① 周日是一個陽光明媚的日子,我和夥伴一起出去玩,很開心,中午吃過飯後,開始做作業,用英語怎麼說
On a sunny Sunday, I went out to play with my partner, we had a very good time.I began to write my homework after I had lunch at noon.按照我的理解就應該這么寫就可以了,是比較正確版,沒有任何權問題的。
② 讀書的好處英語作文帶翻譯
我們在學寫作的時候,一要注重詞彙量的積累,二要熟練運用語法。點擊下方藍字鏈接,免費外教輔導英語寫作,給大家更專業的指導。③ 下課了,有的同學打籃球有的同學澆花有的同學踢毽子有的同學寫作業有的同學澆花他們玩的真開心的英文
Is the bell ringing,some of my classmates are playing the basketball,watering the flowers.Others are doing homeworks.All of them are having fun.
④ 在假期里總是快樂的,我能去玩游戲,打掃房間,寫作業,逛街.翻譯英語
In/During the holiday, I am always happy. I can go playing games, cleaning rooms, writing homework and going window-shopping.
⑤ 英語作文做作業是一件開心的是
As we know,music can relax us.What's more,the popular music can
make us cozy.Somebody like listening to music while doing homework,it is
good or not?
In my opinion,listening to music while doing homework
disturb us to finish homework.First of all,while we are doing
homework,we focus our thoughs.Music will disturb our
attentions.Secondly,listening to music while doing homework will
decrease our memory.Finally,the examination room is very silence,there
is no music for you.
⑥ 幫忙寫一篇英語作業 ,題目怎麼保持快樂,回答必採納
How to keep happy
There are a lot of ways to keep people happy, but it really depends. Simply because people are different one from another in characters, preferences, and expectations. For instance, if one's expectation is lower than average, but his ability in most aspects of life is bove average, therefore, he should be kept happy all the time theoretically. In the case of the other way around, there would be much less reasons for him to be happy.
Regarding "how to", in my opion, it is very important to adjust your expectations carefully (sometimes may need some accuracy) based on your capabilities, no higher would be the fundamental rule of your daily life.
⑦ 誰有18*開心*一本小學我愛寫作業六年級英語(人教版)下的答案
聽說你需要答案,我都幫你整理版好了:權 https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=
⑧ 祝你玩的開心用英語怎麼說寫作業要用。
祝你玩的開心用英語是: I hope you have a good time.
hope 英[həʊp] 美[hoʊp]
n. 希望,期望; 希望的東西; 被寄予希望的人或事物、情況; 抱有希望的理由;
vt. 希望,期望;
vt. [俚語] 相信,認為;
[例句]She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray
have 英[həv] 美[hæv]
aux. 用以構成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已經…;
vt. 有,具有; 拿,取得; 從事; 必須,不得不;
n. 〈口〉有產者,有錢人; 富國; 〈英俚〉欺騙,詐騙;
[例句]Alex has already gone
time 英[taɪm] 美[taɪm]
n. 時間; 次; 時代; 時刻;
vt. 為…安排時間; 測定…的時間; 調准(機械的)速度; 撥准(鍾、表)的快慢;
vi. 合拍; 和諧; 打拍子;
[例句]Time passed, and still Ma did not appear
⑨ 在夏天,我喜歡躲在家裡看書、寫作業,空閑時我就會做一些小實驗。快樂的假期就這樣過去了。的英語怎麼寫
⑩ 用過去式翻譯英語作文 我叫Ben,我的心情和快樂。因為我在星期天早上可以看書,下午可以做作業,晚上看電
my name is Ben, i was in a happy mood. because i could read books on Sunday morning, do homework in the afternoon and watch tv at night.