Ⅰ 淺談如何做好高中英語寫作教學
Ⅱ 如何提高高中英語寫作課教學的有效性
在寫作時要做到准確、地道地表達文章,首先必須要牢記把握一些常用句型或習慣表達,避免中文式英語,在實踐中不斷總結中英表達差異,養成用英語思維寫作的習慣。如要表示「我等待著你的到來」,若譯成I』m waiting for you to come,則不準確,也不地道,因為這里所說的「等待」,不是一般意義的「等待」,而指的是一種心理上的期待,若譯為I』m looking forwardto your arrival.就好多了。
新標准對寫作的要求增加了情感因素,在准確流暢表達寫作要點的同時,適當增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味,使文章讀起來親切,完全達到與讀者進行交流的目的。如:Do you think you』ll like it? If not,I can tryand find another flat for you.
Ⅲ 淺談如何提高高中英語寫作能力
Ⅳ 淺談高中英語寫作教學中應重點關注的幾個問題
1、淺談高中英語寫作教學中應重點關注的幾個問題 2、注重寫作訓練的多樣化 3、注重寫作的規范化 4、注重寫作時教師的指導作用
Ⅳ 淺談如何提高高中英語寫作教學的趣味性
Ⅵ 高中英語寫作有效教學策略的實踐與研究 如何有效地
(一)教師以自己為中心, 將自己視為知識的權威和傳授者。
沒有把寫作看做是交際活動。教師沒有站在讀者的角度去看待學生的作文 , 不去指出學生表達不清或欠妥之處 , 不能明確提出修改建議。
批改作文時只是訂正學生所犯的語法錯誤。可是寫作並不僅僅是語法練習 , 好的文章並不只是一些語法正確的句子堆砌的產物。教師應當從兩個角度來批改作文 :先從語篇層次上看文章內容是否達到表情達意的目的 , 再在語法層次上進行必要的修改。
, 卻並沒有意識到在向學生提供範文的同時, 必須引導學生注意理解範文中可以為我所用的那些知識或語法 ;引導學生剖析自己的文章 ,
發現存在的問題 , 然後改正, 並注意在以後的寫作中揚長避短 , 學以致用。
結果教學法在英語寫作課的教學中占據統治地位 , 教師以講授傳統技法和作品為中心, 片面地強調語言理論知識的輸入 , 過於注重寫作結果,
輕視寫作過程中的諸多環節。這種教學法的理論基礎是行為主義理論,認為教學過程就是老師給予刺激—學生作出反應的過程, 因而教師主宰了課堂教學 ,
從運用「教師提問 -學生回答」的單一教學模式 , 到學生參照範文仿寫 , 再到教師面面俱到地評講那些注滿紅批的作文 ,
學生始終處於思維被束縛、被動接受知識的尷尬境地。建構主義認為 , 知識昀主要是由學習者個體建構的 , 而不是由他人傳授的 ,
而且這種建構總是在具體環境中通過互動產生的。語言學習中 , 學習者不應該被簡單地視為被動接受者 , 而應積極參與學習活動的計劃和學習效率的評估 ,
也要注重對學生的語言輸出 , 這兩個過程都非常的重要 ,
對提高學生綜合語言運用能力都起著重要的作用。而寫作能力正是這種綜合語言運用能力的體現。因此, 在「重結果」之時 ,
更要「重過程」。寫作應包括語言知識、語境知識、寫作目的和寫作技巧等要素。寫作目的、語言知識和語境知識可以為寫作者提供足夠多的輸入 ,
使學習者有話說而寫作技巧的訓練是使學習者知道怎麼說。所以 , 寫作既是語言輸入的過程,
也是學生按一定技巧建構體裁、內化知識的過程。他們強調的是教師在教學寫作時要注意情景 , 並幫助學生了解某一體裁的詞彙、語法、篇章結構的特點 ,
然後再運用到具體的寫作中。從圖中可以看出 , 寫作過程不是單一的個人行為 ,
Ⅶ 淺談在高中英語教學中如何提高寫作教學
Ⅷ 論文<高中英語寫作策略>請高手幫忙(要中\英文對照)謝謝了
「讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神」。這句話生動說明了書面表達和廣泛閱讀的關系。世界著名的外語教學家美國人StephenKrashen在其1993年出版的教學理論力作《Power of Reading——Insight from the research》中指出外語過程中①外語書讀的多的人,其讀寫能力比讀書量少的人強。②第二語言的閱讀量和語言的習得之間有肯定的關系。表明,正確指導學生閱讀是解決詞彙和迅速提高第二語言的有效必由之路。讀書和寫作就好比輸入和輸出,沒有足夠的輸入吸收是不可能有大量的輸出的。
First, power of perseverance
As the saying goes "line of beginning the great distance toyou". English written expression ability formation is not merit of thefirst, also is not week two months merit, must grasp bit by bit fromthe usual classroom instruction, perseveres, the power ofperseverance, only then has the possibility finally to solve Englishwritten expression difficult problem.
