『壹』 銀行的一些常用英語口語
account number 帳目編號
depositor 存戶
pay-in slip 存款單
a deposit form 存款單
a banding machine 自動存取機
to deposit 存款
deposit receipt 存款收據
private deposits 私人存款
certificate of deposit 存單
deposit book, passbook 存摺
credit card 信用卡
principal 本金
overdraft, overdraw 透支
to counter sign 雙簽
to endorse 背書
endorser 背書人
to cash 兌現
to honor a cheque 兌付
to dishonor a cheque 拒付
to suspend payment 止付
cheque,check 支票
cheque book 支票本
order cheque 記名支票
bearer cheque 不記名支票
crossed cheque 橫線支票
blank cheque 空白支票
rubber cheque 空頭支票
cheque stub, counterfoil 票根
cash cheque 現金支票
traveler's cheque 旅行支票
cheque for transfer 轉帳支票
outstanding cheque 未付支票
canceled cheque 已付支票
forged cheque 偽支票
Bandar's note 庄票,銀票
banker 銀行家
president 行長
savings bank 儲蓄銀行
Chase Bank 大通銀行
National City Bank of New York 花旗銀行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 匯豐銀行
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麥加利銀行
Banque de I'IndoChine 東方匯理銀行
central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央銀行
bank of issue, bank of circulation 發行幣銀行
commercial bank 商業銀行,儲蓄信貸銀行
member bank, credit bank 儲蓄信貸銀行
discount bank 貼現銀行
exchange bank 匯兌銀行
requesting bank 委託開證銀行
issuing bank, opening bank 開證銀行
advising bank, notifying bank 通知銀行
negotiation bank 議付銀行
confirming bank 保兌銀行
paying bank 付款銀行
associate banker of collection 代收銀行
consigned banker of collection 委託銀行
clearing bank 清算銀行
local bank 本地銀行
domestic bank 國內銀行
overseas bank 國外銀行
unincorporated bank 錢庄
branch bank 銀行分行
trustee savings bank 信託儲蓄銀行
trust company 信託公司
financial trust 金融信託公司
unit trust 信託投資公司
trust institution 銀行的信託部
credit department 銀行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company) 商業信貸公司(貼現公司)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道儲蓄所
credit union 合作銀行
credit bureau 商業興信所
self-service bank 無人銀行
land bank 土地銀行
construction bank 建設銀行
instrial and commercial bank 工商銀行
bank of communications 交通銀行
mutual savings bank 互助儲蓄銀行
post office savings bank 郵局儲蓄銀行
mortgage bank, building society 抵押銀行
instrial bank 實業銀行
home loan bank 家宅貸款銀行
reserve bank 准備銀行
chartered bank 特許銀行
corresponding bank 往來銀行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兌銀行
investment bank 投資銀行
import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 進出口銀行
joint venture bank 合資銀行
money shop, native bank 錢庄
credit cooperatives 信用社
clearing house 票據交換所
public accounting 公共會計
business accounting 商業會計
cost accounting 成本會計
depreciation accounting 折舊會計
computerized accounting 電腦化會計
general ledger 總帳
subsidiary ledger 分戶帳
cash book 現金出納帳
cash account 現金帳
journal, day-book 日記帳,流水帳
bad debts 壞帳
investment 投資
surplus 結余
idle capital 游資
economic cycle 經濟周期
economic boom 經濟繁榮
economic recession 經濟衰退
economic depression 經濟蕭條
economic crisis 經濟危機
economic recovery 經濟復甦
inflation 通貨膨脹
deflation 通貨收縮
devaluation 貨幣貶值
revaluation 貨幣增值
international balance of payment 國際收支
favourable balance 順差
adverse balance 逆差
hard currency 硬通貨
soft currency 軟通貨
international monetary system 國際貨幣制度
the purchasing power of money 貨幣購買力
money in circulation 貨幣流通量
note issue 紙幣發行量
national budget 國家預算
national gross proct 國民生產總值
public bond 公債
stock, share 股票
debenture 債券
treasury bill 國庫券
debt chain 債務鏈
direct exchange 直接(對角)套匯
indirect exchange 間接(三角)套匯
cross rate, arbitrage rate 套匯匯率
foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外匯儲備
foreign exchange fluctuation 外匯波動
foreign exchange crisis 外匯危機
discount 貼現
discount rate, bank rate 貼現率
gold reserve 黃金儲備
money (financial) market 金融市場
stock exchange 股票交易所
broker 經紀人
commission 傭金
bookkeeping 簿記
bookkeeper 簿記員
an application form 申請單
bank statement 對帳單
letter of credit 信用證
strong room, vault 保險庫
equitable tax system 等價稅則
specimen signature 簽字式樣
banking hours, business hours 營業時間
1. deposit 存錢
I'd like to deposit this check into my account.我想把這張支配存入我帳戶.
