profound comment on the breakdown of human relationships in the society of the seventeenth century' (Harris 304). Hawthorne's theme that human nature is full of wickedness was also evident in 'Young Goodman Brown' when the title character encountered great difficulty in resisting temptation (Magill:3 1143). One outstanding aspect found in Hawthorne's writing was the concept of neutral territory. Hawthorne described this concept as 'a neutral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land where the actual and imaginary may meet, and each imbue itself with the nature of the other' (Litz 145). The concept of neutral ground was most evident in the Custom House section of The Scarlet Letter and served as the area in which romance took place (Magill:1 1569). Hawthorne's modern themes were also modeled by Hawthorne's own religious beliefs. Although it was not the only reason Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter, his Puritan background contributed greatly to his portrayal of a sinner in a strict Puritan community (Litz 157). Hawthorne also raised questions concerning the morality and necessity of Hester Prynne's exile in The Scarlet Letter. One reason for these inquires was Hawthorne's disbelief in heaven, hell, angels, or devils since modern science was undermining the Bible (Magill:2 847). Unlike the frankness commonly found in modern twentieth century literature, the nature of literature in the nineteenth century was more conservative. Therefore, Hawthorne implied more modern themes through the use of symbolism. One of Hawthorne's most obvious symbols in The Scarlet Letter was Pearl, the living proct of the alterous affair between Arthur Dimmesdale and Hester Prynne. Even though some of Hawthorne's symbols were fantastical, they represented an anachronistic moral standpoint of Hawthorne himself. (Gale) An example of this symbolism was Hester's moral sin of altery symbolized by an overly ornate scarlet 'A' on Hester's breast. In fact, few authors who worked outside realism have been as concerned with morals as Hawthorne was. (Magill:2 1572). Hawthorne also employed allegory as a way of presenting themes. Hawthorne often achieved allegory by placing characters in a situation outside of the ordinary (Magill:2 1572). In The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne presented a highly complex variation on his usual theme of human isolation and the human community (Harris 304). Hester Prynne was a superb example of both these themes since she was isolated from a strict Puritan community. Possibly, Hawthorne's recurring theme of isolation stemmed from his own experience of seclusion (Gale). Hawthorne explored the themes of penance for sins and cowardliness when Arthur Dimmesdale struggled with himself to make his sin public. In conclusion, Hawthorne's literary style did indeed contain elements such as description and dialogue, which seemed out of place when compared to modern twentieth century literature. However, Hawthorne's style was typical of the literary style of the time. Nevertheless, Hawthorne addressed modern themes and expressed his own view on human nature and religion. In addition, Hawthorne's symbolism was an essential tool in addressing topics, which were too radical to be publicly addressed in the nineteenth century. Therefore, Hawthorne's symbolism an astute way to express his own beliefs. Hawthorne also achieved a unique form of allegory by placing characters in unusual situations. Hawthorne used various symbols to imply themes of altery, sins, and human morality. All in all, Hawthorne deeply examined every facet of human nature and drew conclusions from the experiences of the characters in his work. WORKS CITED Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter.
Fitzgerald, Sheila ed. Short Story Criticism. vol.4.
Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1989.
Gale ed. DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale Research Company , 1996.
Harris, Laurie Lanzen. Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. vol. 54. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1985.
Litz, Waltona ed. American Writers. New York: Charles Scriner's Sons, 1998.