1. 人教版英語選修8unit1單詞表~
1. △
2. △Californian
3. △illustrate vt.
4. distinct adj.
5. distinction n.
6. △immigrant n.
7. live on
8. strait n.
9. △Bering
10. Arctic adj.
11. the Arctic
12. means n.
13. by means of…
14. △prehistoric adj.
15. majority n.
16. ministry n.
17. Catholic adj. n.
18. △Alaska n.
19. △San Francisco n.
20. △adventurer n.
21. make a life
22. △despite prep.
23. hardship n.
24. elect vt.
25. federal adj.
26. rail n.
27. percentage n.
28. △Los Angeles n.
29. Italy n.
30. Italian n.. adj.
31. Denmark n.
32. keep up
33. △Hollywood n.
34. boom n.. vi.
35. aircraft n.
36. △Cambodian n.
37. Korea n.
38. Korean n. adj.
39. Pakistan n.
40. Pakistani adj. n.
41. △immigrate vi.
42. immigration n.
43. racial adj.
44. crossing n.
45. vice n. & adj.
46. nephew n.
47. pole n.
48. applicant n.
49. customs n.
50. socialist n. adj.
51. socialism n.
52. occur vi.
53. cattle n.
54. △Hispanic n.
55. indicate vt.
56. back to back
57. luggage n. (<美>baggage)
58. shave vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved, shaven)
59. △cable n.
60. △cable car
61. △Andrew Hallidie
62. tram n.
63. apparent adj.
64. apparently adv.
65. brake n. Vi. & vt.
66. conctor n.
67. slip vi. n.
68. △wharf n.
69. bakery n.
70. ferry n. vt.
71. △Angel Island
72. team up with
73. hire vt. & n.
74. △fascinating adj.
75. mark out
76. seagull n.
77. take in
78. angle n.
79. a great/good many
80. apply for
81. nowhere adv.
82. △miserable adj.
83. punishment n.
84. justice n.
85. mourn vt. & vi.
86. civil adj.
87. authority n.
88. reform vt. & vi. n.
89. grasp vt. & n.
90. △thoughtful adj.
91. thankful adj.
92. insert vt.
1. 加利福尼亞(州)
2. 加利福尼亞(州)人
3. vt. 說明;闡明
4. adj. 清晰的;明顯的;明確的
5. n. 差別;區分;卓著
6. n. (從外國移入的)移民
7. 繼續存在;繼續生存
8. n. 海峽
9. 白令海峽
10. adj. 北極的;北極區的
11. 北極
12. n. 手段;方法
13. 用……辦法;藉助……
14. adj. 史前的
15. n. 大多數;大半
16. n.(政府的)部;(全體)牧師;牧師的職責
17. adj. 天主教的 n.天主教徒
18. n. 阿拉斯加(州)
19. n. 聖弗朗西斯科(也稱舊金山)
20. n. 冒險家
21. 習慣於新的生活方式、工作等
22. prep. 盡管;不管
23. n. 苦難;困苦
24. vt. 選擇;決定做某事;選舉某人
25. adj. 聯邦制的;聯邦政府的
26. n. 鐵路;扶手;(護欄的)橫條
27. n. 百分比;百分率
28. n. 洛杉磯
29. n. 義大利
30. n. 義大利人;義大利語adj.義大利人的;義大利語的
31. n. 丹麥(北歐國家)
32. 堅持;維持;沿襲(風俗、傳統等)
33. n. 好萊塢;美國電影業
34. n. (人口、貿易的)繁榮 vi. 處於經濟迅速發展時期
35. n. 飛行器;航空器;飛機
36. n. 柬埔寨人;柬埔寨語
37. n. 韓國;朝鮮
38. n. 韓國/朝鮮人;朝鮮/韓語 adj.韓國(人/語)的; 朝鮮(人/語)的
39. n. 巴基斯坦
40. adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的 n.巴基斯坦人
41. vi. 移入(外國定居)
42. n. 移民;移居入境
43. adj. 人種的;種族的
44. n. 橫渡;橫越;十字路口;人行橫道
45. n. & adj. 代理;副職
46. n. 侄子;外甥
47. n. 地極;電極;磁極
48. n. 申請人
49. n. 海關;關稅;進口稅
50. n. 社會主義者;社會黨人 adj.社會主義者的
51. n. 社會主義
52. vi. 發生;出現
53. n. 牛(總稱)
54. n. (美)講西班牙語的美國人
55. vt. 指出;指示;表明;暗示
56. 背靠背
57. n. 行李(<美>baggage)
58. vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved, shaven)刮;剃
59. n. 纜繩;繩索;電纜
60. 纜車;(美)有軌纜車
61. 安德魯·海利迪
62. n. (有軌)電車
63. adj. 顯而易見的;顯然的; 表面上的
64. adv. 顯然地;顯而易見地
65. n. 閘;剎車;制動器 Vi. & vt. 剎(車);用制動器減速
66. n. (公車)售票員;列車員;(樂隊)指揮
67. vi. 滑動;滑行;滑跤 n.滑動;滑倒
68. n. 碼頭
69. n. 麵包房;麵包廠
70. n. 渡船;渡口 vt.擺渡;渡運
71. 天使島
72. 與……合作或一起工作
73. vt. & n. 租用;僱用
74. adj. 迷人的;吸引人的
75. 劃線;標出……界線
76. n. 海鷗
77. 包括;吸收
78. n. 角;角度
79. 許多;很多
80. 申請;請示得到
81. adv. 無處;到處都無
82. adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的
83. n. 處罰;懲罰
84. n. 公正;公平
85. vt. & vi. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛
86. adj. 公民的;國內的;民間的
87. n. 權威;權力 (pl)當局;官方
88. vt. & vi. 改革;革新 n.改革;改造;改良
89. vt. & n. 抓住;抓緊;掌握;領會
90. adj. 關切的;體貼的;深思的
91. adj. 感激的;感謝的
92. vt. 插入;嵌入
2. 人教版英語選修8單詞表 請直接拷貝
1. be able to do能夠做
After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.
2. be about to do正要做
As I was about to say, you interrupted me.
3. add… to…把……加……
If you add 5 to 5, you get ten.
If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.
This adds to our difficulties.
4. be afraid of 害怕
I was afraid of hurting her feelings.
5. go against反對
We don't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.
6. agree on達成一致
We agreed on an early start/making a early start.
We all agree on the terms.
7.agree to do同意做
My father has agreed to buy me a new computer.
8. agree with同意某人(或其想法、觀點、認識等);與……相符
I don't agree with you on this point.
Your story agrees with what I had already heard.
The climate doesn't agree with me.
The mussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me.
The verb agrees its subject in number and person.
9. be angry with對……生氣
He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.
He was angry at being kept waiting.
10. be anxious about對……擔心
I was anxious about my son's health.
11. apply for申請
I have applied to the Consul for the visa.
12. take sth. in one's arms把……抱在懷里
She took a bunch of roses in her arms.
13. take up arms拿起武器
We should take up our arms to defend our motherland.
14. arrive in/at a place達到某地
My brother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.
I arrive at the school every morning at a regular time.
15. ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物
You shouldn't ask your parents for money any more.
16. pay attention to對……注意
When you write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.
17. be away from遠離……
When you friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/her; instead, you should try your best to help.
18. go/run away逃跑
It's dangerous! Go/run away immediately.
19. beat… to death將……打死
He was nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing.
20. go to bed上床休息
I was so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.
21. make the bed鋪床
You are old enough to make the beds by yourself.
22. beg one's pardon請某人再說一遍
Sorry I didn't catch it. I beg your pardon.
23. begin… with以……開始
The party began with a cheerful song.
24. believe in信仰
In western countries, many people believe in God.
25. belong to屬於
That Taiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.
26. do one's best盡最大的努力
If you have done your best, then there's nothing to regret.
27. had better最好
You had better stop smoking.
28. blow away吹走
The wind blew the heat away.
29. take a boat乘船
I took a boat to go to the island in the center of the lake.
30. be born出生
He was born in a wealthy family.
31. break away from從……脫離,斷絕關系
We won't say "Yes" to anyone's breaking away from our country.
Can't you break away from old habits?
32. break down(指計劃、打算)破滅;(機器)壞了;(身體狀況)變差
Our plans have broken down.
Negotiations between the two countries have broken down.
The engine broke down.
His health broke down after the death of his wife.
Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
33. break into破門而入
His house was broken into last week.
34. break off 從中間打斷
He broke off in the middle of a sentence.
Let's break off for an hour and have some tea.
The mast broke off.
35. break out(指戰爭、災難、爭吵等)突然爆發
A fire broke out ring the night.
The quarrel broke out afresh.
36. break the rules違反規則
Everyone in the group mustn't break the rules.
37. break up擊碎、驅散 終止 結束 分裂 分開 分手放學
The ship was breaking up on the rocks.
The gathering broke up in disorder.
The police broke up the crowd.
38. hold one's breath屏住呼吸
He held his breath and sneaked into his room.
39. bring down擊落、打倒
A moment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.
We should bring down the tyrant.
40. bring in賺得、贏得(利潤)
His farms bring (him) in $20000 a year.
The program brings in a new fashion.
41. bring on導致……結果
He was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.
The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.
The coach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.
42. bring up撫養
She has brought up five children.
If children are badly brought up they behave badly.
43. build up建立;恢復(身體狀況等)
He has built up a good business.
He went on holiday and soon built up his health.
44. burn…to the ground把……夷為平地
The Japanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground.
45. burn down燒光
The house was burnt down.
46. burst into laughter.突然爆發大笑
On seeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter.
47. burst into tears突然大哭
She suddenly burst into tears.
48. be busy doing/with sth.忙於做某事
We are busy preparing for/with the exam.
49. call at (a place)拜訪某地
I called at the tailor's a couple of days ago.
50. call back回電話
I will call back later.
51. call for到某地取東西;接人;要求;呼籲
A man calls every Monday for old newspapers.
I'll call for you at 6 o'clock.
The occasion calls for prompt action.
People all over the world call for peace.
52. call in請(醫生)
Please call in a doctor at once.
53. call on拜訪某人
My uncle called on me yesterday on his way home.
54. take care of照顧;負責
The nurse took good care of the patients.
Here, let me take care of the cleaning.
These are the devices that take care of the waste from the factory.
55. care for 擔心、關心、想
My parents care for my safety when I travel by myself.
The elders should care for the younger generation.
Would you care for a game of table tennis?
56. carry off奪走(生命);取得(獎勵等)
The terrible war carried off her father's life.
Tom carried off all the school prizes.
57. carry on進行
The discussion carried on after a short break.
58. carry out實施
The plan has to be carried out as soon as possible.
59. catch fire起火
This material is easy to catch fire. Be careful.
