『壹』 中考浙江考試說明 英語詞彙
A G proud a
a (an) art. game n prove v
ability n garden n provide v
able a gate n public a & n
about prep & ad. general a pull v & n
above prep gentleman n punish v
abroad a & ad geography n pupil n
absent a gesture n purple a & n
accent n get (got, got) v purpose n
accept v gift n purse n
accident n giraffe n push n & v
ache n girl n put (put, put) v
achieve v give (gave, given) glad a
across prep glass n Q
act n & v glove n quarter n
action n go (went, gone) v queen n
active a goat n question n
activity n god n quick a & ad
add v gold n & a quiet a
address n golden a quite ad
advantage n good (better, best) a
advertisement n goodbye (bye-bye) interj R
advice n goose (pl. geese) n rabbit n
advise v government n race n
afford v grade n radio n
afraid grammar n railway n
after ad , prep & conj grandchild n rain v & n
afternoon n granddaughter n raincoat n
again ad grandma=grandmother n rainy a
against prep grandpa =grandfather n raise v
age n grandparent n rapid a
ago ad grandson n rat n
agree v granny n rather ad
agreement n grape n reach v
air n grass n read (read, read) v
airline great a ready a
airplane n green a & n real a
airport n greeting n realise (Am realize) v
alive a ground n really ad
all a & pron group n reason n
allow v grow (grew, grown) v receive v
almost ad guard n recent a
alone a guess v recite v
along ad & prep guest n record v & n
aloud ad guitar n recorder n
already ad gun n red a & n
also ad gym = gymnasium n refuse v
although conj regard v
always ad H regret n & v
America n habit n relation n
American a & n hair n relax v
among prep half a & n remain v
ancient a hall n remember v
and conj ham n repair n & v
angry a hamburger n repeat v
animal n hand n reply v & n
another a & pron handbag n report n & v
answer n & v handsome a require v
ant n handwriting n research n
any hang (hung, hung) v rest n & v
anybody pron happen v restaurant n
anyone pron happy a result n
anything pron hard ad & a retell v
anyway ad hardly ad return v
anywhere ad hat n review v & n
appear v hate v & n rice n
apple n have (has, had, had) v rich a
April n he pron ride (rode, ridden) v
area head n riddle n
arm n headache n right n & a
army n health n ring (rang, rung) v & n
around prep & ad healthy a rise (rose, risen) v
arrive v hear (heard, heard) v risk n
art n heart n river n
article n heat n road n
as ad, conj heaven n robot n
Asia n heavy a rock n
Asian a & n height n role n
ask v hello (hi) interj room n
asleep a help v & n rope n
at prep helpful a rose n
Atlantic n & a hen n round ad , prep & a
attention n her pron row v
August n here ad rubber n
aunt n hero n rubbish n
Australia n herself pron rule n & v
Australian a & n hide (hid, hidden) high a ruler n
autumn n hill n run (ran, run) v
available a him pron rush v
avoid n himself pron Russia n
awake v his pron Russian n & a
away ad history n
hit (hit, hit ) v S
B hobby n sad a
baby n hold (held, held) hole n safe a & n
back ad & n holiday n safety n
background n home n & ad sail n & v
bad ( worse, worst) adj hometown n salad n
bag n homework n sale n
ball n honest a salt n
balloon n honour (Am honor) n& v same n & a
bamboo n hope n & v sand n
banana n horse n sandwich n
bank n hospital n satisfy v
baseball n hot a Saturday n
basic a hotdog n sausage n
basket n hotel n save v
basketball n hour n say (said, said) v
bathroom n house n scarf n
be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) housework n school n
beach n how ad schoolbag n
『貳』 浙教版初中英語單詞詞彙
a little少量
a set一套
a bout關於在 方面
any body任何人
『叄』 英語中考單詞大全 .....
『肆』 浙江初中英語單詞
『伍』 求杭州市中考英語詞彙表所有詞彙的單詞拼寫題(每個詞都要出一道題)
1The first letter in the English Alphabet is a___.
2I am afraid I won't be a____ to visit you on Saturday.
3My mother often spoke to me a____ you.
4 In the company, Dick ranks a____ Tom.
5He died in an automobile _a____ years ago.
6The mayor gave a television a_____yesterday evening.
7It seems that she is a____ to tell them about it.
8a____ graation he went abroad.
9I'll leave for Tokyo this a_____.
10Henry was glad to be home a____.
11We toured France about three years a____.
12I don't a____ with Phil on many things.
13The a____ was full of butterflies.
14Our aim is that all children complete secondary ecation.
15It was a____ dark when they got there
16She watches TV when she is ____.
17I was driving my car a____ a muddy path.
18I have had lunch ____.
19John is ____19 years old.
20They a____ make fun of Mr. Smith.
21I am an ____man .
22Tom has always been popular _____his classmates.
23My mother _a____ father have never agreed on this matter.
24The old woman often gets ___ about trivial things.
25Human beings are social ____.
26He drank a____ glass of beer.
27I'm waiting for an a____ to my letter.
28He wanted a job, a____ sort of a job.
29Did he leave any message for ____?
30Don't be dependent on anyone for ____.
31An ____a day keeps the doctor away.
32Today is ___1st.
33The baby fell asleep in her mother's ____.
34Just drive me ____.
35The delegation a____ in London last Monday.
36She teaches a____ history.
37Sam is ___ rich ___ Alexander.
38She a____ him his name.
39They were already waiting ____the gate when I got there.
40Today is____1st.
41My____is good at me.
42I am come from____.
43American people use the word "fall" to mean _____.
44He hasn't been ____from home befor.