A. 有誰英語口語很好
B. 英語口語常用的30句贊美語
1. You look great today。(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】
2. You did a good job. (你幹得非常好。)【國際最通用的表揚!】
3. We』re so proud of you。(我們十分為你驕傲。)【最高級的表揚!】
4. I』m very pleased with your work。(我對你的工作非常滿意。)【正式、真誠的贊揚!】
5. This is really a nice place。(這真是個好地方!)【隨口就說、但效果很好的表揚!】
6. You』re looking sharp! (你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【與眾不同的表揚!】
7. You always know the right thing to say. =
8. You』re very eloquent。(你總是說話得體。) 【高層次的表揚!】
9. Nice going! = you did a good job。(幹得好!)【極其地道的表揚!】
10. The food is delicious。(好吃!)【最普通、但非常重要的表揚!】
11. Everything tastes great。(每樣東西都很美味!)
12. Your son/daughter is so cute。(你的孩子很可愛。)【外國人絕對喜歡聽的表揚!】
13. What an adorable baby! (多麼可愛的孩子。)【只管大膽用!】
14. I admire your work. = 15。
15. I respect your work。(我對你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】
16. You』ve got a great personality。(你的個性很好。)【一個非常安全的表揚!】
17. You have a good sense of humor。(你真幽默。)【美國人極其喜歡的表揚!】
18. Your Chinese is really surprising。(你的中文令人驚訝。)【絕對和其他人不一樣的表
19. Your English is incredible。(我真不敢相信你的英語。)【用了六星級形容詞!】
20. You have a very successful business。(你的事業很成功。)【現代人非常喜歡聽!】
21. You』re very professional。(你非常專業。)【專業化的表揚!】
22. Your company is very impressive。(你的公司給我留下深刻印象。)
23. You』re so smart。(你非常聰明。)
24. I envy you very much。(我非常羨慕你。)
25. Your wife is very charming。(你的妻子很有魅力!)
26. You two make a lovely couple。(你們真是天生的一對!)
27. You』re really talented。(你很有天賦。)
28. You look nice in that color。(你穿那種顏色很好看。)
29. You have a good taste。(你很有品位。)
30. You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding. =you look like a movie star。(你看上去帥呆了。)
C. 英語口語十分好的人請進!!!
給你提供個聊天的網站:www.sharedtalk.com 這個網站要注冊,但免費也方便,告訴它你郵箱,它把激活代碼發給你,你把代碼打如就可以.然後就可以進入語音聊天(找英語國家的人,別找亞洲地區的),這個網上交了朋友有加MSN方便以後聯系.否則就再也找不到了.
D. 有關英語口語超越
「能者上、平者讓、庸者下」, 「超越」——對員工個人充分發展,對企業追求卓越的目標至觀重要。 如果學習、生活、工作算是人生中三大樂章,那麼「自我超越」就是這三大樂章的主旋律,她決定著你在任一段樂章中所奏出的音樂是否委婉動聽。我認為,「自我超越」是我們與生俱來的一種能力,只是發揮在每個人身上的時效不同而已。細細品味:如果我們不努力學會說話就不會與父母交流,就無法餓時吃飯、渴時喝水;如果我們不努力學習知識,就不會懂得如何生活;如果我們不努力工作,就不會得到優厚的待遇和無限的榮譽,人生的價值就無法體現……,這許許多多成長的點滴,正是由於我們不同程度上有效地運用和發揮了自我超越的結果。而培養我們不斷地自我超越的土壤,就是我們每一個階段所處的環境,環境逼迫和歷煉了我們,它讓我們不得不時刻「自我超越」,向一個又一個目標沖刺。 社會是大環境,企業是小環境,我們無法改變大環境對我們實現「自我超越」的阻力,但卻可以努力改進企業 這個小環境,讓其促使我們更快、更好地實現「超越自我」。 金海公司擁有獨特的企業文化和「以人為本,追求卓越」的管理理念,從管理到經營始終奉行「以人為根本」。員工激勵機制制度的建立,每一階段組織的競聘上崗比賽,每一次民主測評……都是企業體現以人為本的理念,激發員工的超越意識,抵制不負責任、消極、拖沓、散漫的工作作風,鼓勵員工工作的積極性和創造性。可以說,企業為員工提供了一定「自我超越」的環境和平台。但這一系列的措施背後,仍存在著「能者上不了、平者不願意讓、庸者下不去」的狀況,這一情況的產生僅僅歸於當事人自身的原因嗎?不,這更隱藏著企業管理的漏洞及領導習慣性地用人方式所產生的必然結果。 企業中每一個工作崗位都有相應的崗位職責,崗位職責告訴我們哪些工作是我們的職責范圍,職責中所列工作的第一責任人就是我們自己,出現問題我們負有不可推卸的責任。但實際工作中,很難在一個崗位上完全做到按照規定的職責去執行,去承擔責任。即使你不按照職責去工作,企業也不會讓你受到懲罰,因為原本工作職責並沒有細致、明確,責任自然也變得模糊。《第五項修煉》提出:「自我超越」需要人的創造性張力。我認為,人的責任心和創造力是成正比的,有了責任心才會激發自己不斷「超越自我」的潛能,沒有了責任感,更無從談在本職崗位上實現「超越自我」了。 我們需要制定更有效的機制,為員工「自我超越」創造條件。 員工的成長與企業的發展息息相關,企業無法給員工提供健康、向上的成長空間,員工的「成長上限」就會變得越來越窄,企業的壽命也自然隨之短暫。當今社會發展瞬息萬變,對人才的渴求已成為21世紀的焦點,但人才不是天生的,他(她)需要在不同的環境中磨練、蛻變。只有給人才提供「自我超越」的空間,讓他們不斷地實現「自我超越」,得到充分發展,我們的企業才不至於在大浪淘沙時被淹沒,我們的社會才會得到長足、快速地發展。 今天不超越自己,明天被別人超越。
Beyond the self-realization of a dream
"Those who have the means, to bring peace, mediorce", "beyond" -- full of personal development, enterprises in the pursuit of excellence on the objectives to the important concept. If learning, life and work life is three pieces so "self-transcendence" is the theme of the three movements, She decided to your movement in the section of the audience, as if the music sounding euphemism. I think "self-transcendence" is born with the ability, but to play in each of the time people are different. Carefully taste : If we do not work hard to learn to speak with their parents would not exchange, it is impossible to eat when