60. catch up with趕上
I have to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers.
61. change…for把……換成
The shirt is too big. Can I change for another one.
62. change…into把……變成
He changed into his working clothes when he began to work.
63. change one's mind改變主意
I persuaded him to change his mind.
64. check out核對,檢查
Would you help me to check out the names and numbers.
He checked out and left the hotel.
65. clear away收拾,整理
Please help me to clear away the tea things.
66. clear up(指天)晴朗;清理
The weather/sky is clearing up.
Clear up the desk before you leave the office.
67. catch/take cold; have a cold感冒
He was absent because he caught cold last night.
68. come about產生……結果
How does it come about half of the class are absent?
69. come across碰巧遇到;突然想起
I came across this old brooch in a curio shop.
The thought came across my mind that we …
70. come back回想起來
Their names are all coming back to me now.
71. come down(指雨)下得很大;(指氣溫)下降
The rain came down in bucketfuls.
The temperature came down suddenly.
72. come from來自
Much of the butter in England comes from New Zealand.
73. come off脫落
The button has come off my coat.
74. come on加油
Come on! Let's race to the bottom of the hill.
75. come out出現;(指花)開放;
The stars come out.
The flowers are coming out.
When will his new book come out?
76. come to(指數字)達到
The total number of people who attended the conference came to 1000.
77. come true(指夢想)實現
I hope that my dream will come true one day in the future.
78. come up 上升; 出現; 討論
He came up the hard way.
The question hasn't come up yet.
79. compare with與……比較
Compared with ecation in western countries, China has her own special features.
80. compare to把……比作
Teachers are sometimes compared to candles.
81. connect to 與……聯系
It's a railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.
82. connect with與……聯接
Where does cooker connect with the gas-pipe?
83. be considered as被認為是
She is considered as the best teacher in our school.
84. consider doing sth.考慮做……
I'm considering moving abroad.
85. be covered with被……覆蓋
The ground was covered with heavy snow.
86. cut down砍倒
Don't cut down the young trees.
87. cut off砍掉;截斷
Don't cut your fingers off!
The enemy had cut off our food supply.
89. cut up切碎
I'll cut up the meat.
90. date from起始於
The temple dates from over a thousand years ago.
91. deal with處理;對付;相處;涉及
How do you deal with the difficulties?
The man is hard to deal with.
The book deals with health problems.
92. do a good deed做好事
During his lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.
93. depend on取決於;信任
Whether we go to park this weekend depends on the weather.
You can always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.
It depends on you. Any time is all right for me.
94. devote to把(時間、精力等)專注於……
Mary Curio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,
95. die of死於
He dies of a disease.
96. die out絕種
Many old customs are graally dying out.
97. be different from與……不同
The picture on the right is different from the one on the left.
98. divide up把……分開
We divided the money up equally.
How shall we divide the work up?
99. divide into把……分成(幾部分)
The house was divided into two parts.
100. do sb. a favor給某人幫忙
Would you do me a favor?
101. do well in在……方面表現好
He did well in maths when he was in high school.
102. do wrong犯錯誤,犯罪
He was sentenced three years for his doing wrong.
103. dream of夢想
I am always dreaming of traveling around the world.
104. drop in順路拜訪
Some friends dropped in to tea.
105. earn one's living掙錢維持生計
She earned her living by writing.
106. eat up吃光
He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.
107. have an effect on對……有影響
Her childhood life had a great effect on her later life.
108. end up結束(一般是不太好的結果)
If you continue stealing you will end up in prison.
109. fall asleep入睡
He was so tired that he fell asleep very soon.
110. fall behind落後
He always falls behind when we're going uphill.
111. fall down摔倒
Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.
The basket is full of eggs -don't let it fall down.
112. fall ill生病
He has fallen ill.
113. fall in love with與……相愛
He fell in love with an actress.
114. fall off從……摔下
The daily number of passengers by this line shows a slight falling off.
The naughty boy fell off the tree when he reached the bird nest.
115. fall over摔入
He fell over into the water and broke his legs.
116. fall to pieces摔成碎片
The window was broken and fell to pieces.
117. be familiar with與……熟悉
He was familiar with English and did the translation work well.
118. be famous for因……出名
Bill Gates is famous for his greatest fortune of the world.
119. feel like doing想做……
I don't feel like eating too much.
120. fill in填寫
Please fill in the application forms before you go for a interview.
121. find out找出事實真相
I made up mind to find out the truth.
122. be fit for對……合適
She is the very person who is fit for the position.
123. fix up給某人提供住宿;安排
I'll fix you up for the night. Don't worry about that.
My secretary has fixed up a meeting with you.
Please fix your drawers up.
124. be fond of喜歡……
I was very fond of teaching, so I decided to work in a high school as a teacher.
125. set free解放
One of the great contributions Lincoln had made was setting the slaves free.
126. make friends with與……交朋友
She was very popular, and she had made lots of friends after she moved to the new school.
127. be full of充滿……
The hall was full of crowds of people.
128. make fun of開……的玩笑
Never make fun of the disabled people.
129. get along with與……相處
She is getting along with her studies and new friends well.
130. get away逃走
Two of the prisoners got away.
131. get back回來
You can arrange you time yourself after school as long as you get back before 10p.m.
132. get close to接近
In order to be a famous actor, he tried to get close to those movie stars.
133. get down下車
Remember to get down after three stops.
134. get down to集中精力做……
I should get down to my work after the long holiday.
135. get in(表示火車)進站;收割
Th train got in five minutes early.
Farmers get in harvest in September.
136. get in touch with與……取得聯系
I've lost my phone book, so I can't get in touch with my old friends.
137. get into the habit of形成某種習慣
After coming here, I've got into the habit of getting up early in the morning.
138. get married結婚
He has got married and has the twins.
139. get off
We got off immediately after breakfast.
She got off the scarf after getting in.
140. get rid of擺脫,除掉
We should get rid of bad habits.
141. get though接通;通過(考試);
I rang you several times yesterday but couldn't get through.
Tom failed but his sister got through.
142. get together聚會
We got together to celebrate the New Year's Day.
143. give a talk作演講
A well known expert is supposed to give a talk tomorrow afternoon.
144. give advice提建議
We need friends to give advice.
145. give back還回
You should give back what you've borrowed.
146. give birth to生育
The mother panda gave birth to two baby pandas yesterday.
147. give in讓步,退讓
The rebels were forced to give in.
Mary usually has to give in to her big brother.
148. give off放出(某種氣體、光、射線等)
The special matter gives off radiation.
149. give out消耗盡;分發
Our food supplies began to give out.
Her patience gave out.
Please help me to give out the books.
150. give up放棄
Don't give up when you get in trouble.
151. go ahead向前,前進
Don't mind it. Please go ahead.
152. go bad變質
Food is easy to go bad in summer.
153. go by經過
Time went by slowly.
154. go for a walk去散步
Let's go for a walk after dinner.
155. go off(指槍)走火;(食物)變壞;(演員)下場
The gun went off by accident.
This milk has gone off.
Hamlet goes off.
156. go on繼續
Don't stop. Go on please.
How much longer will the hot weather go on?
157. go on doing sth.繼續做某事
Never give up! Go on trying.
I hope it won't go on raining all day.
158. go on with one's work繼續某人的工作
Let's stop here today. We'll go on with our work tomorrow.
159. go out(燈)熄滅;參加社交活動
There was a power cut and all the lights went out.
She still goes out a great deal, even at seventy-five.
160. go through瀏覽;翻找;經歷(苦難)
Go through all the exercises before you start the listening practice.
The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief.
My grandfather is a real man who has gone through hardships.
