㈠ 英語寫作 求高手給一篇範文。。題目如下:
How to choose books your book discussion group will enjoy
There are many different ways to choose books for your book club/reading group, and there is no reason to stick with the same formula all the time. Here are a few suggestions:
Choose a theme - e.g. a particular culture, country, author, time period, genre or subject. Or avoid getting stuck in a theme by deliberately choosing books that are different from each other! BookBrowse's reading guides are sorted by title, author and a wide range of themes.
Take it in turns to choose.
Agree who will short list the books for the next meeting and have them bring along 2-3 recommendations which the members vote on.
Browse BookBrowse!
A great way to find exceptional books, save time at your meetings and be sure that everyone knows a bit about the books they're going to be voting on, is for one person to visit BookBrowse and select a shortlist of books that look to be of particular interest. Then email the URLs (page addresses) to the other members, who can then browse the extensive excerpts, multiple reviews etc. of each book and come to the meeting with an opinion on the shortlisted books.
If you have trouble agreeing, why not read all of them (spread out over a few months of course)?
If you find yourself disappointed that the group don't want to read a book that you think looks excellent, keep in mind that there is absolutely nothing stopping you reading it yourself - and if it proves to be as good as you think, you can always recommend it to the group at a later time!
Look for recommendations at your library or bookstore. Most libraries have lists of recommended titles and 'librarian picks', and many libaries will be happy to work with you and your group to find book choices that you're likely to enjoy; or check out lists of awards such as The Pulitzer Prize, Booker Prize and National Book Awards.
It's unlikely that everybody will agree on every book choice every time. Make it clear when the group is set up, and when new members join, that a majority vote will carry - encourage members to treat new genres or authors with an open mind - after all most people join a book club to expand their reading experience.
Be mindful of genre burnout - don't stay with the same list/theme for too long, or take a break every now and then with a book that breaks the mold.
Select your books at least two to three meetings ahead of time, so that you have plenty of time to read them (and potentially to borrow from the library or share copies amongst the group). Some groups plan their entire year's reading at one meeting, others prefer to stay just a few books ahead.
However, be cautious of committing to books too far ahead as the mood and interests of the group might change over time and you could find yourselves tied into a book or genre that is no longer of interest to the group.
At least for the first few meetings, choose reasonably short books (leave War and Peace for a later meeting!) with a ready prepared reading guide. Avoid books that are bound to become controversial (e.g. religion and politics) until the group members have had time to get to know each other.
From the Publisher
All Kinds of Minds: This book was written to help children in the elementary grades understand how they learn, how weaknesses make learning difficult, and how their strengths can be used to improve their learning skills. As the title indicates, minds vary - none is perfect -and everyone needs to appreciate all kinds of minds.
All Kinds of Minds is a mainly fictitious account of 5 appealing and realistic children. Each of them has 1 or more learning disorders. Young readers will easily identify with the experiences of the characters as they appear in a variety of situations: humorous, serious, suspenseful, and sometimes sad.
During the first 7 fictitious chapters, each of the main characters learn about getting help from others, helping themselves, and building on their strengths. The final chapter, which is nonfiction, reviews important concepts and facts that appear in the preceding chapters. It also offers young readers suggestions for overcoming the effects of learning disorders. Some children will be able to read All Kinds of Minds on their own; others may require some help from an alt. Still others may need an alt to read the book to them as they look on.
㈡ 兩篇英語寫作
Writing A:
Nowadays,the using of the mobile phone is very usual among the alts,especially the students in universities and colleges.On one hand,the mobile phones privide more convenient to the students,for example,students can connect with their families more easily than before,they can send messages to others,too.they even can see their friends via the mobile phones.On the other hand,as the old saying:every coin has two sides.the using of the mobile phone also has side effects to them .many of them are addicted to the mobile phone,no matter day or night,they use mobile phone everytime and everywhere.many of them have eyes dieases which can effect their study and common life.In my opinion,I think the students should use mobile phone temperately, can convert the mobile phone into a tool in their study,more than a gamebox.
