❶ 中國人民大學3 2留學模式 好嗎
人大SQA HND的教學質量如何保證?
答:為確保該項目課程在全球運行達到統一的標准,SQA 對項目院校的教學質量進行嚴格評估和監控,包括: 初審:對項目院校中心資質、教職員工、專業課程開設的實地審核; 內審:項目院校須設立內審委員會,嚴格按照SQA關於內審制度的標准對教學活動進行監督和評估; 外審:SQA派遣英國資深學科專家對項目院校進行一年兩次的教學管理和專業課程方面的審核。 因此,中國學生在人大HND中心取得的文憑與英國本土學生學習HND課程取得的文憑效力相同。
人大SQA HND國際預科課程的主要功能:
答:即前三年在國內完成HND課程,後二年到國外完成本科及碩士課程,整個過程為五年。學生可根據自身情況選擇分段學習。 第一年國內預科、第二、三年國內專業課程;獲HND文憑並雅思成績達到國外大學要求者第四年可國外續本,獲得學士學位後,第五年可繼續攻讀碩士課程,實現「五年分段學習,國內外本碩連讀」。
答:國際預科階段第一學期有基礎英語、英語交際技巧、學術寫作、語法要點與分析、信息技術和數據處理 5 門核心課程,第二學期有雅思訓練、語法分析與精通、專業詞彙、專業英語學習 4 門核心課程和 1-2 門與所選的SQA HND相關的選修課程。另外,預科階段還會提供靈活多樣的學習技能發展課程、小組輔導,和根據學生需要開設補習課程、強化課程,以及由英國大學來訪人員和英國使館文化處官員所主持的有關英國大學介紹和簽證申請技巧等大型講座。
答: SQA HND國際預科課程的主要功能有以下幾點:
(2)提高學生的學習技能,包括熟練操作電腦、學會檢索方法等,使其具備進入SQA HND階段學習所必備的學習能力和素質;
(6)使學生有機會了解到他們所選修的SQA HND專業課程的相關知識,為接下來的專業課程的學習奠定基礎。
❷ 請問用英文寫作,翻譯中國作品的外籍華人有哪些
姓名 任新華 (男)
出生年月 一九五九年一月二十七日
出 生地 上海市
初/高中 上海外 國 語學 院附 屬外 國 語學 校 1973-1977
大學本科 華東師范大 學外語系 1978-1982
碩士 美國西 雅 圖 華盛頓大學社會學系 1985-1987
博 士 美國西 雅 圖 華盛頓大學社會學系 1987-1992
博 士 後 美國波斯頓哈佛大學公共衛生學院 1992-1994
聯系方式:[email protected]
❸ 英語一是不是相當於英語六級英語二是不是相當於英語四級英語一比英語二難考中國人民大學法律碩士是考
❹ 急求急求 《實用大學英語寫作》王大明,司樹森著編、中國人民大學出版社 書能幫我找到這本
■■買正版圖書 TB 鑫鈺圖書■■
❺ 求人大英語翻譯方向碩士生導師信息
女,現任外國語學院英語系教師、碩士生導師。 研究方向 : 第二語言習得、應用語言學、英語寫作。講授主要課程: 為英語專業本科生講授「語言學導論」和「英語綜合實踐課」 為英語專業碩士研究生開設「第二語言習得」。
北京外國語大學語言學博士, 1996年榮獲霍英東優秀青年教師獎,曾作為訪問學者在英國愛丁堡大學進行學術訪問
主要科研成果:《二語寫作元認知理論的實證研究》(專著)、「時間限制對 EFL作文成績的影響」《外語教學與研究》、「大學英語寫作中元認知體驗現象實證研究」、「二語寫作元認知理論構成的因子分析」、「英語學習需要建構的語言環境」等。
1996 年獲澳大利亞烏龍崗大學教育學優等碩士學位,近年在外語類核心及統計源刊物發表外語教學方面的學術研究論文 20 余篇,目前主持教育部教學改革在研項目兩項。
曾獲中國人民大學寶鋼優秀教師獎。參與了 2005 年北京市人文社會科學研究重點項目「話語類型理論的沿展及實踐」。
近年來參加多部教材的編寫並在重要語言學刊物上發表論文 10 多篇,其中發表在香港《語言學研究與應用》 2004 年第 10 期上的「政治文本中人稱代詞的語用含義」一文榮獲「優秀論文獎」。
英語語言文學專業碩士生導師。目前主要研究領域包括語篇分析、語言學、英語教學。 現為英語專業本科生講授英語綜合實踐(精讀)課,並為英語專業研究生講授「語篇分析」。
代表性著述:《人文科學專業英語教材》( 1-3 冊),該套教材的修訂版(修正中)被列為「十一五」國家級規劃教材、《大學英語》閱讀教程(第四冊),「十五」國家級規劃教材,近年在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文十餘篇。
在中國人民大學外語系獲英語語言文學專業碩士學位,曾在英國 Reading University 作訪問學者, 2005 年在北京師范大學外文學院獲得博士學位。
已發表 18 篇學術論文,其中核心期刊 5 篇。並著有《多維角度透視當代大學英語課堂教學》(專著)。
已發表 18 篇學術論文,其中核心期刊 5 篇。並著有《多維角度透視當代大學英語課堂教學》(專著)
❻ 英文介紹中國人民大學
Renmin University of China (RUC), previously known as People's University of China, is a national comprehensive university located in Beijing, China. Renmin University is commonly considered as one of the top universities in China, with a distinct focus on humanities and social sciences. Renmin University is particularly known for its strength in law, economics, and journalism.