161. go up上升
3. 高中英語選修8的英語單詞表,10分
△ vt. 確認;識別;鑒別
alternative n. 可能的選擇
adj. 供選擇的;其他的
△archaeology n. 考古學(<美>archeology)
△archaeological adj. 考古學的;
與考古學有關的 (<美>archeological)
△archaeologist n. 考古學家
starvation n. 挨餓;餓死
tentative adj. 試探性的;不確定的
accuracy n. 精確;准確
△excavate vt. 挖掘;發掘
△excavation n. 挖掘;發掘
interrupt vt. & vi. 打斷……講話;打岔;
acute adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴重的;
assume vt. 假定;設想
regardless adv. 不管;不顧
regardless of 不管;不顧
mat n. 席子;墊子
quilt n. 被子;棉被
beast n. 野獸
at most 至多;最多
centimetre n. 厘米 (<美>centimeter)
sharpen vi. & vt. (使)鋒利;尖銳;清晰
sharpener n. 磨具;削具
cut up 切碎
△scrape vt. 擦凈;削平;磨光
△scraper n. 刮刀;刮削器
ample adj. 足夠的;充足的;富裕的
messy adj. 凌亂的;臟的
primitive adj. 原始的;遠古的;簡陋的
△bead n. 小珠子;滴
botany n. 植物學
botanical adj. 植物學的;
analysis n. 分析
seashell n. 海貝殼
ripen vt. & vi. 使……成熟;成熟
category n. 種類;類別;范疇
significance n. 意義;意思;重要性;
somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎麼地
systematic adj. 有系統的;有計劃的;
spit vt. (spat, spit; spat, spit) 吐出(唾液、
delete vt. 刪;刪除
album n. 相冊;集郵冊;唱片
scratch n. (刮、抓、劃的)痕跡;搔;撓
vt. 搔;抓;擦傷;刮壞
academy n. 學院;學會;學術團體;院校
receptionist n. 接待員;招待員
onion n. 洋蔥
kindergarten n. 幼兒園
skateboard n. 滑板
fed up with 受夠了;飽受;厭煩
yogurt n. 酸乳酷;酸奶
radioactive adj. 放射性的;有輻射能的
radioactivity n. 放射性
division n. 分割;劃分;分配;分界線
BC 公元前
melon n. (各種)瓜
wrinkle n. 皺紋
pulse vi. 強烈而有規律地跳動;搏動
△vein n. 血管;靜脈
applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞
look ahead 向前看;為將來打算
howl vt. & vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫
accelerate vi. & vt. 加速;促進
spear n. 矛;槍
arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引
dizzy adj. 暈眩的;昏亂的;
△eyebrow n. 眉毛
△cheekbone n. 顴骨
△arrowhead n. 箭頭
△axe n. 斧;斧子
hammer n. 鐵錘;錘子
gay adj. 快樂的;歡快的
gaily adv. 快樂地;輕松地
skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟練的
date back 追溯到……
punctuation n. 標點符號
△worship vt. & vi. 崇拜;敬奉
△craftsmanship n. 技藝;手藝;
4. 新課標的英語選修8的單詞,急需
Unit 1
△California 加利福尼亞(州)
△Californian 加利福尼亞(州)人
△illustrate vt. 說明;闡明
distinct adj. 清晰的;明顯的;明確的
distinction n. 差別;區分;卓著
△immigrant n. (從外國移入的)移民
live on 繼續存在;繼續生存
strait n. 海峽
△Bering 白令海峽
Arctic adj. 北極的;北極區的
the Arctic 北極
means n. 手段;方法
by means of… 用……辦法;藉助……
△prehistoric adj. 史前的
majority n. 大多數;大半
ministry n. (政府的)部;(全體)牧師;
Catholic adj. 天主教的
△Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(州)
△San Francisco n. 聖弗朗西斯科(也稱
△adventurer n. 冒險家
make a life 習慣於新的生活方式、工作等
△despite prep. 盡管;不管
hardship n. 苦難;困苦
elect vt. 選擇;決定做某事;選舉某人
federal adj. 聯邦制的;聯邦政府的
rail n. 鐵路;扶手;(護欄的)橫條
percentage n. 百分比;百分率
△Los Angeles n. 洛杉磯
Italy n. 義大利
Italian n. 義大利人;義大利語
Denmark n. 丹麥(北歐國家)
keep up 堅持;維持;沿襲(風俗、傳統等)
△Hollywood n. 好萊塢;美國電影業
boom n. (人口、貿易的)繁榮
vi. 處於經濟迅速發展時期
aircraft n. 飛行器;航空器;飛機
△Cambodian n. 柬埔寨人;柬埔寨語
Korea n. 韓國;朝鮮
Korean n. 韓國/朝鮮人;朝鮮/韓語
Pakistan n. 巴基斯坦
Pakistani adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的
△immigrate vi. 移入(外國定居)
immigration n. 移民;移居入境
racial adj. 人種的;種族的
crossing n. 橫渡;橫越;十字路口;人行
vice n. & adj. 代理;副職
nephew n. 侄子;外甥
pole n. 地極;電極;磁極
applicant n. 申請人
customs n. 海關;關稅;進口稅
socialist n. 社會主義者;社會黨人
socialism n. 社會主義
occur vi. 發生;出現
cattle n. 牛(總稱)
△Hispanic n. (美)講西班牙語的美國人
indicate vt. 指出;指示;表明;暗示
back to back 背靠背
luggage n. 行李(<美>baggage)
shave vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved, shaven)
△cable n. 纜繩;繩索;電纜
△cable car 纜車;(美)有軌纜車
△Andrew Hallidie 安德魯•海利迪
tram n. (有軌)電車
apparent adj. 顯而易見的;顯然的;
apparently adv. 顯然地;顯而易見地
brake n. 閘;剎車;制動器
Vi. & vt. 剎(車);用制動器減速
conctor n. (公車)售票員;列車員;
slip vi. 滑動;滑行;滑跤
△wharf n. 碼頭
bakery n. 麵包房;麵包廠
ferry n. 渡船;渡口
△Angel Island 天使島
team up with 與……合作或一起工作
hire vt. & n. 租用;僱用
△fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的
mark out 劃線;標出……界線
seagull n. 海鷗
take in 包括;吸收
angle n. 角;角度
a great/good many 許多;很多
apply for 申請;請示得到
nowhere adv. 無處;到處都無
△miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的
punishment n. 處罰;懲罰
justice n. 公正;公平
mourn vt. & vi. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛
civil adj. 公民的;國內的;民間的
authority n. 權威;權力
reform vt. & vi. 改革;革新
grasp vt. & n. 抓住;抓緊;掌握;領會
△thoughtful adj. 關切的;體貼的;深思的
thankful adj. 感激的;感謝的
insert vt. 插入;嵌入
Unit 2
differ vi. 不同;相異
exact adj. 精確的;准確的
△cutting n. 剪枝;剪報;剪紙
twin n. 雙胞胎之一;孿生兒之一
△identical adj. 同一的;一模一樣的
commercial adj. 商業的;貿易的
straightforward adj. 簡單的;直接的;
△complicated adj. 復雜的;難懂的
undertake vt. (undertook, undertaken)
pay off 得到好結果;取得成功;償清
breakthrough n. 突破
procere n. 程序;步驟;手續
△nucleus n. 原子核;中心
△somatic adj. 軀體的;肉體的;
△embryo n. 胚;胚胎;萌牙時期
carrier n. 攜帶者;搬運工;運輸工具
cast vt. (cast, cast) 扔;投;擲
cast down 沮喪;不愉快
altogether adv. 總共;完全地
arbitrary adj. 任意的
△fate n. 命運;天命
correction n. 改正;糾正;修正
object vi. 反對;不贊成
objection n. 不贊成;反對;異議
△impact n. 撞擊;沖擊;巨大的影響
medium n. 媒介;手段;工具
the media 大眾傳播媒體(如電視、報紙等)
obtain vt. 獲得;贏得
attain vt. 獲得;到達(水平、年齡、狀況等)
moral adj. 道德(上)的;倫理的
conservative adj. 保守的;守舊的
forbid vt. (forbade,forbad; forbidden)
accumulate vt. 積累;聚保
in favour of 贊成;支持
side road 旁路;支線;岔道 (<美>sidewalk)
constitution n. 憲法;章程
compulsory adj. 必須做的;義務的;
opera n. 歌劇;歌劇團;歌劇院
chorus n. 合唱;合唱隊
loaf n. 一條(麵包)
flour n. 麵粉
owe vt. 欠(賬、錢、人情等);歸功於……
shortly adv. 立刻;不久
retire vi. 退休;離開
bother vt. 打擾
(be) bound to (do) 一定或註定(做)……
assumption n. 假定;設想
regulation n. 規則;規章;法規
△nonsense n. 胡說;無稽之談;廢話
△popularity n. 受人喜愛;流行
△Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園(美國電影名)
strike vi & vt. (struck, struck)
strike…into one』s heart 使……刻骨銘心
△bison n. 北美或歐洲野牛
△calf n. 小牛;牛犢
from time to time 不時;偶爾
bring back to life 使復生;使復活
initial adj. 最初的;開始的
△DNA 脫氧核糖核酸
vain adj. 虛榮的;自負的;徒勞的
in vain 白費力氣;枉費心機
resist vt. 抵抗;對抗
drawback n. 缺點;不利條件
merely adv. 僅;只;不過
△restore vt. 恢復;使恢復原狀;重建
△aurochs n. 原牛(古代歐洲野牛,已滅絕)
decoration n. 裝飾
unable adj. 不能的;不會的
△great auk n. 大海雀(已滅絕)
feather n. 羽毛
△quagga n. 白氏斑馬(已滅絕)
△fairly adv. 公平地;相當地
in good/poor condition 狀況很好(壞);
turkey n. 火雞
△dye vt. 給……染色;染
claw n. 爪;腳爪
adore vt. 崇拜;愛慕;喜愛
hatch vt. & vi. 孵出;孵卵;孵化
reasonable adj. 合情理的;講道理的;
Unit 3
△amphibious adj. 兩棲(類)的
△George Stephenson 喬治•斯蒂芬森
patent n. 專利證書;專利權
call up 給……打電話
courtyard n. 院子;庭院;天井
now and then 偶爾;有時
walnut n. 胡桃;胡桃木
distinguish vi. & vt. 顯示……的差別;
merciful adj. 寬大的;仁慈的;慈悲的
proct n. 產品
powder n. 粉末;火葯
set about 開始;著手
perfume n. 香水;香味
stainless adj.無銹的;不銹的;沒有污點的
△jelly n. 果凍;果凍狀物
cube n. 立方體;立方
cubic adj. 立方的
abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的
abruptly adv. 突然地;唐突地
convenient adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的
caution n. 小心;謹慎
expectation n. 預料;期待;期望
passive adj. 被動的;消極的;被動語態的
merry adj. 愉快的;高興的
merrily adv. 高興地;愉快地
seize vt. 抓住;捉住;奪
△recognition n. 認出;認可;承認
criterion n. (評判的)標准;尺度
△claim n. & vt. 要求;聲稱;主張
valid adj. 有效的;確鑿的
file n. 文件;檔案;文件夾
vt. 提交;將……歸檔
ripe adj. 熟的;成熟的
string n. 線;繩子;一串
glue n. 膠;膠水
△rod n. 桿;棒
freezing adj. 冰凍的;嚴寒的
greengrocer n. 果蔬商
identification n. 鑒定;辨認;確定;
directory n. 電話簿;商行名錄
dial vt. 撥(電話)
rainfall n. 降雨
△courtroom n. 法庭;審判室
innocent adj. 清白的;無罪的;天真的
lantern n. 燈籠;提燈
bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;負擔
jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果醬
△Alexander Graham
△microphone n. 麥克風;話筒
forehead n. 額頭
beaten track 被踩出來的路;常規;慣例
△occasionally adv. 偶然地;不時地
dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入
dynamic adj. 充滿活力的;精力充沛的;
set out (to do) 開始(做)
△multiple adj. 多種的;多樣的;多類型的
△Morse 莫爾斯電碼
dot n. 點;小圓點
vt. 以小圓點標出;分散
tap vt. 輕打;輕拍;輕敲
wire n. 金屬絲;電線
straw n. 稻草;麥稈;飲料吸管
△reproce vt. 復制;
current n. (水或氣)流;電流
adj. 現在的;當前的
helicopter n. 直升飛機
triangle n. 三角形;三角形物體
△tetrahedron n. 四面體
stable adj. 穩固的;穩定的;安定的
△invaluable adj. 無價的;極寶貴的
associate vt. 聯想;聯系
practical adj. 實際的;實踐的;實用的
△James Dyson 詹姆斯•戴森(英國發明家)
refrigerator n. 冰箱
court n. 法庭;法院;朝廷
extension n. 電話分機;擴大;延伸
hang on 不掛斷;稍等;緊緊握住
out of order 次序顛倒;發生故障
get through 設法聯繫上(尤指打通電話);
ring back 回復電話
ring off 掛斷電話
version n. 版本;譯本
competence n. 能力;勝利;本領
△competent n. 能勝任的;有能力的;
jeep n. 吉普車
personnel n. 人力資源;人事部;全體人員
Unit 4
△Pygmalion n. 皮格馬利翁(希臘神話)
△George Bernard Shaw 喬治•伯納德•蕭 (也譯蕭伯納,英國劇作家)
adaptation n. 適應(性);改編本
classic adj. 經典的;第一流的
caption n. (圖片上的)說明文字;
plot n. 情節;陰謀
professor n. 教授
△Higgins 希金斯 (姓)
△phonetics n. 語音學
△colonel n. (陸軍)上校
△Pickering 皮克林(姓)
△fateful adj. 重要的;決定性的;
whistle vi. 吹口哨;發出汽笛聲
garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍
woollen adj. 毛紡的;純毛的(<美>woolen)
hesitate vi. 猶豫;躊躇
uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的;不安的;
uncomfortably adv. 不舒服的;不自在地
troublesome adj. 帶來麻煩的;使人心煩的
wallet n. 皮夾;錢包
outsome n. 結果;效果
thief n. 小偷;賊
handkerchief n. 手帕;手絹;紙巾
△disguise vt. 偽裝;假扮;遮掩
△in disguise 偽裝(的);假扮(的)
mistaken adj. (見解或判斷上)錯誤的;
brilliant adj. 光輝燦爛的;傑出的;
classify vt. 編排;分類;歸類
remark n. 談論;言論;評述
vt. & vi.談論;評論;說起
betray vt. 顯露出(本來面目);背叛
upper adj. (位置或地位)較高的;
extraordinary adj. 不同尋常的;非凡的
condemn vi. 譴責;使……註定