I'd like to make a deposit.我要存款.
2. check
The check is for $1,200.
3.deposit slip
The deposit slips are at the counter.
4. . ID
May I see your ID, please?
5.. endorse
Please endorse the check on the back.
6. receipt
May I have a receipt, please?
7. branch, bank branch
My bank has branches all over the city.
.8. brochure
This brochure has all the information you need.
9.savings account
10.I have a savings account at that bank.
11.. form 表格
The form you need is on the table.
12.fill out a form
Please fill out this form and give it to me when you are finished. 表格填好後請交給我.
13.apply for a credit card
14.buy traveler's checks
15.cash a check
16.check your account balance
17.exchange money
18.fill out a withdraw slip
19.open a checking account
20.order checks
21.pay off a loan
22.pay your bills online
23.rent a safety deposit box
24.review your bank statement
25.take out a loan
26.talk with a bank teller
27.talk with the bank manager
28.transfer money
29.use a debit card
30.withdraw money
31. mortgage
33. The maturity date of the CD
34. renew the CD
35. bankrupt
『貳』 外貿英語口語中常用的詞彙有哪些
FOB (free on board) 離岸價
C&F (cost and freight) 成本加運費價
CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸價
freight 運費
wharfage 碼頭費
landing charges 卸貨費
customs ty 關稅
port es 港口稅
import surcharge 進口附加稅
import variable ties 進口差價稅專
commission 傭金net price 凈價
wholesale price 批發屬價
discount / allowance 折扣
retail price 零售價
spot price 現貨價格
『叄』 商務英語口語考試:對話
1.Your conversation is about making a contract on purchasing nuts with the supplier through the process of enquiry,offer, counter-offer.我們的談話內容,是關於采購堅果,同賣方之間進行詢價、報價及還價的過程。
2.Suppose you』re placing an order of 10 tons of black tea, and you』ll discuss the details with you seller, which includes price,delivery,packaging,shipment)如果你下了一個10噸紅茶的訂單,你就得跟他們討論一些細節,包括價格、出貨、包裝及裝船訊息。
3.Assume you received your goods of sewing machine which were delivered late, and what』s worse, some of the cases were damp and broken. Then you』re planning to address the problem with your supplier. ( complaint, claim, and after sale service should be included)如果你需要的縫紉機貨物交貨延遲了,或者有個別箱子受潮或破損,那你就得向你的供應商檢討問題原因(可能要抱怨、索賠或者是要求其履行售後服務)
4. Make a conversation between an agent and seller about commission negotiation 買賣雙方進行傭金談判。
5. A is a buyer(purchaser) , B is a seller. Make a conversation in which A tries to promote samples to persuade B to buy their procts.買方與賣方之間的談判,就是買方說服賣方購買其產品的過程。
6. Try to make a conversation on negotiation of price clause in a contract 關於合同中的價格條款做一次會談
7. Try to make a conversation on establishing business relationship with your potential business partner.跟你的潛在客戶關於建立合作關系做一次會談。
