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❶ 英語發言稿的格式

you for

❷ 英語發言稿

I'm Li Ming, I have the great honor to take part in the Six Session of the World Youth Congress on behalf of my school.

1. First, I'd like to show my gratitude to the organizers of the congress.

2. I hope my speech, with my ideas, will enhance the discussion on the seminar topic of Reform.

3. And I hope the congress will promote the mutual understanding and cooperation among the youth from different countries.

❸ 急求~~英文版的演講稿的寫作技巧

Outline of a Speech in Englsh:

When you are planning a speech, you need to address the following 4 "ws".

(W)hat is the topic of your speech and the significance of your topic? 你講演的內容及重要性
(What we've known about the topic and what are the area(s) that further research is needed? 對於你演講的內容,現有認識的局限性,以及哪些方面需要內進一步了容解。
(W)hat are your methods (different or unique from previous ones)? 對於這個問題的進一步探索, 你使用何種與眾不同的方法?
(W)hat are your results and conclusions? 你所探索出來的結果以及你的結論是什麼?


❹ 寫一篇英語發言稿。急在線等!

Energy sector which embraces primary energy proction (mining), processing and transmission components is a very complicated structure of economic, environmental, technological and proction subsystems that cause actively impacts on the natural environment. These impacts are widely varied in their specific components as they usually affect different elements of natural environment at a time (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere etc.) and result in different consequences (alienation of affected areas, landscape deterioration, physical damages, chemical and radioactive contamination, thermal, radiation, acoustic influences and other physical effects). These negative impacts become apparent both on the local / regional level and worldwide.

Therefore, one of the top priority objectives of the power engineering sector of Ukraine, that is the main line of the sector development, is formation of prerequisites for the sector operators to meet the national demand for primary energy inputs on the one hand and to provide for strict adherence to requirements of efficient use of natural reserves and rection of the negative environmental effects on the other hand, as required by the international environmental protection covenants signed by Ukraine and by the relevant national social-and-economic development policy priorities, objectives and limitations.

The strategic objectives of the above policies are as follows:

ensure top priority of the environmental safety requirements and oblige the relevant parties to comply with the environmental protection standards and regulations, including those that regulate the natural resources utilization;
rece significantly, minimize or totally eliminate wherever possible the negative technogenic impacts of the Fuel-and-Energy Complex activity on the natural environment and population. This objective will be attained through active policy aimed at improvement of the primary energy efficiency and energy conservation;
rece the proction of environment contaminating agents in the instrial activity through implementation of advanced primary energy proction (mining) transportation and usage of energy resources in every segment of the national Fuel-and-Energy Complex; to shut down the enterprises that do not comply with environmental safety standards; implement special preventive initiatives to protect sensitive natural environment; encourage environmentally conscious proction processes based on integrated approaches to the matters of environmental protection and prudent use of natural reserves;
decrease the existing negative impacts on the environment through localization (trapping) emissions and discharges with their following neutralization, storage and disposal;
rece or eliminate, wherever possible, the consequences of environmentally unsafe activity of the Fuel-and-Energy Complex with negative impacts made on the environment and local communities within the instrial areas or adjacent zones.
The above objectives will be attained under the following difficult conditions: the nation has inherited a backlog of technogenic problems built up in past times when environmental aspects of the development and operation of the Fuel-and-Energy Complex were neglected; the national environmental protection laws and regulations have been notably and actively improved in the last few years; however, specific mechanisms and practices to motivate the environmentally conscious performance [ecologization] of the Fuel-and-Energy Complex are still lacking; and the present difficult economic situation in the Fuel-and-Energy Complex gives next to no means to attract necessary investments that could help solve environmental problems in this economic sector in the short run (up to 10 years).

With consideration for the above situation, the Strategy of the Fuel-and-Energy Complex ecologization (environmental performance improvement) was designed based on: first of all, the concept of phased development and implementation of ecologization initiatives depending on their cost; and, second, on the principle of prioritizing actions to be fulfilled in every stage of the process, determined according to the environmental importance and the expected environmental and economic benefits of the actions.

