A. 英語中常見的介詞有哪些
at 用於表示時刻,時間的某一點
at noon
at night
at present
at 8 o'clock
We usually have lunch at 12.
on 用於某天,某天的上,下午(指具體某一天時,一律用on) 返回
on Monday
on Tuesday morning
on June 12th
on a cold night
on the night of May 1st
We didn't listen to the lecture on Friday afternoon.
in 用於表示周,月,季節,年,泛指的上午,下午,晚上
in the week
in May
in spring
in 1992
in the morning
in the afternoon 返回
in the night
People go skating in winter.
before 在...之前
Wash your hands before dinner.
He will call me before he leaves here.
after 在...之後
Let's sing some songs after school.
Please close the door after you leave the room.
by 在...之前;截至...
How many English books had you read by the end of last year.
untill(till) 直到...為止 (untill 與 till 可通用)
We didn't begin to watch TV untill (till) nine o'clock.
I'll wait for him untill he comes here.
for 達...之久 返回
He has lived here for 20 years.
We will stay in the city for two days.
ring 在...期間
They are going to have a good rest ring the summer holidays.
through 一直...(從開始到結束)
They played the cards through the night.
from 從...起(時間)
The meeting will be held from eight to ten.
The meeting will be held at eight
since 自從...以來(表示從以前某時一直到現在仍在繼續)
I have been sick since yesterday.
The doctor has saved a lot of lives since he became a doctor.
表示時間的經過等用in,within 返回
in 在...後(未來時間)
in an hour
in a week or so
He will be back in five hours.
They said they would arrive here in a week.
within 不超過...的范圍
within 3 hours
I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.
They worked hard. They finished the work within 2 days at last.
表示場所的介詞: at,in,on,under,by,near,between.
表示方向的介詞: into,out of,along,acros,through,to,from.
at 在某地點(表示比較狹窄的場所) 返回
at school
at home
at No.2 Baker Street
at a factory
I'll meet him at the Beijing railway station.
in 在某地(表示比較寬敞的場所)
in Beijing
in China
in the world
in the street
She was born in China.
on a.在...上面,有接觸面
on the desk
There are two maps on the wall.
on the right
on the river
above 在...上方
Our plane flew above the clouds.
over 在...正上方,是under的反義詞 返回
There is light over Li Ming.
A few birds were flying over the sea.
under 在...下面;在...之內
under the table
under the jacket
The dog is under the table.
below 在...下方(不一定是正下方)
There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water.
near 近的,不遠的
near = not far
Is there a bus stop near here
by 在...旁邊,距離比near要近
by the window
by me
The boy is standing by the window.
between,among,around 返回
between 在兩者之間
My teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike.
What's the difference between A and B
among 在三者或更多的之中
There is a beautiful house among the trees.
He is very popular among the students.
around 環繞,在...周圍,在...四周
We sat around the table.
They walked around the street.
in front of,behind
in front of 在...的前面;在...的前部
The is a tree in front of the house.
There is a big desk for the teacher in front of the classroom.
behind 在...後面 是 in front of的反義詞 返回
There is a tree behind the house.
in,into,out of
in 在...之內,用於表示靜止的位置
The students are in the classroom.
into 進入
The students run into the classroom.
He jumped into the water.
out of 和into一樣,也表示有一定的運動方向
The students rushed out of the room.
along 沿著
I was walking along the river when it began to rain.
across 橫過 返回
I often swim across the river
through 貫穿,通過
The river was through the city.
to 到達...地點(目的地)或方向
He came to Japan in 1980.
Tom has gone to school.
for 表示目的地,"向..."
I'll leave for America next week.
leave for 動身去...
start for 出發去...
from 從...地點起...
It's about ten minutes' walk from here to the cinema.
How far is it from our school to the hospital
with a. 和...在一起
Will you please go with me
b. 具有,帶有
He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.
c. 用某工具或方法 返回
Li Li cut her hand with a knife.
I see with my eyes.
He wrote the letter with a new pen.
in 表示用什麼材料(例如用墨水,鉛筆)等,或用什麼語言,或者表示衣著,聲調特點時,不用with,而用in
She wrote a letter in black ink.
Don't write it in pencil but in ink.
by 通過...方法,手段
He goes to school by bicycle.
of, from
of (屬於)...的;表示...的數量或者種類
This is a map of China.
