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Ⅰ 小學英語教師教學技能大賽口語演講稿

----Speech draft of 「—teaching of primary school」

Every leaders and teachers,
Whether I am keeping out her or she is expecting me, English teaching is becoming a demanding of my life eventually and becoming a powerful testimony to embody my value of woke and life.
A t first,the persist in English told me to never give up. It is well said that:」 Learning is the sources of knowledge and knowledge is the guide of learning.」 I made the decision to enrich and equipment myself in the process of learning. Through the learning, I have broaden my horizon widely: teaching teachers』 cadent explaining; the fluent English dialogue between the teacher and students; the trenchant comments of the experts made me be filled with admiration and strengthen my confidence ,resolution and perseverance of doing well of English-teaching.

there is a golden seed in my hand---hope; there is a goal in my life----success. I sowed the seeds of eagerness of knowledge in the minds of children with my hands, I sowed the seeds of loving learning in the minds of children with my diligence and also sowed the seeds of hope in my mind. I am watching the hope with my heart, defending the hope with love, seeing her sprouting、flowering and fruiting silently, I have the confidence that the seeding will become a grant tree at last!
This is all, Thank you!

Ⅱ 新東方聽說老師:教你如何贏得英語口語大賽

隨著中國飛速加快的開放步伐,各種類型的英語口語大賽在校園內外越來越盛行。贏得此類比賽不僅僅是為學校乃至選手來自的省市地區爭得榮譽,對選手自身的發展也有著極其重要的意義,所以每逢此類比賽,報名者都蜂擁而至。基於筆者在兩次全國大賽中的經驗,本文將介紹中國現在的幾場重要賽事以及此類比賽的應對技巧。 中國英語口語大賽一瞥 中國現在初具規模並形成歷年傳統的英語口語大賽絕大部分還只限於在校大學生的競爭范疇。如歷史最長、最正式、最權威的「21世紀愛立信杯」全國大學生演講比賽,由中國日報社主辦,歷時九屆,以高素質的選手和專業的評委著稱,但形式稍顯單一,九年來定題演講、即興演講和即席問答的三步流程從未變過;2002年新鮮出爐的「CCTV杯」演講大賽,由中央9套和外語教學與研究出版社聯合主辦,同樣權威,並且由於在中央電視台轉播而採取了辯論、面試、游戲等多樣的形式並邀請各界名流作為嘉賓以吸引觀眾眼球;具有八年歷史的「外研社杯」英語辯論賽,正由曲高和寡而轉向逐年流行,並由於近兩年採用了英國議會式辯論而與國際大賽接軌。而不限選手年齡身份的比賽,較正式並有一定聲望的就是「希望之星」英語風采大賽了,由中央10套主辦,形式多樣,選手分各年齡段組參賽。 另外,還有一些地方性的比賽,包括各全國性大賽的預、復賽以及各省、市、校、系級口語比賽。 其實談到這些眾多的口語比賽,它們最早產生的目的其實是為一些國際性的英語口語大賽在中國區選拔參賽選手的。這些國際性大賽包括:倫敦ESU(English Speaking Union)演講大賽(21世紀杯演講賽為其中國區選拔賽)以及國際、澳亞、亞洲大專英語辯論賽(外研社杯辯論賽及CCTV杯演講賽為其選拔賽)。 由此可以看出,若在此類比賽中取得優異成績,便可代表中國出征亞歐澳洲等國參加國際性大賽,這對中國的學子來說是極具吸引力的。此外,由於這類比賽的贊助單位極多,從國內的電視台出版社到中外合作或者外方的教育機構,所以前幾名的選手一般還可以獲得費用全免的出國修學訪問機會。筆者就因在兩次大賽中獲獎而贏得了2003年至2004年分別赴英國劍橋修學訪問及新加坡參加國際大專英語辯論賽的機會。除了出國的機會之外,大賽的獎品還包括現金獎及各類學習資料如字典等,這些獎品分量也有逐年增加的趨勢,因此越來越多的學生們渴望在這樣的口語大賽中一顯身手。 由於各類大賽經常在電視上轉播,其中部分還編輯成書配套磁帶、VCD出版,所以參賽後獲獎選手都會有一定的知名度,這也為選手的個人發展帶來了許多無形的收益。