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Ⅰ 過程與結果 100詞英語作文

Which Is More Important,Result or Process?

There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something.Hower,sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur.Which is more important,result or process?
In my opinion,process is more important than a result.A process means that we have devoted our energy and time or even money to the work,we don't feel sorry for ourselves though a result is not gained.We can control our work,our time or even our money,which makes up the process,but we can't control the result.As we all know,a result depends on many factors,like chance,occasion,and even luck. But process is a ture precious treasure.

Ⅱ 英語作文什麼經歷的

要積累作文材料 積累豐富的作文材料是寫好作文的首要條件。許多文章高手文思敏捷,很重要的原因是他們腦子有一個豐富的材料庫,寫起文章來,就能得心應手,左右逢源。同學們要寫好作文,也必須花大力氣積累作文材料。作家秦牧說:「一個作家應該有三個倉庫:一個直接材料的倉庫裝從生活中得來的材料;一個間接倉庫裝書籍和資料中得來的材料,另一個就是日常收集的人民語言的倉庫。有了這三種,寫起來就比較容易。順便說一下 目前我在學的ABC5夫下英語的導師和我提到,事實上要掌握好英語應該是不費力地;必然要有一個恰當的學習空間以及實習口語對象,重點就是老師教學經驗,發音純正非常重要,堅決經常口語學習 1 on 1針對性教學才會有非常.好.的學習成果。課後記得回放復習課堂錄音檔 把所學知識融會貫通!如果真的沒有練習對象的狀況下,那麼就上 VOA或愛思得到課外學習資料閱讀,多說多練短時間語境就加強起來,學習成長應該可以快速顯著的 」這段話中說的前兩個倉庫正是同學們寫好作文應必備的 1、積累「從生活中得來的材料」,最好的方法是堅持寫觀察日記。同學們寫日記的通病是記流水帳,自己覺得沒意思,也就懶得寫了。建議你們照老舍先生教的方法寫:「你要仔細觀察身旁的老王或老李是什麼性,有哪些特點,隨時注意,隨時記下來……要天天記,養成一種習慣。刮一陣風,你記下來;下一陣雨你也能記下來,因為不知道哪一天,你的作品裡需要描寫一陣風或一陣雨,你如果沒有這種積累,就寫不豐富。」 |、積累「書籍和資料中得來的材料」,一方面靠課內閱讀,把語文課堂中的閱讀和寫作結合起來;另一方面還要靠課外閱讀,堅持寫摘錄式的讀書筆記。如果每段摘錄用一張紙片,就是讀書卡片。俗話說:「好記憶不如爛筆頭」。記憶力再強,時間長了,要記的內容多了,總會遺忘一些。如果一邊讀書,一邊把認為很精彩的內容摘錄下來,不僅能避免遺忘,而且翻閱起來也很方便 所謂值得摘錄的「精彩內容」。與閱讀者的興趣、愛好、水平、需要等等因素有關,並無統一標准。一般來說,精彩警策的語句,生動形象的描寫,新穎深刻的觀點,活潑有趣的對話乃至優美的詞語,都可以分類摘錄。為了以後查閱方便,在摘錄原文的後面註明材料的出處也是必要的 不少同學寫過摘錄或讀書筆記,但堅持寫的不多。一項有益的工作半途而廢是很可惜的。有人統計:馬克思寫《資本論》,寫過「摘要」的書籍多達100多種;列寧寫《哲學筆記》,直接引用的哲學著作多達數十種。像革命導師那樣,堅持寫摘錄式讀書筆記吧,它能使你成為聰明、充實、富有的人,能使你今後寫作時文思敏捷筆下生花 二 要按循序漸進的規律訓練 提高寫作能力不是一朝一夕的事,要有長期打算,因此,要安排好作文訓練的序列。怎樣的序列是最合理的,從眾多寫作人才成長的過程中,我們看到了異彩紛飛的「序列」,還很難談那一種是放之四海而皆準的真理。下面介紹「七先七後」的訓練序列,也許是比較具有普通意義的一種,請同學們根據自己的情況,參考使用 回答者: 1 | 三級 | 010-1-1 1: 轉發到:

Ⅲ 用英語寫作飯的過程

Remove the chicken wings from the ref rigerator and place them into a large pl astic bag. If desired, a large container c an be substituted for the bag

Step 2 Combine the garlic, cumin, salt, pepper and ginger in a medium bowl and whis k together.

Step 3 Mix in the curry paste, olive oil, yogurt and honey, and whisk the sauce until th e ingredients are well-combined. For a spicier marinade, use red curry paste; use green curry paste for milder heat.

Step 4 Pour the curry mixture over the chicke n wings and toss them gently to coat th em in the sauce.

Step 5 Allow the wings to marinate in the refri gerator for at least two hours, but for n o longer than 12 hours.

Step 6 Remove the bag from the refrigerator a bout 30 minutes before cooking to brin g the wings to room temperature.

Step 7 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahre nheit.

Step 8 Spray the baking sheet lightly with cook ing spray.

Step 9 Transfer the chicken wings to the bakin g sheet and place it into the oven. Cook the wings for 40 minutes, or until they are crispy and cooked through. The inte rnal temperature of the chicken wings will be 160 degrees Fahrenheit when ch ecked with a meat thermometer.

