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A. 組織校園好聲音比賽寫一份通知英語作文


June 15, 2014
Dear fellows,
The school wide English Speech Contest originally scheled on June 20, Friday morning, now is put off until June 24, at 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The contest site is the Lecture Hall which is on the first floor of No.3 building. We have invited five judges, two of them are foreign teachers. All the teachers and students are welcomed to attend this contest.

Students' Union

B. 全國第二屆高職高專英語寫作大賽範文

Summer day, we went to Zhujiajian saw sand sculpture. This year's sand sculpture theme is "sand sculpture of Disney."
We sat ship to zhujiajian, and rode the car to the Spratly Islands. Yeah, there were so many people ah! Crowded, packed roads packed. We bought the tickets, ran eagerly to see the sand sculptures. The sand sculpture is divided into "Welcome to Disneyland, Disney's classic scenes, Disney's classic movie magic and adventure games" four parts. That sand sculpture grotesque, a wide range. Lifelike characters, vivid scenes, I feel like really came to the Disney fairy tale world.
First presented in front of Mickey Mouse - Mickey. She opened her arms, as if to say: "Welcome to the Disney theme park sand sculpture." We walked, I saw Sleeping Beauty lying quietly in bed, his calm, standing next to a handsome prince. This brings to mind the "Sleeping Beauty" story. "Look, Snow White!" Mom pointing to, and sure enough, I saw seven adorable dwarfs standing in front of a house, that house lifelike, like structures made of wood. Good beautiful Snow White and they lived happily. I walked and saw a car. Yeah, really cool! It has a pair of sparkling eyes, Fang Fang body, cute. I really want to sit in the car go ah! I saw a log cabin, filled with former wooden boxes made of wood, there is an Indian standing in front. I thought: Well lifelike it! Sculpture carved out of people is how? So delicate, so lively, so interesting. It took much effort ah! After reading the sand sculpture, I play sand. I piled up a big cake and a bottle of cocoa powder.
Time is not late, I reluctantly left the sand sculpture Disneyland. I thought: sand sculpture artists can be too much, even to such prosaic sand became so exquisite works of art, I really admire it!

C. 英語作文,假如你是文化知識大賽組委主席,寫信祝賀參賽選手Jahn smuth獲得本次大賽第一名.急急急

第八屆「全國十佳少先隊員」事跡簡介全面發展、多才多藝、在少先隊活動中盡職盡責的重慶市人民小學少先隊員王文斌。男,12歲,漢族,他愛好廣泛,全面發展,曾獲第五屆宋慶齡獎學金,全國推新人大賽少年朗誦組優秀獎,並參加《紅岩魂》話劇表演,成功扮演「小蘿卜頭」的角色,集體榮獲文化部「五個一工程獎」。在承擔繁重演出任務的同時,他刻苦學習,成績一直名列前茅。他還擔任學校少先隊大隊長,積極參與組織了「手拉手」、「抗擊非典」等一系列少先隊活動。 品學兼優、積極爭章、積極維護民族團結的新疆自治區博樂市第一小學少先隊員古孜努爾。女,12歲,維吾爾族,她品學兼優、多才多藝,成績一直名列前茅,體育、舞蹈方面尤為突出,連續5年被評為校「三好學生」、「優秀少先隊員」。她非常注意維護民族團結,不僅在班級中積極與各民族同學進行交流,而且還組織本中隊與維族中學的中隊開展「手拉手」聯誼活動。她積極參與少先隊活動,在「雛鷹爭章」活動中,爭得了「藝術章」、「孝敬章」等數枚獎章,是學校的「爭章明星」。 勤勞朴實、樂於助人、見義善為的內蒙古自治區呼和浩特市鐵路第一小學少先隊員樂雅芳。女,13歲,漢族,她學習刻苦,誠實上進,團結同學,勤儉節約,是老師同學公認的好學生。2002年12月14日下午,樂雅芳和親昵的夥伴王超、吳亞斌在呼和浩特青城公園玩耍時,發現有人掉進了冰湖,她們三人見義勇為,奏響了呼和浩特「12.14」英雄群體勇救落水兒童這曲時代贊歌的第一個音符。教育部、內蒙古黨委宣傳部、內蒙古少工委授予她「見義勇為模範學生」和「見義勇為好少年」等榮譽稱號。 善於思考、勇於創新、富有愛心的河北省石家莊市橋西區東里小學少先隊員劉曉夢。女,13歲,漢族,河北省「十佳少先隊員」。她愛學習、善思考,在科技創新方面表現突出,現已完成15項發明,其中9項獲國家專利,曾獲第五屆全國宋慶齡獎學金、中國少年兒童海爾科技創新獎,被評為第三屆「中國少年科學院小院士」、河北省發明創造優秀少年、石家莊市十佳金童。她作為學校的大隊長,積極組織各項少先隊活動,並主動將自己參加競賽所得的數千元獎金捐給貧困地區的學校設立「創新工具庫」。 全面發展、樂於奉獻、在隊組織建設中發揮積極作用的上海市民辦交大飛達中學少先隊員劉凌英枝。女,13歲,漢族,她是學校大隊副主席,上海市紅領巾理事會理事、活動部部長,熱心為集體盡職,熱心為夥伴服務,積極參與和組織「手拉手」等少先隊活動,在「上海市青少年教育活動基地」的建設過程中,經她的倡導和帶動,上海市8400個小隊自願認種小樹,建設成「紅綠領巾世紀園」。 熱愛生活、勤於實踐、全面發展的山東省濟南市燕山學校少先隊員李小楠。男,13歲,漢族,山東省十佳少年,濟南市三好學生。他熱愛生活,鍾意攝影,曾獲全國少兒攝影大賽小學組一等獎,全國青少年攝影比賽小學組金牌,並在濟南市成功主辦過個人攝影展,還獲邀當選為第45屆世界新聞攝影大賽國際兒童評委會主席,被《人民攝影》報評為2001年「中國攝影界焦點人物」。他學習成績優異,英語、寫作由為突出,曾獲濟南市少兒英語會話比賽中十佳獎,全國青少年徵文二等獎等。 身殘志堅、超越自我、勇創佳績的廣東省深圳市羅湖小學少先隊員楊綠野。女,13歲,漢族,深圳市「優秀少先隊員」。她是一位先天患雙耳深度耳聾的殘疾同學,但她憑著堅強的毅力,不僅學會說一口流暢的普通話,而且多才多藝,全面發展,年年被評為校三好學生、優秀少先隊員。她還多次在報刊上發表文章,並獲得第四屆「語文報杯」全國中小學生創新作文大賽全國二等獎,1997年全國少兒書畫大獎賽銀獎,2000年二十六省市少兒美術書法攝影大賽特等獎。 熱愛集體、勤於實踐、積極爭章的青海省西寧市南山路小學少先隊員張哲。男,11歲,蒙古族,青海省「雛鷹少年」。他聰穎好學,成績優異,在寫作、繪畫等方面表現突出。他身為學校少先隊大隊長,樂於助人,積極帶頭開展各項少先隊活動,在「手拉手」、「雛鷹爭章」、「雛鷹假日小隊」、「新世紀我能行」體驗教育活動中有出色的表現,其間共獲得雛鷹獎章68枚。 素質全面、盡職盡責、熱心「手拉手」活動的遼寧省沈陽市鐵西區勛望小學少先隊員黃濤。男,漢族,11歲,沈陽市「十佳少先隊員」。他是學校少先隊大隊長,帶領同學熱心開展「手拉手」活動,主動與家庭貧困的同學、智障兒童接成「手拉手」小夥伴,長期幫