一些知名企事業單位甚至已把此類比賽當作了自己的「選秀場」,每年比賽完畢,都會看見一些頭腦人物與表現突出的選手積極會面、交談。譬如現在中央電視台的名嘴芮成剛、國際頻道的一線主播劉欣、鳳凰衛視的當家花旦陳魯豫都是當年從此類比賽中脫穎而出的。我的一位師兄在21世紀杯奪冠後被外交部相中,而我自己在賽後也收到外交部翻譯室以及新聞辦的召喚,後因保研而繼續讀書,並被告知「外交部的大門永遠向你敞開」。南京新東方也是在觀看了我2003年在南京的21世紀杯比賽,之後向我發出邀請的。 英語口語作為基本交流技能的今天,各類口語大賽的流行已不僅僅是給我們提供了升級口語能力的機會,而為我們個人學習上以及今後事業上的發展都帶來了良好的機遇。能不能抓住機遇,就要看各位的准備功夫下得怎樣了。 怎樣准備英語口語比賽 正如各類英語口試一樣,口語比賽也是可以通過精心准備而獲得理想成績的。准備的內容越多,技巧鍛煉得越純熟,勝算也就越大。 根據以往的規則,口語比賽的形式一般分為這幾項:定題演講、即興演講、問答或搶答、聽力測試、看圖說話及才藝表演等。下面就談談怎樣分別針對這些形式做好充分准備。 首先,准備定題演講的重點在於稿子。 一般來說,在指導老師的幫助下,每一位選手的定題演講都要寫到三稿以上,我至今仍保存著七稿。 演講稿的水平高低取決於參賽者的英語素質高低。但是,絕對不是英語水平高的人就能寫出震撼人心的好稿子。在寫稿,選材等方面,有不少選手都存在些小誤區。首先,我覺得選手不應該選大題。演講比賽的題目可能只給你一個范圍,例如「教育類或科技類」很多人會傾向選擇那種很「氣勢宏大」的題目,什麼「科技與人類」。其實演講比賽的時間很有限,選擇一個大題目的話,很難在有限的時間內闡述清楚。雖然演講需要激情,但是更需要真情實感。選了個大題目,會容易「喊空口號」,給人感覺很空洞,不真實。在選材方面也是如此。最好要選擇自己經歷過的,能激起大多數人共鳴的事,不要選些什麼看起來很輝煌的事。「偉大寓於平凡之中」就是充分發揮小事的魅力。以這次「希望之星」英語風采大賽大學組為例,其中有個新疆的選手給我留下了很深的印象。其一是他的口語的確是太棒了,其二是他的稿子很感人。他沒有選擇什麼歌頌祖國和人類等大題目,而是自己的經歷和感受,他選的題材甚至有點不光彩,他選了自己曾經輟學的經歷,說他在社會上的艱辛和感受,最後他還是從自己吃的虧和教訓中明白了讀書的重要。這樣的題材很有說服力,給人的感覺很真實,會牽引著聽眾真的走進你的故事。就算是即興演講,你在那很短的准備時間里,也應該遵循類似的選題和選材原則。當然,你的演講稿的語言構成是否出色就是靠真本領了。我個人覺得可以適當的加入些句式短的排比句,這樣容易在講時迸發激情,也可以用些疑問句,引起聽眾的共鳴和思索。還可以用一些英語典故或俚語,諺語等,只要用得恰當,就會為你的稿子錦上添花。 稿子不僅要做到語言上的無懈可擊,更要新穎有趣、多用短句以抓住聽眾。中小學生的口語大賽定題演講以自我簡介居多,在簡要介紹完自己的基本情況後,要抓住自己與他人不一樣的地方例如愛好、理想等做文章,讓評委和觀眾有耳目一新的感覺。 接下來就是即興演講或針對性演講。即興演講和針對演講內容的問答一般都被選手看成是最難以准備因而也是最容易產生緊張情緒的環節。其實,這兩個環節同樣也是可以准備的。我們經常在電視、VCD上看到一些高水平的比賽選手在即興環節中口若懸河滔滔不絕,對他們深厚的英語基本功和靈敏的臨場反應欽佩不已。據一項非官方調查顯示,絕大多數的選手在比賽前都會背下大量的或經典美文,或原創「段子」,以應不時之需。 這種准備方法雖然要耗費不少時間精力,但其實操作過程很簡單,而且一旦完成,對參賽的幫助不可估量。方法的步驟就是: 1、搜集往屆比賽資料以及社會和時事新聞,觀看往屆比賽的碟片,研究比賽內容、選手的表現,在練習時注意借鑒、取捨,總結並歸類最易出現的討論話題。譬如我當初就在瀏覽完前七屆的比賽資料後將即興演講題分為「中西方文化差異」、「現代化進程」、「教育體制改革和貧困地區教育」等十個大類。 2、就每個主題寫一段一分鍾左右(視整體時間而定,一般占總時間的一半到三分之二)的「段子」,表達方式要完全用記敘。最好是自己學習和生活當中的趣事,要有一定教育意義,如果自己實在沒有就找與自己密切相關的親友生活中的。比如我當時為文化差異的主題寫的就是我在紐約定居了五年的表姐回中國來辦婚禮全家人爭論到底是採用中式還是西式的小文章。雖然沒有用上,但這樣短小而生動的故事是極受評委歡迎的。 3、在改稿時注意添加富有幽默感的內容。由於這類比賽的一大趨勢便是越來越多地邀請外國評委,這個群體對幽默感是非常看重的。但這也為幽默的方式帶來了一定難度,究竟怎樣才是中外評委可以共同接受的幽默,這就需要老師進行專門的指導了。 4、背下段子。場下背這些段子的熟練程度要做到與背定題演講一樣,但在場上一定要注意適當放慢語速,有抑揚頓挫,要讓聽眾感覺你確實是在「說」而不是在「背」。

Ⅲ 口語技能大賽

Mr. Shi, Xiaofu, Dabao
Mr. Shi: Tax is the major sourcigee of the fiscal revenue. There is an evident change about the relationship between the tax collector and taxpayer in the past 20 years. Now, the tax collector, Xiaofu, and the tax payer Dabao, a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change. The first Act happened in 1980s.

