『壹』 高一英語必修一單詞表有哪些
『貳』 高一英語必修一單詞表
Unit 1
△survey n. 調查;測驗
add up 合計
upset adj. 心煩意亂的;不安的;不適的
vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心煩
ignore vt. 不理睬;忽視
calm vt. & vi. (使)平靜;(使)鎮定
adj. 平靜的;鎮靜的;沉著的
calm(…)down (使)平靜下來;(使)鎮定下來
have got to 不得不;必須
concern vt. (使)擔憂;涉及;關繫到
n. 擔心;關注 ;(利害)關系
be concerned about 關心;掛念
walk the dog 遛狗
loose adj. 松的;松開的
△vet n. 獸醫
go through 經歷;經受
△Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭首都)
Netherlands n. 荷蘭(西歐國家)
△Jewish 猶太人的;猶太族的
German adj. 德國的;德國人的;德語的
n. 德國人;德語
△Nazi n. 納粹黨人
adj. 納粹黨的
set down 記下;放下;登記
series n. 連續;系列
a series of 一連串的;一系列;一套
△Kitty n. 基蒂(女名)
outdoors adv. 在戶外;在野外
△ spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound)
on purpose 故意
in order to 為了……
sk n. 黃昏;傍晚
at sk 在黃昏時刻
thunder vi. 打雷;雷鳴
entire adj. 整個的;完全的;全部的
entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整個地
power n. 能力;力量;權力
face to face 面對面地
curtain n. 窗簾;門簾;幕布
sty adj. 積滿灰塵的
no longer/not…any longer 不再……
partner n. 夥伴;合作者;合夥人
settle vi. 安家;定居;停留
vt. 使定居;安排;解決
suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;經歷
suffer from 遭受;患病
△loneliness n. 孤單;寂寞
highway n. 公路;大路
recover vi. & vt. 痊癒;恢復;重新獲得
get/be tired of 對……厭煩
pack vi. & vt. 捆紮;包裝;打行李
n. 小包;包裹
pack (sth) up 將(東西)裝箱打包
suitcase n. 手提箱;衣箱
△Margot n. 瑪戈(女名)
Overcoat n. 大衣;外套
teenager n. 十幾歲的青少年
get along with 與……相處;進展
△gossip vi. & n. 閑話;閑談
fall in love 相愛;愛上
exactly adv. 確實如此;正是;確切地
disagree vi. 不同意
grateful adj. 感激的;表示謝意的
dislike n. & vt. 不喜歡;厭惡
join in 參加;加入
tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小費
vt. 傾斜;翻倒
△secondly adv. 第二;其次
swap vt. 交換
item n. 項目;條款
Unit 2
△subway n. 地下人行道;<美>地鐵
elevator n. 電梯;升降機
petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)
gas n. 汽油;氣體;煤氣;毒氣
official adj. 官方的;正式的;公務的
voyage n. 航行;航海
△conquer vt. 征服;佔領
because of 因為;由於
native adj. 本國的;本地的
n. 本地人;本國人
△Amy n. 艾米(女名)
come up 走近;上來;提出
apartment n. <美> 公寓住宅;
actually adv. 實際上;事實上
AD 公元
base vt. 以……為根據
n. 基部;基地;基礎
at present 現在;目前
graal adj. 逐漸的;逐步的
graally adv. 逐漸地;逐步地
Danish n. 丹麥語
adj. 丹麥的;丹麥人的;丹麥語的
△enrich vt. 使富裕;充實;改善
vocabulary n. 詞彙;詞彙量;詞表
△Shakespeare 莎士比亞(英國劇作家,詩人)
make use of 利用;使用
spelling n. 拼寫;拼法
△Samuel Johnson 塞繆爾•約翰遜(英國作家,批評家)
△Noah Webster 諾厄•韋伯斯特(美國詞典編纂家)
latter adj. 較後的;後半的;
identity n. 本身;本體;身份
fluent adj. 流利的;流暢的
fluently adv. 流利地;流暢地
Singapore n. 新加坡(東南亞國家)
Malaysia n. 馬來西亞(東南亞國家);
such as 例如……;像這種的
frequent adj. 頻繁的;常見的
frequently adv. 常常;頻繁地
usage n. 使用;用法;詞語慣用法
command n.& vt. 命令;指令;掌握
request n. & vt. 請求;要求
△dialect n. 方言
expression n. 詞語;表示;表達
midwestern adj. 中西部的
African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲語言的
Spanish adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙語的
play a part (in) 扮演一個角色;參與
eastern adj. 東方的;東部的
southeastern adj. 東南方的;
morthwestern adj. 西北方的;
recognize vt. 辨認出;承認;公認