D. 英語創新作文大賽2015英語範文


E. 幫忙寫篇英語作文,要參加競賽的!謝謝各位啦~~~

Nowadays,you can hear these words here and there.Espacially the girls or women.They often say :"I will eat less , I want to lose weight.But do you think that's really an easy thing for people to lose weight?Maybe different people have different idea about that .To some people ,it's so easy.When they are putting on weight ,they will try their best to lose weight .For example,they will do morning excercises and eat less everyday. But to another kinds of people ,they also hope to become thin ,but at they same time ,they can't contral themselves to eat more,so it's difficult for them to lose weight.To me .I think fat is not a real problem, the most important thing is you should try your best to do something that can help you .Do anything you can do to keep your body healthy!

F. 推薦提高英語寫作水平的書(急

比起寫不如多看,推薦階梯閱讀 遇到好句好詞還能運用比自己寫更有提高

G. 求一篇關於校園舉行的英語寫作大賽的 新聞稿 ,急!!!

為了培養大學生英語寫作的熱情,提高大學生英語寫作能力,為喜歡寫作的同學專提供一個交流、屬展示的平台,10月13日上午, 2013年「外研社杯」全國英語寫作大賽初賽在。。。舉辦。本次比賽由。。。。承辦。

H. 英語作文比賽

The English composition competitioned by research laboratory and the Ministry of ecation, ecation composition jointly organised by the English magazine.It was made up of the first round, check, final exam, three parts. The jury was made up of the famous English ecation experts.Activity time form July 20th,2009 to August 30th,2009.Activities are divided into the senior group and the middile group, the entries to the object is a provincial secondary school students.It has a great influencen on students and schools.Contest is intended to advocate for English communication, improve their English skills, training and speaking and writing interests,and then participate to show themselves, improve the comprehensive quality of young people.
In the first round of the contest, for topics English writing, topic-stylistics are unlimited, topic self-made, verbiage in 100-500 words.Detailed game information will be published in 2009, the first phase of the English composition (Middle School Edition), Journal of the high school, etc.Hope that participants can use English writing skills cerectly and write down your own creativity, giving full play to your own infinited vitality.
Winners will be rewarded with lucrative scholarship.Besides, there are opportunities to become an English writer of the national English writers'assosiation ,to make the students broaden. Meanwhile, winning a better chance of journaling published in professional ecation magazines on,to let the community share the competition's results. E-mail addess: zuowenchina @ 126.com .
font: title square, content primary four .
participants were required to provide true detailed name, age, contact details.
Awards set tournament first prize for 2 persons, set bonuses 30000 RMB and issuing the certificate of Ministry of ecation; the second prize for 5 persons, the bonus of $ 15000 and issuing the certificate of Ministry of ecation ; the third prize for 10 persons, bonus 8000 element and issuing certificates of MoE.




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