① 用英語回復:郵件已收到,內容已知曉,比較口語化的應該怎麼回答
I have received your e-mail, I will respond as soon as possible
② 別人發簡訊說收到請回復,我用英語怎麼表達收到了
Others send text messages say please reply
Others send text messages say please reply
③ 英語口語中的「收到」怎麼拼
This is:放在對方名稱之後,用於介紹自己,意思是「某某,我是某某」。如,「Mother Goose, this is Messenger Pigeon, over.」
Come in:You may begin speaking now。意思是「請回答」。如,「Contact C. This is L. Come in. Over.」
Go ahead/stand by:意思是「收到,請講」或「收到,等待」,用於回應對方呼叫。如,「Adam, this is Mike, Go Ahead. Over.」
Read:I hear a signal clearly enough to be understood。意思是「收到」。如,「Do you read me? Over.」
Roger:I have received all of the last
Copy:意思是「收到」,但不是標准用語。早期無線電操作人員可能需要書寫或打字來記錄信息,產生這一習慣用法。如,「Messenger Pigeon for Mother Goose. Do you ? Over.」
Over:I have finished talking and I am listening for your
reply。它是「Over to
Goose, this is Messenger Pigeon. Over.」
Say again:意思是「請重復一遍」,用於沒聽清對方的情況。
Out/Over and out:I have finished talking to you and do not expect a
reply。意思是「本次通話完畢」。在「out」之前加上自己的名稱。非正式情況下,也可以用「over and out」。
Loud and clear:意思是聽得很清楚。
例1,C21A(Charlie-two-one Alpha)呼叫C33B(Charlie-three-three Bravo):
C21A: C33B, this is C21A, message, over.
C33B: C33B, send it, over.
C21A: Have you got C1?D Sunray at your location, over?
C33B: Negative, I think he is with C3?C, over.
C21A: Roger, out.
Adam: Mike, this is Adam. Over.
Mike: Adam, this is Mike, Stand By. Over.
Mike: Adam, this is Mike, Go Ahead. Over.
Adam: Mike, there is a fire at 123 Main St. Over.
Mike: Adam, this is Mike, confirming a fire at 123 main St. The fire department will be notified. Over.
Adam: Mike, this is Adam, address is confirmed, thanks for the help. Over and Out.
④ 用英語來表達對別人說感謝的話和回復別人的感謝 用於表達,有多少說多少,
對別人說感謝:I really appreciate your help very much/ thanks for your ./it is very kind of you to do sth
回復別人的感回謝:答you are welcome/my preasure
⑤ 「收到」英語口語怎麼說
「收到」英語口語的英文表達為「I got it」,英語口語一直是我們學習英語的短板,你是不是有幻想過自己與外國友人無障礙交流享受旁人崇拜的目光?但是現實是自己跟著課本照本宣讀都支支吾吾?想要說出流利的英語但是苦於沒有好的交流環境?現在你就有這樣能夠放肆說英語的機會!⑥ 別人給你發郵件,你回復對方,我已經收到了您的信息。用英語怎麼說什麼時態
I have received you email/message.
⑦ 用英語來表達對別人說感謝的話和回復別人的感謝
對別復人說感謝制:I really appreciate your help very much/ thanks for your ....../it is very kind of you to do sth
回復別人的感謝:you are welcome/my preasure
⑧ 如何用英語口語回答別人的寒暄
1. No problem!
-國外:還用於回答「回thank you」 或「sorry」。
2. Appreciate it!
國外經常用答來表達感謝和感激,和"Thank you very much"差不多意思。小編覺得這個更有腔調~
3. Go by
可用於自我介紹,「My name is xxx(中文名), and I go by xxx(英文名).」
外國人經常用go by 來介紹自己的昵稱。例:My name is Cinderella, and I go by Cindy.
4. Have a good one!
美國人在互相道別的時候,會經常使用這句話,和"Have a good day/night"意思是一樣的。
5.I'm good.
這句可以用來回答「How are you」,也可以用於委婉的拒絕。例:
-Do you want some water?
-No, I'm good. Thanks.
6.I'm so happy to see you again.
⑨ 「收到」用英語怎麼說