lorry n. <英>卡車(=<美>truck)
△Lori n. 羅麗(女名)
△Houston n. 休斯頓(美國城市)
△Texas n. 德克薩斯州(美國州名)
accent n. 口音;腔調;重音
△Buford n. 布福德(姓氏;男名)
△Lester n. 萊斯特(姓錯;男名)
△catfish n. 鯰魚
lightning n. 閃電
straight adv. 直接;挺直
adj. 直的;筆直的;正直的
block n. 街區;塊;木塊;石塊
cab n. 計程車
Unit 3
journal n. 日記;雜志;定期刊物
transport n. 運送;運輸
vt. 運輸;運送
prefer vt. 更喜歡;選擇某事物(而不選擇其他事物)
disadvantage n. 不利條件;不便之處
fare n. 費用
△route n. 路線;路途
△Mekong n. 湄公河
flow vi. 流動;流出
n. 流動;流量
ever since 從那以後
persuade vt. 說服;勸說
cycle vi. 騎自行車
graate vi. 畢業
n. 大學畢業生
finally adv. 最後;終於
schele n. 時間表;進度表
vt. 為某事安排時間
fond adj. 喜愛的;慈愛的;寵愛的
be fond of 喜愛;喜歡
shortcoming n. 缺點
stubborn adj. 頑固的;固執的
organize vt. 組織;成立
care about 關心;憂慮;惦念
△detail n. 細節;詳情
△source n. 來源;水源
determine vt. 決定;確定;下定決心
determined adj. 堅決的;有決心的
change one』s mind 改變主意
journey n. 旅行;旅程
altitude n. 海拔高度;高處
make up one』s mind 下決心;決定
give in 投降;屈服;讓步
△atlas n. 地圖;地圖集
△glacier n. 冰河;冰川
△Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的;
n. (西)藏語;西藏人;
△rapids n. 急流
valley n. (山)谷;流域
△waterfall n. 瀑布
pace vi. 緩慢而行;踱步
n. 一步;速度;步調
bend n. 彎;拐角
vt. (bent, bent) 使彎曲
vi. 彎身;彎腰
△meander n. (指河流等)蜿蜒緩慢流動
△delta n. 三角洲
attitude n. 態度;看法
△Qomolangma n. 珠穆朗瑪峰
boil vi. (指液體)沸騰;(水)開
forecast n. & vt. 預測;預報
parcel n. 小包;包裹
insurance n. 保險
wool n. 羊毛;毛織品
as usual 照常
reliable adj. 可信賴的;可靠的
view n. 風景;視野;觀點;見解
vt. 觀看;注視;考慮
△yak n. 氂牛
pillow n. 枕頭;枕墊
midnight n. 午夜;子夜
at midnight 在午夜
flame n. 火焰;光芒;熱情
beneath prep. 在……下面
△Laos n. 寮國(東南亞國家)
△Laotian n. 寮國人
adj. 寮國(人)的
temple n. 廟宇;寺廟
cave n. 洞穴;地窖
Unit 4
earthquake n. 地震
quake n. 地震
right away 立刻;馬上
well n. 井
△crack n. 裂縫;噼啪聲
vt. & vi. (使)開裂;破裂
△smelly adj. 發臭的;有臭味的
△farmyard n. 農場;農家
pipe n. 管;導管
burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆發
n. 突然破裂;爆發
million n. 百萬
event n. 事件;大事
as if 彷彿;好像
at an end 結束;終結
nation n. 民族;國家;國民
canal n. 運河;水道
steam n. 蒸汽;水汽
dirt n. 污垢;泥土
ruin n. 廢墟;毀滅
vt. 毀滅;使破產
in ruins 嚴重受損;破敗不堪
suffering n. 苦難;痛苦
extreme adj. 極度的
injure vt. 損害;傷害
△survivor n. 倖存者;生還者;殘存物
destroy vt. 破壞;毀壞;消滅
brick n. 磚;磚塊
dam n. 水壩;堰堤
track n. 軌道;足跡;痕跡
useless adj. 無用的;無效的;無益的
shock vt. & vi. (使)震驚;震動
n. 休克;打擊;震驚
rescue n. & vt. 援救;營救
trap vt. 使陷入困境
n. 陷阱;困境
electricity n. 電;電流;電學
disaster n. 災難;災禍
dig out 掘出;發現
bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隱藏
mine n. 礦;礦山;礦井
miner n. 礦工
shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽處;避身處
a (great) number of 許多;大量的
title n. 標題;頭銜;資格
reporter n. 記者
bar n. 條;棒;條狀物
damage n. & vt. 損失;損害
frighten vt. 使驚嚇;嚇唬
frightened adj. 受驚的;受恐嚇的
frightening adj. 令人恐懼的
congratulation n. 祝賀;(復數)賀詞
judge n. 裁判員;法官
vt. 斷定;判斷;判決
sincerely adv. 真誠地;真摯地
express vt. 表示;表達
n. 快車;速遞
outline n. 要點;大綱;輪廓
headline n. 報刊的大字標題
cyclist n. 騎自行車的人
Unit 5
△Nelson Mandela
quality n. 質量;品質;性質
△warm-hearted adj. 熱心腸的
mean adj. 吝嗇的;自私的;卑鄙的
active adj. 積極的;活躍的
generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的
△easy-going adj. 隨和的
self n. 自我;自身
selfish adj. 自私的
selfless adj. 無私的;忘我的
selflessly adv. 無私地;忘我地
devote vt. (與to連用)獻身;專心於
devoted adj. 忠實的;深愛的
△William Tyndale 威廉•廷代爾(英國早期新教改革者)
△Bible n. 《聖經》
△Norman Bethune 諾曼•白求恩
△invader n. 侵略者
found vt. 建立;建設
republic n. 共和國;共和政體
principle n. 法則;原則;原理
△nationalism n. 民族主義;
△livelihood n. 生計;謀生
△Mohandas Gandhi
peaceful adj. 和平的;平靜的;安寧的
△giant adj. 巨大的;龐大的
△leap n. 飛躍;跳躍
mankind n. 人類
△Elias n. 伊萊亞斯(男名)
lawyer n. 律師
guidance n. 指導;領導
legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的
fee n. 費(會費、學費等);酬金
△passbook n. 南非共和國有色人種的身份證
△Johannesburg n. 約翰內斯堡
out of work 失業
hopeful adj. 懷有希望的;有希望的
△ANC 非國大;非洲人國民大會;非洲民族會議(African National Congress)
youth n. 青年;青年時期
league 同盟;聯盟;聯合會
Youth League 青年團
stage n. 舞台;階段;時期
vote vt. & vi. 投票;選舉
n. 投票;選票;表決
attack vt. 進攻;攻擊;抨擊
violence n. 暴力;暴行
as a matter of fact 事實上
blow up 使充氣;爆炸
equal adj. 相等的;平等的
in trouble 在危險、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中
willing adj. 樂意的;自願的
unfair adj. 不公正的;不公平的
turn to 求助於;致力於
△ quote n. 引用語;語錄
△ release vt. 釋放;發行
lose heart 喪失勇氣或信心
△Robben Island 羅本島
escape vi. 逃脫;逃走;泄露
blanket n. 毛毯;毯子
ecate vt. 教育;訓練
ecated adj. 受過教育的;有教養的
come to power 當權;上台
beg vi. 請求;乞求
relative n. 親戚;親屬
terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人;
cruelty n. 殘忍;殘酷
reward n. 報酬;獎金
vt. 酬勞;獎賞
△Transkei n. 特蘭斯凱
set up 設立;建立
sentence vt. 判決;宣判
be sentenced to 被判處……(徒刑)
anti-[前綴] 反;抗;阻
anti-black adj. 反黑人的
△Cape Town 開普敦(南非立法首都)
president n. 總統;會長;校長;行長
△Nobel Peace Prize 諾貝爾和平獎
opinion n. 意見;看法;主張
『叄』 求青島高一英語單詞表【外語教學與研究出版社】
『肆』 青島高一英語單詞表
1. academic adj. 學術的
2. province n. 省
3. enthusiastic adj. 熱心的
4. amazing adj. 令人吃驚的;令人驚訝的
5. information n. 信息
6. website n. 網站;網址
7. brilliant adj. (口語)極好的
8. comprehension n. 理解;領悟
9. instruction n. (常作復數)指示;說明
10. method n. 方法
11. bored adj. 厭煩的; 厭倦的
12. embarrassed adj. 尷尬的;難堪的;困窘的
13. attitude n. 態度
14. behaviour n. 行為;舉動
15. previous adj. 以前的;從前的
16. description n. 記述;描述
17. amazed adj. 吃驚的;驚訝的
18. embarrassing adj. 令人尷尬的;令人難堪的
19. technology n. 技術
20. impress vt. 使印象深刻
21. correction n. 改正;糾正
22. encouragement n. 鼓勵;激勵
23. enjoyment n. 享受;樂趣
24. fluency n. 流利;流暢
25. misunderstanding n. 誤解
26. disappointed adj. 失望的
27. disappointing adj. 令人失望的
28. system n. 制度;體系;系統
29. teenager n. 少年
30. disappear vi. 消失
31. move vi. 搬家
32. assistant n. 助手;助理
33. cover vt. 包含
34. diploma n. 文憑;畢業證書
『伍』 高中英語必修一第一單元單詞表
Unit 1
survey 調查;測驗
add up 合計
upset adj.
calm vt.&vi.(使)平靜;(使)鎮定 adj.平靜的;鎮定的;沉著的
calm(...)down (使)平靜下來
have got to 不得不;必須
concern(使)擔心;涉及;關繫到 n. 擔心;關注;(利害)關系
be concerned about 關心;掛念
walk the dog 溜狗
loose adj 松的;松開的
vet 獸醫
go through 經歷;經受
Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭首都)
Netherlands 荷蘭(西歐國家)
Jewish 猶太人的;猶太族的
German 德國的;德國人的;德語的.
