導航:首頁 > 英語單詞 > 國際英語音標及單詞舉例


發布時間:2021-02-17 16:25:31

⑴ 國際英語音標帶單詞

my /mai/
he /hi:/
tree /tri:/
name /neim/
play /plei/
let /let/
time /taim/
eight /eit/
desk /desk/
red /red/
green /gri:n/
mouse /maus/
bee /bi:/

⑵ 求英語音標及簡單單詞舉例


⑶ 所有音標 舉例 單詞


⑷ 48個國際音標、附50個單詞舉例!

字母 常見發音 例詞
Aa / eI / cake, face, date, snake, grape, make, game, plate, name, lake,
/ æ / cat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, bag
Bb /b/ book big bag box
Cc /k/ cat cake cup clock car
/s/ face nice pencil
Dd /d/ desk doll dog dad
Ee / i:/ evening, we, he, be , she, these,
/ e / bed, help, desk, ten, leg, dress, egg, hen, yes, very
Ff /f/ fine friend fly foot fan
Gg /ɡ/ goose glass egg girl
Hh /h/ hat he house hand
Ii / aI / ice, bike, ride, white, Friday, library, rice, like, nice, kite, size,
/ І / pink, six, in, pig, fifty, river, windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish,
J j / dʒ / jeep jacket juice Jim
Kk /k/ kite cake black thank
Ll /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp
/l/ apple bowl tell old
Mm /m/ am map my mouth milk
Nn /n/ no know new hand ten
Oo / əʊ / no, home, nose, rose, go, those, hole, close, hello,
/ ɒ / not, closet, box, fox, lock, lot, shop, rock, office, on,
Pp /p/ map jeep pig pen apple
Oq(u) /kw / quiet quilt queen
Rr /r/ red radio brother ride
Ss /s/ sit miss this smile books
/z/ nose those rose rulers
Tt /t/ it sit not that table
Uu / j u:/ computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit, January, music, use, cute
/ u:/ blue
/Λ/ sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch, but, bus, under, ck, us, Sunday,
Vv /v / five vest very seven
Ww /w/ we window watch want
Xx /ks / box six fox taxi
Yy / aI / my fly why bye by
/ j / yes yellow
/ І / happy, baby, very, cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, snowy healthy
Zz / z / zoo zebra

2. 母音字母組合的常見發音

ai / eI / wait paint,rainy,train
ay / eI / may play day say
air / eə / air hair chair
al / ɔ: / tall small ball wall all
ar /α: / farm car cartoon smart garden star
ea /i:/ meat please tea read peach
/e/ head bread ready breakfast sweater
ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep sweet
ear / І ə / ear hear near
ere / Іə / here
/ eə / where there
er / ə / mother father sister brother teacher winter
/З:/ her
ight / aI / right light bright
ir /З: / bird girl shirt thirty birthday thirteen
oa / əʊ / boat coat goat
oo / ʊ / book foot good
/u:/ moon balloon room noon spoon soon
or / ɔ:/ short fork sport
oor / ɔ: / door floor
ou / aʊ / out house mouth mouse
ow / əʊ / bowl window snow show rainbow know
/ aʊ / now cow flower how
oy / ɔI / boy toy
ur /З: / turn Thursday nurse
th /θ/ thank mouth
/ ð / this that with
tr /tr/ tree train truck
dr /dr/ dress driver
sh /∫/ shirt wash short English ,fish, she
ch / t∫/ child chair catch ,watch, chain, chicken peach
tw /tw/ two twin twenty
wh /w/ white wheel what
/h/ who whose whom
ts /ts/ jackets kites
ds /dz/ birds friends

⑸ 英語國際音標表每個圖標附帶1個舉例單詞!


⑹ 英語的國際音標個舉例3個單詞啊!跪求……

翻英語書啊 後面有

⑺ 求英語每個音標的單詞例子, 例子附加音標,謝謝!


⑻ 48個國際音標的單詞並拼出來,謝謝

/i:/ he she me bee key fee see deep jeep leave meet
/i/ bill big bit sit hit kit kiss dig dislike give pit
/e/ echo bet beg bell desk get let met net pet
/æ/ apple bad bag bat cat dash fat fan gap hat lantern
/ə:/ bird burger cur her fur dirty earth girl jerk curl purse first
/ə/ rubber ruler breakfast dollar daughter mother father better doctor loser
/∧/ bus but bug bubble basket cut mp mother son sun
/a:/ bar basket bar barbecue car dark far father pass salon
/כ/ boss god cock cocktail doll dollar dolphin doctor dog got
/כ:/ ball football basketball baseball ...board sport call door daughter law
/u/ book cook full good goodbye could hook look put wood
/u:/ cool school ruler do fool food goose whose who loose
/ei/ base bake cake case date fake face fame gate game
/ai/ I Hi my by Mike bike like fly sky try
/כi/ boy noise joy soy toy voice coin join boil soil
/əu/ go no boat coat note show oh so hope joke
/au/ how now shout doubt mouse mouth cow wow count found
/iə/ ear here tear dear bear fear gear near clear steer
/εə/ there hair bear dare fare fair care pear pair stair
/uə/ sure cure rable furious Jura jewel jewelry tourist lure mure
/p/ put purse pass piece pipe pay play pingpong police polite push
/b/ bag bad bake bare bear bus but bird ...
/t/ it hit meet take ...
/d/ dig did do ck...
/k/ cook could school make...
/g/ guess get engage gap hug bug ...
/f/ fur flower fly fool wolf soft...
/v/ love glove dove village vollyball voice veichel vocation...
/s/ school sit see s...
/z/ zip zero zebra nose bees keys birds hers his theirs yours
/θ/ there this that those the then than them they mother
/δ/ think thin thick thirsty three third thirty birth earth thank
/∫/ she shirt shoe dash mushroom show shake shadow shame shaft
/з/ pleasure leisure
/h/ hope hole how who whose hat ...
/r/ red read ruler rubber rat race ...
/t∫/ chose chair chain ch...
/dз/ huge large japan january june july j...
/tr/ tree trousers tr...
/dr/ dress address dr...
/ts/ hats cats fats ...ts
/dz/ birds ...ds
/m/ money mother monkey mouth mouse m...
/n/ nose note no noise n...
/ŋ/ hang gang bang English king thing ...ng
/l/ like loud low ball l......l
/w/ we will want what why w...
/j/ yes yesterday yeah yammy young you your
英語的音標共有個,分為母音和輔音。 母音共20個 包括單母音12個:[i:]、[i]、[e]、[A]、[[:]、[[]、[Q]、[B:]、[C:]、[C]、[U:]、[U] 雙母音8個:[ei]、[ai]、[Ci]、[aU]、[[U]、[i[]、[Z[]、[U[] 輔音共28個 包括爆破音6個:[p]、、[t]、[d]、[k]、[^] 磨擦音10個:[f]、[v]、[P]、[T]、[s]、[z]、[r]、[F]、[V]、[h] 破擦音6個:[ts]、[dz]、[tr]、[dr]、[tF]、[dV] 鼻音3個:[m]、[n]、[N] 半母音2個:[w]、[j] 邊音1個:[l]

⑼ 英語國際音標表(附單詞舉例)

新月空中英語 語音教室



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