⑴ 什麼軟體有英語作文點評功能
i wish i would invent a kind of machine which can help to deal with the rubbish. Because the environment has been badly polluted. it is difficult for us to breathe fresh air and drink clean water. if i could invent the machine, the problem. would be solved. The machine can change the rubbish into some kind of fertilizer, and then we can use it to help the crops grow fast.
⑵ 哪個軟體對英語寫作能提高呢
英語學習是零碎的,但主要包括單詞,語法。兩個方面。 語法讓你更接近英語版國家的邏輯權,單詞是組成句子的重要部分,包括名詞,代詞,形容詞,等等眾多。 要想正確完整的組成句子,這兩點是基本。
接下來便是多閱讀,這點很重要。 閱讀英語會漸漸的培養英語語感,不知不覺就會學會用法。
總之英語學習是一件長久的事,不能一蹴而就。 要能靜下心,總結正確和錯誤。
推薦下載:china daily 閱讀。 這里都是高質文章,適合高中水平及以上。
樂詞 詞彙。 與考試相關聯。
英語流利說 聽和說。 這個軟體很權威,很有業界良心。
⑶ 好的英文寫作軟體。最好是免費的。
Criterion® 是美國教育考試服務中心(ETS)的研發人員經過十多年的科學研究和實驗開發出的一個基於互聯網支持的在線英文寫作與評估系統。很強大的。
⑷ 哪個軟體可以批改英語作文
If you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. If you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the Army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess.
⑸ 寫英語作文用什麼軟體好
寫英語作文復用阿西吧的軟體好制,阿西吧有著專業的英語培訓模式,還有專業的外教老師和你一起學英語。⑹ 有什麼app有助於英語寫作的學習
我用的是那個綠色的軟體 英語四級詞彙,,不僅能幫背單詞,還有很多功能
⑺ 推薦一款可以提高英語寫作水平的軟體
⑻ 英語作文寫完系統可以自己評分的軟體
⑼ 有什麼好用的英語寫作軟體
去看看:易改英語寫作輔助軟體最新官方版下載_網路軟體中心 對你有所幫助。