Nazi 納粹黨人 adj. 納粹黨的
set down 記下;放下;登記
series 連續,系列
a series of 一連串的;一系列;一套
spellbind 迷住;疑惑
on purpose 故意
in order to 為了
sk 黃昏傍晚
at sk 在黃昏時刻
thunder vi 打雷雷鳴 n. 雷,雷聲
entire adj. 整個的;完全的;全部的
entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整個地
face to face 面對面地
curtain 窗簾;門簾;幕布
sty adj 積滿灰塵的
no longer /not … any longer 不再
partner 夥伴.合作者.合夥人
settle 安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解決
suffer vt &遭受;忍受經歷
suffer from 遭受;患病
loneliness 孤單寂寞
get/be tired of 對…厭煩
pack捆紮;包裝打行李 n 小包;包裹
pack ( sth ) up 將(東西)裝箱打包
teenager 十幾歲的青少年
get along with 與…相處.進展
gossip 閑話;閑談
fall in love 相愛;愛上
exactly 確實如此;正是;確切地
disagree 不同意
grateful 感激的;表示謝意的
dislike 不喜歡;厭惡
join in 參加;加入
tip 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小費 vt.傾斜;翻倒
secondly 第二;其次
swap 交換
item 項目;條款
保准正確,採納吧(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
『陸』 急求青島外研社高中英語必修一上單詞錄音!。。
『柒』 高中英語必修一單詞
Unit 1
△survey n. 調查;測驗
add up 合計
upset adj. 心煩意亂的;不安的;不適的
vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心煩
ignore vt. 不理睬;忽視
calm vt. & vi. (使)平靜;(使)鎮定
adj. 平靜的;鎮靜的;沉著的
calm(…)down (使)平靜下來;(使)鎮定下來
have got to 不得不;必須
concern vt. (使)擔憂;涉及;關繫到
n. 擔心;關注 ;(利害)關系
be concerned about 關心;掛念
walk the dog 遛狗
loose adj. 松的;松開的
△vet n. 獸醫
go through 經歷;經受
△Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭首都)
Netherlands n. 荷蘭(西歐國家)
△Jewish 猶太人的;猶太族的
German adj. 德國的;德國人的;德語的
n. 德國人;德語
△Nazi n. 納粹黨人
adj. 納粹黨的
set down 記下;放下;登記
series n. 連續;系列
a series of 一連串的;一系列;一套
△Kitty n. 基蒂(女名)
outdoors adv. 在戶外;在野外
△ spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound)
on purpose 故意
in order to 為了……
sk n. 黃昏;傍晚
at sk 在黃昏時刻
thunder vi. 打雷;雷鳴
entire adj. 整個的;完全的;全部的
entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整個地
power n. 能力;力量;權力
face to face 面對面地
curtain n. 窗簾;門簾;幕布
sty adj. 積滿灰塵的
no longer/not…any longer 不再……
partner n. 夥伴;合作者;合夥人
settle vi. 安家;定居;停留
vt. 使定居;安排;解決
suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;經歷
suffer from 遭受;患病
△loneliness n. 孤單;寂寞
highway n. 公路;大路
recover vi. & vt. 痊癒;恢復;重新獲得
get/be tired of 對……厭煩
pack vi. & vt. 捆紮;包裝;打行李
n. 小包;包裹
pack (sth) up 將(東西)裝箱打包
suitcase n. 手提箱;衣箱
△Margot n. 瑪戈(女名)
Overcoat n. 大衣;外套
teenager n. 十幾歲的青少年
get along with 與……相處;進展
△gossip vi. & n. 閑話;閑談
fall in love 相愛;愛上
exactly adv. 確實如此;正是;確切地
disagree vi. 不同意
grateful adj. 感激的;表示謝意的
dislike n. & vt. 不喜歡;厭惡
join in 參加;加入
tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小費
vt. 傾斜;翻倒
△secondly adv. 第二;其次
swap vt. 交換
item n. 項目;條款
Unit 2
△subway n. 地下人行道;<美>地鐵
elevator n. 電梯;升降機
petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)
gas n. 汽油;氣體;煤氣;毒氣
official adj. 官方的;正式的;公務的
voyage n. 航行;航海
△conquer vt. 征服;佔領
