㈠ 交通安全標志的英語
No left turn 禁止左轉 no turns 禁止掉頭抄
sidewalk 人行道 parkinglot 停車場
Pay attention to risk 注意危險
㈡ 請問北京地鐵月票什麼時候取消
㈢ 交通標志的英文名稱和
1 爬坡車道 Steep Grade
2 長下坡慢行 Steep Slope-Slow Down
3 陡坡減速 Steep Incline-Slow Down
4 追尾危險 Don't Follow Too Closely
5 小心路滑 Slippery When Wet
6 保持車距 Maintain Safe Distance
7 事故多發點 Accident Area
8 保護動物 Watch for Animals
9 道路交通信息 Traffic Information
10 多霧路段 Foggy Area
11 軟基路段 Soft Roadbed
12 堤壩路 Embankment Road
13 明槽路段 Underpass
14 深槽路段 Underpass
15 道路封閉 Road Closed
16 車輛慢行 Slow Down
17 道路施工 Road Work Ahead
18 車輛繞行 Detour
19 前方彎道 Bend Ahead
20 方向引導 Direction Sign
21 落石 Falling Rocks
22 雙向交通 Two-Way Traffic
23 單行交通 One-Way Traffic
24 禁止駛入/嚴禁通行/禁止入洞 No Entry
25 禁止超越線 No Passing
26 此路不通 Dead End
27 道路或車道變窄 Road / Lane Narrows
28 道路兩側變窄 Road Narrows on Both Sides
29 道路左側變窄 Road Narrows on Left
30 道路右側變窄 Road Narrows on Right
31 限制寬度 Max. Clearance___M.32 限制高度 Max. Clearance M.
33 禁鳴喇叭 No Horn
34 停車領卡 Stop for Ticket
35 大型車靠右 Large Vehicles Keep Right
36 公共汽車優先 Bus Priority
37 請系好安全帶 Buckle Up
38 嚴禁酒後開車 Don't Drink and Drive
39 請勿疲勞駕駛 Don't Drive When Tired
40 禁扔廢棄物 No Littering
41 禁用手機 Don't Use Cellphones When Driving
42 禁止超載 Don't Exceed Weight Limit
43 禁止超高 Don't Exceed Height Limit
44 嚴禁超速 Don't Exceed Speed Limit
45 專心駕駛 謹防追尾 Drive Carefully
46 請按車道行駛/分道行駛 Use Correct Lane
47 緊急情況 請撥打XXX Call XXX in Emergency
48 前方500m進入無路燈路段 No Road Lights after 500 m
49 無路燈路段全長9km No Road Lights for 9 km
50 路面結冰 Icy Road
51 注意橫風 Danger! Cross Wind
52 車道封閉 Lane Closed
53 其他危險 Other Dangers
54 前方學校 School Zone
55 讓 Yield
56 停 Stop
57 警告標志 Warning Sign
58 禁令標志 Prohibition Sign
59 指示標志 Mandatory Sign
60 指路標志 Guide Sign
61 旅遊標志 Tourist Sign
62 禁止擺賣 Vendors Prohibited/No Vendors
63 禁止跳下 Stay Clear from Tracks
64 暫停售票 Temporarily Closed
65 禁止翻越 No Crossing
66 請勿擠靠 Keep Clear of the Door
67 請勿登踏 Don』t Step On
68 注意安全,請勿靠近 Keep Away for Safety
69 服務區域 Service Area
70 辦公區域 Administrative Area
71 當心夾手 Watch Your Hand
72 貴重物品,隨身攜帶 Please Don』t Leave Valuables Unattended
73 電梯故障停運正在維修,請原諒 Escalator under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience.
74 施工(檢修)給您帶來不便請原諒 Under construction (repair). Sorry for the inconvenience.
序號 中文名稱 英文名稱
75 正在檢修,請繞行 Detour. Maintenance in Progress.
76 正在檢修,請您稍候 Wait. Maintenance in Progress.
77 電梯維修,暫停使用 Escalator Out of Service
78 靠右站立、左側疾行 Stand on Right. Pass on Left.
79 緊急時擊碎玻璃 Break Glass in Emergency
80 請勿手扶 Don』t Touch
81 請勿擠靠車門,以免發生危險 For your safety, please keep clear of the door.
82 為了行車安全,請勿打擾司機 Don』t Distract the Driver
83 車內發生緊急情況時,請按按鈕報警 Press Button in Emergency
84 按下紅色按鈕,綠燈亮時對准話筒報警 Press red button, wait for green light and speak into the microphone.
85 僅供緊急情況下使用 Emergency Use Only
86 請在前後門下車 Please Get Off at the Front or Rear Door
87 下車請刷卡 Please Swipe Card Before Getting Off
88 嚴禁非本部門人員入內 Staff Only
89 行人繞行 No Through Route for Pedestrians/Pedestrians Detour
90 雨雪天氣請慢行 Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow
91 注意行人 Watch Out for Pedestrians
92 減速慢行,避讓行人 Slow Down. Give Way to Pedestrians
93 消防通道,禁止停車 Fire Engine Access. No Parking.
