Ⅰ 誰教下我一些一般的英語口語表達
一, 最常用的100句
1. 誰惹你生氣的?
Who got your goat?
2. 她一直對我懷恨在心。
She has been bearing me a grudge.
3. 不要推卸責任。
Don』t pass the buck.
4. 我感到很慚愧。
I felt like two cents.
5. 他總是喜歡找別人的茬。
He always likes to find faults with other people.
6. 在她看來,別人都不是人。
She treats everyone like dirt.
7. 她真是厚臉皮。
She』s just thick-skinned.
8. 我受不了她。
I can』t put up with her.
9. 物以類聚,人以群分。
Birds of a feather flock together.
10. 我與你的意見一致。
I see eye to eye with you.
11. 我們關系很好。
We are on good terms.
12. 人各有所好。
Many people, many tastes.
13. 對一個人好的東西對另一個人來說未必也是好的。
One man』s meat is another man』s poison.
14. 人多好乾活。
Many hands make light work.
15. 人多不出活。
Many hands make slight work.
16. 眾人的主意總比一個人的好。
Two heads are better than one.
17. 人多意見雜。
Many man, many minds.
18. 得寸進尺。
You give him an inch and he』ll take a mile.
19. 我是不會*別人的施捨過日子的。
I won』t live on the handouts of other people.
20. 我們應當學會說話合時宜,做事多考慮。
We should learn to say things in season and do things in moderation.
21. 別動不動就發火,記住:要保持冷靜。
Don』t fly into a rage at the drop of a hat. Remember: keep cucumber cool!
22. 驕者必敗。
Pride goes before a fall.
23. 他這幾天趾高氣揚的。
He is on his high horse these days.
24. 他不懂事。
He has no sense.
25. 他是一個難對付的傢伙。
He』s a hard nut to crack.
26. 我真搞不懂為什麼他好象和幾乎每個人都有仇似的。
I can』t make out why he seems to have a bone to pick with almost everyone.
27. 他對老婆乖的不得了,看到她總是必恭必敬的。
He』s just like a lamb with his wife and always comes to her hat in hand.
28. 他這個人很自負,這使得他不是和廠里的同事過不去就是得罪於老闆。
He has a high opinion of himself which makes him either get cross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.
29. 那天她可把我惹火了。
She really drove me mad that day.
30. 我是認真的.
I mean it.
31. 真便宜.
That』s a steal.
32. 我想喝點可樂.
I am dying for coke.
33. 大家都這么說.
So they say.
34. 輕聲點/慢慢來/別著急.
Easy does it.
35. 一言為定.
It』s a date.
36. 我不懂.
It』s beyong me.
37. 我很忙.
My hands are tied.
38. 試試你的運氣.
Try your luck.
39. .請你吩咐.
My time is your time.
40. 長話短說.
To make a long story short.
41. 我陷入了困境.
I』m in hot water.
42. 我因債務陷入困境.
I』m in hot water because of debts.
43. 大膽試一試.
Go for it.
44. 別擔心,大膽試一試,你很快就會學會的.
Don』t worry.Just go for it,you』ll get it soon.
45. 那是不可能的.
It』s pie in the sky.
46. 我想不起他是誰.
I can』t place his face.
47. 非常明確.
It』s black and white.
48. 給我最新的消息.
Bring me up-to-date.
49. 我們意見不同.
We don』t see eye to eye.
50. 我略知一二.
I know a thing or two.
51. 我只是照樣子做的.
I』m only following suit.
52. 事實勝於雄辯.
Actions speak louder than words.
53. 我們的想法不謀而合.
Your idea coincides with mine.
54. 有人說快樂源於心靈,源於安詳和所求無多,但也有人在追求事業成功和賺錢過程中感到無比幸福。
Some say happiness comes from within,from a peaceful mind demanding little,but others prefer to get their thrills via career success and making money.
55. 有時事情並不像我們所希望的那樣。
Sometimes things are not always what we wish them to be.
56. Lisa這一段好象和她的老闆相處的不好。
Lisa doesn』t seem to get on nicely with her boss these days.
57. 如果你隨手亂扔廢物的話,就會破壞周圍環境的自然美。
If you litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the surroundings.