The high school English classroom by the text teaching primarily, theunion text teaching holds the student English written expression thedifficulty and the key - predicate verb semantics comparisongrammatical form change, adopts the many kinds of forms to carry onwriting the basic training, raises one of student English writtenexpression ability main methods. The concrete procere is: (1) Thetext glossary teaching, does not limit to according to the textproclaims the chapter, but is unifies English the construction word,the synonymy counter- righteousness comparison, the noun may countwith cannot count the word meaning the difference, strengthens thestudent to English morphological changes understanding, expands theirvocabulary, encourages their mouth writing skill to create sentences,to borrow this to train the student to use complete sentence 子表Italy the ability. (2) The text teaching process reads, writes,listens, to say takes turn. Generally hears in first, read-write inafter. Listens in view of the writing training, to say, to read,writes must pay attention to the material content the language formand the text content language form must have the suitable change andthe whole systematic characteristic, take the text content inquiry asthe example, the teacher inquires the words and expressions structureand the text content which uses is related, but uses the words andexpressions with the text language to have to have the suitabledifference, causes the student slightly to ponder can understand,contributes labor and materials for the student similar meaning manykinds of English approximate expression form, the accumulationmaterial, in unconsciously center understood grasps the more Englishsentence expression. (3) Instructs the student to carry on the longverse on the text content short to write, the short phrase detailedwrites the mouth writing skill practice, helps the student skilled tograsp in English the commonly used verb sentence structural change,the sentence and the plicate sentence similarities and differenceskey is at. The frequency of use is high, structural change moreEnglish commonly used verb like W i s h h o p e e x p e c the t and soon verb must frequently repeatedly use the different form practice,helps the student skilled to grasp the commonly used verb sentencestructure and the word meaning difference, graally has theconfidence and the custom in the psychology which creates sentenceswith English to express one's ideas. (4) Sometimes unifies the text,sometimes other supplement material, uses each kind of form toinstruct the student to rewrite, the abbreviation either theconjunction completes the short written work or completes theshort written work.
However in English text teaching carries on above writes the traininginstruction certainly not to solve the English written expressioncomplete, this process mainly holds English verb and Shan Fuju change,carries on the English written expression the fundamentaltraining, for raises the student solid language written expressionability also to need widespread many and mixed English reading.
"Studies the broken ten thousand volumes, starts writing liketo be bright". This speech vividly showed the written expression andthe widespread reading relations. The world famous foreign languageteaches the scientist American S t e p h e n K r a s h e n theteaching theory strength which published in its in 1993 to make "P o we r o f R e a d i n g - I n s i g h t f r o m t h e r e s e a r c h"center to point out in the foreign language process (1) foreignlanguage book read many people, its read-write ability studied thequantity few people to be stronger than. (2) The second languagereading quantity and the language custom between has the firmlyrelations. Indicated that, correctly instructs student reading issolves the glossary and rapidly enhances the second language theeffective way that must be taken. Studies and writing is just like theinput and the output, not the enough input absorption is impossible tohave the massive outputs.