㈢ 英語寫作高手的來,寫5篇文章 高分懸賞。
小樣~~根據內部消息~~考 第四個·~~
㈣ 推薦好一點的英語寫作講解
㈤ 西安外國語大學怎麼樣
簡介:西安外國語大學是新中國最早建立的4所外語院校之一,是西北地區唯一的一所主要外語語種齊全的普通高校。1951年,經中央人民政府教育部批准,由蘭州大學文學院俄文系、西北大學外國語文系俄文組、俄文專修科合並組建了西安外國語大學的前身——西北俄文專科學校。1952年,中共西北局黨校俄文班並入西北俄文專科學校,學校開始招生。 1958年更名為西安外國語學院。1979年開始招收研究生,1986年經國務院學位委員會批准,正式成為碩士學位授權單位。2006年經教育部批准,學校更名為西安外國語大學。2011年被陝西省人民政府列為「十二五」期間重點建設的高水平大學。2013年經國務院學位委員會批准成為博士學位授予單位,獲得外國語言文學一級學科博士學位授予權。2014年經人力資源社會保障部和全國博士後管委會批准設立博士後科研流動站。經過60多年的建設和發展,學校已實現了由單科外語院校向突出外語教育和國外人文社會科學研究特色,以人文學科為主體,社會學科、管理學科和理學學科協調發展的多學科外國語大學的轉變,是國家西部重要的外語人才培養基地,在西北地區的外語教育教學和研究領域發揮著不可替代的作用。 學校總佔地面積1593畝,建築面積81萬平方米。學校辦學基礎設施完善,教學設備先進,多媒體網路教室、語言實驗室、計算機實驗室、同聲傳譯室、模擬導游實驗室、新聞采編實驗室等現代化設施齊全。先進的衛星接收系統可接收不同語種國家電視節目。圖書館實行計算機管理,並設有大型電子學術期刊文獻庫。2009年,學校被授予省級「文明校園」。 學校現有35個學院(部)等教學機構,開設45個本科專業,7個輔修專業,具有外國語言文學一級學科博士點,外國語言文學、中國語言文學、工商管理、教育學4個一級學科碩士點,13個二級學科博士點,59個二級學科碩士點,覆蓋文學、經濟學、管理學、法學、教育學、理學、藝術學7個學科門類,是翻譯碩士、漢語國際教育碩士、旅遊管理碩士、會計碩士、新聞傳播碩士、教育碩士專業學位培養單位,與國外9所大學聯合培養博士研究生。外國語言文學一級學科為陝西省普通高校哲學社會科學特色學科,英語語言文學、法語語言文學、德語語言文學為陝西省重點學科;英語專業為國家級專業綜合改革試點,英語、俄語、法語、旅遊管理、翻譯等5個專業為國家級特色專業,會計學(ACCA)和旅遊管理(英語)、工商管理(CIMA)、金融學、人文地理與城鄉規劃專業為省級專業綜合改革試點,英語、德語、法語、俄語和日語等5個專業為陝西省名牌專業,英語、俄語、法語、西班牙語、旅遊管理、翻譯、德語、會計學(ACCA方向)、日語等9個專業為陝西省特色專業;英語寫作為國家級精品課程,英語精讀、英語寫作、英語翻譯、法語精讀、基礎日語、德語精讀、英語模擬導游、俄語翻譯、英國文學、英語視聽說、中國文化解說、管理學、法國文學史、翻譯與實踐、國際貿易與實務、商務英語寫作等16門課程為省級精品課程;財務會計被評為國家級雙語教學示範課程,財務會計、國際商法等2門課程被評為省級雙語教學示範課程;「英語寫作」被評為國家級精品資源共享課,「財務會計」、「商務分析」、「旅遊學概論」、跨文化人力資源管理、金融學、國際貿易實務、經濟地理學、人文地理學、城市規劃原理、外語教師教育ESP課程、旅遊地理學等11門課程被評為省級精品資源共享課;「應用型翻譯人才培養模式創新實驗區」被評為國家級人才培養模式創新實驗區,國際商務、應用型翻譯、國際旅遊、國際化外語教師教育、國際會計、國際化應用型金融人才和國際工商管理(CIMA)等7個人才培養模式創新實驗區被評為省級人才培養模式創新實驗區;法語文學與翻譯教學團隊為國家級教學團隊,法語文學與翻譯、中外旅遊文化、國際商務、翻譯、英語寫作、工商管理類主幹課程、旅遊法理論與實務、工商管理(CIMA)、金融學(CFA)國際化創新、國際貿易雙語、區域旅遊與城鄉社區規劃、旅遊業運營管理等12個教學團隊為省級教學團隊。