❶ 英語作文考試焦慮
考試前的焦慮 The Anxiety Before Exam
I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can』 sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion, there is no need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can』t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious, it just a way of assessment, if they do well, just keep it, while if they fail, adjusting the study plan. Exam will not decide you all the time, only your attitude.
❷ 英語作文考試焦慮怎麼放鬆5條建議
不能一篇文章裡面都是那幾個單詞,像可可英語;wealthy/,正方/反方.框架結構.詞彙積累版,也會去權幾個網站上搜集一些寫作技巧和作文素材,你要把握好整體的寫作思路。我感覺如果有時間還是值得仔細研究的。 3:最好能用一些倒裝句:高中英語作文都是有一套模版的;第二部分呈現社會上的不同觀點.句型選擇;for my part/affluent等等先推薦幾個網站。比如說第一部分可以陳述現狀;in my view/。掌門新銳上面有好多清華。 具體可以從以下方面來提高,框架,比如rich/:要注意積累高級詞彙,bbc等等;第三部分再表明自己的看法,現在完成時等等,它最主要的作用還是在於幫助你快速找到寫作思路或解題技巧,比如in my opinion/,怎麼說呢,虛擬語氣: 1、北大這些學校的學長學姐整理的考試技巧;as far as i am concerned:我以前高中的時候除了會研究高考真題卷的範文,掌門新銳。 2,同學每天早讀課的時候可以多看。不過這些都是需要平時積累和訓練的,多背一些素材
❸ 焦慮對英語寫作影響研究的選題依據和研究意義
Test Anxiety proce and inner expectations, self attitude, nervous type, past exam experience, examination skills closely related to anxiety itself is not terrible, the most frightening thing is that the anxiety necessarily hinder our learning, so eager to rule out the tension, and stubbornly believe that as long as the exclusion of tension, in order to concentrate on the study and examination. Have some relaxation training methods to deal with anxiety adjustment (1) deep breathing mood: After eyes sitting in a chair, slow rhythmic breathing, stop for a few seconds, then slowly exhale rhythmically. You should do the inhale light and long, breath naturally go; (2) relaxation training method: Candidates sitting in a chair, relax, feet shoulder width apart, eyes Weibi. Hearts of meditation: head loose, loose face, neck pine, pine chest, back and loose, loose abdomen, waist loose, loose front thigh, back thigh loose, loose front leg after leg loose, loose feet, foot loose. Thus, in accordance with the order repeated meditation, the body can relax, relax mentally; (3) Music relax, exercise, communicate with their families, to communicate with teachers and students also can help relieve stress.
❹ 急求一篇英語作文~關於考試焦慮的~~~
Dear friend:
I know the final term exexamination is coming soon and I heared you were very nervous.I really worried about you so I would like to give you some suggestions toward the exam.
First do not be too nervous because worries and complains could not help you.
Second you should work hard before.
Third pay more attention to your methods
Forth when you meet a question you could ask your classmates or teacher for help.
And at last wish you good luck
your friend .....
❺ 大學生外語寫作焦慮與寫作自我效能感的關系及其對寫作
自我效能理論是美國心理學家班杜拉提出的一種動機理論(Banra, 1977)。班杜拉認為自我效能(self-efficacy)是人們對自己能否有效地進行某一行為的判斷,它能夠將影響行為的結果因素轉化為先行因素,對行為發生作用。自我效能感深化到自我價值系統就形成了自我效能信念,效能信念影響人們如何思維、感知、並激活行動等,它在個體的後繼行為與影響源之間發揮著中介作用,對人們的行為和成就有顯著的促進作用。
另外,國內外很多研究都顯示,智力在學習成績中佔有重要的地位,但非智力因素(如個性,心理控制源及學習策略等)也對學習成績存在著不同程度的影響。學習動機、智力和個性對學習成績影響的交互作用(霍金芝等,2003),表明非智力因素通過中間環節對學習起作用等。也有研究表明心理控制源與個性、焦慮密切相關(孫喻 ,1997);學業優良者為高E低N,學業不良者為高N低E (霍金芝、蔡琰等 ,1997)。
縱觀與自我效能感、個性特徵、外語學習焦慮相關的文獻之後發現,自我效能感與外語學習焦慮之間關系研究、個性特徵與外語學習之間關系的研究並不多見,因此,本文試圖探究[1] 不同年級、不同性別學生的外語焦慮的差異。 [2] 學習者自我效能與外語學習焦慮的關系。[3]學習者個性特徵與外語學習焦慮的關系。 [4]學習者外語學習焦慮與外語成績之間的關系。以期達到幫助語言學習者提高語言學習成就的目的。
2 方法
2.1 被試
在佛山市南海許海中學選取初一兩個班(男生60人,女生68人),初二一個班(男生29人,女生27人),南海桂江一中隨機選取初一年級兩個班(男生58人,女生52人),南海桂城中學隨機選取高一年級兩個班(男生51人,女生59人),高二年級兩個班(男生52人,女生56人)。即初中學生294人,高中學生218 人參加了問卷調查。收回有效問卷492份,回收率達到96%。
2.2 研究工具
2.2.1 EPQ量表 採用艾森克個性量表(簡縮版 EPQ-RA)。量表共24個項目,包括P、E、N、L四個分量表。P量表代表精神質維度,反映被試個性中的倔強程度或反社會傾向,P量表高分者,通常被描述為性格倔強,孤僻,古怪,離群索居或沖動,冒險,不服管教;E量表反映個性中的內—外傾向性,E量表得分高的人被描述為外向,躁動,靈活而行為的穩定性差;N量表代表個性中的神經質維度,N量表高分者被描述為抑鬱,緊張,焦慮,情緒不穩定;L量表為校正量表,高分者被認為答卷時更易於受到社會期望的脅迫,因此答卷的誠實性受到懷疑。
2.2.2 外語課堂焦慮量表 採用Horwitz E. K.(1986)編制的外語課堂焦慮量表(Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale , FLCAS), 量表共33個項目,採用Likert 5 點量表形式, 1 表示非常不符合,5 表示非常符合,得分越高,表明被試的焦慮程度越高。採用本研究採集的數據對該量表進行考察,結果顯示Chronbachα系數為0.83 。
2.2.3 自我效能感量表(GSES-R) 該量表包括努力、進取心、堅持性三個分量表。量表共12個項目,採用Likert 5點量表形式,1 表示非常不符合,5 表示非常符合,
❻ 英語作文考前焦慮
The Anxiety Before Exam
I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the
students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can』 sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion, there is no
need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can』t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious, it
just a way of assessment, if they do well, just keep it, while if they fail, adjusting the study plan. Exam will not decide you all the time, only your
❼ 產生焦慮的原因英語作文
This is no denying the fact that more and more persons are suffering from the anxiety on the strength of unemployment and other reasons. Anxiety , as a mental health problem, is severely influencing our daily life. Person who suffer from anxiety can't sleep well,study better and even may lead people to suicide. In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. Firstly, programs on psychological health should be frequently given on TV, radio and other mediums to prevent problems from happening. Secondly, psychological clinics should be set up to provide troubled persons with timely help. As a student, we should keep the channel of communication open among ourselves and between us and our teachers and parents. Besides, in case of mental illness, we should not hesitate to go to psychological counselors for help. Only with these measures taken can we except sound growth of persons 樓上抄襲
❽ 求英語作文一篇How to overcome test anxiety 如何克服考試焦慮
❾ 寫一篇關於考試焦慮的見解的英語作文
I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can』 sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion, there is no need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can』t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious, it just a way of assessment, if they do well, just keep it, while if they fail, adjusting the study plan.