High school student vocabulary limited, various branches work burdenheavy, English reading must consider, the difficulty is suitable, inthe time does not aggravate the extra burden as far as possible tothem. After the comparison choice, uses the province universitiespublishing house to distribute "the high school Englishgeneral-comprehension reading course" primarily, the national levelpublication "the high school English periodical" and the nationalrelease "the middle-school student reports" and "English auxiliary導報" for auxiliary. These kind of reading material contentwidespread, language vivid, the literature style is diverse, thearticle length is suitable, gains the students popularity very much.The time arrangement usually uses early studies by oneself the timelimit to complete, by each minute 50 to 100 words reading quantity,high three grades each week specially uses in with two classes timestudent freely to read English magazine and the publication, teacherthe particular guidance explanation question, persist reading thegeneral process two semesters to three semesters, the students willfeel the English commonly used word the basic word meaning and thescene have the very big enhancement. The verb structure and thetransformation quite was also familiar and be used to it, in fact thestudent unconsciously feature fun has been completing English glossaryconsolidated strengthened this arous task, for used English to carryon the written expression to accumulate the essential words andexpressions, the sentence type and the background aspect material. Thestudent carries on when English reading whether positive initiative,fills with the enthusiasm, is enormous regarding the language materialunderstanding and the absorption, if hugs is completing teacher thework the manner to study, possibly appears the buddhist priest tochant scripture the lip-service, front has looked, behind forgets thelight the phenomenon. Therefore, merely chooses for the student issuitable the interesting reading material and the arrangement certaintime is also insufficient, the teacher wants the idea in to instructin the process which the student reads to stimulate to train thestudent to study the foreign language on own initiative the interest,strengthens the student study foreign language the self-confidence,forms the good correct reading foreign language material the custom,the essential procere is frequently lets the student indiviallyunderstand in front of own schoolmate, successfully completes has thesuitable difficulty English reading question, teacher promptly givesthe encouragement.
Third, concentrates on the main points
English written expression integrated training needs toconcentrate on the main points is relatively time-saving effective.Especially high three graating classes time tight, the reviewquantity is big, is so. Here "the outline" refers is the program ofinstruction and the summary explained requests important grammarconcept and written expression each kind of different literary styleand request which the student grasps. Here "the collar" is said thewritten expression training process needs first oral to train, thelatter writing skill training, passes through throughout.
Take tests the outline to enlarge the outline request each kind ofwritten expression form as the order, always reviews in the high threeEnglish in the process separately carries on the special writingtraining instruction, the goal is clear about, is advantageous for thearrangement; Pointed strong, is easy to ince. Each special, theunion literary style, carries on first orally, the latter writingskill writing training, may cause the student mutually to exchange,makes up for one's deficiency by learning from others' strong points,profits by opinions from various sources,
Grasps the identical topic well, the literary style many kindsof expressions form and different links up the combination. Also isadvantageous to strengthening the student written expression theself-confidence and the accuracy, reces the nonessential simplemistake, is actual superior carries on two times of above languagesexpressions training to one kind of topic and the literary style,imperceptibly plays the consolidated strengthened role. Take tests theliterary style which the outline and the program request grasps towrite the notice as the example, explained how carries on the writingtraining which always reviews: (1) Splits out the identical contentwith the projecting apparatus the oral notification and the writtennotification compares its form and the sentence type characteristic.(2) Orally let the student repeat the identical content two kind ofnotices. (3) The teacher provides another content notice the requestand the essential words and expressions. (4) Prepares by the studentindivially to speak, the oral expression notice request uses thedifferent English sentence structure and the word order as far aspossible expresses the similar content. (5) The teacher organizes tocompare in the student oral expression the different structure and theword order similarities and differences and the effect. (6) Incesoral and writing skill notice commonly used each kind of 開頭語;Middle content verb structure; Ending request polite talk and basicform. (7) Arranges the oral writing skill notice the written practice.(8) Takes back the practice, revises immediately, exchanges thestudent in the classroom to write has the characteristic or the basiccorrect notice. (9) Collective or indivial translation review noticeopening, middle and ending commonly used sentence type. The mainroutine which above the concrete step is the student carries on whenwritten expression training uses, how from this can probably see thewritten expression is concentrates on the main points carries on thetraining.