hungry, drink when thirsty; If we do not work hard to acquire knowledge, we would not know how to live; If we do not work hard. would not be favorable treatment and unlimited honor, the value can not be reflected ... that many growth of 1947, It is precisely because we differ on the extent of the effective application and use of the self-transcendence results. We constantly nurture self-transcendence soil, is a stage for every office environment, hurt the environment and forced us, it allows us to be "self-transcendence" to a sprint is a target. Community environment, enterprises are small environment, we can change our environment to achieve the "self-transcend" the resistance, But we can strive to improve the small business environment, prompted us to allow faster and better achieve the "self-transcend." Jinhai company has a unique entrepreneurial culture and the "people-centered, the pursuit of excellence," the management philosophy, operating from the management to always pursue the "fundamental to human." Staff incentive mechanism established system, each stage of the competition will be hired, every democratic test ... Enterprises are reflected in the people-centered philosophy, the staff excited beyond awareness boycott irresponsible, negative, bad lackadaisical, undisciplined style of work, to encourage staff to the enthusiasm and creativity. It can be said that the enterprises to provide their employees with a certain "self-transcendence" environment and platform. But behind a series of measures, there are still "those who have never equaled are reluctant to let, the mediorce failure" situation, This situation arises only attributable to the party's own reasons? No, it more hidden loopholes in the management of enterprises and leading to the customary manner by employing the inevitable result. Every enterprise has a job corresponding ty, their ties and tell us what is our responsibility, ties listed in the first responsibility is our own, the problems we have unshirkable responsibilities. However, the actual work, in a difficult position to do in accordance with its responsibilities for implementation, to shoulder the responsibility. Even if you are not in accordance with the ty to work, the enterprise does not allow you to be punished because the original work responsibilities did not careful, clear, the responsibility will naturally be fuzzy. "Five Disciplines" : "self-transcendence" need the creative tension. I think that the sense of responsibility and creativity is directly proportional to the Armed with a sense of responsibility will continue to inspire its own "self-transcend" potential, the absence of a sense of responsibility, the more impossible to work on their posts to achieve "better ourselves." We need to develop a more effective mechanism for the staff "self-transcendence" to create conditions. Staff and the growth is closely related to the development of enterprises, enterprises are unable to offer health and upward for the growth, staff "growth cap" will become increasingly narrow, the corporate life will be correspondingly short. Today's rapidly changing social development, the demand for talents has become the focus of the 21st century, but is not a natural-born talent, He (or she) needs in a different environment for them to evolve. Only for the professionals to provide "self-transcendence" space, so that they continue to achieve "self-transcendence," the full development, Our enterprises are not in Ebbtide was inundated, our society will be considerable, and fast development. Not beyond today, beyond tomorrow by others.
E. 「超贊」用英語怎麼寫
Perfect !
F. 強烈推薦幾個超好用的英語口語app