A. 怎樣賞析詩歌/英語寫作入門/羅扎基斯
還有就是 我目前上的ABC天丅英語中心的外教和我們說過,事實上想將英語學好是輕松的。堅持具有符合的學習空間以及進修口語對象,最關鍵就是外教水平 最好歐美母語 口語純正很重要,保持逐日口語學習 1 on 1針對性教學就有很.好.的學習成效!上完課仍要重復溫習課後錄音反饋,好鞏固知識點 不過實在無對象可練習的狀況下 可以去聽力室或滬江得到課外學習資料閱讀,多說多練迅速的口語就加強起來 學習效果是必定迅速明顯的;There is another sky by Emily DickinsonThere is another sky,Ever serene and fair,And there is another sunsne,Though it be darkness there;Never mind faded forests, Austin,Never mind silent fields -Here is a little forest,Whose leaf is ever green;Here is a brighter garden,Where not a frost has been;In its unfading flowersI hear the bright bee hum:Prithee, my brother,Into my garden come! Ts poem is meaningful yet simplistic and easy to understand. Literally, Emily Dickinson wrote about a peaceful garden, where there were always warm sunsne, beautiful flowers and evergreen trees; a garden full of bliss. She offered Austin, her elder brother to come into her garden to enjoy the happiness together in the end of the poem.However, in my opinion, Emily Dickinson did not merely write about a beautiful garden in ts poem. The peaceful garden here represents a beautiful life that all people are yearning for, totally different from their life with sadness and hopelessness. The poem hence portrays Emily's faith and optimism in the beauty of life.Writing for her brother, Austin, an attorney, Emily might want to show m that although there is always misery and unhappiness in the world, there is beauty as well. Through her words, Emily wanted to turn her brother away from the hectic life he was leading, to escape into a surreal forest of purity. She offered m insight by sharing her optimism, hoping that he would find hope and peace in the future, even in the rough times of s life.The garden in ts poem is the symbol of happiness. As Emily Dickinson was a religious and spiritual poet, she might be referring to the Garden of Eden, the garden of bliss. And in the Garden of Eden, unlike in our world, everytng is supposed to be perfect. She, as a believer, knew that very well.這個長一點:Walking the Skyby Shari AndrewsOberon Press, 00Reviewed by Joanna M. WestonMemory and links with the past are Andrews』 main concerns. She reflects on the past through the lens of the present and uses the past to illuminate the present. She has a keen appreciation of the minutae of daily life and its relevance to the human psyche. Andrews』 prose poems in 『The Hour』 tell a straightforward story of an old man』s death and funeral woven round s daughter』s memories of her family and insights. The language is clear, adding to the working life depicted in the poems. Upstairs, her father lay slack-jawed and dreaming. The mid-afternoon light fell across the bed. The suilts moved gently up and down on s chest. s hair lay in tn wte strands against s scalp. s skin was pale as the porcelain teacups hanging from their hooks. (A field she buried her face in, p.)The dying man is clearly drawn but the last image brings the reader back to the kitchen where the daughter stands. There is a sense of the man having been in the kitchen, having used the porcelain cups, and of having withdrawn from them. Later in the sesuence, Andrews depicts the daughter:As she dries the cups, she admires their gilded edges, the part they will play later in the day, her lips sipping on bands of light to hold back the delicate verge of tears. (Morning has spread itself p.)The daughter』s anticipation of the funeral, mixed with grief, is poignantly shown in the simple act of drying the cups. The more complex free verse poems occasionally reveal difficulties with grammar and particularly with commas, wch Andrews uses eccentrically and occasionally in ways wch cause confusion. Short of getting into a discussion of Lynne Truss』 『Eats, Shoots Leaves』, the meaning of a phrase can be greatly clarified by the use of the humble comma, as 『Her skirt, petals close around her newborn legs.』 (p.1) Do the petals close or is the skirt being likened to petals? Most likely the latter, but a comma would clarify the line. Or 『My arms and legs, lullabies slice the water』 (p.11). It must be presumed that the lullabies arenot knives to cut water, but rather the arms and legs resemble lullabies. Again, a comma would eliminate the problem. There are, unfortunately, several other poems where a missing comma muddies the poetry. Wle Andrews』 imagery can be strong, as 『The sky with the sun blazing in it was like s lungs filled with light.』 (p.0) even without commas there are times when the grammar is confused and meaning lost.I stride the spinefrom river bank to river bank, a stoneengraving the walls of a cave. (The old train bridge p.1)Either the stone or the poet appears to be carving the cave-walls, but the reference is unclear.If only the rhythm of ts seacould calm the distant shores,limbs on the same bodythat refuse to reconcile. (Limbs on the same body, p.)The limbs and shores appear to be one and the same, yet 『limbs』 appears to refer to 『ts sea』. A period after 『shores』 would help, followed by a re-writing of the last two lines. Andrews』 prose poems have real merit, a depth of insight and reflection that illuminates memory and the human condition.