❼ 2011年中國人民大學博士研究生入學考試英語題型
❽ 幫忙翻譯一篇英語作文
Hello everyone, I give you this book is the "gold ceremonial, eloquence trump card," may I introce the types of books and several other students are not the same, it is not very well-known but very useful in our lives.
This is the author of the book of the Chinese People's University Professor Jin Zhengkun, this book is divided into two parts, first part is the stress on the ritual, the authors talk about their experiences through some of the things to which we should have learned the etiquette how life has been to use their.The second part is on the eloquence of speakers from various professions, various occasions analysis of how we should be sharing with others.
禮儀之邦China since ancient times,. Etiquette is defined as the so-called interpersonal and social exchanges and international exchanges, for that respect, goodwill and friendly and used to form a code of conct. Etiquette not only in China's traditional Confucian culture plays an important role, which in today's social life is also indispensable.Etiquette is a moral code of conct, such as the Office of things you go to the teacher, before the door knock, knock on the door does not go directly into the rude. Direct purpose of etiquette is that respect for others. When in the course of social interaction activities, in accordance with the requirements of etiquette to do so, it will be respected is to meet in order to obtain pleasure, which achieve a harmonious relationship between human beings. It also reflects the fundamental purpose is to maintain social order and normal life.Without it, social order and normal life will be destroyed, in this regard, it and the law, the common work discipline.
Eloquence in the dictionary of words of explanation is in order, can have a mouth to speak on eloquence, but that eloquence junior, and senior eloquence is not only words, but good words to say.Therefore, some scholars will more clearly into eloquence is defined as: oral communication in the process, the expression of the main use of accurate, appropriate, lively, clever and effective strategy for oral expression, to achieve a particular communicative purpose, the effect of a successful oral communication The Art and Science. Eloquence is not a gift, it is by training hard for. Ancient and modern history, all eloquent, eloquence of speech, and orator. They are all hard on the success of training. Hua of China's well-known mathematician, mathematics is not only superb talent, but also a rare "eloquence."His attention to training from an early age with his eloquence, learning Mandarin, he also backs the Tang四五百first in order to exercise their own "tongue."
If you know the basic etiquette and excellent oratorical skills, you will be in the social relations at ease.
Thank you.
Looks like a bit long, but no way, I just college English teacher to allow a group presentation, I have not heard of壓根, we help to the translation and then made my mail, if the students have done , time to help me, then again to make a PPT, the picture book's cover can be left blank.The first time, no need to be too fine, after all, will not do so, so good but there is suspicion of plagiarism. Thank you, too unnecessary high-level English, and I was not good in English, preferably below 4. Only 20 points, and one of those who adopted the additional time, trouble you, and Thursday, and better than getting in before Monday night. I [email protected]
❾ 中國人民大學英語系研究生需要哪些准備
❿ 研究生英語作文three ways to keep peace in the dormitory
three ways to keep peace in the dormitory
Li Xiongfeng and his roommates had all fallen asleepin the quiet night. But then his phone suddenly started ringing loudly and wokeeverybody up. One of his roommates was annoyed and Li was not happy about thedisturbance either.
「Ididn』texpect such a trivial matter could sour my relationship with my roommates,」said Li, 20, a sophomore law major at South China Normal University.
Last week, Fudan University issued a statementregarding the preliminary police report on the poisoning of a student by hisroommate that shocked the nation.
「Trivialmatters in daily life」 were blamed for the tragedy, inwhich 27-year-old Huang Yang was killed.
According to experts, it』sthe small things that can cause serious problems for dormitory relations. Astheir first lesson at college, students should learn to compromise when livingwith their peers and be tolerant toward them.
Dormitory relations are among the top concerns forstudents who enjoyed being the focal point of their family in high school. Only43 percent of college students in Wuhan, which has more than 1 million collegestudents, are happy with their dormitory relations, according to a report byWuhan Yangtze Business University released in January.
「Thiscommunal way of living is new to students, the majority of whom are singlechildren. Many of them expect people to change for them, not the other wayaround,」said Tan Mali, deputy Party secretary at South China Normal University.
For many students, respectingother』s property and personal space is the foundation tomaintain peace in the dormitory.
It can be fixed
Liao Fei, 22, a senior majoring in biology at PekingUniversity, believes that in a shared space, all roommates should help inkeeping the room tidy instead of placing the burden on just one while theothers do whatever they want.
「Everyonehates dirty places. If you make a mess, don』tleave it for someone else to clean up. Make sure you do your fair share ofdormitory chores, such as taking out the trash and recycling, and cleaning thewashroom,」said Liao.
No matter what, conflicts areinevitable when living with others for four years. But a conflict isn』t the end of the world. Aserious talk or even just a joke can fix the problem.
Luo Lisha, 22, a senior majoring in journalism at theCommunication University of China, had an argument with her roommate a whileago.
來自中國傳媒大學(微博 招生辦)新聞系大四年級、22歲的羅麗莎(音譯)前不久便和室友有過一次爭執。
Instead of burying her feelings, Luo talked with herroommate and they』vebeen getting along well ever since.
「Beingfrank and letting everyone speak their mind is a great way to let off steam,」said Luo.
According to Sun Jianmin, dean of the PsychologyDepartment at Renmin University, learning to compromise around others is one ofthe most important lessons in life.
「Doesit really matter if someone』s cup was not rinsed out or iftheir computer was left on all night? If it bothers you a lot then bring it up,but if it』sa small thing - just let it go,」 said Sun.
「It』s tempting to vent your frustration on others whenthings start to annoy you. But it』sbetter to talk about it with others in a way they can accept. Being obsessedwith insignificant things only creates more problems.」