because of 因為;由於
native adj. 本國的;本地的
n. 本地人;本國人
△Amy n. 艾米(女名)
come up 走近;上來;提出
apartment n. <美> 公寓住宅;
actually adv. 實際上;事實上
AD 公元
base vt. 以……為根據
n. 基部;基地;基礎
at present 現在;目前
graal adj. 逐漸的;逐步的
graally adv. 逐漸地;逐步地
Danish n. 丹麥語
adj. 丹麥的;丹麥人的;丹麥語的
△enrich vt. 使富裕;充實;改善
vocabulary n. 詞彙;詞彙量;詞表
△Shakespeare 莎士比亞(英國劇作家,詩人)
make use of 利用;使用
spelling n. 拼寫;拼法
△Samuel Johnson 塞繆爾??約翰遜(英國作家,批評家)
△Noah Webster 諾厄??韋伯斯特(美國詞典編纂家)
latter adj. 較後的;後半的;
identity n. 本身;本體;身份
fluent adj. 流利的;流暢的
fluently adv. 流利地;流暢地
Singapore n. 新加坡(東南亞國家)
Malaysia n. 馬來西亞(東南亞國家);
such as 例如……;像這種的
frequent adj. 頻繁的;常見的
frequently adv. 常常;頻繁地
usage n. 使用;用法;詞語慣用法
command n.& vt. 命令;指令;掌握
request n. & vt. 請求;要求
△dialect n. 方言
expression n. 詞語;表示;表達
midwestern adj. 中西部的
African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲語言的
Spanish adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙語的
play a part (in) 扮演一個角色;參與
eastern adj. 東方的;東部的
southeastern adj. 東南方的;
morthwestern adj. 西北方的;
recognize vt. 辨認出;承認;公認
lorry n. <英>卡車(=<美>truck)
△Lori n. 羅麗(女名)
△Houston n. 休斯頓(美國城市)
△Texas n. 德克薩斯州(美國州名)
accent n. 口音;腔調;重音
△Buford n. 布福德(姓氏;男名)
△Lester n. 萊斯特(姓錯;男名)
△catfish n. 鯰魚
lightning n. 閃電
straight adv. 直接;挺直
adj. 直的;筆直的;正直的
block n. 街區;塊;木塊;石塊
cab n. 計程車
Unit 3
journal n. 日記;雜志;定期刊物
transport n. 運送;運輸
vt. 運輸;運送
prefer vt. 更喜歡;選擇某事物(而不選擇其他事物)
disadvantage n. 不利條件;不便之處
fare n. 費用
△route n. 路線;路途
△Mekong n. 湄公河
flow vi. 流動;流出
n. 流動;流量
ever since 從那以後
persuade vt. 說服;勸說
cycle vi. 騎自行車
graate vi. 畢業
n. 大學畢業生
finally adv. 最後;終於
schele n. 時間表;進度表
vt. 為某事安排時間
fond adj. 喜愛的;慈愛的;寵愛的
be fond of 喜愛;喜歡
shortcoming n. 缺點
stubborn adj. 頑固的;固執的
organize vt. 組織;成立
care about 關心;憂慮;惦念
△detail n. 細節;詳情
△source n. 來源;水源
determine vt. 決定;確定;下定決心
determined adj. 堅決的;有決心的
change one』s mind 改變主意
journey n. 旅行;旅程
altitude n. 海拔高度;高處
make up one』s mind 下決心;決定
give in 投降;屈服;讓步
△atlas n. 地圖;地圖集
△glacier n. 冰河;冰川
△Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的;
n. (西)藏語;西藏人;
△rapids n. 急流
valley n. (山)谷;流域
△waterfall n. 瀑布
pace vi. 緩慢而行;踱步
n. 一步;速度;步調
bend n. 彎;拐角
vt. (bent, bent) 使彎曲
vi. 彎身;彎腰
△meander n. (指河流等)蜿蜒緩慢流動
△delta n. 三角洲
attitude n. 態度;看法
△Qomolangma n. 珠穆朗瑪峰
boil vi. (指液體)沸騰;(水)開
forecast n. & vt. 預測;預報
parcel n. 小包;包裹
insurance n. 保險
wool n. 羊毛;毛織品
as usual 照常
reliable adj. 可信賴的;可靠的
view n. 風景;視野;觀點;見解
vt. 觀看;注視;考慮
△yak n. 氂牛
pillow n. 枕頭;枕墊
midnight n. 午夜;子夜
at midnight 在午夜
flame n. 火焰;光芒;熱情
beneath prep. 在……下面
△Laos n. 寮國(東南亞國家)
△Laotian n. 寮國人
adj. 寮國(人)的
temple n. 廟宇;寺廟
cave n. 洞穴;地窖
Unit 4
earthquake n. 地震
quake n. 地震
right away 立刻;馬上
well n. 井
△crack n. 裂縫;噼啪聲
vt. & vi. (使)開裂;破裂
△smelly adj. 發臭的;有臭味的
△farmyard n. 農場;農家
pipe n. 管;導管
burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆發
n. 突然破裂;爆發
million n. 百萬
event n. 事件;大事
as if 彷彿;好像
at an end 結束;終結
nation n. 民族;國家;國民
canal n. 運河;水道
steam n. 蒸汽;水汽
dirt n. 污垢;泥土
ruin n. 廢墟;毀滅
vt. 毀滅;使破產
in ruins 嚴重受損;破敗不堪
suffering n. 苦難;痛苦
extreme adj. 極度的
injure vt. 損害;傷害
△survivor n. 倖存者;生還者;殘存物
destroy vt. 破壞;毀壞;消滅
brick n. 磚;磚塊
dam n. 水壩;堰堤
track n. 軌道;足跡;痕跡
useless adj. 無用的;無效的;無益的
shock vt. & vi. (使)震驚;震動
n. 休克;打擊;震驚
rescue n. & vt. 援救;營救
trap vt. 使陷入困境
n. 陷阱;困境
electricity n. 電;電流;電學
disaster n. 災難;災禍
dig out 掘出;發現
bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隱藏
mine n. 礦;礦山;礦井
miner n. 礦工
shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽處;避身處
a (great) number of 許多;大量的
title n. 標題;頭銜;資格
reporter n. 記者
bar n. 條;棒;條狀物
damage n. & vt. 損失;損害
frighten vt. 使驚嚇;嚇唬
frightened adj. 受驚的;受恐嚇的
frightening adj. 令人恐懼的
congratulation n. 祝賀;(復數)賀詞
judge n. 裁判員;法官
vt. 斷定;判斷;判決
sincerely adv. 真誠地;真摯地
express vt. 表示;表達
n. 快車;速遞
outline n. 要點;大綱;輪廓
headline n. 報刊的大字標題
cyclist n. 騎自行車的人
Unit 5
△Nelson Mandela
quality n. 質量;品質;性質
△warm-hearted adj. 熱心腸的
mean adj. 吝嗇的;自私的;卑鄙的
active adj. 積極的;活躍的
generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的
△easy-going adj. 隨和的
self n. 自我;自身
selfish adj. 自私的
selfless adj. 無私的;忘我的
selflessly adv. 無私地;忘我地
devote vt. (與to連用)獻身;專心於
devoted adj. 忠實的;深愛的
△William Tyndale 威廉??廷代爾(英國早期新教改革者)
△Bible n. 《聖經》
△Norman Bethune 諾曼??白求恩
△invader n. 侵略者
found vt. 建立;建設
republic n. 共和國;共和政體
principle n. 法則;原則;原理
△nationalism n. 民族主義;
△livelihood n. 生計;謀生
△Mohandas Gandhi
peaceful adj. 和平的;平靜的;安寧的
△giant adj. 巨大的;龐大的
△leap n. 飛躍;跳躍
mankind n. 人類
△Elias n. 伊萊亞斯(男名)
lawyer n. 律師
guidance n. 指導;領導
legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的
fee n. 費(會費、學費等);酬金
△passbook n. 南非共和國有色人種的身份證
△Johannesburg n. 約翰內斯堡
out of work 失業
hopeful adj. 懷有希望的;有希望的
△ANC 非國大;非洲人國民大會;非洲民族會議(African National Congress)
youth n. 青年;青年時期
league 同盟;聯盟;聯合會
Youth League 青年團
stage n. 舞台;階段;時期
vote vt. & vi. 投票;選舉
n. 投票;選票;表決
attack vt. 進攻;攻擊;抨擊
violence n. 暴力;暴行
as a matter of fact 事實上
blow up 使充氣;爆炸
equal adj. 相等的;平等的
in trouble 在危險、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中
willing adj. 樂意的;自願的
unfair adj. 不公正的;不公平的
turn to 求助於;致力於
△ quote n. 引用語;語錄
△ release vt. 釋放;發行
lose heart 喪失勇氣或信心
△Robben Island 羅本島
escape vi. 逃脫;逃走;泄露
blanket n. 毛毯;毯子
ecate vt. 教育;訓練
ecated adj. 受過教育的;有教養的
come to power 當權;上台
beg vi. 請求;乞求
relative n. 親戚;親屬
terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人;
cruelty n. 殘忍;殘酷
reward n. 報酬;獎金
vt. 酬勞;獎賞
△Transkei n. 特蘭斯凱
set up 設立;建立
sentence vt. 判決;宣判
be sentenced to 被判處……(徒刑)
anti-[前綴] 反;抗;阻
anti-black adj. 反黑人的
△Cape Town 開普敦(南非立法首都)