58. 她特別隨和,從來沒和任何人吵過嘴。
She gets on with people:she has never had any oral fight with anyone.
59. 惡有惡報。
Evils set,evils get.
60. 我可不是個隨波逐流的人。
I』m not the kind of person who likes to swim with the tide.
61. 你應該心平氣和的好好和她談談心。
You should be in a placid mood and have a heart-to-heart talk with her.
62. 我知道怎樣適應新的環境。
I know how to accommodate myself to new circumstances.
63. 一想到那天說的話我就後悔的要死。
I could bite my tongue off whenever I think of what I had said that day.
64. 我可不是那種愛誹謗別人的人。
I』m not the sort of person who speaks evil of other people.
65. 他這個人恩將仇報。
He is the sort that bites the hand that feeds him.
66. 我真搞不懂她怎麼會嫁給了那個窮小子.(屈尊嫁人)
I can』t make out why she married with the left hand.
67. 禍不單行。
Misfortunes never come singly.
68. 生活充滿坎坷。
Life is full of twists and turns.
69. 對我來說,生命固然重要,但更重要的則是對人類的貢獻。
Life is important to me, but more important still is my contribution to the human race.
70. 生活就是這樣:有甜,也有苦;有幸福,也有痛苦。
Such is life: there are sweetness and bitterness, and happiness is often companied with sorrows.
71. 我們應作命運的主宰,不要作命運的奴隸。
We must learn to be masters of our fate, not slaves to it.
72. 只有懂得生命價值的人才能體驗到生活的幸福。
He that can genuinely feel the happiness of life who truly knows the value of it.
73. 人世間禍福難以預料,意外的打擊,有時會將人逼上絕路。
In human life, happiness and misfortunes are often beyond our expectations, and an unexpected blow may even drive one up the wall.
74. 這位傳奇人物曾飽嘗人世的辛酸。
This legendary man has enred almost all the bitterness of human life.
75. 他為中國的教育事業奉獻了寶貴的一生。
He devoted all his life to the cause of China』s ecation.
76. 人類最可怕的疾病就是懷疑自己有病。
The worst disease for human beings is the suspicion of having had a disease.
77. 生活中的成功者只有一種,那就是能夠忍受的人。
There is only one kind of people that are truly successful: those who are brave enough to tolerate.
78. 我是我命運的主宰,我是我靈魂的主人。
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
79. 在你不走運的時候,事事都不順心。
On your black letter day, nothing will go your way.
80. 她懷孕了。
She is in the family way.
81. 他被打的鼻青臉腫。
He was beaten black and blue.
82. 他被打的不省人事。
He was knocked into the middle of next week.
83. 她平安的回到了家。
She came back home safe and sound.
84. 不要陷入絕望,你還有機會。
Don』t abandon yourself to despair. You still have chances.
85. 我恨死他了。
I hate his guts.
86. 希望我們走運。
I wish luck is on our side.
87. 小偷被當場抓住。
The thief was caught red-handed.
88. 我們佔了上風。
We got the upper hand.
89. 他一陣風的沖回了家。
He rushed back home as if on the wings of the wind.
90. 那部電影真使人感到毛骨悚然。
That movie really made our hair stand on end.
91. 他高興極了。
He is in the seventh heaven.
92. 他如坐針氈。
He is on pins and needles.
93. 他意志堅強,立場堅定。
He is iron-willed and stands firm.
94. 昨天我遇到了他。
I bumped into him yesterday.
95. 每一件新的生意開始的時候都會比較困難的。
Every new business has teething troubles.
96. 我對此一無所知。
I didn』t have an inkling about it.
( Inkling作名詞意思是「暗示,略知「的意思。)
97. 他要是注意一下他的言行就好了。
He should have minded his steps.
98. 完蛋了,沒有希望了。
It』s on the rocks.
99. 那是我最拿手的。
That』s my best line.
I stand up for you.
Ⅱ 一般的英語口語有哪幾種
Ⅲ 英語口語化一些的表達。
1 其實本身 我個人而言,通常我是不會這么表達的,不過就是i'd like to do some shopping,and do you need anything that i can buy for you?
