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發布時間:2021-02-12 06:48:17

㈠ 英語作文,明天是元旦,學校放假休息一天,出個通知

Title: New Year Holiday Notice:
Dear all,
Tomorrow is the New Year's Day. It's a public holiday. Our school will be closed until the day after tomorrow.
Happy New Year to all our students and teachers!
The School Head,

㈡ 英語作文 假期計劃5句20個詞以下

The winter holiday is coming. I am very excited. I want to better my holiday plan. Now let me tell you my plan.

I』m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. On the fifth day, I』m going to do my homework. Of course, I』m also going to do some housework. Lunar New Year』s Day, I』m going to take a trip with my parents. I think it must be very happy. I can hardly wait!

In the first six days of February, I』m going to visit my relatives. It』s going to be fun! After a few days, I』m going to finish my homework, because I am going back to my school on February 16th.




㈢ 英語作文 寫一份通知 今天下午放假由於電路維修停電24小時 下午放假但晚自習照上 2015.11

燕京八景又稱燕山八景、燕台八景,是指北京舊時的八個景觀,包括薊門煙樹(西土城)、盧溝曉月(盧溝橋)、金台夕照(金台路)、瓊島春蔭(北海公園)、居庸疊翠(八達嶺)、太液秋風(中南海)、玉泉趵突(玉泉山)和西山晴雪(香山、八大處)。八景這種形式常見於中國各地,北京地區八景的說法最早見金代古籍《明昌遺事》,此後歷代方誌包括《宛署雜記》 (明)、《宸垣志略》 (清)等對燕京八景均有提及,早期的燕京八景與之後的燕京八景略有出入,八景之說歷經數代,至清乾隆年間,乾隆皇帝親自主持修訂了燕京八景的說法並下旨建造御書燕京八景碑,燕京八景的景觀和描述才固定下來。


㈣ 《假期安排》英語作文

Time flies,the holiday is coming.During the vacation,I am going to my family and go to the park.Then,in a few days time to complete the homework.Finally,with the remaining few days to prepare for the new lesson.

㈤ 英語作文·公司人力資源的名義寫一封周末通知 周日休息 周六下午關好門窗,關閉電源 周一上班 謝謝配

HR 通知:
Dear All,
Our company will be closed on this Sunday. Please switch off electricity supplies for your equipments and close windows in your office before you leave on Saturday.
Many thanks for your kind corporation.
HR of the company.

㈥ 求假期安排的英語作文.謝謝大家幫忙寫下

The holiday life
Zhuanyan Jian my good Jishi Tian holidays have passed, I began to feel boring, I began to miss my school life, and the accumulation and reading became my greatest pleasure to get up early the morning of the volume of Directors, a cup of Qing-Cha, read Diyu , Delightful, music Niaoniao, no examination of the burden of operating without interference, enjoy Qu, study, chat with the author, in a lovely note on the accumulation of knowledge, this is how things go ah! But these good things, is leaving the school is just around the corner, and the remaining 10 days before I discovered, I think that before all wasted, but I have not given up, because I believe that the "time in the water like sponges, it is necessary to squeeze the Can squeeze out of. "Studying at the heart sometimes be realized, sometimes music and Wang You, I found that life is better, so I had the idea of the United States. I began my lovely doll clothing proction, proced beautiful Xiangkuang, Hua Sumiao, flower practice, surf the Internet, making small animation, I am glad to busy, I really understand the sentence: "The U.S. is everywhere Yes, in our eyes is not the lack of the United States, but the lack of discovery. "During the holidays, I know that my eloquence is not very good, so I read a lot about Speak and Eloquence book, I feel, my thoughts more Progress, more substantial, I would beat my ideas of psychological pressure, but "frozen beverage, cold day. Shuididanchuan, non-day work." I now taken a first step, I believe no one can Albatron straight step, I believe there must be used as long as Tianshengwocai, I will be successful. This I found life without books, people did not like the sun, and this is my holiday life. I think that my holidays Although there is no Youshanwanshui, but I leave very substantial. I leave the wisdom in a book, I plug in for my birds, the wings, as one of the boat, is the place I set out to narrow the immense ocean. New wings may be encountered injury pack, but as Nietzsche said the sentence: There is no barrier reef how can arouse the beautiful spray.
Therefore, I have to thank my holidays, I leave really beautiful!

㈦ 英文版春節放假通知



2016 company Spring Festival holiday notification


Dear customer:


According to the notice of the relevant departments of the state on the 2016 holidays, according to the actual situation of the group, will be held on February 14, 2016 to 25vacation days off, a total of 10 days February 26, 2016 (January eleven) normal business


If there is any inconvenience, please feel free to understand


Hereby declare!


Guangxi ABC Culture Instry Group Co, Ltd


February 5, 2016


㈧ 通知今天放假為題字英語作文100字

籃球的 I have some hobbies. It can spend much spare time, and let my life colorful. I enjoy playing basketball. It is fun. And, it helps me keep fit. I know that basketball is good for the health. When I was a junior school stu...

㈨ 一篇英語寫作:關於五一四天假期的日程安排表

zhoufeng i'm happy you'll come yo me .here is my plan for our may day.on
May 2nd moring ,we will go to the museum to see something old.In the
afternoon,let's go to the bookshop to by some books.

And in the evening i willshow you the tiane lake .you』ll share the
beautiful scenery there.then on May 3rd,let's go to take part in the fourth
sport meeting.this is what i planed for you. And i'm looking forward to meeting
you .

㈩ 五一放假安排 2015英語作文

Today』 technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the cloning technology is the example. What is cloning? Cloning is a process used to create an exact of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regular body cell. Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex. In 1997, the great news shocked the whole world that the British scientists created a lamp named Dolly from a single cell, miraculously; the cell had been taken from the udder of alt sheep, which show the first c



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