president n. 總統;會長;校長;行長
△Nobel Peace Prize 諾貝爾和平獎
opinion n. 意見;看法;主張
『捌』 高一英語必修一單詞
人教新課標必修1各單元詞彙專項練習Unit 1單詞練習
一、 單詞拼寫
1. When learning English, it is quite important to develop the ability of____________ (交際).
2. Failing in the examination again ___________ (心煩意亂) her a lot.
3. Those who are in difficult s___________ usually work harder to get out of it.
4. As an e__________ of the newspaper, I should be responsible for what is printed in it.
5. He was punished by the school because of his c____________ in the exam.
6. Many t__________ are so crazy about football that they get up to watch football games at midnight.
7. My English is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_________ on learning English.
8. It』s quite n_________ for a person to refuse the offer of help from strangers.
9. What is the r_________ for your absence of yesterday』s meeting?
10. Dancing with the rich in the party, he had a f_________ of being laughed at.
二、 選詞填空。
face to face list concern about go through share reason suffer point habit add up
1. Every time he __________ the figures, he gets a different answer.
2. They are ___________ with a new problem which they must solve at once.
3. I am not in the ___________ of going to see a film in the day.
4. She ____________ all the things she had to buy.
5. What are the _____________ to look for when you are buying a new computer.
6. She just suddenly left without giving any_____________.
7. We _____________ the cost of the meal.
8. Mr. Zhang ____________ heavy loses in the accident.
9. She has _____________ an unhappy time recently.
10. She thinks only of herself, she never ______________ other people.
三、 短語翻譯
1. 努力去做某事________________________
2. 根據_____________________
3. 對……很狂熱______________________
4. 度假_________________
5. 關心__________________
6. 鎮定下來______________________
7. 與……相處得好\不好________________________
8. 有……的麻煩______________________
9. 經歷,經受___________________________
10. 故意________________________
Unit 2
1. He looks handsome and gentle, but a_________ he is a thief.
2. Pronunciation and grammar is quite important in English learning. And so is v____________.
3. He went to Britain, hoping to learn s___________ English there.
4. 「A____________ 」 is often used in American English while 「flat」 is used in British English.
5. Some English people have a strong a__________ , which adds difficulties to our understanding of them.
6. Many s__________ have been built in Guangzhou. As a result, people can travel much faster than before.
7. If you don』t know how to use the medicine, read the d____________ carefully before using it.
8. Our city used to be very old, but now it has become a m______ one.
9. When we are in other countries, we should respect the c___________ there.
10. Excuse me, Professor Li, can you be p_________ at our meeting tomorrow?
1. I can hardly _____ my friend John who is wearing dark glasses.
A. know B. see C. recognize D. realize
2. Western dinner usually ________ an aperitif, main course, dessert and coffee.
A. includes B. is C. remains D. holds
3. Hong Kong was once ________ by the British before she returned to China in 1997.
A. commended B. ruled C. managed D. controlled
4. I request that you __________ the task on time.
A. finished B. should finish C. could finish D. would finish
5. _________ which direction should we go, west or east?
A. On B. To C. In D. With
6. Mike is always gentle and __________. He is a man of culture.
A. pleased B. amazing C. happy D. polite
7. It is said that living ________ nature may help people live longer.
A. came to B. far from C. close D. closely
8. The problem ________ at the meeting yesterday.
A. came to B. came across C. came up D. came up with
9. We should ________ to study.
A. make time good used B. make good uses of time
C. use of time D. make good use of time.
10. The famous film is ________ a Chinese fairy tale.
A. basing at B. a\based in C. bases on D. to base at
Unit 3
1. At the party the foreign teacher was r__________ to sing some songs.
2. He is a s__________ person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change.
3. Though we have learned English for two years, we can』t communicate with native speakers p__________.
4. The goods will be t_______ to Hong Kong by ship.
5. I advised him not to join them. F________ he accepted my advice.
6. Being a fan of Liu Dehua, she buys every music r_______ that is proced by him.
7. What』s your a_______ to wearing jewelry to school.
8. At last we were persuaded to _____________ (騎自行車)around China.
9. Writhing travel j_________ makes you think more and enjoy more.
10. I am so _________ (熟悉) with him that I recognized his voice the moment I picked up the telephone.
二、選詞填空, 注意形式。
record determine treat altitude change one』s mind
be familiar to give in dream bring up so far
1. Once she is determined to do something, it is impossible to get her to____________.
2. Nowadays, many young children would like to bargain with their parents when asking for money. Unfortunately their parents seldom ___________.
3. They insisted they ________ equally.
4. Pop songs _____usually __________ teenagers.
5. He was born in Shandong Province and _______ there.
6. She gave me a ___________ look, which suggested that she would never make any changes.
7. She often _______ that she would become a famous singer one day.
8. They have been to seven European countries ___________.
9. After it leaves the high _________, the river becomes wide and runs into the sea.
10. He won another gold medal as he set a new ___________ in the 100m dash.
Unit 4
1. Older students were having difficulty in studying and o_________ themselves.
2. That place is dirty and s_________.
3. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b________.
