⑴ 幫我寫一篇英語作文,我來說意思幫我翻譯
My favouriate friend is zhouhaibei,he is a lovely boy.He is not very tall,but he is a boy with a roung face ,just like an apple,sounds interesting,does'nt it?
He is sometimes very lazy,but never late for school;computer game is his big love,but as we all know,his mum can't be agreed.he likes music ,and vae is his faouriate singer
⑵ 英語寫作文,幫我翻譯成英文下
I am a high school student, I usually like reading, writing, sports ... ... Of course, I also like playing computer games with friends.
I am an only son, I do not have brothers and sisters, and always feel very lonely, so I like to know more about friends.
I would like to know you like to do in peacetime, as well as learning about you, I would like to learn your way, you are my brothers and sisters?
⑶ 幫我翻譯一篇英語作文
Many people think that Math is the most important science, because it provides a tool for other science. It is the base of Physics, Biology and Chemistry, it can't be a lack. But I want to say, Math isn't a practical subject although it is important. Is the fact that Chen Jingrun researches Goldbach's conjecture practical for our life and procing? I don't mean to say it doesn't make any sence for Chen JIngrun's research. It's practical that Physics is the most important. Physics influence our life even development. Physics comes from life, and is used for life. Chinese students are very clever, they gained glory in International Olympics Math Competition, but why can't Chinese technology be better than that in USA? I do think the progress of comprehensive national strength of China need the development of Physics largely. So my view is that Physics is the most important science.
`(*∩_∩*)′ 希望can help you~~~
⑷ 幫我翻譯英語作文!
自互聯網誕生,人民的生活在家裡已經發生了變化,太多。越來越多的人擁有個人電腦,並利用它們來玩游戲和看電影。由於互聯網,人們可以購物和做生意的在家裡。不是寫在紙上的信,人們溝通的sebding電子郵件和網上聊天。整個世界相連。計算機已經使世界變小,像一個「村」 。
⑸ 請你幫我翻譯一篇英語作文
正確理解英語原文和創造性地用漢語再現英語原文的過程, 在英譯漢的過程中, 有兩點值得我們特別地注 意:
(1) 漢語所要表達的是英語原文的內容, 即句子或文章的意義, 而不是句子結構;
(2) 在翻譯過程中,
英譯漢的過程包括理解, 分析句架表達和校核三個階段, 理解是表達的前提,
若不能正確地理解原文就談不上確切的表達, 但理解與表達通常是互相聯系, 往返反復的過程, 在進行漢語表達的時候, 又可以進一步加深對原文的理解, 因此,
在英譯漢的過程中, 往往需要考生從英語到漢語, 再從漢語到英語反復的推敲。
一、理 解
理解階段的目的在於讀懂英語原文, 弄清原文的意思。 (1)
通讀全文。通讀全文的目的在於從整體上把握整篇文章的內容,理解劃線的部分與文章其他部分之間的語法與邏輯關系。一篇好的文章, 其前後的意思都互相關聯,
具有很強的邏輯性, 一個單詞或句子只有在具體的上下文中才能體現出確切的含義來,
這就是為什麼我們有時看完一本書或一篇文章之後才對上文中的某個難以理解的地方「恍然大悟」。因此,上下文能幫助我們正確的理解劃線的部分, 通讀全文是很重要的。
(3) 理解句子含義。理解句子的依據除了句子本身之外, 還有該句子所處的具體的語言環境。在此階段應清楚下列問題: A. 句子中是否
含有代詞和其他具有指代意義的詞, 如果有, 應根據上下文確定它們指代的內容是什麼; B. 句子中的短語和一些常 用的詞往往具有多種含義和用法, 那麼,
在該句中它們的具體含義是什麼; C. 按照你的理解, 該部分的意義是否與 全篇文章的內容一致, 有無相互矛盾。總之, 在動手翻譯之前, 首先要讀懂原文,
不要一上來就急於動手翻譯, 這 樣做往往會出現一種情況: 該題快要翻譯完了, 猛然又發現自己理解有誤,馬上就急忙修改, 而且很容易忙中出錯。
二、表 達
因為在表達上還存在許多具體的方法和技巧。關於這些方法和技巧, 在此我們只是介紹兩中基本的翻譯方法: 直譯和意譯。
(1) 直譯。所謂直譯, 就是在譯文語言條件許可時, 在譯文中既保持原文的內容,
又保持原文的形式。在漢語和英語兩種語言中存在著許多共同之處,在對於許多英語句子的翻譯過程中, 完全可以採取直譯的方法, 這樣可以獲得一舉兩得之功效,
既保持了原文的結構, 又正確表達了原文的內容。但是直譯不是死譯和硬譯,象「It is asserted that …;It is believed that
…」這一類的結構, 如果直譯過來那就不倫不類了。
(2) 意譯。漢語和英語分別屬於不同的語系,
兩者在詞彙、句法結構和表達方法上具有很多的差異。當原文的思想內容與譯文的表達形式有矛盾不易採用直譯的方法處理時, 就應採用意譯法, 意譯就是不拘泥於原文的形式,
重點在於正確表達原文的內容。例如:「Do you see any green in my eye?」 象這樣的句子, 只能採取意譯的方法,
把它翻譯為「你以為我是好欺騙的嗎?」 當然, 意譯並不等於亂譯,胡亂地翻譯是不符合「忠實」的翻譯標準的。
在具體的翻譯過程中, 我們應該採取靈活的方法, 不論是直譯還是意譯,
只要是符合「忠實、通順」的翻譯原則, 都是可取的。
在翻譯的過程中, 我們務必注意以下幾點:
(1) 理解透徹之後再動手錶達, 否則表達的結果會令人莫名其妙;
(2) 切忌在翻譯時把漢語和英語對號入座, 逐字逐句的對號入座的結果往往是不倫不類;
