⑴ 英語學期學習小結
This semester, through my own efforts and the teacher's enthusiastic help, I have made some progress in English learning, I mainly adopted the following measures:
First, to strengthen the memory of words and phrases, through uninterrupted, repeated memory, and constantly increase the amount of words;
two is to strengthen reading practice ,To improve comprehension ability;
three, to strengthen English writing training and to improve grammar application ability.
Through hard work, my English improved very fast. It was shown in the following three points:
First, the accumulation of words, phrases and other significant increase;
two, reading ability and level of progress faster;
three, writing ability improved.
⑵ 求一篇總結整個學期情況的英語作文
I have a brother and a sister.I have four subjects ,they are Chinese,English,maths and politics.Of all the subjects,I like English best,so I am good at it.I like sports too.I usually play ball games and go to see the films.I like vegetalbes and fruit.
2.Time flies so fast, hurried imperceptibly, another year. With the ending of the senior high school entrance examination this year, I finally realized that, I will go to the graating class, perhaps, is already. The word class, I used to be a label two years ago, remember that year and it does not match the relaxed. Now re-examine this word, but not clear. For the unknown future, I always have such a loss. But for a year before, now I write this summary. In fact, this year is very magical year, even if there are too many cracks and regret. Learning, from this semester, give me a big blow or non physical course. A not perfect memories. Mr. Liu Chang also points out, this semester I am really not very stable. In fact, in my own words, is too stable, has been in the class of median, will on average. Overall, think may still miss Liu said "no breakthrough", I thought level is so narrow. But I kept trying, I believe that my hard work is not the average person can match. Some people say it's no use. I admit that some people really useless, because they don't need, they have good enough. Of course, this semester physics problems I think and mathematics. I was not very top that, more or less affect the physical. The following is a mathematical. Or that sentence: my work is not the average person can match. Life is not fair, so you have to get used to it. This is one of Gates's advice. So, now I will be calm and many. Even though sometimes more efforts are not made and others have the same results, I still would like to, at least, I tried. Chinese. The same physical, this semester's language is to enter a low ebb. The practice result again and again, every time I would push deeper trough. Dection scoring than score more, find no reason for such. Is wrong. Wrong really desperate. And the mid-term exam can finally slightly calm my heart. At the end, do not want to say, give and take is not proportional, composition, selection, also do not know to read...... English. In addition to the mid-term exam just rub a 95 point boundary, have a look again and again I unit volume, only from the back numbers. As English experimental class people, such result...... Reflection! English no progress from the middle school, my old soon be eaten...... In the sports meeting, I'm afraid I have to say, is inversely proportional to the pay and harvest. Why I practiced so much, the 800 can back nearly 20 seconds??? Hope God can see my efforts. There is a basketball, must learn to use the left hand, is a waste of time or over obstacles. Some bad things have happened in this semester, I don't want to say. The teacher said very true, I also want to understand a lot, I will try, I was really too...... Don't want to say many, I hope a better future!!!時間過得真的好快,匆匆忙忙不知不覺間,又是一年。隨著今年的中考的落幕,我也終於意識到,我即將升入畢業班,或許,是已經吧。畢業班這個詞,曾經是我兩年前的一個標簽,猶記當年與之不匹配的輕松。現在重新審視這個詞,卻不復當年的瀟灑。對於未知的未來,恐怕總是有著那樣一份茫然。而對於之前的一年,我現在就寫下這份總結。其實這一年還算是很神奇的一年,縱使有著太多的裂痕和遺憾。學習上來說,從這個學期,給我以很大打擊的恐怕非物理莫屬了。一次次不完美的回憶。
⑶ 「學期總結」的英文
After the freaking ball English-study of first term,I'v learn a lot from it.I'd already found out a foreign porn website by what I've learn from our ll English textbook,which help me a lot from sexual thirst.For example,now I can jack-off silently in your sight when facing to you beautiful anus.
在第來一個學期圓滑的學習旅程之後源,我學到了很多。我利用英語教課書中的學到的知識 找到了一個能讓我很好的學習外文名著的地方,幫助了緩解了我對學習的迫切渴望.
⑷ 用英語寫篇英語口語總結
什麼意思,是寫文章嗎 還是短語
⑸ 有用英語寫的學期總結沒
Namely passes in an instant, present I have become the big two studyelder sisters by the same year new student. Has bustled about for ayear, also "left uncultivated" for a year, is time which this calmlygot down pondered well.
Namely passes student's ty is the study in an instant. The study isfollows our life the intelligence physical labor, did not have thestudy, we have lost the survival significance. Since childhood whengets up, speaks from the academic society to the academic societywalks, to the lower primary school junior middle school's pure studytextbook knowledge, studies the interpersonal relationship to the highschool, the academic society is the person, studies to the universityacademic society, but also will have later the life intravenous dripstudy, will study the new domain, the study imparts knowledge andecates people and so on. Looks over knows, the academic societystudy is important step.
The great on semester study life, all studies arrangements for dailylife basic all is decided by the curriculum quantity, although oncehad the excited feelings to arrive the university, but own notexplicit goal and direction, therefore thought the curriculum basicall very was bored, does not have the study the power, the picture wasthe feeling which was resigned to bad conditions. Great next semestersome times had already known some things, the reading aspect quite isalso broad, but anything was stops after getting a smattering, or isdid not know obtains from any place, some thing are interestedactually to be unable very much to approach it.The great next semester will layer on layer hang the branch layer onlayer to knock an alarm bell to me. I thought I was really awake.Moreover this semester curriculum very practical is all easy tounderstand that, I thought, in the wholly absorbed condition which owncan return to have had neglects to eat and sleep.
