㈠ 蘇教版七年級上冊英語Unit1-9所有需要背的單詞,急用!!!
hamburger / 5hAmb\:(r)gE(r) / n. 漢堡包
happy / 5hApI / adj. 愉快的;高興的;滿意的
Happy Birthday! 生日快樂!
has / hAz / v. (have的第三人稱單數形式)有;吃;飲
hat / hAt / n. 帽子
have / hAv / v. 有
have / hAv / v. 吃;飲
have a look at 看一看;看一眼
he / hi: / pron. 他
healthy / 5helWI / adj. 健康的;強健的
hello / hE5lEJ / int. (表示問候)喂
help / help / v.&n. 幫助;援助
her / h\:(r) / pron. 她的
here / hIr /, / hIE / adv. 這里;在這里
Here you are. 給你。
he's (=he is)
hi / haI / int. (表示問候或打招呼)嗨
his / hIz / pron. 他的
history / 5hIstErI / n. 歷史
hobby / 5hB:bI /, 5hCbI / n. 業余愛好;喜愛的話題
home / hEJm / adv. 家
homework / 5hEJmw\:(r)k / n. 家庭作業;課外作業
hotel / hEJ5tel / n. 旅館
hour / 5aJr /, / 5aJE / n. 小時
how / haJ / adv. (指程度)多麼;何等;怎樣
how much (價錢)多少
how old 多大年紀;幾歲
I / aI / pron. 我
ice / aIs / n. 冰
ice cream 冰淇淋
ID card (ID=identification)身份證
I'm (=I am)
in / In / prep. 用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)
in / In / prep. 在……裡面
interesting / 5IntrIstIN / adj. 有趣的;令人趕興趣的
is / Iz / v. 是
isn't (=is not)
it / It / pron. 它
it's (=it is)
January / 5dVAnjJerI /, / 5dVAnjJErI / n. 一月;正月
job / dVB:b /, / dVCb / n. 工作;零工;職務;職位
join / dVCIn / v. 參加;加入
July / dVJ5laI / n. 七月
June / dVu:n / n. 六月
key / ki: / n. 鑰匙
kid / kId / n. 小孩;年輕人
kind / kaInd / n. 種類
know / nEJ / v. 知道;了解
kung fu / 7kQN5fu: / n. 中國功夫
last / lAst /, / lB:st / adj. 最後的;上一個的
last name 姓氏
learn / l\:(r)n / v. 學習;學會
let / let / v. 允許;讓
let's (=let us)
letter / 5letE(r) / n. 信
life / laIf / n. 生活
like / laIk / v. 喜歡
list / lIst / n. 清單
listen / 5lIsEn / v. 聽
little / 5lItl / adj. 少許的;少量的
long / lC:N /, / lCN / adj. 長的
look / lJk / v. 看;望;看起來
look / lJk / n. 看;注視
lost / lC:st /, / lCst / adj. 丟失的;遺失的
lost and found 失物招領
lot / lB:t /, / lCt / n. 許多;很多
lots of 大量; 許多
love / lQv / v. 愛;喜歡
lunch / lQntF / n. 午餐
many / 5menI / adj. 大量的
March / mB:(r)tF / n. 三月
math / mAW / n. 數學
May / meI / n. 五月
may / meI / modal v. 可能;可以
me / mi: / pron. 我(賓格)
meet / mi:t / v. 遇見;相逢
Miss / mIs / 小姐(冠於未婚婦女之姓或姓名之前的稱呼)
mom / mB:m /, / mCm / n. (非正式用語)媽媽
Monday / 5mQndI / n. 星期一
month / mQnW / n. 月;月份
more / mC:(r) / pron. 更多的;更大的
morning / 5mC:(r)nIN / n. 早晨;上午
mother / 5mQTE(r) / n. 媽媽;母親
movie / 5mu:vI / n. 電影
Mr / 5mIstE(r) / 先生(冠於男子之姓或姓名之前的稱呼)
Mrs / 5mIsIz / 夫人;太太(冠於已婚婦女之姓或姓名之前的稱呼)
music / 5mju:zIk / n. 音樂
musician / mju:zIFEn / n. 音樂家
my / maI / pron. 我的
name / neIm / n. 名字
name's (=name is)
need / ni:d / v. 需要
new / nu: /, / nju: / adj. 新的
next / nekst / adv. 然後;接下去
nice / naIs / adj. 好的;令人愉快的
night / naIt / n. 夜;夜間
nine / naIn / num. 九
nineteen / 7naIn5ti:n / num. 十九
nineteenth / 7naIn5ti:nW / num. 第十九
ninth / naInW / num. 第九
no / nEJ / adv. (表示否定)不;不是
