A. 求職場英語方面大神解答,全都是情景對話,簡單點就行,是要課堂上跟同學對話的
B. 日常英語口語對話大全
日常英語口語對來話有很源多,例如 Rachel,youareoutofmyleague你跟我不是同一類人2、Youaresocute.你真好/真可愛C. 英語口語情景對話關於求職面試的口語對話
主要是introce your self
D. 關於工作優先的英語口語對話3分鍾
莎拉: The graation is coming. I have to find a job, but I really don`t know how to start. What is your suggestion?
傑克: Do you have the feeling that there are lots of jobs out here but it seems you cannot find one?
莎拉: How do you know?
傑克: I felt the same when I hunted for a job before. The first thing you
should do is to know what you`re good at and put it into words.
莎拉: What do you mean?
傑克: Actually, many of us are not naturally proficient at talking or
writing about ourselves, so you have to brush up on the techniques. But
do look objectively at yourself.
莎拉: And after knowing myself, I may decide which job suits me.
傑克: Right! Once you`ve worked out why you`re a good match for a job, it will be eaiser to make convincing applications.
莎拉: Then what should I do?
傑克: Target the right employers, and rece the chance of repeated rejection.
莎拉: I hate being rejected. It will make me unconfident.
傑克: With any hunt there`s always the possibility of disappointment, but
don`t let that turn into defeat. From every pursuit that doesn`t bring
the result you want, there`s something to be learned.
莎拉: Thank you very much. You`ve been very helpful.
E. 職場美語對話:「加班」英語怎麼說及口語對話
A: You won』t believe who』s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account! Me! I』ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime!
B: Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.
A: They were supposed to, but so far nobody』s turned up, and I』m left
on my own to do the work. This is the first break I』ve had all day.
B: They』re really running you into the ground. Why don』t you ask for
some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.
F. 職場英文:經典office常用英語
1.In the middle of something?正在忙嗎?
我知道有許多許多的人,對於某一種概念學會了一種說法之後,從此就只會用這種說法。例如‘你在忙嗎?'這個句子,很多人在國中起就知道要說,"Are you busy?" 講到了來美國留學三年,他還是只會說 "Are you busy?"。其實有時候我們的眼界要放廣一點,對於同一個概念要有不同的變化。
2.What are you up to?你正在做什麼?
跟上面的例子一樣,‘你正在做什麼啊?'這句話通常我們就只會說,"What are you doing?" 這樣子不會很無聊嗎?其實有時我們可以換句話說。例如: "What are you up to?" 同樣也是問人家你正在做什麼。承上例,假設你在辦公室里,你想找人八卦,所以問同事,"In the middle of something?" 他回答,"Kind of." (算是吧.) 這時你就可以打破砂鍋問到底,"What are you up to?" (那你最近在忙什麼啊?) 另外有時候老美見面時也會問 "What are you up to?" 意思就是問你最近在做什麼啊? 跟另一句問候語 "What's up?" 意思上很接近。但是你要聽對方的語氣喔! 有時候 "What are you up to?" 指的雖然還是 "What are you doing?" 但它卻是‘你在搞什麼鬼啊?'的意思喔! 例如當你看到別人在亂翻你的東西,你就可以責問他,"Hey,what are you up to?" 也就是罵他‘你在搞什麼鬼啊?'。以上這些例子里,"What are you up to?" 完全可以用 "What are you doing?" 來取代,只不過因為我們在說話時要力求變化,所以要多學幾種不同的講法.
3.Can you just give me a ballpark figure?能不能給我一個大概的數字.
Ballpark 指的是專供球類比賽的公園,特別是指大型的棒球場。例如亞特蘭大勇士隊 (Atlanta Braves) 的主場,Turner Field 就是一個 ballpark。那什麼是 ballpark figure 呢? 通常在棒球比賽時不是都會報今天的觀眾人數,例如是 49,132 人嗎? 這個數字 49,132 就是 ballpark figure,但這只是一個大約的估計數字而已,所以 ballpark figure 的意思就是指大約的估計數字。所以在公司里如果老闆問會計,上個月水電費總共多少錢? 之後再加上一句,"Just give me a ballpark figure." 意思就是我只要一個大略的數字就行了。甚至有些老美懶到就只說 ballpark,所以老闆也有可能會說,"I'll need a ballpark of the revenue last year." (我需要去年的營收的大約數字.) 你就要自己知道這個 ballpark 是 ballpark figure 的意思.
4. Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002。最重要的是: 我們必須在 2002 年前轉虧為盈.