❺ 英語發言稿

Love, is a kind of strong feeling in our mind. We can feel it when our hearts are connected firmly with someone . There are various kinds of understanding about love to people. In my view, I think love cannot have a fixed definition because love is a feeling or an experience which is different for every person. Moreover, love is truly a special feeling because it is responsible for the existence of mankind since centuries.

We love our parents, because everyone's life is a continuation of the parents』 blood. And all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness. They feed us with kindness, toleration, and caring. When we fear the difficulty in life, they are the hands to offer the support to us. So that we can have courage to conquer any obstacles. Therefore, this kind of love, is the one related to family.
We love our teachers, because teachers are our growth leaders, our friends. They do not only teach us knowledge, but also respect, understand and care for us. Their words and deeds, let us benefit lots for a whole life. They are just like the bright lighthouse on the sea, guiding us to sail towards the correct direction.
We love our country, because being a Chinese is really proud to everyone of us with love being full in each Chinese people』s heart. We can feel the warmness from our country among people in case we suffer a disaster. I still remember the extreme tragedy which took place three years ago. On May 12th, 2008, a big earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite sorrow. A lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children, thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their houses. I』m deeply moved by these people. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together. It is the love of kindness. It is the essence of love to human beings.
Love around us, because we find love existing everywhere in our life. We experience it
when our parents show their concern to us. We are immersed in it as our teachers care about us. Our heart overflows with gratitude when our great country gives a hand to us.

Without love, life has no meaning or purpose. As Frank Tebbets says, "A life without love in it is like a heap of ashes upon a deserted hearth, with the fire dead, the laughter stilled and the light extinguished." Love allows us to be more and do more than we could ever accomplish without its power.