△gutter n. 排水溝;陰溝;貧民區
properly adv. 適當地;恰當地
pass…off as… (把某人)改變或冒充成……
△chess n. 公爵夫人;女公爵
ambassador n. 大使;使節
acquaintance n. 相識;了解;熟人
make one』s acquaintance 結識;
handful n. 一把;少量
△amazement n. 驚訝;驚愕
△in amazement 震驚;驚訝
fortune n. 機會;運氣;大筆的錢
authentic adj. 真實的;真正的;可信的;
generally speaking 一般來說
status n. 身份;地位;職位
superior adj. 優秀的;較高的;上級的
in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度
△disapprove vt. & vi. 不贊成;反對;
rob vt. 搶劫;盜竊;剝奪
antique adj. 古時的;(因古老、稀少而)
n. 文物;古董;古玩
musical adj. 音樂的;喜愛音樂的
stocking n. 長襪
△believer n. 信徒;教徒
Buddhism n. 佛教
△Buddhist n. 佛教徒
△Buddha n. 佛
△vowel n. 母音;母音字母
△Pearce 皮爾斯(姓)
cookie n. 餅干
teapot n. 茶壺
cream n. 奶油;面霜
nail n. 指甲;釘子
show…in 帶或領……進來
wax n. 蠟;蜜蠟
disk n. 磁碟
△wax disk 舊式唱片
shabby adj. 破舊的;寒酸的
△curtsy vi. (also curtsey) 行屈膝禮
△shilling n. 先令(1971年以前的英國貨
referee n. 裁判員;仲裁者
compromise ni. & vi. 妥協;折衷
horrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的
laundry n. 洗衣店;洗衣房;
bathtub n. 浴缸;澡盆
sob vi. 啜泣;抽噎
waist n. 腰;腰部;腰圍
vest n. 背心;內衣
disgusting adj. 使人反感的;令人厭惡的
once more 再一次
in need of 需要……
△heartily adv. 盡情地;熱心地;痛快地
overlook vt. 俯視;忽視;不理會
alphabet n. 字母表
△effective adj. 有效的
fade vi. & vt.(使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失
fade out (聲音、畫面)逐漸模糊;漸淡
Unit 5
△identify vt. 確認;識別;鑒別
alternative n. 可能的選擇
adj. 供選擇的;其他的
△archaeology n. 考古學(<美>archeology)
△archaeological adj. 考古學的;
與考古學有關的 (<美>archeological)
△archaeologist n. 考古學家
starvation n. 挨餓;餓死
tentative adj. 試探性的;不確定的
accuracy n. 精確;准確
△excavate vt. 挖掘;發掘
△excavation n. 挖掘;發掘
interrupt vt. & vi. 打斷……講話;打岔;
acute adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴重的;
assume vt. 假定;設想
regardless adv. 不管;不顧
regardless of 不管;不顧
mat n. 席子;墊子
quilt n. 被子;棉被
beast n. 野獸
at most 至多;最多
centimetre n. 厘米 (<美>centimeter)
sharpen vi. & vt. (使)鋒利;尖銳;清晰
sharpener n. 磨具;削具
cut up 切碎
△scrape vt. 擦凈;削平;磨光
△scraper n. 刮刀;刮削器
ample adj. 足夠的;充足的;富裕的
messy adj. 凌亂的;臟的
primitive adj. 原始的;遠古的;簡陋的
△bead n. 小珠子;滴
botany n. 植物學
botanical adj. 植物學的;
analysis n. 分析
seashell n. 海貝殼
ripen vt. & vi. 使……成熟;成熟
category n. 種類;類別;范疇
significance n. 意義;意思;重要性;
somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎麼地
systematic adj. 有系統的;有計劃的;
spit vt. (spat, spit; spat, spit) 吐出(唾液、食物等)
delete vt. 刪;刪除
album n. 相冊;集郵冊;唱片
scratch n. (刮、抓、劃的)痕跡;搔;撓
vt. 搔;抓;擦傷;刮壞
academy n. 學院;學會;學術團體;院校
receptionist n. 接待員;招待員
onion n. 洋蔥
kindergarten n. 幼兒園
skateboard n. 滑板
fed up with 受夠了;飽受;厭煩
yogurt n. 酸乳酷;酸奶
radioactive adj. 放射性的;有輻射能的
radioactivity n. 放射性
division n. 分割;劃分;分配;分界線
BC 公元前
melon n. (各種)瓜
wrinkle n. 皺紋
pulse vi. 強烈而有規律地跳動;搏動
△vein n. 血管;靜脈
applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞
look ahead 向前看;為將來打算
howl vt. & vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫
accelerate vi. & vt. 加速;促進
spear n. 矛;槍
arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引
dizzy adj. 暈眩的;昏亂的;
△eyebrow n. 眉毛
△cheekbone n. 顴骨
△arrowhead n. 箭頭
△axe n. 斧;斧子
hammer n. 鐵錘;錘子
gay adj. 快樂的;歡快的
gaily adv. 快樂地;輕松地
skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟練的
date back 追溯到……
punctuation n. 標點符號
△worship vt. & vi. 崇拜;敬奉
△craftsmanship n. 技藝;手藝; 精工細作
5. 英語選修8單詞表
1. be able to do能夠做
After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.
2. be about to do正要做
As I was about to say, you interrupted me.
3. add… to…把……加……
If you add 5 to 5, you get ten.
If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.
This adds to our difficulties.
4. be afraid of 害怕
I was afraid of hurting her feelings.
5. go against反對
We don't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.
6. agree on達成一致
We agreed on an early start/making a early start.
We all agree on the terms.
7.agree to do同意做
My father has agreed to buy me a new computer.
8. agree with同意某人(或其想法、觀點、認識等);與……相符
I don't agree with you on this point.
Your story agrees with what I had already heard.
The climate doesn't agree with me.
The mussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me.
The verb agrees its subject in number and person.
9. be angry with對……生氣
He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.
He was angry at being kept waiting.
10. be anxious about對……擔心
I was anxious about my son's health.
11. apply for申請
I have applied to the Consul for the visa.
12. take sth. in one's arms把……抱在懷里
She took a bunch of roses in her arms.
13. take up arms拿起武器
We should take up our arms to defend our motherland.
14. arrive in/at a place達到某地
My brother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.
I arrive at the school every morning at a regular time.
15. ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物
You shouldn't ask your parents for money any more.
16. pay attention to對……注意
When you write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.
17. be away from遠離……
When you friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/her; instead, you should try your best to help.
18. go/run away逃跑
It's dangerous! Go/run away immediately.
19. beat… to death將……打死
He was nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing.
20. go to bed上床休息
I was so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.
21. make the bed鋪床
You are old enough to make the beds by yourself.
22. beg one's pardon請某人再說一遍
Sorry I didn't catch it. I beg your pardon.
23. begin… with以……開始
The party began with a cheerful song.
24. believe in信仰
In western countries, many people believe in God.
25. belong to屬於
That Taiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.
26. do one's best盡最大的努力
If you have done your best, then there's nothing to regret.
27. had better最好
You had better stop smoking.
28. blow away吹走
The wind blew the heat away.
29. take a boat乘船
I took a boat to go to the island in the center of the lake.
30. be born出生
He was born in a wealthy family.
31. break away from從……脫離,斷絕關系
We won't say "Yes" to anyone's breaking away from our country.
Can't you break away from old habits?
32. break down(指計劃、打算)破滅;(機器)壞了;(身體狀況)變差
Our plans have broken down.
Negotiations between the two countries have broken down.
The engine broke down.
His health broke down after the death of his wife.
Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
33. break into破門而入
His house was broken into last week.
34. break off 從中間打斷
He broke off in the middle of a sentence.
Let's break off for an hour and have some tea.
The mast broke off.
35. break out(指戰爭、災難、爭吵等)突然爆發
A fire broke out ring the night.
The quarrel broke out afresh.
36. break the rules違反規則
Everyone in the group mustn't break the rules.
37. break up擊碎、驅散 終止 結束 分裂 分開 分手放學
The ship was breaking up on the rocks.
The gathering broke up in disorder.
The police broke up the crowd.
38. hold one's breath屏住呼吸
He held his breath and sneaked into his room.
39. bring down擊落、打倒
A moment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.
We should bring down the tyrant.
40. bring in賺得、贏得(利潤)
His farms bring (him) in $20000 a year.
The program brings in a new fashion.
41. bring on導致……結果
He was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.
The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.
The coach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.
42. bring up撫養
She has brought up five children.
If children are badly brought up they behave badly.
43. build up建立;恢復(身體狀況等)
He has built up a good business.
He went on holiday and soon built up his health.
44. burn…to the ground把……夷為平地
The Japanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground.
45. burn down燒光
The house was burnt down.
46. burst into laughter.突然爆發大笑
On seeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter.
47. burst into tears突然大哭
She suddenly burst into tears.
48. be busy doing/with sth.忙於做某事
We are busy preparing for/with the exam.
49. call at (a place)拜訪某地
I called at the tailor's a couple of days ago.
50. call back回電話
I will call back later.
51. call for到某地取東西;接人;要求;呼籲
A man calls every Monday for old newspapers.
I'll call for you at 6 o'clock.
The occasion calls for prompt action.
People all over the world call for peace.
52. call in請(醫生)
Please call in a doctor at once.
53. call on拜訪某人
My uncle called on me yesterday on his way home.
54. take care of照顧;負責
The nurse took good care of the patients.
Here, let me take care of the cleaning.
These are the devices that take care of the waste from the factory.
55. care for 擔心、關心、想
My parents care for my safety when I travel by myself.
The elders should care for the younger generation.
Would you care for a game of table tennis?
56. carry off奪走(生命);取得(獎勵等)
The terrible war carried off her father's life.
Tom carried off all the school prizes.
57. carry on進行
The discussion carried on after a short break.
58. carry out實施
The plan has to be carried out as soon as possible.