Will you please give me a cup of tea
from 來自(某地,某人);以...起始(時間或地點) 返回
I'm from Nanjing.
I have got a letter from my friend.
without 沒有,是with的反義詞
Men can't live without air and water.
I can't read the book without using a dictionary.
Please give me a cup of coffee without milk.
Please give me a cup of coffer with milk.
like 象...一樣
Nancy is just like her mother.
as 作為
He is famous as a scientist here.
against,about 返回
against 反對;靠著
He is against the plan.
The teacher is standing against the blackboard.
about a. 關於;各處;身旁
Tell me something about your life.
He looked about himself.
I have no money about(= with) me.
b. 詢問某人某物的情況或提出建議
What about your sister
How about going to the park
B. 英語的常用介詞都有哪些(包括常用介詞
表示時間的介詞稱為時間介詞.表示時間的介詞有:at, on, in, before, after等.
一、at, on和in
① at 表示:(在(某時刻、時間、階段),在……歲時)
My cousin joined the army at fifteen.我表哥十五歲參的軍.
② on 表示:在(某日),在周末,在……節日
He was born on the 15th of August in 1769.他出生於1769年8月15日.
③ in 表示:在……事後,在……期間,在……年/月
She went to America in 2000.她2000年去了美國.
at, on 和in 作時間介詞的比較:
① at 表示具體時間點.
② on 後可以跟表日期、星期、節日的詞,還可以指具體某一天的早、中、晚.
③ in 泛指一天的早、中、晚,還可以表示一段時間,如:周、年、月、季節等.
① before 表示:在……之前 x09x09before eight o』 clock 八點之前
Spring comes before summer.夏天之前是春天.
② after 表示:表示……之後x09x09after lunch 午飯之後
Come to my office after school.放學後請來我辦公室.
表示做某事的方法、手段的介詞有by, with, in, at, on.
by表示:用,以,靠,通過……方式.by表示手段時後接動作或製作方式.「by + 交通工具」表示交通方式.
by bike 騎車x09by bus 坐公車x09by taxi 搭出租
by train 坐火車x09by ship 乘船x09by air 坐飛機
Linda usually goes to work by subway.琳達通常做地鐵上班.
She makes a living by teaching.她考教書謀生.
with 表示:用,以.with表示手段時,後接工具、材料或具體內容.
write with a pen 用鋼筆寫
eat with knife and fork 用刀叉吃
see with one』s eyes 用眼睛看
I killed the fly with a swatter.我用蒼蠅拍打死那隻蒼蠅.
She cut the cake with a knife.她用刀切開了蛋糕.
in 表示:用,以.in表示用某種方式,如:顏色、筆墨、語言、聲音、服飾等.
speak in English 用英語說
talk in a high voice 高聲說話
I wrote a letter in ink.我用鋼筆寫了一封信.
Try to express yourself in English.試著用英語表達一下.
表示空間的介詞有:at, in, on, over, above, under, below 等表示靜態位置的介詞和from, to, up, down,
through, across 等表示動態方向的介詞.
一、at, on 和 in
① at 表示:(地點、位置)在……
② on 表示:(位置)在……上面
③ in 表示:(地點、位置或空間)在……里,在……中,在……上
Her fans have arrived at the airport.她的影迷已經到達了機場.
Look at the picture at the top of the page.請看以下這一項上面的圖片.
Is my pen on the desk or in the desk?我的鋼筆是在桌子上還是在抽屜里呢?
Some kids are playing in the yard and others are playing in the room.有些孩子在院子里玩,其他則在房間里玩.
at,on 和 in 作空間介詞的比較
① at用於表示一個較小的場合,這個地點被當作一個點來看待.
② on 表示在某一平面或線上,強調與某物體有接觸.
③ in 表示在較大的地方,在某立體空間或平面范圍之內.
二、about 和 around
① over 二者都表示:在……周圍/各處,圍繞.但
② above about強調無方向.
We walked about in the town.我們在城裡到處遊逛.
Du is running around the fence.嘟嘟在繞著籬笆跑.
Let』s plant trees around the house.讓我們在房子周圍栽上樹.
三、over 和 above
① under 表示:在……正上方,越過
② above 表示:在……上方
I saw a wood bridge over the river.我看見河上有座木橋.
Look! Some birds are flying above the clouds.看!一些鳥兒在雲朵上飛翔.
① over強調在某人或某物的正上方,而且兩物體表面沒有接觸.