Step 10 Remove the wings from the oven and s erve over rice or with your favorite side dishes

Ⅳ 英語寫作中的過程寫作法有哪些







  1. 5.(不能通過)impassable;closed

Ⅳ 英語作文:描述一個物理實驗的過程和結果

Objective: To study the imaging characteristics of convex mirror and concave mirror
Laboratory equipment: metal spoon (spoon)
Experimental process: 1, with the back of the spoon when the mirror according to their own.
2, with the front of the spoon when the mirror according to their own.
3, with the front of the spoon as a mirror pencil head.
Experimental phenomenon: the first step to see is their own legislation is like a narrow
The second step is to see their own inverted figure.
The third step to see the pencil downside down the image, but narrow the distance between the pencil and the spoon can see the inverted magnified image, further narrowing their distance can see the positive magnified image.

Ⅵ 關於某件事的過程的英語作文


I would like to make some introction on how to make mplings:

First we need fresh materials. Choose the best Chinese cabbage, ground pork and one tablespoon of leeks to make the stuffing. And then we must prepare a cup of rice flour and one eggs to make exterior of the mpling. The third we have to prepare something like ginger, soy sauce, pepper, some sesame oil and a cup of warm water. In additon, we have to prepare the tools for making mplings, including chopsticks, some big bowls and the rolling pin.

Now we start to make the mpling, there are four steps as follows:

Step 1: Put the eggs into flour and mixing then in the big bowl, the warm water has to fall slow into the flours. When the water is poured, you must use your chopsticks to mix the flour. After mixing, you use your hands to knead the flour. And when you feel the flour become a dollop then you can stop knead.

Step 2: Now we start to make the stuffing. In another big bowl ,put the stuffing. Cut the leeks into pieces and chop the Chinese cabbage and ginger and the pork. Put them into the bowl and put some salt, pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil. Then you mix all the materials together.

Step 3: Take a ball of dough, And then use the rolling pin rolls the dough, the flour will become the shape a coaster. Then you can put the stuffing into the dough and press the two sides of the dough together.

Step 4: When you finish making the mpling then you can boil then into the water.

After boil them, you can happily enjoy them with the soy sauce and vinegar.

Ⅶ 以過程與結果為題的英語作文

【process is more important than a result】
Which Is More Important,Result or Process?
There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something.Hower,sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur.Which is more important,result or process?
In my opinion,process is more important than a result.A process means that we have devoted our energy and time or even money to the work,we don't feel sorry for ourselves though a result is not gained.We can control our work,our time or even our money,which makes up the process,but we can't control the result.As we all know,a result depends on many factors,like chance,occasion,and even luck. But process is a ture precious treasure.

Ⅷ 如何用過程性寫作的方法進行初中英語寫作教學

這個過程有時伴隨著閱讀資料和調查人物及分組討論的活動,作者要對題目進行探索,調動自己原有知識並認識自己的缺口和不足, 從而吸納新的知識,從而在活動中深化主題,聚集素材,打好腹稿,為下一步寫作做好准備。此階段通常分兩步進行,即「熱身活動」與閱讀欣賞範文活動。
「熱身」時,師可採取一些激活學生思維的策略與技巧,在知識和情意上為學生寫作做好鋪墊。常見的方法有頭腦風暴法(brain storming)、集束法(clustering)、快速自由寫作法(rapid freewriting)、「5W1H」提問法(questioning)等。
頭腦風暴法: 即全體組員將所有與主題(topic)相關的觀點和盤托出, 不必考慮流露出的思想正誤與否。先從具體、熟悉的信息源入手,然後轉向抽象、陌生的信息源。如: 要讓學生寫Should students beallowed to use mobile phone? 可以讓學生以頭腦風暴的形式討論what can mobile phone do for you? 鼓勵他們表達自己的觀點,下一步的寫作訓練理清思路,列出提綱。
要求每位學生在一兩分鍾內自由而快速地寫下與主題有關的單詞和短語。對時間加以限制,目的在於促使學生的大腦快速運轉和思維。如:讓學生介紹一個熟悉的人。可以問:Who do you like to writeabout? What do you like to write about? 要求每位學生在一兩分鍾內自由而快速地寫下與這個人物介紹有關的單詞和短語。比如hobby,appearance,personality,habits 等,並能夠就每個方面寫一兩句,並給以及時的鼓勵。
即以主題為主軸, 將與之相關的詞彙綴集在一起。這是一種簡單而有效的方法。因為「可視詞彙」可以刺激學生的「聯想流」,這對那些有話說不出的學生來說極為奏效。如:讓學生寫school rules,可以以school rules 為主軸來提供與之相關的詞彙。比如:school uniform,in class,homework,in the library,classmates,然後讓學生由單詞聯想相關的規則。
即要求學生根據主題就who,what,where,when,why,how 等進行提問。問題的大小詳略視需要而定,不能千篇一律。如:讓學生an unforgettabletrip 就可以圍繞這么五個問題:Who did you gowith? What did you do there? Where did you go?When did leave? Why did you go there? How did you go there? 讓學生把這些問題串在一起就是一篇短文。
比如, 在模仿上述案例中的範文寫一篇My favorite school day 的小短文,就可以針對欣賞範文中總結的三點寫作特點確定修改的標准: ①是否有主題句;②是否按時間先後順序寫;③是否添加豐富內容的句子。
教師利用實物投影儀或黑板選擇不同層次代表性的文章或句子當堂點評。點評時,教師要先讓學生找出這篇短文「閃光點」, 打開寫作的情感關,再讓學生找出文章的欠缺之處。標出精彩的詞、句、思想的亮點等可以激發學生的進取精神,增強學生學習英語的動力。



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