「翻譯專業教學模式研究、創新與實踐」、「國際化商務人才培養模式創新與實踐」獲得陝西省教學成果獎特等獎。學校與環球時報在線(北京)文化傳播有限公司合作建立文學實踐教育基地先後獲批成為國家級、省級大學生校外實踐教育基地,與西安百事可樂飲料有限公司合作建立的管理學實踐教育基地獲批省級大學生校外實踐教育基地。學校是非通用語提前批次招生院校、推薦優秀本科生免試攻讀碩士研究生院校和接收保送生資格院校。現有博士研究生、碩士研究生、本專科生、外國留學生及各類培訓學生2萬餘人。 學校科研實力強,設有歐美文學研究中心、外國語言學及應用語言學研究中心、陝西旅遊研究院、人文地理研究所等31個學術和研究機構,歐美文學研究中心、外國語言學及應用語言學研究中心為陝西高校哲學社會科學重點研究基地。學校還與中國教育國際交流協會合作共建國際教育交流研究中心,形成了較為完整並具有一定規模的外語及跨學科科研體系,承擔了一批國家級、省部級及外國文化部資助的科研項目,出版了高質量的大型辭書、專著、譯著、論文和教材。學校創辦的《外語教學》、《人文地理》、《西安外國語大學學報》等學術刊物是在國內外學術界具有一定影響的中國人文社會科學和中國地理學核心期刊,其中《外語教學》、《人文地理》雜志連續多年入選CSSCI來源期刊,《西安外國語大學學報》為CSSCI擴展版來源期刊。 學校堅持發揮自身優勢,廣泛開展國際學術交流,先後與國(境)外169所大學和教育機構建立了友好合作關系。學校先後被教育部確定為富布萊特項目定點院校、接收中國政府獎學金項目來華留學生委託培養單位。與100多所國外大學開展聯合培養博士、碩士、學士「雙校園」項目,開辟了美國、新加坡、泰國、法國和英國等海外實習基地。2014年,學校積極響應國家建設絲綢之路經濟帶戰略,成立了中亞學院,專門開展中亞國家留學生教育。學校在美國、哈薩克、阿根廷和奧地利建立了3所孔子學院、1所孔子課堂。2012年,經國家漢辦批准設立漢語國際推廣多語種基地(西安)。學校與美國洪堡州立大學合作創辦了西外洪堡學院,與法國巴黎摩達爾時裝藝術設計學院合作創辦了西外巴黎時裝藝術設計學院;與英國特許公認會計師公會、管理會計師公會合作開辦了ACCA教改班、CIMA教改班、CFA教改班。韓國文化院、德國歌德學院、美國普城英語集團分別在學校設立了「世宗學堂」、「歌德語言中心」、「秦蘇珊英語中心」,學校還與俄羅斯新西伯利亞國立技術大學共建俄語語言文化中心。此外,學校還設有教育部出國留學人員培訓部、國家留學基金委留學預備教育中心、中國(教育部)留學服務中心留學培訓基地。 學校著力提高人才培養質量,取得了明顯效果。西外畢業生以「外語功底扎實,交際能力強,綜合素質高,適應工作快,敬業愛崗,踏實肯干,有發展潛力」而深受用人單位歡迎,畢業生就業率連續多年保持在較高水平。學校志願者團體積極服務社會經濟文化發展,大學生參加了北京奧運會、上海世博會、西安世界園藝博覽會、深圳世界大學生運動會、南京青奧會、歐亞經濟論壇等重大活動的志願者工作,學校志願者總隊被授予「中國百個優秀志願服務集體」等多項榮譽。為適應新世紀社會發展和經濟建設的需要,學校將緊抓國家高等教育大發展和西部大開發的歷史機遇,「立足陝西,服務西北,輻射全國,面向世界」,堅持走開放式、國際化辦學道路,不斷深化教學改革,改善辦學條件,提高教育教學質量,為建設特色鮮明的高水平大學而努力奮斗!
㈥ 西外歷年英語二外都不寫作文嗎
如果按照以往的評抄判標準的話,英語四級達550分以上,英語六級達520以上者就可以報考全國大學生口語等級考試了!口語等級考試內容如下: 大學英語四、六級考試口語考試每年舉行兩次,分別在5月和11月舉行。目前在全國28個省市設有考點
㈦ 20篇精品英語小作文寫翻譯要寫名師點評
㈧ 英語寫作作文帶翻譯,字數不得少於80詞,答得好有高懸賞哦!!
㈨ 求英語寫作好的
㈩ 求分享一些英語寫作模板