② above 強調位置上某物體的上方,並不一定是正上方,而且兩物體表面也沒有接觸.
四、under 和 below
① under 表示:在……的正下方
② below 表示:在……下方
Please read the words below the picture.請讀圖片下面的文字.
Look! A big mouse hides under the armchair.看!一隻大老鼠躲在扶手椅下面.
under 和 below 作空間介詞的比較
① under 強調在某物的下方,完全覆蓋兩物體表面可以接觸也可以不接觸.
② below 強調位置低於某參照物,但並不一定是正下方.
五、between 和 among
① between 表示:(位置、時間、數量等)在……之間(兩者之間)
② among 表示:在……中間(三者或三者以上之間)
I often fly between Beijing and Shanghai.我經常在北京和上海之間飛來飛去.
Come here between eight and nine o』 clock.請把點到九點之間過來.
Susan is among the crowd.蘇珊是人群當中.
六、into 和 out of
① into 表示:進來
② out of 表示:出去
Get out of the room.從房間里出去!
Bob walked into the room.鮑勃走進房間.
He is working in the office.她在辦公室里工作.
七、behind 和 in front of
① behind 表示:在……後面
② in front of 表示:在……前面
There is a fountain in the front of the park.公園的前面有一個噴泉.
Susan sits in front of me and Du sits behind me.蘇珊坐在我前面,嘟嘟坐在我後面.
八、up 和 down
① up 表示:往上,向……頂上
② down 表示:往下,沿著……往下
The monkey is climbing up the tree.猴子正在往樹上爬.
Tears ran down her face.眼淚從她的臉上流了下來.
九、across 和 through
① across 表示:穿過,跨過
② through表示:穿過,通過
There is a bridge across the river there.那兒有座橋橫跨在河上.
A train is running through the tunnel.一列火車正從隧道中穿過.
十、by 和 near
① by 表示:在……旁邊
② near 表示:在……附近
Come over here and stand by me.過來站在我旁邊吧.
We are planning to camp by the lake.我們打算到湖邊露營.
There are some big apple trees near the house.房子附近有一些大蘋果樹.
① along 表示:沿著,順著
② to 表示:到……,去……,向……
Let』s walk along the street.讓我們沿著街散散步.
We drove along the freeway.我們驅車沿著高數公路行駛.
The child pointed to the polar star.那孩子指著北極星.
I』m going to the bakery.我想要去那家糕餅店.
一、of 的用法
① of 表示:……的(表示所屬、所有關系)
a cover of this book這本書的封皮
a friend of my parents我父母的一個朋友
② of 表示:……之中的(表示部分)
some boys of the team小組里的幾個男生
the end of the story故事的結尾
Two students of our class joined in the match.我們班裡的兩個同學參加了這場比賽.
③ of 表示:……份/量的,……的種類的(表示量、種類)
a drop of water
a pair of shoes
I want two cups of coffee.我要兩杯咖啡.
二、with 的用法
① with 表示:具有,有……的,隨身帶著
It is a dog with black spots.它是一隻長著黑色斑點的狗.
Take an umbrella with you.帶把雨傘吧!
② with表示:和……一起,同……一起,偕同
I went to Disneyland with my mother.我和媽媽一起去了迪斯尼樂園.
③ with 表示:隨著……
I get up with the sun every day.我每天日出就起床.
三、for 的用法
① for 表示:為了……(表示目的、用途、利益)
Give me a knife for cutting bread.給我一把切麵包的刀子.
I』ve found it for you.我已經為你找到了它.
What can I do for you?我能為你做些什麼嗎?
② for 表示:一段距離或時間
He has run for a mile.他跑了一英里.
Please bake the cake for 40 minutes.請將蛋糕烤四十分鍾.
③ for 表示:因為,由於(表示原因)
Thank you for your help.謝謝你的幫助.
Andy jumped for joy at the good news.安迪聽到這個消息高興的跳了起來.
We could hardly see for the mist.由於大霧,我們幾乎看不見了.
四、like 的用法
① like表示:像……(一樣),似……(一樣)
They are like brothers and sisters.他們情同手足.
② like 表示:是什麼樣子,怎樣
五、from 的用法
① from 表示:(時間或場所)從……,自……
We work from Monday to Friday.我們周一到周五上班.
Charlie will fly from New York to London.查理要從紐約飛往倫敦.