2 在表示你突然想到的東西,做插入的時候可以用一個簡單的:by the way 就可以表示順便說一下,對了,那個。。。。這一類的意思。
3 這個其實我不知道,所以我查了一下愛詞霸,它給的兩個,就是上面說的那兩個,但是如果是你在做上面,突然遇到某個人,然後如何如何的話,我會說:a small world!
4 這種越是基礎的東西,我越是薄弱,基本都忘得差不多了,但口語一點的話我會說:i am gonna go several days later.但我平時很少用gonna 和wanna 這一類的美式表達方式,要我說的話還是i am going to go or i am leaving更多一些。
5 這個就說法很多了,最簡單的就是:what are you doing?也最常見,只要注意語氣就可以,我最喜歡的是:what's out? 哈哈,讀幾遍你就知道了,哈哈。玩笑。還有一個比較常見的那個和f*ck有關的那個用法應該會。
6 這個你採納上面的就好了,他的這個說法就可以。但我不得不說你這中文有點小矛盾,當然這是我覺得。
Ⅳ 什麼讓你的英語口語表達總有中國味
有一個網友,將我們經理點頭表示同意這句話翻譯為下面第一行。這樣翻譯,顯然是受漢語的影響,漢語中有點頭,英語中就有nod,漢語中有表示,英語中就有express,等等,漢語有什麼,英語也有什麼,一一對應,成雙成對,這是最典型的一種中國味。其實nod既可以當作不及物動詞,意思是點頭,也可以當作及物動詞,意思是點頭表示,因此,沒有中國味的英語譯文應當是下面第二行。 ①Our manager nodded to express his approval. ②Our manager nodded approval. 我在初學英語時,也經常犯這樣的錯誤,我的解決方法是:在翻譯一個句子之後,把這個句子的主要動詞找出來,如果是很常用、很熟悉的動詞,比如come、go、have、take等,那就算了,如果是不常用、不熟悉的動詞,比如nod,我就查一下英漢詞典,看看nod在詞典例句中的用法,與我自己的用法是否一致,如果一致,說明我的用法是正確的,如果不一致,我就仿照詞典例句的用法,將我的句子改正過來。這種方法,雖然當時要花費一點時間,但對今後正確使用英語,是有很大幫助的。二、英語單詞順序的差異 還有一個網友,將新郎新娘給他們的父母鞠躬這句話翻譯為下面第一句。 ①Bridegroom and bride bowed to their parents. ②Bride and bridegroom bowed to their parents. 這句譯文,如果不仔細琢磨,是看不出毛病的,它的毛病就是:在漢語中,我們習慣先說新郎,後說新娘,但在英語中,順序正好相反,應當先說bride,後說bridegroom,因此第一句應當改寫為第二句。按照漢語順序排列英語單詞,是另外一種常見的中國味,類似的情況還有很多,比如東西、南北、老少、新舊等,在英語中應當改成西東、北南、少老、舊新等。 對於這種小毛病,我沒有什麼特別好的解決方法,只有多讀書,特別是讀一些介紹英語小常識、小典故的書,以增加自己對英語各方面知識的了解。因此教師在平時也可以自己總結積累些類似知識,創立一種對比教學。這種教學的准備活動比較耗費時間,尤其是老師自己的時間。文化差異之廣大,實在不能只言片語就能說清,課後要做大量的准備工作。但是如果布置給學生,讓他們主動去尋找差異和對比,將會加深他們對英文地道表達的印象。三、英語口語表達習慣的不當 比如有時我在課堂上會進行一個模擬演練,在餐廳,如果服務員上菜慢了,我問學生A,此時你會怎麼說?她毫不猶豫地說:why i haven't got my dish?我會跟她說,你沒說錯,別人一聽就知道你是中國人,你有典型的中國式粗魯特徵。在西方,一個優雅的紳士或女士會有禮貌地說:may i have my dish a little bit quick please? 有必要跟學生說清楚的是,中式英語不是一個固定的用詞、語法或者發音的錯誤,而是表達習慣的不當。在對比中教學,學生會知道差異產生的原因和趣味,同時促使他們思考深層次的問題和展開討論:到底有沒有必要保持中式英語。等等。同時,老師在布置作業或者課堂討論時也需要注意技巧。有些話題內容太寬泛,學生不知從何談起,就很容易造成混亂或者冷場。這時候老師就扮演了一個很好的協調者的角色如何去切分話題,讓學生分工合作。比如講到中西餐差別,可以將差別分為幾個方面:餐廳禮儀、營養、進食習慣、製作工藝等方面,讓學生分組討論,有層次,降低了難度,可以使他們術業有專攻,從而進行有效的口語練習。(編輯:趙穎茹)
Ⅳ 英語口語表達
how to shot it?