8. Make a conversation promoting your procts at a trade fair.
9. Make a conversation discussing how to increase sales/ your work plan for next year.關於如何提升下半年的銷售額即你的工作計劃做一次會談。
10. make a conversation about staring an E-Commerce.關於如何著眼於電子商務市場做一次會談
『肆』 外貿英語常用詞彙
stocks 存貨,庫存量
cash sale 現貨
purchase 購買,進貨
bulk sale 整批銷售,躉售
distribution channels 銷售渠道
wholesale 批發
retail trade 零售業
hire-purchase 分期付款購買
fluctuate in line with market conditions 隨行就市
unfair competition 不合理競爭
mping 商品傾銷
mping profit margin 傾銷差價,傾銷幅度
antimping 反傾銷
customs bond 海關擔保
chain debts 三角債
freight forwarder 貨運代理
trade consultation 貿易磋商
mediation of dispute 商業糾紛調解
partial shipment 分批裝運
restraint of trade 貿易管制
RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 區域貿易安排
favorable balance of trade 貿易順差
unfavorable balance of trade 貿易逆差
special preferences 優惠關稅
bonded warehouse 保稅倉庫
transit trade 轉口貿易
tariff barrier 關稅壁壘
tax rebate 出口退稅
TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技術性貿易壁壘
trade partner 貿易夥伴
manufacturer 製造商,製造廠
middleman 中間商,經紀人
dealer 經銷商
wholesaler 批發商
retailer, tradesman 零售商
merchant 商人,批發商,零售商
concessionaire, licensed dealer 受讓人,特許權獲得者
consumer 消費者,用戶
client, customer 顧客,客戶
buyer 買主,買方
carrier 承運人
consignee 收貨人
『伍』 外貿英語口語
『陸』 日常生活中常見的英語縮寫有哪些
1、wanna (= want to) 【美國口語】
wanna 是 "want to" 的縮寫,意為「想要」「希望」
eg: Wanna grab a drink tonight?
2、gonna(= going to)【美國口語】
gonna 是"going to" 的縮寫,用在將來時中,一般與 be 動詞連用成「be gonna」結構, 但在口語中也有省略be 的情況出現。
eg:Who's gonna believe you?
3、kinda (= kind of)
kinda 是"kind of"的縮寫,意為「有點」「有幾分」
eg: I'm kinda freaking out!
4、sorta (=sort of)【美國口語】
sorta 是 "sort of" 的縮寫,意為「有幾分」「可以說是」
eg:I'm sorta excited.
5、gotta (=got to)【美國口語】
gotta是"got to"的縮寫,意為「不得不」「必須」
eg:I gotta go now.
瑞典公司的牌子為四個詞【Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd】的首字母縮寫,在瑞典語中的發音確實是「ee-key-a」,英美人的發音卻是「eye-key-a」,估計是遵從了「IBM」、「ISO」這種縮略詞的字母I發音模式,只不過後面的「KEA」連讀而已,類似「idea」。
7、IELTS–International English Language Testing System 雅思;
中文意為 「國際英語水平測試」
8、TOEFL–Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福;
9、a.m.是ante meridiem(拉丁文)的縮寫;p.m.是post meridiem(拉丁文)的縮寫。
故ante meridiem就是before noon;
post meridiem就是after noon.
11、ATM:Automated Teller Machine 自動取款機
12、GPS:Global Positioning System全球定位系統
13、POS:Point of Sales 刷卡機
14、BBS:Bulletin Board System論壇
15、App:是 application 的縮寫,不念 A屁屁,正確發音為:愛P~
16、BMW:寶馬,全稱為巴伐利亞機械製造廠股份公司Bayerische Motoren Werke
18、PDF:全稱Portable Document Format 譯為便攜文檔格式
e.g. (例如): exempli gratia
etc. (等等…): et cetera
et al. (以及其他人;等人): et alii
i.e. (即是): id est
20、FW: forward 轉發
21、CC: Carbon Copy 抄送
22、BCC: Blind Carbon Copy 秘送
23、Encl. : enclosure 隨信附上
24、ASAP: As soon as possible以前大家也會說:ASAP但現在大家會連讀ASAP [ay-sap]兩種讀法都可以。
25、BTW: By the way書面表達是BTW,但是口語一般會讀出來:by the way。
26、FYI: For your information書面和口語都是:F-Y-I轉發郵件的時候常用到,表示給對方看一下。
27、FAQ: Frequently asked questions 常見問題有人可能會連讀,但一般還是F-A-Q讀字母就可以了。
28、CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席執行官,源自美國20世紀60年代進行公司治理結構改革創新時IT是指信息技術,即英文Information Technology 的縮寫。
29、DIY是英文Do It Yourself的首字母縮寫,自己動手製作的意思。
30、ID是英文I Dentity的縮寫,ID是身份標識號碼的意思。
31、VIP是英文Very Important Person的縮寫,就是貴賓的意思。
『柒』 」什麼承諾啊」用英語怎麼說
what is the commission ?