notebook / 5nEJtbJk / n. 筆記本
November / nEJ5vembE(r) / n. 十一月
number / 5nQmbE(r) / n. 數;數字
o'clock / E5klB:k /, / E5klCk / adv. (=of the clock).…..點鍾(只用於正點)
October / Ck5tEJbE(r) / n. 十月
of / Ev / prep. (屬於)……的
often / 5C:fEn /, / 5CfEn / adv. 時常;常常
oh / EJ / int. 啊;噢;呀(表示驚訝、恐懼等)
OK / 7EJ5keI / adj. 好;不錯
old / EJld / adj. 年歲的;年老的;年長的
on / B:n /, / Cn / prep. 在……上
on sale 廉價出售;出售
one / wQn / num.&pron. 一(用來代替單數的人或物)
only / 5EJnlI / adv. 只;僅僅
opera / 5B:pErE /, / 5CpErE / n. 歌劇
or / C:(r) / conj. 或者;否則
orange / 5C:rIndV /, / 5CrIndV / n. 橙子;柑子
other / 5QTE(r) / pron. 另外的人(物);其他的
our / 5aJr /, / 5aJE / pron. 我們的
P.E. / 7pi:5i: / abbr. (=physical ecation)體育
paint / peInt / v. 畫畫
pants / pAnts / n. (pl.)(美口)褲子
parent / 5perEnt /, / 5peErEnt / n. 父親或母親
partner / 5pB:(r)tnE(r) / n. 夥伴;合作者
party / 5pB:(r)tI / n. 晚會
pear / per /, / peE / n. 梨
pen / pen / n. 鋼筆
pencil / 5pensEl / n. 鉛筆
pencil case 鉛筆盒;文具盒
pencil sharpener / 5pensEl 5FB:pE(r)nE(r) / 卷筆刀;鉛筆刀
people / 5pi:pEl / n. 人;人民
phone / fEJn / n. 電話;電話機
phone number 電話號碼
photo / 5fEJtEJ / n. 照片;相片
piano / pI5AnEJ / n. 鋼琴
picture / 5pIktFE(r) / n. 圖畫
ping-pong / 5pIN7pB:N /, / 5pINpCN / n. 乒乓球
plant / plAnt /, / plB:nt / n. 植物
play / pleI / v. 玩;打球
play sports 做運動
please / pli:z / adv. (祈使句用作請求的客套話)請
plural / 5plJrEl /, / 5plJErEl / n. 復數;復數形式
plural / 5plJrEl /, / 5plJErEl / adj. 復數的
pm / 7pi:5em / abbr. (或p.m.)下午
price / praIs / n. 價格
question / 5kwestFEn / n. 問題;難題;詢問;疑問
racket / 5rAkIt / n. (網球、羽毛球的)球拍
really / 5rIElI / adv. 事實上;無疑地;真正地
red / red / adj.&n. 紅色(的)
relaxing / rI5lAksIN / adj. 輕松的
ring / rIN / n. 環(狀物);戒指
rock / rB:k /, / rCk / n. 搖滾樂
room / ru:m / n. 房間
ruler / 5ru:lE(r) / n. 尺;直尺
run / rQn / v. 跑;奔跑
runner / 5rQnE(r) / n. 普遍的人或動物
sad / sAd / adj. 悲哀的;悲傷的
salad / 5sAlEd / n. 沙拉
sale / seIl / n. 出售;廉售
Saturday / 5sAtE(r)dI / n. 星期六
scary / 5skerI /, / 5skeErI / adj. 可怕的;嚇人的
school / sku:l / n. 學校
school day 學校上課日(非假日)
science / 5saIEns / n. 科學;(科學的)學科
second / 5sekEnd / num. 第二
see / si: / v. 看見
sell / sel / v. 賣;售;銷
Semptember / sep5tembE(r) / n. 九月
seven / 5sevEn / num. 七
seventeen / 7sevEn5ti:n / num. 十七
㈡ 【詞老大】——高效快速記單詞——必修三unit1單詞(一)
必修三Unit 1詞彙表
take place 發生
【例句】The evening party will take place on New Year's Eve.晚會將在除夕那天舉行。
beauty ['bju:ti] n. 美;美人
【英釋】A beauty is a beautiful woman.
【例句】She is known as a great beauty.她是出了名的大美女。
*harvest ['hɑ:vist] n. & vt. & vi. 收獲;收割
【英釋】When you harvest a crop, you gather it in.
【例句】Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost.在第一次霜凍以前要設法把水果收摘完。
celebration [,seli'breiʃən] n. 慶祝;祝賀
【英釋】A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.