The cat jumped down from the top of the wall.貓從牆頭跳了下來.
② from 表示(兩地的距離)離
The nearest hospital is 10 miles from my house.最近的醫院離我家十英里遠.
We live about 5 kilometers from Boston.我們住在離波士頓約五公里的地方.
③ from 表示:出自……,來自……
Where are you from?你來自哪裡?
Susan got a letter from her aunt.蘇珊收到一封她姨媽的來信.
六、at, about, to 和 in 的其他用法
① at 表示:對著……, 朝著……,向……(表示方向,目標)
He threw a bone at the dog.他用一塊骨頭砸狗.
Please look at the blackboard.請看黑板.
② about 表示:關於……,涉及……
He told me a story about ghosts.他給我講了一個鬼故事.
Don』t worry about me.不要擔心我.
They are talking about English learning.他們在談論英語學習.
③ to 表示:對於,給,向(表示對象)
Jane is always very kind to others.簡總是對別人很友善.
Please send some food to them.請給他們送些食品去.
Have you told all the news to John?你把全部的消息都告訴約翰了嗎?
④ in 表示:穿著,戴著
Who is the man in black?那穿黑色衣服的人是誰?
Tom is in a purple hat.湯姆戴著紫色帽子.
The girl in uniform is Mary.穿校服的那個女孩是瑪麗.
C. 英文介詞 有哪些
簡單的介詞包括:,on,with,by,for,at,about,under,of等;D. 英語中的介詞有哪些把英語單詞說出來一些,不詳細不給分.
in 在...裡面來,在某年,某季節,某月
at 在幾點自鍾
on 在.上面,關於
about 關於,大約
for 為了
with 和.一起,具有,帶有
before 在.之前
after 在.之後
behind 在.後面
between 在.之間
over 在.正上方
under 在,下面
in front of 在.前面
E. 英語單詞中的介詞有多少個,寫一些來.
很多個,例如:at ,in ,on ,by ,to ,for ,around ,of ,about ,as ,from ,off……
F. 名詞+介詞+名詞的英語單詞有哪些
bit by bit
step by step
one by one
face to face
表示面積或體積的計算方式 fifteen feet by twenty feet.
G. 英語單詞中介詞有哪些
1、according to,by,from,on,under等。
① to是這組詞中最常用的一個,可指依據某人的話語、說法、指示,也可指按照某計劃、法規等,可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的。
④in指「依據」時,僅見於與eye,opinion,view等表示觀點的名詞或order,sequence等表示順序的名詞連用,還見於in law,in practice,in theory等短語中。
2、in, after, since等。
3、表達「某事件的若干時間以後」時,應是「若干時間after事件」,而不是「after若干時間of事件」。可說two hoursafterhis arrival,不可說aftertwo hours of his arrival。
在「two hoursafterhis arrival」前加不同的介詞,有不同的意思:「two hoursafterhis arrival」單用時指「他到達兩小時以後」。
4、若前面加the,如the two hoursafterhis arrival指「他到達以後的兩小時」,加for指「在他到達以後的兩小時全段時間里」,加in 跟沒有in意思相同,加within指「在他到達以後的兩小時中的某時刻」。
如five daysafter3 July,指從7月4日算起的5天以後,也就是7月9日。
但有例外,five daysafterI July可能指7月8日,monthsafterJuly可能指11月,注意避免這種結構產生誤解。
所以可說Since his graation he has been abroad.(since不可改成after)一定要改的話,可表示為After his graation he went abroad. 這里的after是介詞,用作連接詞時用法一樣。
after常指時間先後的次序,而behind常指位置,如August comesafterJuly,用after,,而A garden lies behind the house,用behind。不過有時after和behind可以通用。
H. 方位介詞有哪些要寫英文
My books are on that table. 我的書在那張桌子上。
My cat is under my chair. 我的貓在我的椅子下。
The broom is behind the door. 笤帚在門後。
What is in the box? 盒子里有什麼?
The ball is near the door. 球在門旁邊。
1、in the front 在前面。
2、in the front row 在前排。
3、in the back row 在後排。
4、in the third row 在第三排。
5、in front of... 在...前面(范圍之外)。
6、in the front of... 在...前部(范圍之內)。
7、in the middle在中間。
8、in the street在街上。
9、in the middle of...在中間。
10、in the tree在樹上(指在樹上的小動物,鳥等外來物)。