59. catch fire起火
This material is easy to catch fire. Be careful.
60. catch up with趕上
I have to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers.
61. change…for把……換成
The shirt is too big. Can I change for another one.
62. change…into把……變成
He changed into his working clothes when he began to work.
63. change one's mind改變主意
I persuaded him to change his mind.
64. check out核對,檢查
Would you help me to check out the names and numbers.
He checked out and left the hotel.
65. clear away收拾,整理
Please help me to clear away the tea things.
66. clear up(指天)晴朗;清理
The weather/sky is clearing up.
Clear up the desk before you leave the office.
67. catch/take cold; have a cold感冒
He was absent because he caught cold last night.
68. come about產生……結果
How does it come about half of the class are absent?
69. come across碰巧遇到;突然想起
I came across this old brooch in a curio shop.
The thought came across my mind that we …
70. come back回想起來
Their names are all coming back to me now.
71. come down(指雨)下得很大;(指氣溫)下降
The rain came down in bucketfuls.
The temperature came down suddenly.
72. come from來自
Much of the butter in England comes from New Zealand.
73. come off脫落
The button has come off my coat.
74. come on加油
Come on! Let's race to the bottom of the hill.
75. come out出現;(指花)開放;
The stars come out.
The flowers are coming out.
When will his new book come out?
76. come to(指數字)達到
The total number of people who attended the conference came to 1000.
77. come true(指夢想)實現
I hope that my dream will come true one day in the future.
78. come up 上升; 出現; 討論
He came up the hard way.
The question hasn't come up yet.
79. compare with與……比較
Compared with ecation in western countries, China has her own special features.
80. compare to把……比作
Teachers are sometimes compared to candles.
81. connect to 與……聯系
It's a railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.
82. connect with與……聯接
Where does cooker connect with the gas-pipe?
83. be considered as被認為是
She is considered as the best teacher in our school.
84. consider doing sth.考慮做……
I'm considering moving abroad.
85. be covered with被……覆蓋
The ground was covered with heavy snow.
86. cut down砍倒
Don't cut down the young trees.
87. cut off砍掉;截斷
Don't cut your fingers off!
The enemy had cut off our food supply.
89. cut up切碎
I'll cut up the meat.
90. date from起始於
The temple dates from over a thousand years ago.
91. deal with處理;對付;相處;涉及
How do you deal with the difficulties?
The man is hard to deal with.
The book deals with health problems.
92. do a good deed做好事
During his lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.
93. depend on取決於;信任
Whether we go to park this weekend depends on the weather.
You can always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.
It depends on you. Any time is all right for me.
94. devote to把(時間、精力等)專注於……
Mary Curio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,
95. die of死於
He dies of a disease.
96. die out絕種
Many old customs are graally dying out.
97. be different from與……不同
The picture on the right is different from the one on the left.
98. divide up把……分開
We divided the money up equally.
How shall we divide the work up?
99. divide into把……分成(幾部分)
The house was divided into two parts.
100. do sb. a favor給某人幫忙
Would you do me a favor?
101. do well in在……方面表現好
He did well in maths when he was in high school.
102. do wrong犯錯誤,犯罪
He was sentenced three years for his doing wrong.
103. dream of夢想
I am always dreaming of traveling around the world.
104. drop in順路拜訪
Some friends dropped in to tea.
105. earn one's living掙錢維持生計
She earned her living by writing.
106. eat up吃光
He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table.
107. have an effect on對……有影響
Her childhood life had a great effect on her later life.
108. end up結束(一般是不太好的結果)
If you continue stealing you will end up in prison.
109. fall asleep入睡
He was so tired that he fell asleep very soon.
110. fall behind落後
He always falls behind when we're going uphill.
111. fall down摔倒
Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.
The basket is full of eggs -don't let it fall down.
112. fall ill生病
He has fallen ill.
113. fall in love with與……相愛
He fell in love with an actress.
114. fall off從……摔下
The daily number of passengers by this line shows a slight falling off.
The naughty boy fell off the tree when he reached the bird nest.
115. fall over摔入
He fell over into the water and broke his legs.
116. fall to pieces摔成碎片
The window was broken and fell to pieces.
117. be familiar with與……熟悉
He was familiar with English and did the translation work well.
118. be famous for因……出名
Bill Gates is famous for his greatest fortune of the world.
119. feel like doing想做……
I don't feel like eating too much.
120. fill in填寫
Please fill in the application forms before you go for a interview.
121. find out找出事實真相
I made up mind to find out the truth.
122. be fit for對……合適
She is the very person who is fit for the position.
123. fix up給某人提供住宿;安排
I'll fix you up for the night. Don't worry about that.
My secretary has fixed up a meeting with you.
Please fix your drawers up.
124. be fond of喜歡……
I was very fond of teaching, so I decided to work in a high school as a teacher.
125. set free解放
One of the great contributions Lincoln had made was setting the slaves free.
126. make friends with與……交朋友
She was very popular, and she had made lots of friends after she moved to the new school.
127. be full of充滿……
The hall was full of crowds of people.
128. make fun of開……的玩笑
Never make fun of the disabled people.
129. get along with與……相處
She is getting along with her studies and new friends well.
130. get away逃走
Two of the prisoners got away.
131. get back回來
You can arrange you time yourself after school as long as you get back before 10p.m.
132. get close to接近
In order to be a famous actor, he tried to get close to those movie stars.
133. get down下車
Remember to get down after three stops.
134. get down to集中精力做……
I should get down to my work after the long holiday.
135. get in(表示火車)進站;收割
Th train got in five minutes early.
Farmers get in harvest in September.
136. get in touch with與……取得聯系
I've lost my phone book, so I can't get in touch with my old friends.
137. get into the habit of形成某種習慣
After coming here, I've got into the habit of getting up early in the morning.
138. get married結婚
He has got married and has the twins.
139. get off
We got off immediately after breakfast.
She got off the scarf after getting in.
140. get rid of擺脫,除掉
We should get rid of bad habits.
141. get though接通;通過(考試);
I rang you several times yesterday but couldn't get through.
Tom failed but his sister got through.
142. get together聚會
We got together to celebrate the New Year's Day.
143. give a talk作演講
A well known expert is supposed to give a talk tomorrow afternoon.
144. give advice提建議
We need friends to give advice.
145. give back還回
You should give back what you've borrowed.
146. give birth to生育
The mother panda gave birth to two baby pandas yesterday.
147. give in讓步,退讓
The rebels were forced to give in.
Mary usually has to give in to her big brother.
148. give off放出(某種氣體、光、射線等)
The special matter gives off radiation.
149. give out消耗盡;分發
Our food supplies began to give out.
Her patience gave out.
Please help me to give out the books.
150. give up放棄
Don't give up when you get in trouble.
151. go ahead向前,前進
Don't mind it. Please go ahead.
152. go bad變質
Food is easy to go bad in summer.
153. go by經過
Time went by slowly.
154. go for a walk去散步
Let's go for a walk after dinner.
155. go off(指槍)走火;(食物)變壞;(演員)下場
The gun went off by accident.
This milk has gone off.
Hamlet goes off.
156. go on繼續
Don't stop. Go on please.
How much longer will the hot weather go on?
157. go on doing sth.繼續做某事
Never give up! Go on trying.
I hope it won't go on raining all day.
158. go on with one's work繼續某人的工作
Let's stop here today. We'll go on with our work tomorrow.
159. go out(燈)熄滅;參加社交活動
There was a power cut and all the lights went out.
She still goes out a great deal, even at seventy-five.
160. go through瀏覽;翻找;經歷(苦難)
Go through all the exercises before you start the listening practice.
The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief.
My grandfather is a real man who has gone through hardships.