4. People began to wonder how long the d_________ would last.
5. F_________ water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.
6. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was d__________.
7. The railway tracks were now u_______ pieces of steel.
8. Without _________ (電),modern life would be very difficult.
9. __________ (判斷)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty.
10. Dead and ________ (受傷的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.
1.The houses across the street are _______ , but they were in good condition a few years ago.
A. in rows B. in ruins C. in number D. in detail
2. The boy was so careful that he ________ the street and broke his leg.
A. fell down B. fell over C. fell off D. fell onto
3. He was a warm-hearted and hard working man, and________ by his classmates.
A. high thought of B. highly thought of C. badly thought of D. was well thought
4. ---They used to be good friends, but now they are like strangers.
---How ______ this ________ ?
A. does; come about B. did; come about
C. were; taken place D. were happened
5. ______ will be built here next year.
A. A great deal B. A large amount of
C. A large number of D. The number of
6. After living in Paris for 50 years, he returned to the small town ______ he grow up as a child.
A. which B. that C. when D. where
7. Do you remember the place _____ we visited last year?
A. that B. where C. when D. in which
8. I don』t like _____ you speak to her.
A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which
9. ________ the machine begins to work, you can』t stop it _____.
A. While; soon B. For; right away C. Once; at once D. Until; immediately
10. In the country sales of fruits and vegetables________ 38% in the last 3 years.
A. have risen by B. have raised to C. has lifted on D. has got into
1. 立刻,馬上___________________
2. 結束,終結___________________
3. 以……為自豪_________________________
4. 許多,大量的____________________________
5. 分發,發出(氣味,熱等)___________________
Unit 5
1. Q_______ is more important than quantity.
2. After 4 years』 university study, he ______ his study for a bachelor』s degree.
3. She is not only beautiful, but also well e________.
4. She did a very good job and got a r_______ from the company.
5. I hated being treated with v________.
6. The c_______ of life put an end to his life.
7. In our country people of or over 18 have the right to v________.
8. The event has put him into an embarrassing p___________.
9. Boys are usually not a_________ in English class.
10. He broke the law and was put in p________.
On the very first day of school, our teacher __________ us ___________ English learning.
2. 大多數下崗的人員都是文化不高的人。
Most of the people who ___ ____ ___ _____ usually have little ecation.
3. 別灰心, 你會成功的。
Don』t _____ _____. You will succeed.
4. 相信自己,別相信他的鬼話。
______ ______ yourself. Don』t ___________ him.
5. 大學尚未畢業,他就創辦了自己的公司。
He _____ ______ his own company before graating from college.
6. 他從不為考試擔心。
He ______never ______ ______ _______ examination.
7. 只有通過努力拚搏, 才能實現自己的夢想。
Only by working hard _____ you _________ your dream.
8. 我們決不能嘲笑那些陷入困境的人,相反,我們應該幫助他們。
We should never laugh at those ______ ________. On the contrary, we should try our best to help them.
9. 他上台後就推出了一系列的改革方案。
After ______ ______ _________, he carried out a series of reform.
10. 他樂於助人。
He ______ ______ _____ ______ others.
Book 1 單詞練習參考答案
Unit 1:
一、 1. communication 2. upset 3. situation 4. editor 5. cheating 6. teenagers
7. advice 8. natural 9. reason 10. feeling
二、 1. adds up 2. face to face 3. habit 4. listed 5. points 6. reason 7. shared 8. suffer 9. gone through 10. concerns herself about \ with
三、1. Make an effort to do sth. 2. according to 3. be crazy about 4. on holiday
5. be concerned about 6. calm down 7. get on \ along well \ badly with….
8. have trouble with 9. go through 10. on purpose
Unit 2:
一、1. actually 2. vocabulary 3. standard 4. Apartment 5. accent
6. subways 7.directions 8. modern 9. culture 10. present
二、1-5 CABBC 6-10 DACDB
Unit 3:
一、 1. requested 2. stubborn 3. properly 4. transported 5. finally
6. record 7. attitude 8. cycle 9. journals 10. familiar
二、1. change her mind 2. give in 3. be treated 4. are, familiar to
5. brought up 6. determined 7. dreamed 8. so far 9. altitudes
10. record
Unit 4:
一、1. organizing 2. smelly 3. burst 4. disaster 5. Fresh 6. destroyed
7. useless 8. electricity 9. Judging 10. injured
二、1-5 CCBBC 6-10 DAACA
三、1. right away 2. at an end 3. be proud of 4. a (large) number of
5. give out
Unit 5:
一、 1. Quality 2. continued 3. ecated 4. reward 5. violence 6. cruelty
7. vote 8. position 9. active 10. prison
二、 1. advised; on 2. are out of work 3. lose heart 4. Believe in; believe
5. set up 6. has; been worried about 7. can; realize 8. in trouble
9. coming to power 10. is willing to help