大家看過財務報表沒? 上面是一大堆密密麻麻的數字,告訴你公司的資產有多少,折舊多少,應收帳款多少。但是這些都不是最重要的,最重要的在最最下面那一行 (bottom line),叫凈賺 (Net earnings) 告訴你這家公司總共加起來到底是賺錢還是賠錢,(這其實才是最重要的,不是嗎?) 所以 bottom line 這個字後來就變成了有‘最重要的是...'的意思。
5.The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red.這位新的財務長被派來把公司從赤字中拯救出來.
中國人喜歡紅色,所以股市大漲時盤面上都是紅通通的一片。不過歐美國家對紅色的認知則大不相同,紅色就表示虧損,赤字。像之前提到的 bottom line 如果是用紅筆寫的,那就是表示公司整體上來說是賠錢的。相反的如果是用黑筆寫的,則表示是賺錢的。所以我們常可以聽到 in the red 或是 in the black 這樣的講法,其實就是指公司賺不賺錢。
G. 英語職場常用口語
職場禮儀 Workplace manners ; Professional Etiquette
職場英文 English for Business ; Career English
職場信息 Job Information ;
職場暴力 workplace violence ; occupational tacit violence
職場故事 Career Stories
職場情商 career quotient ;
職場精英 Workplace elite ; Career Hero
1. Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness.
不幸地是, 許多職場如今是在忽視 、 原諒,甚至去鼓勵這種骯臟.
2. And the solution to most of those workplace nightmares?
3. The workplace plays a central role in promoting functional literacy and numeracy.
4. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.
5. We need to be proactive and confront challenges in our career.
6. We must avoid the & quot ; close breeding & quot ; phenomenon in companies.
我們要避免職場中的「近親繁殖 」 現象.
7. New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace.
8. The annual review is the professional equivalent of the report card.
9. Hypomanics and manics generally have chaotic personal and professional relationships.
10. Plenty of professionals want to meet the CEO, CIO, or C - whoever - can - help.
不少職場人士想認識CEO 、 CIO等,以及任何只要能幫得上忙的管理層.
11. In reality, careers and the workplace perplex me entirely.
實際上, 事業和職場這兩樣東西我完全搞不懂.
12. Cutthroat competition in office is shown in this TV play.
13. Professional English – This idiom also be used in a professional environment.
14. A crisp button - down shirt a no - fail piece for the office.
15. The first steps into the workforce are often the most confusing.
H. 英語面試常用的對話
A:Good morning. I'm XXX, the manager of the company. What's your name please?
B:Good morning, Miss Pan. My name is XXX. I have come here for an interview by appointment. Nice to meet you.
A:Nice to meet you,too .You are the first one to have arrived. Well, for this job, we need people to work hard. Do you think you're suitable for this kind of job?
(你好, 今天我邀了幾位面試者,你是第一個到的。對於這個工作,我們需要刻苦能乾的人,你覺得你能適應這樣的工作嗎? )
B:Oh, yes, I think so.
A:Why did you choose to come here for a job?
B:I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.
A:What interest you most about this job?
B:I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.
A:Why should I hire you?
B:My ecational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.
A:When can you begin?
( 你何時能開始工作? )
( 馬上就可以 )
A:So you can go back now,we will inform you soon.
( 所以現在你可以回去了,我們很快就會通知你 )
B:I will wait patiently, thank you.
( 我會耐心等待的,謝謝 )
I. 最實用的職場英語口語 外企常用職場英語口語有哪些
1. In the middle of something?
我知道有許多許多的人, 對於某一種概念學會了一種說法之後, 從此就只會用這種說法. 例如『你在忙嗎?』這個句子, 很多人在初中起就知道要說, "Are you busy?" 講到了來美國留學 (微博) 三年, 他還是只會說 "Are you busy?". 其實有時候我們的眼界要放廣一點, 對於同一個概念要有不同的變化. 就像是 "Are you busy?" 這句話, 其實老美也很常用 "In the middle of something?" , (但這句話比較接近於 "Are you busy right now?" 是問人家『現在』是不是正在忙? "Are you busy?" 的含意比較廣, 也可指『最近』忙不忙?) 大家不要小看這么小小的變化, 如果你除了 "Are you busy?" 之外, 有時還懂得刻意去用 "In the middle of something?" 我相信你的的英文說出來就會跟別人不一樣. 舉個例子吧, 辦公室里想找人八卦, 又怕人家正在忙, 這時你就可以問他, "In the middle of something?" (正在忙嗎?)
記得在不久之前看過的一部黑人電影 Down to Earth 中也有 in the middle of something 這個用法, 只不過男主角是用這句話來提出一個論點, "The first kiss is always in the middle of something." 也就是說, 初吻總是發生在講話講到一半時, 或是當你們正在作其它的事情時, 通常是果不其然的. 他同時也覺得, "The first kiss is the only real kiss in your relationship." (只有初吻才是真正的吻), "The others are just protocols" (其它的都只是一種敷衍、虛應故事而已.)