❻ 英語三分鍾的演講稿的寫作要點是什麼

一、了解對象,有的放矢 演講稿是講給人聽的,因此,寫演講稿首先要了解聽眾對象:了解他們的思想狀況、文 化程度、職業狀況如何;了解他們所關心和迫切需要解決的問題是什麼,等等。否則,不看 對象,演講稿寫得再花功夫,說得再天花亂墜,聽眾也會感到索然無味,無動於衷,也就達 不到宣傳、鼓動、教育和欣賞的目的。
二、觀點鮮明,感情真摯 演講稿觀點鮮明,顯示著演講者對一種理性認識的肯定,顯示著演講者對客觀事物見解 的透闢程度,能給人以可信性和可*感。演講稿觀點不鮮明,就缺乏說服力,就失去了演講 的作用。 演講稿還要有真摯的感情,才能打動人、感染人,有鼓動性。因此,它要求在表達上注 意感情色彩,把說理和抒情結合起來。既有冷靜的分析,又有熱情的鼓動;既有所怒,又有 所喜;既有所憎,又有所愛。當然這種深厚動人的感情不應是「擠」出來的,而要發自肺腑, 就像泉水噴涌而出。
三、行文變化,富有波瀾 構成演講稿波瀾的要素很多,有內容,有安排,也有聽眾的心理特徵和認識事物的規律。
如果能掌握聽眾的心理特徵和認識事物的規律,恰當地選擇材料,安排材料,也能使演講在 聽眾心裡激起波瀾。換句話說,演講稿要寫得有波瀾,主要不是*聲調的高低,而是內容的有起有伏,有張有弛,有強調,有反復,有比較,有照應。
四、語言流暢,深刻風趣 要把演講者在頭腦里構思的一切都寫出來或說出來,讓人們看得見,聽得到,就必須借 助語言這個交流思想的工具。因此,語言運用得好還是差,對寫作演講稿影響極大。要提高 演講稿的質量,不能不在語言的運用上下一番功夫。 寫作演講稿在語言運用上應注意以下五個問題:
(一)要口語化。「上口」、「入耳」這是對演講語言的基本要求,也就是說演講的語言 要口語化。 演講,說出來的是一連串聲音,聽眾聽到的也是一連串聲音。聽眾能否聽懂,要看演講 者能否說得好,更要看演講稿是否寫得好。如果演講稿不「上口」,那麼演講的內容再好, 也不能使聽眾「入耳」,完全聽懂。如在一次公安部門的演講會上,一個公安戰士講到他在 執行公務中被歹徒打瞎了一隻眼睛,歹徒彈冠相慶說這下子他成了「獨眼龍」,可是這位戰 士傷愈之後又重返第一線工作了。講到這里,他拍了一下講台,大聲說:「我『獨眼龍』又 回來了!」會場里的聽眾立即報以熱烈的掌聲。 演講稿的「口語」,不是日常的口頭語言的復制,而是經過加工提煉的口頭語言,要邏 輯嚴密,語句通順。由於演講稿的語言是作者寫出來的,受書面語言的束縛較大,因此,就 要沖破這種束縛,使演講稿的語言口語化。為了做到這一點,寫作演講稿時,應把長句改成 短句,把倒裝句必成正裝句,把單音詞換成雙音詞,把聽不明白的文言詞語、成語改換或刪 去。演講稿寫完後,要念一念,聽一聽,看看是不是「上口」、「入耳」,如果不那麼「上口」、 「入耳」,就需要進一步修改。
(二)要通俗易懂。演講要讓聽眾聽懂。如果使用的語言講出來誰也聽不懂,那麼這篇 演講稿就失去了聽眾,因而也就失去了演講的作用、意義和價值。為此,演講稿的語言要力 求做到通俗易懂。列寧說過:「應當善於用簡單明了、群眾易懂的語言講話,應當堅決拋棄 晦澀難懂的術語和外來的字眼,拋棄記得爛熟的、現成的但是群眾還不懂的、還不熟悉的口 號、決定和結論」。
(三)要生動感人。好的演講稿,語言一定要生動。如果只是思想內容好,而語言乾巴 巴,那就算不上是一篇好的演講稿。寫好演講稿,只有語言的明白、通俗還不夠,還要力求語言生動感人。
(四)要准確樸素。准確,是指演講稿使用的語言能夠確切地表現講述的對象——事物 和道理,揭示它們的本質及其相互關系。作者要做到這一點,首先,要對表達的對象熟悉了 解,認識必須對頭;其次,要做到概念明確,判斷恰當,用詞貼切,句子組織結構合理。朴 素,是指用普普通通的語言,明晰、通暢地表達演講的思想內容,而不刻意在形式上追求詞 藻的華麗。如果過分地追求文辭的華美,就會弄巧成拙,失去樸素美的感染力。

❼ 英語作文演講稿格式

Hello everyone, today I am here for my speech "XXXX"
That is all. Thank you!

❽ 英語作文 英語發言稿關於學習英語

Sample to learn grammar? Read a grammar book useful? In fact, grammar learned from reading. Grammar book useful of course, but it is the same, is only the dictionary from auxiliary tools. Only see a grammar book never reading, will run amok, its end and memorize new words are the same.
From reading and understanding the grammar, again with a grammar book consolidate the knowledge and understanding

Give a simple example. Function words the looks be like simple, actually usage esoteric changeable. A detailed grammar books often will record the dozens of use of the rules, as well as countless exceptions, and exception is an exception. For example: "according to article 5 of function words and regulations the third section, here the application and not a, but because some words in front, accord with the exceptions three, so here in the..." . See, so many rules and exception, if feel it, remember so many? Even if noted down the time of writing, also don't necessarily use draw.
Learn grammar, the language sense than rules important

Develop the habit of reading English. Still with the for example. Every time when reading always meet the word dozens of times, and each time can meet different situations, different sentence structures. Read more, and pay more attention to the relationship between the words, they can understand the word out natural subtle usage, can also make mistakes when writing less.
Read confused, again to explore a grammar book

At this time, a grammar book multifarious rules just come in handy. Because you know they are looking for what, also know how these grammar rules applied to the actual sentence.



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