『捌』 出納英語基本口語都有哪些,本人是做出納的,明天有一些工作上的事情跟老外交流
Excuse me,sir.May I apply for the position of accountant?
Sure.Please sit down.
What university did you graate from?
I graated from Beijing College of Commerce.
What was your major at college?
My major was accounting.
Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation to accounting?
Sure.I took such courses as accounting principles,commercial accounting,cost accounting,instrical accounting,electronic data processing accounting,and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises.
What was your favorite course?
My favorite course was electronic data processing account-ing.
What kind of work are you doing now?
I'm engaged in accounting.
What are you responsibilites at your present work unit?
My work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic ac-counting tasks including journal entries,verifying data and reconciling discrepancies,preparing detailed reports from raw data,and checking accounting documents for completeness,mathematical accuracy and consistency.
我的工作是履行各種簿記與基本會計事項,包括填寫日記賬、核實數據、糾正誤差,根據原始數據編制明細報表、核查會計文件的完整性、數字的精確性和一致性。 以上是新• 動• 態為您提供的答案,希望能對你有所幫助。
『玖』 英語口語大全的目錄
Establishing Business Relationship
Establishing Business Relationship 2069
Visiting the Company in Person 2075
Viewing Samples and Exhibited Procts 2081
Price and Payment
詢價 Making an Inquiry 2087
報價 Making an Offer 2093
商議價格 Bargaining 2099
折扣 Discount 2105
傭金 Commission 2111
下定單 Placing an Order 2117
付款方式 Terms of Payment 2123
Packing and Shipping
包裝 Packing 2129
運輸 Shipping 2135
Insurance, Compensation and Dispute
保險 Insurance 2141
Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss 2147
Refusing to Accept the Claim 2153
Accepting the Claim 2159
Receiving Clients
Meeting a Guest at the Airport 2167
Receiving a Client 2173
Seeing off a Client 2179
秘書、助理英語CHAPTER 2
安排老闆日程 Making Schele for the Boss 2185
安排會議 Arranging a Meeting 2191
安排預約 Making an Appointment 2197
秘書、助理英語CHAPTER 2
General Services
業務咨詢 Offering Inquiry Service 2205
開戶業務 Helping Open an Account 2211
Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money 2217
匯款業務 Helping Send Money 2223
Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account 2229
銀行卡業務 Offering Bank Card Service 2235
銀行職員英語CHAPTER 3
Other Services
外匯兌換業務 Offering Money Exchange Service 2241
支票業務 Offering Cheque Service 2247
零錢兌換業務 Offering Money Changing Service 2253
銀行職員英語CHAPTER 3
General Services
郵局業務咨詢 Offering Inquiry Service 2261
信件業務 Letter Service 2267
包裹業務 Parcel Service 2273
郵局職員英語CHAPTER 4
Other Services
Selling Envelopes and Stamps 2279
報刊雜志業務 Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service 2285
Taking Room Reservation 2293
Receiving Guest and Helping Check In 2299
Handling Complaint 2305
Helping Check Out 2311
賓館服務英語CHAPTER 5
Room Services
引領客房 Showing Guest the Room 2317
整理客房 Making up the Room 2323
洗衣服務 Laundry Service 2329
送餐服務 Room Service 2335
叫醒服務 Wake-up Service 2341
設施維修服務 Facility Repair Service 2347
賓館服務英語CHAPTER 5
Services at the Shop
At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 2353
At the Silk Shop 2359
賓館服務英語CHAPTER 5
Receiving Guests
Taking Reservation over the Telephone 2367
領座 Seating a Guest 2373
請客人點餐 Asking a Guest to Order 2379
菜餚介紹 Introcing Dishes 2385
餐廳服務英語CHAPTER 6
Other Services
上菜 Serving Dishes 2391
處理顧客抱怨 Dealing with Complaints 2397
隨桌服務 Waiting on the Table 2403
結賬送客 Settling Bill and Sending off Guests 2409
餐廳服務英語CHAPTER 6
Serving Customers
招呼顧客 Receiving Customers 2417
產品介紹 Introcing Procts 2423
產品價格 Procts』 Price 2429
售後服務 After-sales Service 2435
送別顧客 Saying Good-bye to a Customer 2441
售貨員英語CHAPTER 7
Selling Procts
服裝銷售 Selling Clothes 2447
鞋帽銷售 Selling Hats and Shoes 2453
食品銷售 Selling Food 2459
電器銷售 Selling Household Appliances 2465
化妝品銷售 Selling Cosmetics 2471
紀念品銷售 Selling Souvenirs 2477
售貨員英語CHAPTER 7
Receiving Passengers
招呼乘客 Greeting a Passenger 2485
途中詢問 Ask the way 2491
向乘客收費 Charges to passengers 2497
計程車英語CHAPTER 8
Explaining Traffic Conditions
解釋路面狀況 Explaining Road Conditions 2503
解釋行駛故障 Explaining Troubles on the Road 2509
『拾』 商務英文
financial crisis金融危機
Federal Reserve 美聯儲
real estate 房地產
share 股票
inflation deflation
stock market 股市
shareholder 股東
macroeconomic 宏觀經濟
go under\bankrupt 破產
pension fund 養老基金
government bond 政府債券
budget 預算
deficit 赤字 surplus
intellectual property 知識產權
opportunistic practice 投機行為
entrepreneur 企業家
cook the book 做假帳
fluctuate 波動
merger 並購
pickup in price 物價上漲 CPI
monetary policy 貨幣政策
foreign exchange 外匯
quote 報價
contract 合同
floating rate 浮動利率
venture capital 風險資本(VC)
global corporation 跨國公司
consolidation 兼並
take over 收購
2)具體詢價:所謂具體詢價實際上就是請求對方報盤(request for an offer)。也就是說,買方已准備購買某種商品,或已有現成買主,請賣方就這一商品報價。
Basic Expressions
1. Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue.
2. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver. 所報價格需包括到溫哥華的保險和運費。
3. I would like to have your lowest quotations C.I.F. Vancouver. 希望您報成本加運費、保險費到溫哥華的最低價格。
4. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?
5. We would appreciate your sending us the latest samples with their best prices.
6. Your ad in today』s China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your prices.
對你們刊登在今天《中國日報》上的廣告,我們很感興趣。如能寄 來樣品並附上價格,不勝欣慰。
7. Will you please inform us of the prices at which you can supply? 請告知我們貴方能供貨的價格。
8. If your prices are reasonable, we may place a large order with you.
9. If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.
若質量好且價格適合我方市場的話,我們願考慮與你方簽署一項長 期合同。
10. As there is a growing demand for this article, we have to ask you for a special discount.
11. We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.
12. Please quote your lowest price CIF Seattle for each of the follow- ing items, including our 5% commission.
請就下列每項貨物向我方報成本加運費、保險費到西雅圖的最低價 格,其中包括我們百分之五的傭金。
13. Please keep us informed of the latest quotation for the following items.
14. Mr. Smith is making an inquiry for green tea.
15. Now that we have already made an inquiry on your articles, will you please make an offer before the end of this month?
16. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit.
17. Please quote us your price for 100 units of Item 6 in your catalog.
18. Those items are in the greatest demand in foreign markets.
19. Would you please quote me your prices for the goods?
20. We have quoted this price based on careful calculations.
Dialogue 1
A: Good afternoon. I am Mr. Brown, the Import manager of Atlantic Instries Ltd, Sidney, Australia. This is my card.
B: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. My name is Mrs. Anderson, manager of the sales department.
A: Nice to see you, Mrs. Anderson.
B: Nice to see you too, Mr. Brown. Won』t you sit down?
A: Thank you.
B: What would you like, tea or coffee?
A: I』d prefer coffee if you don』t mind.
B: Is it your first trip to the Fair, Mr. Brown?
A: No, it』s the fourth time.
-- 下午好!我是布朗先生,是澳大利亞悉尼大西洋工業有限公司進口部經理。這是我的名片。
-- 布朗先生,下午好!我是安德森女士,銷售部的經理。
-- 見到你很高興,安德森女士。
-- 布朗先生,我也很高興見到你,請坐。
-- 謝謝。
-- 你願喝茶還是咖啡?
-- 如不介意請來杯咖啡吧。
-- 布朗先生,這是您第一次參加博覽會嗎?
n 不,這是第四次了。
B: Good. Is there anything you find changed about the Fair?
A: Yes, a great deal. The business scope has been broadened, and there are more visitors than ever before.
B: Really, Mr. Brown? Did you find anything interesting?
A: Oh, yes. Quite a bit. But we are especially interested in your procts.
B: We are glad to hear that. What items are you particularly inter - ested in?
A: Women』s dresses. They are fashionable and suit Australian women well, too. If they are of high quality and the prices are reasonable, we』ll purchase large quantities of them. Will you please quote us a price?
B: All right.
-- 太好了。您發現博覽會有什麼變化嗎?
-- 對,變化很大。經營范圍擴大了,而且客戶也多了很多。
-- 布朗先生,真的嗎?你有沒有發現感興趣的商品?
-- 是的,有很多。我們對你們的產品尤其感興趣。
-- 聽你這樣說我們真高興。您對什麼產品尤其感興趣呢?
-- 連衣裙。這些連衣裙的款式不僅時髦,而且很適合澳洲婦女穿著。 如果這些衣服質量好,價格合理,我們將大量訂購。您能開個價嗎?
-- 那好吧。
Dialogue 2
A: I』m glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.
B: It』s a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brown. I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom. May I know what particular items you』re interested in?
A: I』m interested in your hardware. I』ve seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada. Here is a list of my requirements, for which I』d like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Vancouver.
-- 我很高興有這個機會參觀你們公司。我希望能與您談下大筆生意。
-- 很高興見到您,布朗先生。我想您已經看過我們展示廳里的產品了。 可否知道您具體對哪些商品感興趣?
-- 我對你們的五金產品感興趣。我已看過你們的展示品並仔細看過你 們的目錄冊。我想其中的一些產品很快就能在加拿大暢銷。這是我 所列的需求單,請給予最優惠的報價,溫哥華到岸價。
B: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers?
A: I』ll do that. Meanwhile, could you give me an indication of price?
B: Here are our F.O.B. price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.
A: What about the commission? From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It』s the general practice.
B: As a rule we don』t allow any commission. But if the order is a substantial one, we』ll consider it.
A: You see, but I do business on a commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even two or three percent would help.
B: That』s something we can discuss later.
-- 感謝您的詢價。您能告訴我們您需要的數量以便我們報價嗎?
-- 我會的,同時你能給我一個估計價格嗎?
-- 這是我們的離岸價單,裡面所有的價格都以我方確認為准。
-- 傭金呢?從歐洲供銷商那裡,我通常可以得到進口產品3-5%的佣 金。這是慣例。
-- 一般來說,我們不允許任何傭金。但是如果訂單數量可觀,我們會 考慮的。
-- 但我是在傭金的基礎上做生意的。你們在價格上提供傭金將使我推 銷產品更加容易一些。即使2%或3%也是可以的。
-- 這個問題我們可以以後再討論。
Dialogue 3
A: When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, that is to say, the final offer, Mr. London?
B: We』ll have them worked out by this evening and let you have them tomorrow morning. Would you be free to come by then?
A: Yes. I』ll be here tomorrow morning at 10.
B: Perfect. Our offer remains open for 3 days.
A: I don』t need that long to make up my mind. If your prices are agreeable and if I can get the commission I want, I can place the order right away.
B: I』m sure you』ll find our price most favorable. Elsewhere prices for hardware have gone up tremendously in recent years. Our prices haven』t changed much.
-- 倫敦先生,什麼時候能給我你們公司確認的到岸價格,那就是,最後的報價?
-- 我們將在今晚制定出來,明天早上讓你拿到。到時你有時間過來 嗎?
-- 可以,明天早上10點我過來這里。
-- 太好了,我們的報價三天有效。
-- 我不需要那麼長時間來做決定。如果你們提供的價格合適,而且如 果我能得到我想要的傭金,我可以立即下訂單。
-- 你會發現我們的價格是最優惠的。近幾年來,其他地方五金的價格 上漲幅度很大,而我們的價格變化不大。
A: I』m glad to hear that. As I』ve just said, I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.
B: We shall be very pleased. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mrs. Anderson?
A: I』m buying for chain department stores in Canada. They are also interested in Egyptian carpets. Could you introce me to the
person in charge of this line?
B: Certainly, I』ll make an appointment for you with Mr. Jordan of the Egypt National Native Proce and Animal By-procts Import and Export Corporation.
A: Thank you very much.
-- 那太好了。正如我剛才所說的,我希望與你們做成一些大買賣。
-- 我們也很高興。我還能為您做點其他什麼嗎,安德森女士?
-- 我為加拿大的連鎖百貨店選購貨物。他們還對埃及地毯很感興趣。 你們能為我介紹做這行的人嗎?
-- 當然可以。我會為您和喬丹先生預約一下,他是埃及國家土畜產進 出口公司的。
-- 非常感謝你們。
Words and Expressions
promising [ 5prCmisiN ] 有希望的,有前途的
initial [ i5niFEl ] 最初的
a long- term contract 長期合同
grant [ ^rB:nt ] 批准,給予
substantial [ sEb5stAnFEl ] 數量大的,大量的
subject to our confirmation 以我方確認為准
covering [ 5kQvEriN ] 有關的
chain department store 連鎖百貨店
receipt [ ri5si:t ] 收到;收據
a ready market 市場暢銷
do business on a commission basis 做有傭金的買賣
price sheet / price list 價格單
as a rule 通常,一般來說
C.I.F Vancouver 溫哥華到岸價
quotation [ kwEu5teiFEn ] 報價,標價
enquiry [ in5kwaiEri ] 詢價
showroom [5FEJrJm] 展示廳,陳列室
hardware [ 5hB:dwZE ] 五金製品
There』s no indication of price. 沒有標明價格。
commission [ kE5miFEn ] 傭金
sales literature 銷售說明書
specification [ 7spesifi5keiFEn ] 規格
F.O.B. prices 離岸價,船上交貨價
firm offer/ tentative offer 實盤/議盤
1. We would be obliged if you would ?
a. We would be thankful (grateful) if you would?
b. We would appreciate if you would?
c. It would be appreciated if you would?
2. C.I.F. 是 Cost Insurance Freight 的縮寫,其意思是 「成本、保險費加運費」。
3. have confidence in 對……有信心
4. hear from 收到……的來信
5. place an order 訂貨
6. make a delivery 交貨
A Specimen Letter
Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your letter of 25th September.
As one of the largest dealers of garments, we are interested in ladies? dresses of all descriptions. We would be grateful if you would give us quotations per dozen of C.I.F. Vancouver for those items as listed on the separate sheet. In the meantime, we would like you to send us samples of the various materials of which the dresses are made.
We are given to understand that you are a state-owned enterprise and we have confidence in the quality of Chinese procts. If your prices are moderate, we believe there is a promising market for the above-mentioned articles in our area.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Canadian Garment Co.Ltd. 釋文
Substitution Drills
1 A: We』re quite interested in your down coats. How about the supply position?
B: For most of the articles in the catalog, we have an ample supply.
All the articles displayed here are available.
Generally speaking, we can supply from stock.
2 A: I don』t need to remind you that the market has become very competitive. the competition has become pretty keen. you must be able to compete with rival firms.
B: You』ll find our prices are very favorable. very competitive. most acceptable.
不用說市場競爭很激烈。市場競爭變得相當尖銳。你必須能夠與你的對手公司相競爭。你會發現我們的價格 很優惠。很有競爭力。是最容易接受的。
3 A: Do you quote F.O.B. or C.I.F.?
B: We usually quote on an F.O.B. basis. a C. I.F. basis the basis of C. I. F. terms landed
你們報船上交貨價還是最後到岸價?我們一般報 船上交貨價。成本加運費、保險費在內的到岸價最後到岸價加卸貨價
4 A: Could you make offers for the items listed in your catalogue? Would you give me an offer for Item No.7? May I have your offer of Model ZX 102?
B: Here』s the price list, but the prices』re subject to our final confirmation. Here it is, but the price is subject to your confirmation before Friday. Here you are, but the offer is based on immediate acceptance. 你能給出目錄中所列產品的報價嗎?給出七號物品的報價嗎?給我ZX 102型的價格嗎?
5 A: How long will you leave your offer open? valid on the table
B: It』s valid for three years.
It』s good for twenty-four hours only.
It』ll remain firm until Friday.
6 A:We want to find out if you can supply walnut meat. article No.16 is available. B:Walnut meat is in high demand these days. As far as this item is concerned, the supply cannot meet the demand.
7 7 A: Any chance of scraping up a small quantity?
B: To be honest, we』ve sold out.
tell the truth, the supply has run out.
put it simply, we have nothing on hand.
8 We』ll keep your order on file. When the next supply comes in, we』ll get in touch with you. We』ll keep your requirement in mind. When new crops come in, we』ll let you know. We』ll inform you as soon as we have new supplies in the near future.
第一課 問候
Lesson one greetings
Good morning/afternoon/evening
stock 存款 new 新的
newest 最新的 proct 產品
welcome 歡迎
1、May/Can I help you? 要我幫忙嗎?
2、Please have a seat.您請坐。
3、Take your time, please.請隨意看。
4、Please come again.歡迎再來。
5、It is out of stock.這件貨品缺貨。
6、This is our newest proct.這是我們最新的產品。
第二課 打電話
Lesson tow making a call
call 打電話 catch 跟上
slowly 慢地 loudly 大聲地
repeat 重復 hold 稍等
1、Hold on, please/Just a moment, please.請稍等。
2、I couldn』t catch you.我跟不上你。
3、Would you speak more slowly? 你可以講慢一點嗎?
4、Would you speak more loudly, please? 你可以講大聲一點嗎?
5、Could you repeat it? 你願意再說一次嗎?
6、Thank you for calling.謝謝你打電話來。
第三課 質量
Lesson three quality
1、How about the quality of this proct? The quality is too low.
2、The quality of our procts is very high.
3、They are famous brands.
4、They are well-known brands in the world.
5、I assure you of the quality.
6、The quality is too low.
第四課 價格
Lesson four price
expensive 昂貴的 cheap 便宜的
highest 最高的 lowest 最低的
cost 成本 wholesale 批發
retail 零售
1、What is the price? 價格怎樣?
2、That』s too much! /It』s too expensive.太貴了。
3、Can it be cheaper? 能便宜點嗎?
4、What』s the highest price? 最高價多少?
What』s the lowest price? 最低價多少?
5、It』s almost at cost.這幾乎是成本價。
6、Wholesale or retail? 你是批發還是零售?
第五課 付款方式
Lesson five payment
deposit 押金 change 零錢
cash 現金 credit card 信用卡
check 支票 bank account 銀行賬戶
1、You must pay a deposit.你必須要付一部分押金。
2、Here』s your change.找給你錢。
3、Is check ok? 支票可以嗎?
4、We』d like you to pay in cash.我們希望你能付現金。
5、Can I pay with my credit card? 我能用信用卡付款嗎?
6、Do you have anything smaller?有沒有面額小一點的?
第六課 展示樣品
Lesson six showing samples
1、Here is our sample room.這是我們的樣品室。
2、These are our new models.這是我們的新樣品。
3、How do you pack them? 如何包裝?
4、We』ll guarantee this proct for one year.我們這項產品保用一年。
5、It』s very nice.產品很漂亮。
6、Follow me, please.請跟我來。
第八課 尺寸和款式
4、How about this one? 這種怎麼樣?
5、May I see other in a different style? 我想看看其他的款式。
6、If you are not satisfied, return it to me.如果你不滿意,可以退回來。
第九課 交貨
Lesson nine delivery
1、When can you deliver? 什麼時候交貨?
2、I』ll deliver the goods in three days, OK? 我三天後交貨可以嗎?
3、I』ll ship as quickly as we can.我們會盡快給您裝貨。
4、Sorry, but we don』t offer delivery service.對不起,我們不提供運貨服務。
1、Glad/Nice to meet you.很高興認識你。
3、Keep in touch. 保持聯絡。
4、I』ll contact you again. 我會再聯系你的。
5、I hope to see you again. 希望下次再見。
6、It』s out pleasure to do business with you.與您合作很愉快。