Has experienced the people all knew that, the university life isrichly colorful. Every day east rises the sun sprinkles the brightsunlight in the campus each quoin, for each life by warm surrounding,first shining, evening the time-sharing, he quietly departs, theselives only then have own space, and is drunk into the illusion. Thesocial practice, works, said to us, no longer is a new glossary.Community service, family ecation, programming, from paid to free,從從 feels helpless to the psychology is confident, from passivelyto initiative, from to is weakly mature. Indivial summary on the onehand, improved own to live, on the other hand, accumulated theexperience lesson, associated the ways and means with the person.I must have the help people in this thanks to me, they have given methe very good opportunity, perhaps they have not helped me all not toknow oneself can have any value. They are forever are worth. Irespect, they are the sunlight, warm also is selfless. But afterwardsown sank confuses to tasteless and senseless whiling away the time, inaddition was insufficient to own confidence, the concurrent job, thefamily ecation graally all gave up, now some regrets, I want tohave the safeguard in the study in the situation also to have to looksome can exercise the oneself social practice or the concurrent job,found own value to be at.
Looks back on, in heart infinite feeling, forecast future, believes asbefore brightly. In the study harvest, in the life intravenous drip,in thought 感悟, enables me for a very long time to get over anemotion. A year study life, it is vivid, is the multi- colors; It isthe practice, is the wealth. Tomorrow I, the absorption lesson, willnot let in the life which oneself will fall into once more. I will setsail to hoist the sails, to sail to my ideal goal.
⑹ 寫一篇中文的本學期英語學習總結600字
1.認真背單詞,掌握000個單詞左右,就差不多了;背單詞有很多方法,聯想記憶,死記硬背各有其好處;我推薦你用電腦記憶單詞,這樣能掌握單詞正確的讀音,這對聽力是非常有幫助的。推薦你一個背單詞的《新東方單詞通》.如果想參加考試獲得證書,你在好好背單詞的基礎上,參加新東方的一些考試學習,在短期里你能有一個分數的飛躍,能掌握很多考試的技巧。。如果你想在英語能力上有提高,以下幾點應注意,A多讀,有時間和毅力的話,把新概念的三四冊被下來;B多聽,可以聽廣播,聽英語的有聲讀物,有一個好辦法也很有效果,就是多看英語電影,可以先從簡單的看起,慢慢來,一般愛情片的語言和語速非常適合。還有就是,我目前上的ABC天卞口語的助教說過,就是要學好英語是輕松的~堅持要擁有一個適宜的研習空間跟實習口語對象,這取決於外教資質 發音純正才是最好,堅持每天口語交流 1&1加強化教學才可以有最.好.的進步幅度..學習後還要回放復習課堂音頻 把所學知識融會貫通..如果真的沒有練習對象的情況,最好能去聽力室或愛思獲得課外教材練習,多問多聽不知不覺的語境就加強起來 學習效果應該可以快速顯著的!C多寫,可以用英文記日記,結交英文筆友,可以結交很多朋友。D多說,有條件的話,認識一個外國人,不僅可以和他們練習口語,還可以了解外國人的思維模式和生活習慣以及文化等方面的知識;沒有條件的可以自己在腦子里模擬情景自己和自己練習,多學電影中的說法!我剛開始是從英文罵人的話開始學起的。呵呵。時間有限,我只想到這么多,也可以找英語好的人一起共同探討共同進步!其實我自己悟出的一個道理:學習英語不是一個腦力勞動,而是一個體力勞動的過程。只要刻苦沒有辦不到的。方法只能自己悟出來,只有自己的方法才是最適合自己的。希望我的一點點不成熟的意見能給你點幫助。
⑺ 求一篇英文學期總結
我有過許多的計劃,有過許多的想法,做了很多,看了很多,但是我仍然有很多遺憾。讓自己忙一點、再忙一點。但是大多都沒有能夠實現,由於我自己的怯懦,我失去了一次又一次的機會……於是我獲得了很多的空餘時間,於是打電腦,看雜志、在家看電視成為我新的嗜好。我閱讀了大量的時尚雜志……有的時候甚至去看一些食譜和旅遊雜記。但是我發現無論我看了多少東西,心中仍然覺得空虛。因為書本上的東西永遠都只是一些理論指導性質的東西――我缺少的是實際行動,是一種「沖動」。如果說「 說」的話,我相信誰都很會說,誰都說都頭頭是道,但是實際落實到「做」上面卻是少之又少,而且在做的過程中我們又會體會到「變化」
出勤情況:請了一次病假.拉下兩節課希望下學期爭取做到全勤本學期沒有遲到的情況。 我希望下學期我能做到能夠做到上課認真聽講不與同學交頭接耳不做小動作自覺遵守課堂紀律對老師布置的課堂作業能夠當堂完成對不懂的問題主動和同學商量或者向老師請教。
⑻ 英語口語活動總結怎麼寫
⑼ 英語口語的學習和心得體會
2.多「說」: 尋找學伴一起練習口語,提高英語學習興趣.
3.多「聽」: 聽不懂也要練習聽力時,培養好的英語語感。