『壹』 請問:在英語培訓這方面,重點是口語及翻譯這一塊,濟南的新東方與山木培訓兩者相比,哪一個更好一點
『貳』 英語口語翻譯
Can I help you?
Let me help you on your staircase.
『叄』 濟南有沒有練習英語口語的地方
『肆』 「泉城」的官方翻譯
http://www.jinanfanyi.com.cn/blog/post/jn_3951.html 「泉城」英文如何翻譯City of Springs最合適 生活日報12月9日訊(記者 邱建國)「泉城」應當如何翻譯成英文才能既准確表達出泉城的含義又與春城昆明區別開來?本報關於此事的報道引起市民熱烈討論,很多市民打來電話發表了自己的意見。山東省旅遊局和濟南市外事辦的工作人員在接受采訪時均表示,泉城英文翻譯為City of Springs最為准確,也最為常用。 山東省旅遊局旅遊促進與對外聯絡處工作人員王愛平女士認為,泉城的英文翻譯有一個統一的說法是非常有必要的,既可以改變每個人都有自己的翻譯方式的混亂局面,也有利於讓不懂中文的外國人更好地了解濟南。王女士說,雖然目前「泉城」的英文翻譯還沒有統一的說法,但他們在接待外國遊客或者出國推介山東旅遊的時候提到泉城用得最多的就是City of Springs,這樣既可以與表示春城昆明的Spring City區分開來,也表明了濟南有很多泉水的意思。 按照山東大學外國語學院苗興偉教授的解釋,泉城一般譯為City of Springs,這樣既可以與Spring City區分開來,也通過復數形式表達了濟南有很多泉的意思,王女士的說法,與苗教授的解釋不謀而合。 濟南市人民政府外事辦公室歐美大處主要負責與歐洲、美洲、大洋洲地區各國有關的外事工作,這些地區很多國家都將英語作為官方語言。該處工作人員李群告訴記者,在陪同領導接見外賓等外事活動中,如果提到泉城濟南,翻譯人員一般會用City of Springs表述,這種譯法更為明確,更容易讓外賓理解到泉城濟南有很多天然泉水這層意思。至於Spring City的說法,李群說在表述泉城的時候很少使用。 結合專家和有關部門的說法,泉城翻譯為 City of Springs應當是最為恰當的,泉城市民今後在跟外國人說到泉城的時候,用City of Springs來表述是非常貼切的。
『伍』 英語口語翻譯
My mother tells me what to do all the time ,and it bothers me.
eg.別對我指手畫腳!Don't tell me what to do!
『陸』 英語翻譯: 我來自遙遠的山東濟南,很榮幸能夠來到這個繁華的城市和大家一起學習。
I come from the distant jinan, shandong province is a great pleasure to come to the bustling city and study together.誠心為您解答!還望採納噢!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
『柒』 山東省和濟南市翻譯成英文是什麼
山東省:Shandong Province
濟南市:Jinan City
『捌』 英語翻譯 我的家鄉在山東濟南,它是座美麗的泉城!
My hometown is Jinan, Shandong, it's a beautiful city of springs!
City of Springs 泉城
『玖』 求英語口語翻譯
Morning. This is Peking Hotel. What can I do for you?
Yes, please.
What is it?
I am Peter. I would like to book a standard room for Jul.06.
Just a second. Let me check the availability of room for you.
All right.
Peter, you would like a standard room on Jul.06, right?
I have already reserved a book for you. We are looking forward to your presence.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Thanks for calling. Goodbye.
『拾』 介紹濟南的英語作文帶翻譯
The City of Springs
Jinan, the 'City of Springs' is popular among tourists for its many springs.
Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, is located in the mid west of Shandong.
What kind of city is Jinan? We can see from its various unique characteristics.
Jinan is a historical city with a history of some 2000 years and is famed for its numerous relics. It is the cradle of the Longshan Relics Culture, the reputed prehistoric culture of China and is found in Longshan Town of Jinan, hence the name. In the area of Jinan, you will find far more than you would expect, the ancient Great Wall of the Qi State (a state of the Zhou Dynasty (770B.C. – 221B.C.)), the colored sculptures of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in the Lingyan Temple and so on.
Jinan is the home of Lu Cai (Shandong cuisine), a popular cuisine of China.
The unique tourist souvenirs available in Jinan include Ejiao, Black Pottery, Lu Embroidery and Wooden-Fish wares.
Jinan is the right place to see some very typical festivals including The Lantern Festival in the Baotu Spring Park, the Lotus Festival in the Daming Lake Park and the Double-Nine Festival on the Thousand-Buddha Mountain.
Jinan is a hospitable city and receives tourists from all over the world. Marco Polo once visited Jinan and left words of praise to this city. The Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and the Thousand Buddha Mountain decorate Jinan as a Garden City.
Compared with those capital cities, or other large and medium-size cities in China, Jinan has few advantages and lacks a metropolitan atmosphere, the highlight being its numerous springs. Some people say Jinan's glamour is not merely its enticing natural beauty, but more the warmth of the Jinan people. The beauty of nature is thin and weak, but the beauty that comes from people will last forever.