Ⅵ 生活中常用的英語口語有哪些
當別人在你旁邊羅嗦個沒完,你煩透了,說「you are so boring 「.(你真煩!)。「shut up !」(閉嘴!)自然沒錯,可人家受得了嗎?不如來一句「oh, come on.give me a break !」 (幫幫忙,讓我歇歇吧!)這多地道、多幽默。
要想說人「氣色好」。「you look fine!」當然不錯,可如果你說「you』re in the pink !」就妙得多了,實際上,在英語口語中,表示顏色的詞用起來非常形象生動。
「他精力充沛」美國人說:「he is bouncy.」而不說「he is energetic 」,牢記一些日常對話中的活句式是你一把必備的鑰匙。
如:久仰,「I get mind of you 」比「I heard a lot about you.」輕松得多。 代問他人好當然能用」please remember me to your sister .」 或「please give my best wishes to your father 」不過,若是很好的朋友,何不說,「please give my love to Jim。」
在中國可不能隨便說「我想你」,然而,當和西方人分手時說「I will miss you.」要比說「good-bye」或「see you soon」有趣得多,不妨一試。
有人開會遲到了,你若對他說 「you are late .」,聽起來象是廢話,若說「did you get lost ?」,則更能讓他歉然,可別說成「get lost!」那可是讓人滾蛋的意思。
別人徵求你的意見,問能否開窗戶等,你要說「you can do that .」就有點土了,用一句「do you have the time? 」實際上,問他人的姓名,地址都可以這么用:「may I have you name?」要比」what』s your name ? 」禮貌得多,不過警察例外。
別人問你不願公開的問題,切勿用「it』s my secret ,don』t ask such a personal question .」回答,一來顯得你沒有個性,二來也讓對方尷尬。你可以說「I would rather not say .」(還是別說了吧!)。
有時候,你想說什麼,可說是想不起來,你可以說「well …」「let me see」「just a moment 」或「it』s on the tip of my tongue.」等,相比之下,最後一個句型是最地道的。
交談時,你可能會轉換話題,不要只說「by the way 」,實際上,「to change the subject」「before I forget」「while I remember」「mind you 」都是既地道有受歡迎的表達。
遇到你不懂的問題時可別不懂裝懂,「I know」可能是中國人用得最多,而美國人最不能接受的一句話。當一美國教師向你解釋某個問題時,你如果連說兩遍「I know」,我敢保證,他不會再跟你說什麼了。用「I got it 」就順耳得多,要是不懂就說「I』m not clear about it .」不過如果你會說「It』s past my understanding」或「it』s beyond me.」你的教師定會驚訝不已的。
這個太多了啊 你還是在網上搜一下的好
Ⅶ 「對,也有。」英語口語表達怎麼說
可能是 yeah, i have 或者是 yeah, it has
Ⅷ 英語口語表達,大家幫忙
Subject_____Introction of my Country__
Date_____Aug,1 2013____
Hi Lucy,
So excited to receive from you. I am glad that you introce a lot about America, I guess you may have interests about China also.
Here we go. China is a country who has thousand and hundreds years of history, that's why we are traditional. Lunar New Year holiday is the most important festival in China, it means Christmas Day as for you. Families get together at that day and welcome the first day of new year, we make mplings and we watch TV. On the second day of new year, families visit and give their best regards to each other .
As for the ecation, now governments has provided obligation policy, all kids can go to school for free from primary school to high school. Don't worry about those poor students, they are all now can go to school.
I am in High school now, grade 2. School encourage us to do more exercises after class, the most I like to play is basketball, football and pingpong.
So much for today, hope receive from you soon!
Pls give my best regards to your parents and family!
Ⅸ 英語口語表達 大家幫幫忙啊
Your parents are going to see a Beijing Opera show in the evening.You want to join them.Your mother asks you to put on the coat,turn off the light,close the win——dow,And then carry my telephone,finally make sure the door is closed.