(3) 切忌擅自增減詞意, 增減意義與翻譯技巧中經常提到的增詞法與減詞法根本就不是一回事。
三、校 核
校核階段是理解與表達的進一步深化, 是對原文內容進一步核實以及對譯文語言進一步推敲的階段, 因此,
校核是翻譯過程中一個很重要的階段, 並不是可有可無的, 通過表達之後的校核, 我們可以發現譯文的一些問題, 確保自己理解的內容很有把握。 在校核階段,
(1) 人名、地名、日期、方位和數字等;
(2) 漢語譯文的詞與句有無錯漏;
(4) 有無錯別字;
(5) 標點符號是否有誤。
⑹ 幫我翻譯一下英語作文!
The memory is only 7 seconds, 7 seconds later, it is again facing a new world. las vegas gambling casinos. 3. there is no clock on the da vinci invented a pair of scissors. as you stand in the upstairs, and the people. the man looked up and will be opened his mouth. 5. if not, the cockroaches can live ten days. 6.一 man if you don't sleep more than ten days and 7. mona lisa. there were 8. the pigs could not see the sky.9. in israel, if her husband not to his wife make coffee, husband and wife may be divorced. 10. hitler's mother had abortions and the doctor to stop. therefore, i'd like to tell you, knowledge is power. to learn.
⑺ 幫我翻譯幾個英語句子跟寫篇作文
1.大象的背像一堵牆 The elephant's back is like a wall.
2.老虎的尾巴像繩子 The tiger's tail is like a rope.
3.大象的腿像柱子 The elephant's leg is like a pole.
4.大象的耳朵像大餅 The elephant's ear is like a big cake
5.大象的尾巴像蛇 The elephant's tail is like a snake.
6.大象的眼睛像燈泡 The elephant's eye is like a bulb.
7.大象的耳朵像扇子 The elephant's ear is like a fan.
我希望新學期我能夠更上一層樓 I hope I can make a further grogress in the new term.
The Great Changes of My Home Town
Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.There was only one school before but now there are 3 schools,including a key middle school.The roads are much wider than what they were a few years ago.The people there have moved to their new big house and live a happy life.
The Importance of English Learning
As we all know,English is a world language,it is the most important tool in communication.A person who has a good knowledge of English can get a good job in the future.So learning English is very important.We should take good use of the time in school,and pratise English everyday.
A Public Activity
I took part in a public activity yesterday.We raised money for the Hope Project.Many people came to the activity and contributed money.A boy of only 10 years old came to the activtiy too.He was from a very poor family.He had 10 yuan,and it was his only pocket money.He contributed it.I was so moved by him.This was a good activity.
⑻ 幫我翻譯篇英語作文
⑼ 幫我翻譯英語作文
我的老師姓鍾復,她是教英語制的。她對我們很嚴格,鍾老師上課很認真,對我們很負責任 。鍾老師是一個很好的老師,我很喜歡她。 My teacher's family name is Zhong,and she teaches English.She is strict with us,and she is very careful in class.She is also responsible for us.Miss Zhong is a very good teacher ,and I like her very much.
⑽ 幫我翻譯成英語短文
Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) is the army of the communist party of China, standing army of the Chinese people's liberation army army, the Chinese people's liberation army air force, the Chinese people's liberation army navy three military and an independent arm, the second artillery force of the Chinese people's liberation army, the tallest leadership authority for the central military commission. At present, the Chinese people's liberation army army with a total of seven special operations team. The seven troops with respectively belong to seven military area commands, and by direct military leaders. In addition, there is an airborne special forces, a navy special forces.