Act I
(in Bazaar of Beijing, sanlihe, 1980s)
Dabao: Yangrouchuan , yangrouchuan, eaten one ,want nine, No good no money!
Hi, Take my yangrouchuan.(slipped, take it up, )
Xiaofu: Tax! Pay the tax!
Dabao: (change faces)
Taxi? Where is the taxi? Here』s no taxi.
Xiaofu: Tax! T---A ---X!
Dabao: What』s the tax? I just know taxi! Do you want me to call a taxi for you?
Taxi----! Taxi----!
Xiaofu: Enough! Are you the vendor(賣主)?
Dabao: No , No, No, no! I 'm just have a look. The vendor has gone to the toilet.
Xiaofu: Not the vendor ? Impossible! you 've been here for 2 hours.
Dabao: Really ? (Xiaofu: Yes, of course.)
How do you know it?
Xiaofu: The window of my office is open to here and I 've been looking at you for two hours.
Dabao:that's really a big bug!
Xiaofu: Oh. Don』t waste my time! Please pay the tax---- 10 Yuan!
Dabao: 10 yuan?! My god. I had just earned 20 Yuan one day! 5 Yuan, ok?
Xiaofu: Don't cheat me,I know you've sold more than 2 hundred ones.
Dabao: 6yuan, my dear sisiter.
7Yuan, my lovely beauty.
Dabao: Not for you ,not for me, let's split the difference. 8 yuan ,ok ?
Xiaofu: (looking around) All right ,a deal. But no receipt(收據).
(Dabao payed 8 yuan and Xiaofu left)
Dabao: What a smart woman! Bad luck! I』m bankrupt. I have to change my place.
Hope I would not meet her any more! Let』s go!

Act II

Mr. Shi: The next scene happened in new century. China had been marching in the way of the market economy for twenty years more, in the new era of building the well-off society in an all-round way, how do the vendor regard tax as and how is the tax collected? The scene will tell you.
Let』s enjoy it!
(In the market; Dabao in white clothes ,a board with "NO SARS")
Dabao:: Yangrouchuan, yangrouchuan. Eaten one, want nine. Eaten one, want nine.
Xiaofu: Hi,
Dabao: Hi.
Two: What a familiar face.
Two: It』s you!
Dabao: 10 years past, you are a still a tax collector.
Xiaofu: 10 years past, you still sell Yangrouchuan.
How is your business?
Dabao: Everything is OK!
10 years past, you are still beautiful lady in Sanlihe of Beijing.
Xiaofu: 10 years past, you and your Yangrouchuan look more clean than 20 years before.
Dabao: Thank you. No SARS, no dirtiness; Serve people, serve me.
Xiaofu: Great! Have you……
Dabao: Married? I 『m not married; I』m still single.
Xiaofu: Have you claimed your tax this month?
Dabao: What? Taxi? Oh, tax! Of course. I should pay the tax of 50 Yuan this month and I have claimed at the begin of this month.
Xioafu: Your receipt, please.
Dabao: (shows the receipt )
Here you are, I have paid my tax in the tax service center by computer.
Xiaofu: Great! What a good taxpayer you are.
Dabao: Thank you. It is my ty. I』m proud of myself to pay the tax for our country.
Xiaofu: Yeah! The tax you paid is a share of our country』s economy, and you do a lot for Olympics of Beijing!
Dabao: Let』s do it together! . It』s said that, Don't ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country. Just like me, sell Yangrouchuan, and pay the Tax for ten years more.
Xiaofu: You 're the loveliest people in new century!
Dabao: Thank you! And you 're the loveliest tax collector in new era!
Xiaofu: Excuse me, and I have to go now. Bye-bye.
D: A moment, are you free tomorrow evening? Could I have a dinner with you?
Xiaofu: Well, may I have the company of my husband?
Dabao: No, no, no problem. 6 o』clock in the evening, Beichuanyuan, ok?
Xiaofu: just a kidding. I have to go home now.(leaves)
Dabao, See you tomorrow.
Dabao: Hope to see you everyday.

Ⅳ 大學生外語系口語協會英語演講比賽策劃方案標准模板


Ⅳ 有誰參加過長春市初中英語教師口語技能大賽是演講么大概多長時間


Ⅵ 求一些英語趣味項目或者方案


Ⅶ 如何寫 英語口語比賽策劃書


Francis Bacon

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.

For expert and execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best form those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to
use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgement wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar.

They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need proyning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by

Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.

Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor
to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts;
others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and
with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and
extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less
important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are,
like common distilled waters, flashy things.

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he
confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had
need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.

Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural
philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt
studia in morse.

Nay there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by
fit studies: like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises.
Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast;
gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. So if a
man's wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics; for in
demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin
again. If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him
study the schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores. If he be not apt to beat
over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let
him study the lawyers' cases. So every defect of the mind may have a
special receipt.













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