161. go up上升
6. 選修八英語單詞及用法
7. 求文檔: 高中英語選修8單詞表
Unit 1
△California 加利福尼亞(州)
△Californian 加利福尼亞(州)人
△illustrate vt. 說明;闡明
distinct adj. 清晰的;明顯的;明確的
distinction n. 差別;區分;卓著
△immigrant n. (從外國移入的)移民
live on 繼續存在;繼續生存
strait n. 海峽
△Bering 白令海峽
Arctic adj. 北極的;北極區的
the Arctic 北極
means n. 手段;方法
by means of… 用……辦法;藉助……
△prehistoric adj. 史前的
majority n. 大多數;大半
ministry n. (政府的)部;(全體)牧師;
Catholic adj. 天主教的
△Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(州)
△San Francisco n. 聖弗朗西斯科(也稱
△adventurer n. 冒險家
make a life 習慣於新的生活方式、工作等
△despite prep. 盡管;不管
hardship n. 苦難;困苦
elect vt. 選擇;決定做某事;選舉某人
federal adj. 聯邦制的;聯邦政府的
rail n. 鐵路;扶手;(護欄的)橫條
percentage n. 百分比;百分率
△Los Angeles n. 洛杉磯
Italy n. 義大利
Italian n. 義大利人;義大利語
Denmark n. 丹麥(北歐國家)
keep up 堅持;維持;沿襲(風俗、傳統等)
△Hollywood n. 好萊塢;美國電影業
boom n. (人口、貿易的)繁榮
vi. 處於經濟迅速發展時期
aircraft n. 飛行器;航空器;飛機
△Cambodian n. 柬埔寨人;柬埔寨語
Korea n. 韓國;朝鮮
Korean n. 韓國/朝鮮人;朝鮮/韓語
Pakistan n. 巴基斯坦
Pakistani adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的
△immigrate vi. 移入(外國定居)
immigration n. 移民;移居入境
racial adj. 人種的;種族的
crossing n. 橫渡;橫越;十字路口;人行
vice n. & adj. 代理;副職
nephew n. 侄子;外甥
pole n. 地極;電極;磁極
applicant n. 申請人
customs n. 海關;關稅;進口稅
socialist n. 社會主義者;社會黨人
socialism n. 社會主義
occur vi. 發生;出現
cattle n. 牛(總稱)
△Hispanic n. (美)講西班牙語的美國人
indicate vt. 指出;指示;表明;暗示
back to back 背靠背
luggage n. 行李(<美>baggage)
shave vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved, shaven)
△cable n. 纜繩;繩索;電纜
△cable car 纜車;(美)有軌纜車
△Andrew Hallidie 安德魯•海利迪
tram n. (有軌)電車
apparent adj. 顯而易見的;顯然的;
apparently adv. 顯然地;顯而易見地
brake n. 閘;剎車;制動器
Vi. & vt. 剎(車);用制動器減速
conctor n. (公車)售票員;列車員;
slip vi. 滑動;滑行;滑跤
△wharf n. 碼頭
bakery n. 麵包房;麵包廠
ferry n. 渡船;渡口
△Angel Island 天使島
team up with 與……合作或一起工作
hire vt. & n. 租用;僱用
△fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的
mark out 劃線;標出……界線
seagull n. 海鷗
take in 包括;吸收
angle n. 角;角度
a great/good many 許多;很多
apply for 申請;請示得到
nowhere adv. 無處;到處都無
△miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的
punishment n. 處罰;懲罰
justice n. 公正;公平
mourn vt. & vi. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛
civil adj. 公民的;國內的;民間的
authority n. 權威;權力
reform vt. & vi. 改革;革新
grasp vt. & n. 抓住;抓緊;掌握;領會
△thoughtful adj. 關切的;體貼的;深思的
thankful adj. 感激的;感謝的
insert vt. 插入;嵌入
Unit 2
differ vi. 不同;相異
exact adj. 精確的;准確的
△cutting n. 剪枝;剪報;剪紙
twin n. 雙胞胎之一;孿生兒之一
△identical adj. 同一的;一模一樣的
commercial adj. 商業的;貿易的
straightforward adj. 簡單的;直接的;
△complicated adj. 復雜的;難懂的
undertake vt. (undertook, undertaken)
pay off 得到好結果;取得成功;償清
breakthrough n. 突破
procere n. 程序;步驟;手續
△nucleus n. 原子核;中心
△somatic adj. 軀體的;肉體的;
△embryo n. 胚;胚胎;萌牙時期
carrier n. 攜帶者;搬運工;運輸工具
cast vt. (cast, cast) 扔;投;擲
cast down 沮喪;不愉快
altogether adv. 總共;完全地
arbitrary adj. 任意的
△fate n. 命運;天命
correction n. 改正;糾正;修正
object vi. 反對;不贊成
objection n. 不贊成;反對;異議
△impact n. 撞擊;沖擊;巨大的影響
medium n. 媒介;手段;工具
the media 大眾傳播媒體(如電視、報紙
obtain vt. 獲得;贏得
attain vt. 獲得;到達(水平、年齡、狀況
moral adj. 道德(上)的;倫理的
conservative adj. 保守的;守舊的
forbid vt. (forbade,forbad; forbidden)
accumulate vt. 積累;聚保
in favour of 贊成;支持
side road 旁路;支線;岔道 (<美>sidewalk)
constitution n. 憲法;章程
compulsory adj. 必須做的;義務的;
opera n. 歌劇;歌劇團;歌劇院
chorus n. 合唱;合唱隊
loaf n. 一條(麵包)
flour n. 麵粉
owe vt. 欠(賬、錢、人情等);歸功於……
shortly adv. 立刻;不久
retire vi. 退休;離開
bother vt. 打擾
(be) bound to (do) 一定或註定(做)……
assumption n. 假定;設想
regulation n. 規則;規章;法規
△nonsense n. 胡說;無稽之談;廢話
△popularity n. 受人喜愛;流行
△Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園(美國電影名)
strike vi & vt. (struck, struck)
strike…into one』s heart 使……刻骨銘心
△bison n. 北美或歐洲野牛
△calf n. 小牛;牛犢
from time to time 不時;偶爾
bring back to life 使復生;使復活
initial adj. 最初的;開始的
△DNA 脫氧核糖核酸
vain adj. 虛榮的;自負的;徒勞的
in vain 白費力氣;枉費心機
resist vt. 抵抗;對抗
drawback n. 缺點;不利條件
merely adv. 僅;只;不過
△restore vt. 恢復;使恢復原狀;重建
△aurochs n. 原牛(古代歐洲野牛,已滅
decoration n. 裝飾
unable adj. 不能的;不會的
△great auk n. 大海雀(已滅絕)
feather n. 羽毛
△quagga n. 白氏斑馬(已滅絕)
△fairly adv. 公平地;相當地
in good/poor condition 狀況很好(壞);
turkey n. 火雞
△dye vt. 給……染色;染
claw n. 爪;腳爪
adore vt. 崇拜;愛慕;喜愛
hatch vt. & vi. 孵出;孵卵;孵化
reasonable adj. 合情理的;講道理的;
Unit 3
△amphibious adj. 兩棲(類)的
△George Stephenson 喬治•斯蒂芬森
patent n. 專利證書;專利權
call up 給……打電話
courtyard n. 院子;庭院;天井
now and then 偶爾;有時
walnut n. 胡桃;胡桃木
distinguish vi. & vt. 顯示……的差別;
merciful adj. 寬大的;仁慈的;慈悲的
proct n. 產品
powder n. 粉末;火葯
set about 開始;著手
perfume n. 香水;香味
stainless adj.無銹的;不銹的;沒有污點的
△jelly n. 果凍;果凍狀物
cube n. 立方體;立方
cubic adj. 立方的
abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的
abruptly adv. 突然地;唐突地
convenient adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的
caution n. 小心;謹慎
expectation n. 預料;期待;期望
passive adj. 被動的;消極的;
merry adj. 愉快的;高興的
merrily adv. 高興地;愉快地
seize vt. 抓住;捉住;奪
△recognition n. 認出;認可;承認
criterion n. (評判的)標准;尺度
△claim n. & vt. 要求;聲稱;主張
valid adj. 有效的;確鑿的
file n. 文件;檔案;文件夾
vt. 提交;將……歸檔
ripe adj. 熟的;成熟的
string n. 線;繩子;一串
glue n. 膠;膠水
△rod n. 桿;棒
freezing adj. 冰凍的;嚴寒的
greengrocer n. 果蔬商
identification n. 鑒定;辨認;確定;
directory n. 電話簿;商行名錄
dial vt. 撥(電話)
rainfall n. 降雨
△courtroom n. 法庭;審判室
innocent adj. 清白的;無罪的;天真的
lantern n. 燈籠;提燈
bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;負擔
jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果醬
△Alexander Graham
△microphone n. 麥克風;話筒
forehead n. 額頭
beaten track 被踩出來的路;常規;慣例
△occasionally adv. 偶然地;不時地
dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入
dynamic adj. 充滿活力的;精力充沛的;
set out (to do) 開始(做)
△multiple adj. 多種的;多樣的;多類型的
△Morse 莫爾斯電碼
dot n. 點;小圓點
vt. 以小圓點標出;分散
tap vt. 輕打;輕拍;輕敲
wire n. 金屬絲;電線
straw n. 稻草;麥稈;飲料吸管
△reproce vt. 復制;
current n. (水或氣)流;電流
adj. 現在的;當前的
helicopter n. 直升飛機
triangle n. 三角形;三角形物體
△tetrahedron n. 四面體
stable adj. 穩固的;穩定的;安定的
△invaluable adj. 無價的;極寶貴的
associate vt. 聯想;聯系
practical adj. 實際的;實踐的;實用的
△James Dyson 詹姆斯•戴森(英國發明家)
refrigerator n. 冰箱
court n. 法庭;法院;朝廷
extension n. 電話分機;擴大;延伸
hang on 不掛斷;稍等;緊緊握住
out of order 次序顛倒;發生故障
get through 設法聯繫上(尤指打通電話);
ring back 回復電話
ring off 掛斷電話
version n. 版本;譯本
competence n. 能力;勝利;本領
△competent n. 能勝任的;有能力的;
jeep n. 吉普車
personnel n. 人力資源;人事部;全體人員
Unit 4
△Pygmalion n. 皮格馬利翁(希臘神話)
△George Bernard Shaw 喬治•伯納德•蕭 (也譯蕭伯納,英國劇作家)
adaptation n. 適應(性);改編本
classic adj. 經典的;第一流的
caption n. (圖片上的)說明文字;
plot n. 情節;陰謀
professor n. 教授
△Higgins 希金斯 (姓)
△phonetics n. 語音學
△colonel n. (陸軍)上校
△Pickering 皮克林(姓)
△fateful adj. 重要的;決定性的;
whistle vi. 吹口哨;發出汽笛聲
garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍
woollen adj. 毛紡的;純毛的(<美>woolen)
hesitate vi. 猶豫;躊躇
uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的;不安的;
uncomfortably adv. 不舒服的;不自在地
troublesome adj. 帶來麻煩的;使人心煩的
wallet n. 皮夾;錢包
outsome n. 結果;效果
thief n. 小偷;賊
handkerchief n. 手帕;手絹;紙巾
△disguise vt. 偽裝;假扮;遮掩
△in disguise 偽裝(的);假扮(的)
mistaken adj. (見解或判斷上)錯誤的;
brilliant adj. 光輝燦爛的;傑出的;
classify vt. 編排;分類;歸類
remark n. 談論;言論;評述
vt. & vi.談論;評論;說起
betray vt. 顯露出(本來面目);背叛
upper adj. (位置或地位)較高的;
extraordinary adj. 不同尋常的;非凡的