94 出口請慢行 Slow Down at Exit
95 請停車入位 Park in Bays Only
96 轉彎慢行 Turn Ahead-Slow Down
97 換乘(機場、火車站) Transit
98 換乘(計程車、公交) Transfer
99 設施服務時間 Service Hours
㈣ 關於計程車的英語
the price of taking a taxi is according to the distance you ride, the initial price is ten yuan, then will be increase by 1.6 yuan per kilometer
㈤ 交通規則標志的英文
第三條 本條例所稱的車輛,是指在道路上行駛的下列機動車和非機動車:
第七條 車輛\行人必須各行其道。借道通行的車輛或行人,應當讓在其本道內行駛的車輛或行人優先通行。
第十五條 車輛、行人必須遵守交通標志和交通標線的規定。
第十六條 車輛和行人遇有燈光信號、交通標志或交通標線與交通警察的指揮不一致時,服從交通警察的指揮。
第三十二條 機動車載人,必須遵守下列規定:
第六十三條 行人必須遵守下列規定:
第六十四條 列隊通過道路時,每橫列不準超過二人。兒童的隊列須在人行道上行進,成年人的隊列可以緊靠車行道右邊行進。
第六十五條 乘車人必須遵守下列規定:
㈥ 10句標語【英語】有關交通安全方面的 要有註解
Yield and watch for bicycles 注意自行車-公路上的)
Unmarked intersection ahead (前方是沒有標志的十字路口--慢行)
Lane crossover with width restriction: 前方十字路口有寬度限制)
Lane shift with width restriction: 前方上坡 有寬度限制
Mandatory direction of travel 主幹道
Hiker』s parking: 宿營地
Customs post 海關郵筒
Detour direction sign 繞行標志
pproaching end of motorway 即將駛出高速。
Dangerous bend 彎道危險
Diverted traffic 交叉路口
Look left (right) 向左(右)看。
New hours of parking control 停車控制新時段
No entry 禁止駛人
No stopping at any time 任何時間不準停車
No thoroughfare 禁止通行
Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行橫道。
Pedestrian crossing 人行橫道
Please drive carefully 請小心駕駛。
Road closed 此路封閉
Slow, school 前方學校請慢行。
Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小時48公里
The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法規要求系安全帶。
㈦ 租車的常用英語口語有哪些
licence [ˈlaɪsns]駕照 English Version英文版
credit card [ˈkredit kɑ:d]信用卡
SUV 多功能車
van 麵包車 minivan
full size 全尺寸
insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns]保險
deposit[dɪˈpɒzɪt] 押金
full insurance 全險
low protection[prəˈtekʃn] 強制險
LDW(Loss Damage Waiver)=CDW(Collision Damage Waiver) 碰撞險
Where can I rent a car?
I would like to rent a car.
What sizes do you have?
How much is the full size car?
A: "Can I help you?"
B: "I would like to rent a car."
A: "Do you have a reservation?"
B: "No."沒有。
A: "That's OK. What size are you looking for? A compact car, midsize car, and a minivan."
B: "How much are they?"
A: "Compact is $21 a day, midsize is $27 a day, and a minivan is $35 a day."
B: "I'll take a midsize car."
A: "How long will you rent the car?"
B: "One week." 一周
A: "How many people will drive the car?"
B: "Just myself." 只有我自己。
A: "Would you like insurance? It is $14 a day and it covers everything."您需要保險嗎?全險每天$14。
B: "Yes please." 好的。
A: "Can I have your name?"您這么稱呼?
B: "Last name is Feng,FENG. First name is Song. S O N G."我叫馮松。
A: "You address please?" 你的地址是什麼?
B: "I am from Shanghai, China"我來自中國上海。
A: "Can I see your driver's license and a credit card?"您的駕照和信用卡?
B: "Sure. Here it is."好的。
A: "Great. That will be $384. Would you like me to charge it on this card?"行,一共384美元,是刷這張卡嗎?
B: "Yes. That will be fine."好的。
A: "Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. You are expected to return the car in a week. Also, the gas tank is full, you should fill up the gas tank before you return. If not, we can do it for $3 a gallon."
B: "Thank you. Good bye." 謝謝,再見。
㈧ 和車有關的英語單詞比如car
1、bus公共汽車 jeep 吉普車 truck 卡車 saloon 轎車 ambulance 救護車
2、taxi 計程車, 計程車 roadster 敞蓬車 wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爺車
3、notchback 客貨兩用車 trailer 拖車 station wagon 小旅行車 compact car 小型汽車
4、light-van 小型貨車 garbage truck 垃圾車 automobile carrier 貨運卡車
1. Key words: C - BUS , EPS, Illuminance, Glare, Uniformity.
關鍵詞: C -BUS, EPS, 照度, 眩光, 均勻性,十二路智能繼電器,智能主機,八場景智能面板開關.
2. According to M - BUS standard, M - BUS host computer interface circuit is designed and achieved reliable communication.
根據M -BUS 匯流排標准研製了M-BUS匯流排主機介面電路,達到了可靠通信的目的.
3. The M - BUS � � remote supply, topology and application in heat meters are introced.
4. The LEC also intercepts broadcast packets and sends them to the BUS's ATM addresses.
5. The facts prove that the photosensitive paste method is a good way for making BUS electrode.
6. The bus is said to have over-turned and fallen into a ravine.
7. I never go on the bus into the town.
8. I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop.
9. The bus is a 45-seater with air-con and videos.
10. For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.
11. The three of them parted company at the bus stop.
12. You must be tuckered out after that bus trip across the country.
13. The bus was completely full, and lots of people were standing.
14. A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town.
15. Two hours on a bus is no joke, is it?
1. Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.
2. The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.
3. The truck lumbered across the parking lot toward the road.
4. The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.
5. He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck.