Ⅰ 常用英語口語話題
Ⅱ 英語口語話題大全
Ⅲ 適合討論的英語口語話題Topic].
·今日話題: Secret love
Were you a secret admirer for someone?
How was your feeling?
How do you think about secret love?
What is real love in your opinion?
·今日話題: 寫博客
Do you have your own blog?
How do you think about writing the blog?
What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?
Do you think people should write private things in the blog?
Do you have pressure for life and work?
Do you often feel upset or disappointed?
How will you release your pressure?
What is the best way to release our pressure?
·今日話題: 最難忘的一次生日
Do you often celebrate your birthday?
How do you celebrate your birthday?
Have you ever received some special birthday present?
Did you have a unforgettable birthday celebration?
·今日話題: Go tch d?t?AA制
When friends go out together, should they go tch?
How do you think about a couple go tch for everything?
Do you think ladies should be independent in finance?
·今日話題: 抽煙喝酒
Do you like smoking?
Do you like drinking?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?
Why do so many people like it so much?
Ⅳ 英語口語話題
Do you know Alleniverson,he is a good basketball player.
假如他知道,你說:Oh ,you know.I's very good, you know,I like him very much.
假如他也喜歡,你說:He had play in Philadelphia 76ers team,but he isn't there now.Do you know he is in now?
假如他知道,你說:Soso,you are right.
假如他不知道,你說:OK,let me tell you.He is in Denver Nuggets team.
Ⅳ 英語口語話題
學習外語最重要就是.好.的語言環境,我經常和多恩加英語,夭下英語中心,意格英語的外教交流,他們是專門做企業輔導的,從學習效果來說是非常好的,不過上課前和任課老師溝通下再決定。這個...是中考英語么...給你點思路啊.1.go to other shops or call their manager....for example,Thomas Edison's light bulb,he found tungsten(鎢) to deal with s problems.s splendid idea lead us to the light time..問題有問題....spring festival,cause I get pocket money and can play computer games and PS for hours a day wothout being blamed for not protecting my eyes.I also can eat what i want and hang out with friends.順便問一句這個是哪裡的中考題...........
Ⅵ 英語口語課話題!
What do you often do on the Internet?
How often do you use the Internet?
How do you think about Internet?
How do you make use of the Internet for study?