B. 誰能教我怎麼寫HAIKU詩(英文)/Diamante poem
俳諧連歌同中國近體詩聯句相仿。它的第1句為5、7、5句式的17音,稱為發句(起句),脅句(配句)為7、7句式,第3、第4句以後為前兩種句式輪流反復,最後一句以7、7句式結束,稱為結句。俳句,即取其發句(起句),加上「季題」(表現寫作俳句季節的詞語)和「切字」(一定的斷句助詞或助動詞),使之成為獨立的17字音的短詩。日本著名俳句家,室町時代(1392~1573) 後期有宗鑒、荒木田守武,二人是俳諧連歌作者;江戶時代有松永貞德,他提倡俳諧的娛樂性和教養性,號稱「貞門」,可謂傾向於古典的一派。當時俳諧尚處於進入俳諧連歌的階段。另一方面又有西山宗因,主張俳諧的滑稽性,強調創作上的自由奔放,稱為「談林」派。具有這一派特色的還有著名俳句家井原西鶴。一般被稱為俳聖的松尾芭蕉,把松永貞德的古典式技巧和西山宗因的自由奔放的散文風格熔鑄一爐,並加以發展,摒棄滑稽、娛樂等文字游戲成分,使俳諧成為具有藝術價值的庶民生活詩。17世紀日本俳諧曾一度中落,至18世紀下半葉,與謝蕪村號召「回到芭蕉去」,再度呈現繁榮景象。江戶時代脅句(配句)以下各句逐漸失去生色,但小林一茶在發句(起句)的創作上表現了突出成就。正岡子規作為明治時代(1868~1912)的俳諧復興者,明確提出連句(即俳諧連歌)非屬於文學的主張,提倡以連句的發句(起句)為「俳句」文學,依然保存了發句的格律,使它發展成為日本民族最短的詩歌。此後,俳諧連歌逐步衰落,現代雖有少數人加以提倡,依然未見復興。後來曾有人主張廢除「季題」(稱為「無季俳句」),否定定型(稱為「自由律俳句」),但未成為主導力量。
Diamante poem 就是ine 1:
one word(一個字)
(subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7)
Line 2:(兩個字)
two words
(adjectives) that describe line 1
Line 3:
three words
(action verbs) that relate to line 1
Line 4:
four words (nouns)
first 2 words relate to line 1
last 2 words relate to line 7
Line 5:
three words
(action verbs) that relate to line 7
Line 6:
two words
(adjectives) that describe line 7
Line 7:
one word
( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)
C. 英語詩歌的書寫形式
D. 英語詩歌的書寫形式,是怎麼樣的
英文詩歌抄由於時代的不同所以詩襲歌體裁都有所不同,就像中國的古詩詞在各個時代流行的都不一樣,長短不一,形式也不一樣。英文詩歌也一樣,就拿十四行詩來說,同樣是十四行詩,莎士比亞的押韻形式是ABAB CDCD EFEF GG,可是也有詩人押ABAB BCBC CDCD EE。你可以買一本關於研究英文詩歌的書籍看一下
E. 英文詩歌寫作技巧
F. 英語詩創作與翻譯
three year ago, i run into you, and left you a promise
three years past, will you still keep me on your mind, also that promise?
three years later, what is the world going to be?
three years never been far away, they're beside you and me ..
G. 英語詩歌的寫作格式是怎麼樣的
H. 英語詩歌有何特點有沒有寫英語是個的技巧
一 措詞。
1 措辭具體明確。詞語的選擇是譴詞造句的基礎。在寫作中,我們應避免一種通病,那就是該用具體詞的地方卻誤用了抽象詞。「具體」和「抽象」是相對而言的。一個單詞在這一語境中是具體的,而在另一語境中也許就是抽象的。在寫作中我們應多用具體明確的表達,少用抽象含糊不清的詞語。使用抽象,概括的詞語最省事,但也最容易使思想變得不清。在寫作中詞的意義越具體,越能給讀者鮮明的印象。具體生動的表達源於對事物的觀察,不過光是觀察還不夠,還需要掌握足夠的詞彙量。這樣詞彙量增大了,才能在寫作中左右逢源,隨時能用上所需要的詞。
2 用詞適當得體。詞彙雖有抽象與具體,正式與非正式,高雅與通俗,褒揚與貶抑等區別,但孤立地看,一個詞語本身並無好壞之分,關鍵在於使用適當得體。詞彙用得是否適當取決於該詞是否與作者所寫的內容,對象,目的等吻合。例如我們不宜說Our teacher is fat.(應用strong,plumpy,etc)。從這個例子中我們可以看出,選詞必須得當,必須適合文章的題材和風格。嚴格的題材,正式的文體用詞要相應地嚴肅莊重些,而非正式的文體要親切自然些。
3 措辭簡潔精練。為避免句子過長,乏味,措詞必須簡潔精練,文句必須直接了當,力求意賅文簡,辭約事豐。用詞簡練不僅能接省篇幅,更重要的是為了准確清晰的表達意思。廢話不僅使文章過長,而且多餘的詞語會掩蓋思想內容,使文章變得朦朧含糊,令人難以捉摸理解。因此,我們要盡量選用簡潔精練,讀者容易理解的詞語,避免用浮誇的或者所謂的高級詞語。一般來說,在寫作中,尤其是普通的敘述文或短問,更應該選擇簡潔,朴實,准確的大從化詞語,避免使用復雜,故弄玄虛的詞語,並且盡可能挑選積極的動詞。
4 巧用轉折詞。從語言內部來說,語句或篇章都是一些意義相關的句子通過一定的承接手段合乎邏輯地組織起來的語義整體。如果一組意義相關的句子不通過一定的轉折詞語合乎邏輯的聯系起來,這組句子就難以構成篇章。有了適當的轉折詞語能幫助讀者理解文章的思路。
5 巧用總括語。有些學生在寫作時不會用總括語來代替寫不完的細目詞或者列舉不完的例子,結果寫出來的文章又長又散。
二 句子的寫作
1 句式選擇的原則。首先,句式選擇與文章體裁關系密切。如論說文中長句較多,敘述文中短句教多。其次句式選擇必須與語體相風格協調。第三,句式選擇要於語體風格相協調。
2 把句子開頭寫得多樣化一些。初學英語的學生,常習慣於採用所謂「規范的」句式來表達思想,不是主謂賓,就是主系表,總是以主語開頭,結果文章寫得很幼氣,讀起來相當別扭。
3 交錯使用鬆散句和圓周句。在寫作中需要鬆散句和圓周句並用,因為它們不存在優劣,更不存在正誤問題。
4 交錯使用長句和短句。長句有長句的特長,短句有短句的妙處。為了達到既簡捷明快,生動有力,又嚴密周詳,細膩委婉的目的,往往是長短句並用。要根據內容表達的需要,該長則長,宜短則短,不能隨意拉長或截短。
三 段落寫作
四 作文要旨
1 如何寫好文章的首尾段。首尾段寫得好壞直接影響到全文的成敗,在應試寫作中更是如此。因此有必要研究首尾段的寫作。我認為首段有利與表達文章的主題句和擴展作者的思路,著樣才有利吸收和引導讀者閱讀。好的開頭猶如精心布置的風景區的門票,讓旅遊者一開始就被吸引住。首段要能引人入勝,並幫助讀者抓住要領,易於領會全文。結尾段與首段一樣重要。怎樣寫好結尾段也無定法,也要根據內容和寫作意圖設計各種各樣的結尾。例如,可以總結所述,點明主題,展望未來等。
3 如何列提綱。提綱是文章寫作的計劃,也是一篇文章的基本框架,是執筆行文的依靠,它直接關繫到文章的質量。常見的三種提綱是潦草提綱、標題式提和句子式提綱。潦草提綱不僅字跡潦草,而且很不仔細,往往是只言片語。標題式提綱的特點是簡潔醒目,每一部分的內容以短語列為標題。句子式提綱的每一個部分的內容用完整的句子列出,能較詳盡地體現出實質內容和各種部分之間的邏輯關系,因此它對議論性強的嚴密文章更為適合。
五 如何掌握寫作的書面技巧
1 書寫要講究姿勢。書寫時,要坐直、直腰。眼睛正視紙面並保持適當距離。2 書寫要正確。包括英文字母筆順規則、大小寫規則、連字元規則等。3 書寫要美觀。4 書寫要快速。
I. 英文詩歌創作 要押韻~
The Swing鞦韆
(1)How do you like to go up in a swing, 你喜歡盪一趟鞦韆,
Up in the air so blue? 置身於藍藍的晴空嗎?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 啊,我認為這是小孩所能做到的
Ever a child can do. 最愉快的玩耍。
(2)Up in the air and over the wall, 越過牆外高踞天空,
Till I can see so wide, 直到我能望見如此廣大的世界,
River and trees and cattle and all 河流、樹木、牛群,
Over the countryside---- 還有整個的鄉村。
(3)Till I look down on the garden green 直到我俯瞰著翠綠的花園
Down on the roof so brown---- 以及棕色的屋頂
Up in the air I go flying again 我又飛上天去,
Up in the air and down! 在天地間上下穿梭!
1. Love is more than a word 愛不單是一個字,
it says so much. 它還代表了許多意涵,
When I see these four letters, 當我看到這四個字母的時候
I almost feel your touch. 我幾乎能感受到你內心的感動
This is only happened since 但是這只是發生在,
I fell in love with you. 我愛上你之後,
Why this word does this, 為何這個字有如此的魔力,
I haven't got a clue. 我也不清楚
2.Thank you for comfotting me when I'm sad 感謝你在傷心時安慰我,
Loving me when I'm mad 當我生氣時感謝你護著我,
Picking me up when I'm down 當我沮喪時你拉拔我,
Thank you for being my friend and being around 感謝你作為我的朋友並且在我身旁,
Teaching me the meaning of love 告訴我愛的意義是什麼,
Encouraging me when I need a shove 當我需要動力時你鼓勵我,
But most of all thank you for 但我最想感謝你的是,
Loving me for who I am. 愛上像我這樣的一個人。
J. 怎樣寫英文詩歌賞析
2.結合作者經歷: 詩歌之美是不分古今中外的,對詩的格律、詩的押韻、詩的體式的鑒賞僅僅停留在表面,任何詩歌必須結合作者的經歷及背景深層次挖掘。