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發布時間:2021-02-22 14:07:19

① 用英語解釋英語單詞

1. uninteresting
2. feel good about oneself
3. hard of hearing, unable to hear
4. unbiased, equal
5. not stingy
6. to relate oneself to; business (as in: none of my business)
7. a yell, a long shout from the gut
8. relatively the same
9. forcefully place, close, etc.
10. full of life and energy

② 請問一下英英釋義和英語釋義是一樣嗎還有怎麼用英語釋義寫單詞,謝

英英釋義,是用英語解釋英語。如:wise睿智的,英明的,(of person)able to make sensible decisions and give good advice;based on good judgement.一般牛津高階英語版詞典是權這種英英釋義。畢竟英語翻譯成漢語並不是絕對的等值對應關系,英英釋義更有利於還原和認識這個單詞的本義。



③ 英語單詞釋義

1.Tn the movie Cast Away ,Tom Hanks playsa man named Chuck Noland 解釋:.___扮演_______.
2. The girl are out playing tennis. 解釋:._____打(網球)_____.
3.Gloria plays the violin in the London Phitharmonic.解釋:._____拉(小提琴)_____.
4.I could hear a radio playing in the apartment above.解釋:._____播放_____.
5.They played in the little garden.解釋:.___玩耍_______.
1.Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railling,解釋:._____撞_____.
2.A plane crashed near the South Pacific , killing 24passengers on board.解釋:.___墜機(動詞)_______.
3.Chuck survived the crash and lands on a deserted island.解釋:.____墜機(名詞)______.
1.He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him ,解釋:.____拋棄______.
2.Many people hurriedly deserted the city before the war broke out.解釋:.____離開______.
3.The Sahara Desert解釋:.___沙漠_______.
1.Chuck survived (in) the crash and lands on a deserted island.解釋:._____倖存_____.
2.Life is hard at the moment,but mw're surviving.解釋:.____比...活得長______.
3.The old lady has survived all her children.解釋:._____養活_____.
1.I live alone ,but I don't feel lonely.解釋:.___alone:獨自 ; lonely:孤單的_______.(兩個都要)
2.-We have no idea why he left the company.
_Tom alone konws the serect.解釋:.___只有_______.
3.When I was a child , I lived in a lonely village with my grandfather.解釋:.____偏僻的______.
1.We share a bathroom with each other in the dormitory.解釋:.____共用______.
2.Let me take my share of the cost.解釋:.___(分擔的)一部分_______.
3.We shall all have a share in the profits.解釋:._____股份_____.

④ 英語單詞的英文釋義

biogeochemical - related to biogeochemistryrunoff - extra vote or contestprecipitation - chemical reaction in which solids separate from liquidsgroundwater - water found underground

⑤ 20個用英語解釋的英語單詞

 able - v. having the power to do something ! I% A/ u3 U
 about - ad. almost ("about half"); of or having a relation to ("We talk about the weather.")  above - ad. at a higher place
 accept - v. to agree to receive ' s _3 {1 T k% `5 X& @(
 accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event # H8 U; f, l- j3 L9  accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statement against someone  across - ad. from side to side; to the other side # u  act - v. to do something
 activist - n. one who seeks change through action
 actor - n. someone acting in a play or show
 add - v. to put (something) with another to make it larger; to say more
 administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister
 admit - v. to accept ("admitted to the United Nations"); to express one's guilt or responsibility ("He admitted that what he did was wrong.")  alt - n. a grown person
 advise - v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision / P- a8  affect - v. to proce an effect on; to influence ("A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance.")
 afraid - ad. feeling fear 1 \- Z& K# g! G* I. X, I. I5 z  after - ad. later; behind
 again - ad. another time; as before 2 K( D$ M \
 against - ad. opposed to; not agreeing with something
 age - n. how old a person or thing is
 agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group ("an agency of the United Nations")  aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a country's borders  ago - ad. of time past; before now / f p3
 agree - v. to have the same belief as someone; to be willing to do something
 agriculture - n. farming
 aid - v. to help; to support; n. help, assistance  aim - v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose
 air - n. the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe # I0  air force - n. a military organization using airplanes
 airplane - n. a vehicle with wings that flies ;

⑥ 求英語單詞的英文釋義

1、trade fair: a event at which many different companies show and sell their procts.
2、organized:invoving large number of people who work together to do sth in a way that has carefully planned.
3、bodyguard:a person or a group of people employed to protect sb;
4、include:to make sb/sth part of sth / if one thing include another,it has the second thing as one of its parts.

夠標准了回吧答 :D

⑦ 英語的詞彙釋義是什麼意思

1.顧客 customer2.發令員 starter3.跑步者 runner4.裁判員 referee5.教練 coach6.運動員 sports(wo)man7.學生 student8.老師 teacher9.醫生 doctor10.護士 nurse11.廚師 cook12.警察 policeman13.女警 policewoman14.歌手 singer15.圖書館工作人員 librarian16.司機 dirver17.校長 headmaster18.清潔工 cleaner19.白領 white-collar20.總統 President21.店長 manager22.農民 farmer23.工人 worker24. 工程師 engineers25.老闆 boss26記者 journal如果還有需要說一聲 實在有太多了,可能一時想不起來了

⑧ 表示解釋的英語單詞

I mean:我的意思是,後面可以跟我的解釋
in other words:也就是說
that is應該是也就是說的答 即;就是;換句話說;更確切地說
that is to say也就是shuo
you(don』t) mean 你的意思是

⑨ 用英語釋義寫單詞

3.、body language
7、step 取其「舞步」之意。

⑩ 用英語解釋英文單詞

intransitive verb
1 a : to go on or as if on a trip or tour : journey b (1) : to go as if by traveling : pass <the news traveled fast> (2) : associate <travels with a sophisticated crowd> c : to go from place to place as a sales representative or business agent
2 a (1) : to move or undergo transmission from one place to another <goods traveling by plane> (2) : to withstand relocation successfully <a dish that travels well> b : to move in a given direction or path or through a given distance <the stylus travels in a groove> c : to move rapidly <a car that can really travel>

1 a : to journey through or over b : to follow (a course or path) as if by traveling

Main Entry: health
1 a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain b : the general condition of the body <in poor health> <enjoys good health>
2 a : flourishing condition : well-being <defending the health of the beloved oceans — Peter Wilkinson> b : general condition or state <poor economic health>

留學:study in a foreign country.

理想:: a strongly desired goal or purpose <a dream of becoming president>

the state of being friends

教育 :ecation:
1 a : the action or process of ecating or of being ecated; also : a stage of such a process b : the knowledge and development resulting from an ecational process <a person of little ecation>
2 : the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools



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