condemn vi. 譴責;使……註定
△gutter n. 排水溝;陰溝;貧民區
properly adv. 適當地;恰當地
pass…off as… (把某人)改變或冒充成……
△chess n. 公爵夫人;女公爵
ambassador n. 大使;使節
acquaintance n. 相識;了解;熟人
make one』s acquaintance 結識;
handful n. 一把;少量
△amazement n. 驚訝;驚愕
△in amazement 震驚;驚訝
fortune n. 機會;運氣;大筆的錢
authentic adj. 真實的;真正的;可信的;
generally speaking 一般來說
status n. 身份;地位;職位
superior adj. 優秀的;較高的;上級的
in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度
△disapprove vt. & vi. 不贊成;反對;
rob vt. 搶劫;盜竊;剝奪
antique adj. 古時的;(因古老、稀少而)
n. 文物;古董;古玩
musical adj. 音樂的;喜愛音樂的
stocking n. 長襪
△believer n. 信徒;教徒
Buddhism n. 佛教
△Buddhist n. 佛教徒
△Buddha n. 佛
△vowel n. 母音;母音字母
△Pearce 皮爾斯(姓)
cookie n. 餅干
teapot n. 茶壺
cream n. 奶油;面霜
nail n. 指甲;釘子
show…in 帶或領……進來
wax n. 蠟;蜜蠟
disk n. 磁碟
△wax disk 舊式唱片
shabby adj. 破舊的;寒酸的
△curtsy vi. (also curtsey) 行屈膝禮
△shilling n. 先令(1971年以前的英國貨
referee n. 裁判員;仲裁者
compromise ni. & vi. 妥協;折衷
horrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的
laundry n. 洗衣店;洗衣房;
bathtub n. 浴缸;澡盆
sob vi. 啜泣;抽噎
waist n. 腰;腰部;腰圍
vest n. 背心;內衣
disgusting adj. 使人反感的;令人厭惡的
once more 再一次
in need of 需要……
△heartily adv. 盡情地;熱心地;痛快地
overlook vt. 俯視;忽視;不理會
alphabet n. 字母表
△effective adj. 有效的
fade vi. & vt.(使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失
fade out (聲音、畫面)逐漸模糊;漸淡
Unit 5
△identify vt. 確認;識別;鑒別
alternative n. 可能的選擇
adj. 供選擇的;其他的
△archaeology n. 考古學(<美>archeology)
△archaeological adj. 考古學的;
與考古學有關的 (<美>archeological)
△archaeologist n. 考古學家
starvation n. 挨餓;餓死
tentative adj. 試探性的;不確定的
accuracy n. 精確;准確
△excavate vt. 挖掘;發掘
△excavation n. 挖掘;發掘
interrupt vt. & vi. 打斷……講話;打岔;
acute adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴重的;
assume vt. 假定;設想
regardless adv. 不管;不顧
regardless of 不管;不顧
mat n. 席子;墊子
quilt n. 被子;棉被
beast n. 野獸
at most 至多;最多
centimetre n. 厘米 (<美>centimeter)
sharpen vi. & vt. (使)鋒利;尖銳;清晰
sharpener n. 磨具;削具
cut up 切碎
△scrape vt. 擦凈;削平;磨光
△scraper n. 刮刀;刮削器
ample adj. 足夠的;充足的;富裕的
messy adj. 凌亂的;臟的
primitive adj. 原始的;遠古的;簡陋的
△bead n. 小珠子;滴
botany n. 植物學
botanical adj. 植物學的;
analysis n. 分析
seashell n. 海貝殼
ripen vt. & vi. 使……成熟;成熟
category n. 種類;類別;范疇
significance n. 意義;意思;重要性;
somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎麼地
systematic adj. 有系統的;有計劃的;
spit vt. (spat, spit; spat, spit) 吐出(唾液、
delete vt. 刪;刪除
album n. 相冊;集郵冊;唱片
scratch n. (刮、抓、劃的)痕跡;搔;撓
vt. 搔;抓;擦傷;刮壞
academy n. 學院;學會;學術團體;院校
receptionist n. 接待員;招待員
onion n. 洋蔥
kindergarten n. 幼兒園
skateboard n. 滑板
fed up with 受夠了;飽受;厭煩
yogurt n. 酸乳酷;酸奶
radioactive adj. 放射性的;有輻射能的
radioactivity n. 放射性
division n. 分割;劃分;分配;分界線
BC 公元前
melon n. (各種)瓜
wrinkle n. 皺紋
pulse vi. 強烈而有規律地跳動;搏動
△vein n. 血管;靜脈
applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞
look ahead 向前看;為將來打算
howl vt. & vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫
accelerate vi. & vt. 加速;促進
spear n. 矛;槍
arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引
dizzy adj. 暈眩的;昏亂的;
△eyebrow n. 眉毛
△cheekbone n. 顴骨
△arrowhead n. 箭頭
△axe n. 斧;斧子
hammer n. 鐵錘;錘子
gay adj. 快樂的;歡快的
gaily adv. 快樂地;輕松地
skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟練的
date back 追溯到……
punctuation n. 標點符號
△worship vt. & vi. 崇拜;敬奉
△craftsmanship n. 技藝;手藝;
8. 英語選修8單詞
Unit 1
△California 加利福尼亞(州)
△Californian 加利福尼亞(州)人
△illustrate vt. 說明;闡明
distinct adj. 清晰的;明顯的;明確的
distinction n. 差別;區分;卓著
△immigrant n. (從外國移入的)移民
live on 繼續存在;繼續生存
strait n. 海峽
△Bering 白令海峽
Arctic adj. 北極的;北極區的
the Arctic 北極
means n. 手段;方法
by means of… 用……辦法;藉助……
△prehistoric adj. 史前的
majority n. 大多數;大半
ministry n. (政府的)部;(全體)牧師;牧師的職責
Catholic adj. 天主教的 n.天主教徒
△Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(州)
△San Francisco n. 聖弗朗西斯科(也稱舊金山)
△adventurer n. 冒險家
make a life 習慣於新的生活方式、工作等
△despite prep. 盡管;不管
hardship n. 苦難;困苦
elect vt. 選擇;決定做某事;選舉某人
federal adj. 聯邦制的;聯邦政府的
rail n. 鐵路;扶手;(護欄的)橫條
percentage n. 百分比;百分率
△Los Angeles n. 洛杉磯
Italy n. 義大利
Italian n. 義大利人;義大利語adj.義大利人的;義大利語的
Denmark n. 丹麥(北歐國家)
keep up 堅持;維持;沿襲(風俗、傳統等)
△Hollywood n. 好萊塢;美國電影業
boom n. (人口、貿易的)繁榮
vi. 處於經濟迅速發展時期
aircraft n. 飛行器;航空器;飛機
△Cambodian n. 柬埔寨人;柬埔寨語
Korea n. 韓國;朝鮮
Korean n. 韓國/朝鮮人;朝鮮/韓語 adj.韓國(人/語)的;朝鮮(人/語)的
Pakistan n. 巴基斯坦
Pakistani adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的 n.巴基斯坦人
△immigrate vi. 移入(外國定居)
immigration n. 移民;移居入境
racial adj. 人種的;種族的
crossing n. 橫渡;橫越;十字路口;人行橫道
vice n. & adj. 代理;副職
nephew n. 侄子;外甥
pole n. 地極;電極;磁極
applicant n. 申請人
customs n. 海關;關稅;進口稅
socialist n. 社會主義者;社會黨人 adj.社會主義者的
socialism n. 社會主義
occur vi. 發生;出現
cattle n. 牛(總稱)
△Hispanic n. (美)講西班牙語的美國人
indicate vt. 指出;指示;表明;暗示
back to back 背靠背
luggage n. 行李(<美>baggage)
shave vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved, shaven) 刮;剃
△cable n. 纜繩;繩索;電纜
△cable car 纜車;(美)有軌纜車
△Andrew Hallidie 安德魯•海利迪
tram n. (有軌)電車
apparent adj. 顯而易見的;顯然的;表面上的
apparently adv. 顯然地;顯而易見地
brake n. 閘;剎車;制動器 Vi. & vt. 剎(車);用制動器減速
conctor n. (公車)售票員;列車員;(樂隊)指揮
slip vi. 滑動;滑行;滑跤 n.滑動;滑倒
△wharf n. 碼頭
bakery n. 麵包房;麵包廠
ferry n. 渡船;渡口 vt.擺渡;渡運
△Angel Island 天使島
team up with 與……合作或一起工作
hire vt. & n. 租用;僱用
△fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的
mark out 劃線;標出……界線
seagull n. 海鷗
take in 包括;吸收
angle n. 角;角度
a great/good many 許多;很多
apply for 申請;請示得到
nowhere adv. 無處;到處都無
△miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的
punishment n. 處罰;懲罰
justice n. 公正;公平
mourn vt. & vi. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛
civil adj. 公民的;國內的;民間的
authority n. 權威;權力 (pl)當局;官方
reform vt. & vi. 改革;革新 n.改革;改造;改良
grasp vt. & n. 抓住;抓緊;掌握;領會
△thoughtful adj. 關切的;體貼的;深思的
thankful adj. 感激的;感謝的
insert vt. 插入;嵌入
Unit 2
differ vi. 不同;相異
exact adj. 精確的;准確的
△cutting n. 剪枝;剪報;剪紙
twin n. 雙胞胎之一;孿生兒之一 adj.成對的;成雙的
△identical adj. 同一的;一模一樣的
commercial adj. 商業的;貿易的
straightforward adj. 簡單的;直接的;坦率的
△complicated adj. 復雜的;難懂的
undertake vt. (undertook, undertaken) 著手;從事;承擔
pay off 得到好結果;取得成功;償清
breakthrough n. 突破
procere n. 程序;步驟;手續
△nucleus n. 原子核;中心
△somatic adj. 軀體的;肉體的;細胞體的
△embryo n. 胚;胚胎;萌牙時期
carrier n. 攜帶者;搬運工;運輸工具
cast vt. (cast, cast) 扔;投;擲
cast down 沮喪;不愉快
altogether adv. 總共;完全地
arbitrary adj. 任意的
△fate n. 命運;天命
correction n. 改正;糾正;修正
object vi. 反對;不贊成
objection n. 不贊成;反對;異議
△impact n. 撞擊;沖擊;巨大的影響
medium n. 媒介;手段;工具
the media 大眾傳播媒體(如電視、報紙等)
obtain vt. 獲得;贏得
attain vt. 獲得;到達(水平、年齡、狀況等)
moral adj. 道德(上)的;倫理的
conservative adj. 保守的;守舊的
forbid vt. (forbade,forbad; forbidden) 禁止;不準
accumulate vt. 積累;聚保
in favour of 贊成;支持
side road 旁路;支線;岔道 (<美>sidewalk)
constitution n. 憲法;章程
compulsory adj. 必須做的;義務的;強迫的;強制的
opera n. 歌劇;歌劇團;歌劇院
chorus n. 合唱;合唱隊
loaf n. 一條(麵包)
flour n. 麵粉
owe vt. 欠(賬、錢、人情等);歸功於……
shortly adv. 立刻;不久
retire vi. 退休;離開
bother vt. 打擾 vi.操心 n.煩擾
(be) bound to (do) 一定或註定(做)……
assumption n. 假定;設想
regulation n. 規則;規章;法規
△nonsense n. 胡說;無稽之談;廢話
△popularity n. 受人喜愛;流行
△Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園(美國電影名)
strike vi & vt. (struck, struck) 打;撞擊;罷工
strike…into one』s heart 使……刻骨銘心