【例句】I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.
hunter ['hʌntə] n. 狩獵者;獵人
【英釋】A hunter is a person who hunts wild animals for food or as a sport.
【例句】"Why didn't you tell me before?" asked Hunter harshly.
*starve [stɑ:v] vi. & vt. (使)餓死;餓得要死
【助記】開始start 就餓死starve了,看著星星star還是餓死starve了。
【英釋】 If people starve, they suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death.
【例句】A number of the prisoners we.我們看到的一些囚犯快要餓死了。
*origin ['ɔridʒin, 'ɔ:-] n. 起源;由來;起因
【助記】orig-rise升起+in→起源。original起源的 originate ,v , 起源。
【英釋】You can refer to the beginning, cause, or source of something as its origin or origins.
【例句】Their medical problems are basically physical in origin.
religious [ri'lidʒəs]adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔誠的
【英釋】You use religious to describe things that are connected with religion or with one particular religion.
【例句】.different religious beliefs.不同的宗教信仰。
△seasonal ['si:zənəl] adj. 季節的;季節性的
【英釋】A seasonal factor, event, or change occurs ring one particular time of the year.
【例句】a new union set up to address the needs of seasonal labourers.
*ancestor ['ænsestə] n. 祖先;祖宗
【英釋】Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.
【例句】He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years.他的先祖可以上溯到700年前。
△grave [ɡreiv] n. 墳墓;墓地
【英釋】A grave is a place where a dead person is buried.
【例句】They used to visit her grave twice a year.他們以前每年去她的墓前憑吊兩次。
△incense ['insens] n. 熏香;熏香的煙
【英釋】Incense is a substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often as part of a religious ceremony.
【例句】In summer, they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes.
in memory of 紀念;追念
【例句】He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.
Mexico ['meksikəu; 'meksi.kəu] n.墨西哥
feast [fi:st] n. 節日;盛宴
【英釋】A feast is a large and special meal.
【例句】The fruit was often served at wedding feasts.婚宴上經常有水果供應。
*△skull [skʌl] n. 頭腦;頭骨
【英釋】Your skull is the bony part of your head which encloses your brain.
【例句】Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull.她丈夫後來接受了顱骨骨折治療。
△Halloween ['hæləu'i:n] n.萬聖節前夕
bone [bəun] n. 骨;骨頭
【英釋】Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.
【例句】Many passengers suffered broken bones.許多乘客骨折。
belief [bi'li:f] n. 信任;信心;信仰
【助記】來自 believe。Believe相信中間也有撒謊lie。
【英釋】If it is your belief that something is the case, it is your strong opinion that it is the case.
【例句】It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.我們堅信,改善醫療保健會使經濟更加繁榮昌盛。
dress up 盛裝;打扮;裝飾
【英釋】If you dress up or dress yourself up, you put on different clothes, in order to make yourself look smarter than usual or to disguise yourself.
【例句】You do not need to dress up for dinner.你們不必特意盛裝赴宴。
trick [trik] n. 詭計;惡作劇;竅門vt. 欺騙;詐騙
【英釋】A trick is an action that is intended to deceive someone.
【例句】We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.
play a trick on 搞惡作劇;詐騙;開玩笑
【例句】Let us play a joke on him.我們來開他個玩笑。
poet ['pəuit] n. 詩人
【英釋】A poet is a person who writes poems.
【例句】He was a painter and poet.他既是畫家又是詩人。
*arrival [ə'raivəl] n. 到來;到達;到達者
【助記】arrive 到達+al表名詞→到來。
【英釋】When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, you can refer to their arrival .
【例句】His arrival brought complete silence to the room.他的到來使房間里鴉雀無聲。
△Christopher Columbus ['kristəfə kə'lʌmbəs]克里斯多佛.哥倫布(義大利航海家)
*gain [ɡein] vt. 獲得;得到
【英釋】If a person or place gains something such as an ability or quality, they graally get more of it.
【例句】The man gained a lot in the business, but he lost the respect of his friends.
那個人做這買賣賺了很多錢, 但他卻失去了朋友們對他的尊敬。
independence [,indi'pendəns] n. 獨立;自主
【英釋】If a country has or gains independence, it has its own government and is not ruled by any other country. Someone's independence is the fact that they do not rely on other people.
【例句】He was afraid of losing his independence.他害怕失去自己的獨立性。
independent [,indi'pendənt] adj. 獨立的;自主的
【英釋】If someone is independent, they do not need help or money from anyone else.
【例句】She would like to be financially independent.她希望在經濟上能夠自立。