△bison n. 北美或歐洲野牛
△calf n. 小牛;牛犢
from time to time 不時;偶爾
bring back to life 使復生;使復活
initial adj. 最初的;開始的
△DNA 脫氧核糖核酸
vain adj. 虛榮的;自負的;徒勞的
in vain 白費力氣;枉費心機
resist vt. 抵抗;對抗
drawback n. 缺點;不利條件
merely adv. 僅;只;不過
△restore vt. 恢復;使恢復原狀;重建
△aurochs n. 原牛(古代歐洲野牛,已滅絕)
decoration n. 裝飾
unable adj. 不能的;不會的
△great auk n. 大海雀(已滅絕)
feather n. 羽毛
△quagga n. 白氏斑馬(已滅絕)
△fairly adv. 公平地;相當地
in good/poor condition 狀況很好(壞);情況很好(壞)
turkey n. 火雞
△dye vt. 給……染色;染 n.染色劑
claw n. 爪;腳爪
adore vt. 崇拜;愛慕;喜愛
hatch vt. & vi. 孵出;孵卵;孵化
reasonable adj. 合情理的;講道理的;公道的
Unit 3
△amphibious adj. 兩棲(類)的
△George Stephenson 喬治•斯蒂芬森
patent n. 專利證書;專利權
call up 給……打電話
courtyard n. 院子;庭院;天井
now and then 偶爾;有時
walnut n. 胡桃;胡桃木
distinguish vi. & vt. 顯示……的差別;使……有所不同;辨別
merciful adj. 寬大的;仁慈的;慈悲的
proct n. 產品
powder n. 粉末;火葯
set about 開始;著手
perfume n. 香水;香味
stainless adj.無銹的;不銹的;沒有污點的
△jelly n. 果凍;果凍狀物
cube n. 立方體;立方
cubic adj. 立方的
abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的
abruptly adv. 突然地;唐突地
convenient adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的
caution n. 小心;謹慎
expectation n. 預料;期待;期望
passive adj. 被動的;消極的;被動語態的
merry adj. 愉快的;高興的
merrily adv. 高興地;愉快地
seize vt. 抓住;捉住;奪
△recognition n. 認出;認可;承認
criterion n. (評判的)標准;尺度
△claim n. & vt. 要求;聲稱;主張
valid adj. 有效的;確鑿的
file n. 文件;檔案;文件夾 vt. 提交;將……歸檔
ripe adj. 熟的;成熟的
string n. 線;繩子;一串
glue n. 膠;膠水 vt.粘貼;粘合
△rod n. 桿;棒
freezing adj. 冰凍的;嚴寒的
greengrocer n. 果蔬商(pl)蔬菜水果店
identification n. 鑒定;辨認;確定;身份證明
directory n. 電話簿;商行名錄
dial vt. 撥(電話)
rainfall n. 降雨
△courtroom n. 法庭;審判室
innocent adj. 清白的;無罪的;天真的
lantern n. 燈籠;提燈
bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;負擔
jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果醬
△Alexander Graham 亞歷山大•格雷厄姆•貝爾
△microphone n. 麥克風;話筒
forehead n. 額頭
beaten track 被踩出來的路;常規;慣例
△occasionally adv. 偶然地;不時地
dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入
dynamic adj. 充滿活力的;精力充沛的;動態的;發展變化的
set out (to do) 開始(做)
△multiple adj. 多種的;多樣的;多類型的 n.倍數
△Morse 莫爾斯電碼
dot n. 點;小圓點 vt. 以小圓點標出;分散
tap vt. 輕打;輕拍;輕敲 n.輕輕地敲擊(聲);(水)龍頭
wire n. 金屬絲;電線
straw n. 稻草;麥稈;飲料吸管
△reproce vt. 復制;再現……的形象或聲音
current n. (水或氣)流;電流 adj. 現在的;當前的
helicopter n. 直升飛機
triangle n. 三角形;三角形物體
△tetrahedron n. 四面體
stable adj. 穩固的;穩定的;安定的
△invaluable adj. 無價的;極寶貴的
associate vt. 聯想;聯系 n.同伴;夥伴
practical adj. 實際的;實踐的;實用的
△James Dyson 詹姆斯•戴森(英國發明家)
refrigerator n. 冰箱
court n. 法庭;法院;朝廷
extension n. 電話分機;擴大;延伸
hang on 不掛斷;稍等;緊緊握住
out of order 次序顛倒;發生故障
get through 設法聯繫上(尤指打通電話);(設法)做完;通過
ring back 回復電話
ring off 掛斷電話
version n. 版本;譯本
competence n. 能力;勝利;本領
△competent n. 能勝任的;有能力的;稱職的
jeep n. 吉普車
personnel n. 人力資源;人事部;全體人員
Unit 4
△Pygmalion n. 皮格馬利翁(希臘神話)
△George Bernard Shaw 喬治•伯納德•蕭
adaptation n. 適應(性);改編本
classic adj. 經典的;第一流的 n.經典著作
caption n. (圖片上的)說明文字;(電視、電影)字幕;(雜志等文章的)標題;韙
plot n. 情節;陰謀
professor n. 教授
△Higgins 希金斯 (姓)
△phonetics n. 語音學
△colonel n. (陸軍)上校
△Pickering 皮克林(姓)
△fateful adj. 重要的;決定性的;命中註定的
whistle vi. 吹口哨;發出汽笛聲n.口哨聲;汽笛聲
garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍等)(pl)服裝
woollen adj. 毛紡的;純毛的(<美>woolen)
hesitate vi. 猶豫;躊躇
uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的
uncomfortably adv. 不舒服的;不自在地
troublesome adj. 帶來麻煩的;使人心煩的
wallet n. 皮夾;錢包
outsome n. 結果;效果
thief n. 小偷;賊
handkerchief n. 手帕;手絹;紙巾
△disguise vt. 偽裝;假扮;遮掩 n.偽裝
△in disguise 偽裝(的);假扮(的)
mistaken adj. (見解或判斷上)錯誤的;不正確的
brilliant adj. 光輝燦爛的;傑出的;才華橫溢的
classify vt. 編排;分類;歸類
remark n. 談論;言論;評述 vt. & vi.談論;評論;說起
betray vt. 顯露出(本來面目);背叛
upper adj. (位置或地位)較高的;級別較高的
extraordinary adj. 不同尋常的;非凡的
condemn vi. 譴責;使……註定
△gutter n. 排水溝;陰溝;貧民區
properly adv. 適當地;恰當地
pass…off as… (把某人)改變或冒充成……
△chess n. 公爵夫人;女公爵
ambassador n. 大使;使節
acquaintance n. 相識;了解;熟人
make one』s acquaintance 結識;與……相見
handful n. 一把;少量
△amazement n. 驚訝;驚愕
△in amazement 震驚;驚訝
fortune n. 機會;運氣;大筆的錢
authentic adj. 真實的;真正的;可信的; 可靠的
generally speaking 一般來說
status n. 身份;地位;職位
superior adj. 優秀的;較高的;上級的n.上級;長官
in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度
△disapprove vt. & vi. 不贊成;反對;認為不好
rob vt. 搶劫;盜竊;剝奪
antique adj. 古時的;(因古老、稀少而)珍貴的 n. 文物;古董;古玩
musical adj. 音樂的;喜愛音樂的 n.音樂喜劇
stocking n. 長襪
△believer n. 信徒;教徒
Buddhism n. 佛教
△Buddhist n. 佛教徒
△Buddha n. 佛
△vowel n. 母音;母音字母
△Pearce 皮爾斯(姓)
cookie n. 餅干
teapot n. 茶壺
cream n. 奶油;面霜
nail n. 指甲;釘子
show…in 帶或領……進來
wax n. 蠟;蜜蠟 vt.上蠟
disk n. 磁碟
△wax disk 舊式唱片
shabby adj. 破舊的;寒酸的
△curtsy vi. (also curtsey) 行屈膝禮 n.(女子行的)屈膝禮
△shilling n. 先令(1971年以前的英國貨幣單位,舊幣的12便士)
referee n. 裁判員;仲裁者
compromise ni. & vi. 妥協;折衷
horrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的
laundry n. 洗衣店;洗衣房;(待洗的或洗好的)衣服
bathtub n. 浴缸;澡盆
sob vi. 啜泣;抽噎 n.啜泣(聲);抽噎(聲)
waist n. 腰;腰部;腰圍
vest n. 背心;內衣
disgusting adj. 使人反感的;令人厭惡的
once more 再一次
in need of 需要……
△heartily adv. 盡情地;熱心地;痛快地
overlook vt. 俯視;忽視;不理會
alphabet n. 字母表
△effective adj. 有效的
fade vi. & vt.(使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失
fade out (聲音、畫面)逐漸模糊;漸淡
Unit 5
△identify vt. 確認;識別;鑒別
alternative n. 可能的選擇 adj. 供選擇的;其他的
△archaeology n. 考古學(<美>archeology)
△archaeological adj. 考古學的;與考古學有關的 (<美>archeological)
△archaeologist n. 考古學家(<美>archeologist)
starvation n. 挨餓;餓死
tentative adj. 試探性的;不確定的
accuracy n. 精確;准確
△excavate vt. 挖掘;發掘
△excavation n. 挖掘;發掘
interrupt vt. & vi. 打斷……講話;打岔;暫時中斷或中止
acute adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴重的;深刻的
assume vt. 假定;設想
regardless adv. 不管;不顧
regardless of 不管;不顧
mat n. 席子;墊子
quilt n. 被子;棉被
beast n. 野獸
at most 至多;最多
centimetre n. 厘米 (<美>centimeter)
sharpen vi. & vt. (使)鋒利;尖銳;清晰
sharpener n. 磨具;削具
cut up 切碎
△scrape vt. 擦凈;削平;磨光
△scraper n. 刮刀;刮削器
ample adj. 足夠的;充足的;富裕的
messy adj. 凌亂的;臟的
primitive adj. 原始的;遠古的;簡陋的
△bead n. 小珠子;滴
botany n. 植物學
botanical adj. 植物學的;與植物學有關的
analysis n. 分析
seashell n. 海貝殼
ripen vt. & vi. 使……成熟;成熟
category n. 種類;類別;范疇
significance n. 意義;意思;重要性;重要意義
somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎麼地
systematic adj. 有系統的;有計劃的;有條理的
spit vt. (spat, spit; spat, spit) 吐出(唾液、食物等) vi.吐痰
delete vt. 刪;刪除
album n. 相冊;集郵冊;唱片
scratch n. (刮、抓、劃的)痕跡;搔;撓 vt. 搔;抓;擦傷;刮壞
academy n. 學院;學會;學術團體;院校
receptionist n. 接待員;招待員
onion n. 洋蔥
kindergarten n. 幼兒園
skateboard n. 滑板
fed up with 受夠了;飽受;厭煩
yogurt n. 酸乳酷;酸奶
radioactive adj. 放射性的;有輻射能的
radioactivity n. 放射性
division n. 分割;劃分;分配;分界線
BC 公元前
melon n. (各種)瓜
wrinkle n. 皺紋
pulse vi. 強烈而有規律地跳動;搏動 n.脈搏;節拍
△vein n. 血管;靜脈
applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞
look ahead 向前看;為將來打算
howl vt. & vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫
accelerate vi. & vt. 加速;促進
spear n. 矛;槍
arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引 n.逮捕;拘留
dizzy adj. 暈眩的;昏亂的;使人發暈或困惑的
△eyebrow n. 眉毛
△cheekbone n. 顴骨
△arrowhead n. 箭頭
△axe n. 斧;斧子
hammer n. 鐵錘;錘子
gay adj. 快樂的;歡快的
gaily adv. 快樂地;輕松地
skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟練的(<.美>skillful)
date back 追溯到……
punctuation n. 標點符號
△worship vt. & vi. 崇拜;敬奉 n.崇拜;敬神
△craftsmanship n. 技藝;手藝;精工細作