1. 以「二十四孝」為話題的作文
2. 中考英語作文24個大話題是什麼
2010 年中考英語抄 24 個話題作文範文匯編襲 話題一: 話題一:個人情況 人物介紹 話題二: 話題二:興趣與愛好 話題三:家庭、 話題三:家庭、朋友與周圍的人 話題四: 話題四:個人情感 話題五: 話題五:學校生活 話題六: 話題六:日常活動 話題七: 話題七:科普知識與現代技術 話題八: 話題八:人際關系 話題九: 話題九:計劃與願望 話題十: 話題十:節假日活動 話題十一: 話題十一:歷史與地理 話題十二: 話題十二:文娛與體育 話題十三、 話題十三、健康 話題十四: 話題十四:購物 話題十五: 話題十五:天氣 話題十六: 話題十六:飲食 話題十七: 話題十七:語言學習 話題十八: 話題十八:旅遊和交通 話題十九: 話題十九:世界與環境 話題二十: 話題二十:文學與藝術 話題二十一: 話題二十一:自然 話題二十二: 話題二十二:社會 1、誠信 2、 、 、 留守兒童 話題二十三: 話題二十三:熱點話題 1、汶川大地震 、 2、雪災 、 3、素質教育 、 4、堅持你的夢想 、 話題二十四: 話題二十四: 周圍的環境
3. 在哪能買到《高中英語--24個話題寫作學案式訓練》
4. 誰能幫我下載百度文庫中雅思口語Part2話題 24個這篇文檔呢,我目前財富值不夠無法下載啊,
5. 《新課標高中英語24個話題總復習》——讀寫特訓的磁帶是免費陪送嗎
6. 高考英語24個寫作話題有哪些
7. 托福考試的聽力難還是雅思的聽力難為什麼
聽力方面,托福聽力是先聽後做題,在做題前你是看不見題目的,所有聽力內容是記在幾張白紙上,因此托福聽力需要良好的筆記能力,以及對整個聽力內容整體脈絡結構的把握。 而雅思聽力則是邊聽邊做題,正式開始前還會有幾十秒時間預覽下題目,我們在考前就可以對考點有大致的把握。但不管是哪個,你都要把握聽力的進度。從聽力的角度來說,托福稍難一些。
閱讀方面,托福的閱讀是比較容易定位的,有些題目不用通讀全文,因為大多給定的題目就在指定的段落里,即使不對整片文章有把握,也可以做題。而托福閱讀里有一類比較變態的題是文章大意的概括,需要你對整片文章的幾點大意(一般3點)知曉,然後在6-7個選項中選3個。這類題目算是托福閱讀里比較難的了,但是一般出在最後,通過上面題目對文章各段的了解,應該說完成此題也不是太難。就定位而言,雅思的定位應該是比托福難的。題目不會指示你去哪一段尋找。因為做雅思閱讀的時候,一般推薦是先通讀一遍題目,劃出關鍵詞,然後邊讀文章邊定位。雅思閱讀以是非判斷題出名。這類題之所以變態是因為還有not given這個選項,有時候它和false非常具有迷惑性。按我的看法,還是定位,如果通讀文章後定到位的,那無非是是或者否,如果沒有定到位,或者說雖然提到這個東西,但是說的是另外一件事情,那就是NG。不過這個東西說起來容易做起來難。我也無能為力了。 有一點值得一題,雅思閱讀是1個小時做3篇,3篇各自時間無限制。而托福閱讀是第一篇一定要在20分鍾內完成,後兩篇40分鍾。一般來說托福的第一篇閱讀是比較難的,加之一開始進考場有試音干擾和心態波動,因為非常容易第一篇做不好,而且時間會很緊甚至來不及。大家考前最好是有此打算,就算第一篇砸了,也沒有必要萬念俱灰。
8. 能不能告訴我《英語課程標准》裡面的24個設定話題究竟是哪24個。
1. 個人情況 (Personal information)
(1)Indivial data (name, age, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, address, postal code, e-mail address, ID number, etc. )
(2)Family data (name, age, relatihip, etc. )
(3)School data (school, grade, class, teacher, etc. )
(4)Data uses (filling out forms and applicati, etc. )
(5)Jobs and career (office worker, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc. )
2. 家庭、朋友與周圍的人 (Family, friends and people around)
(1)Family and relatives (grandparents, parents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, son, daughter, etc. )
(2)Friends (close neighbour, schoolmate, classmate, roommate, team-mate, etc. )
(3)Other people (neighbour, local shopkeeper, teacher, colleague, etc. )
3. 周圍的環境(Personal environments)
(1)Kinds of homes (apartment, house, dormitory, etc. )
(2)Rooms in homes (bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. )
(3)Furniture & home items ( table, chair, sofa, desk, bed, television, etc. )
(4)Schools (classroom, playground, hall, computer room, office, etc. )
(5)Outside (grocery store, book shop, clothing store, market, bank, library, museum, cinema, theatre, park, road, etc. )
4. 日常活動(Daily routines)
(1)Getting ready (time for school, playing, bed)
(2)Dressing, brushing teeth, washing hands and face, taking a shower, etc.
(3)Eating (breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner)
(4)Daily chores (tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking)
(5)Homework (reading, writing, studying, etc. )
(6)Family time (watching television, going out, visiting, etc. )
5. 學校生活(School life)
(1)School building (classroom, office, library, washroom, etc. )
(2)School organization (grade, class, subject, break, schele, etc. )
(3)People (teacher, classmate, schoolmate, cleaner, etc. )
(4)Subjects (Chinese, maths, English, geography, history, etc. )
(5)Activities (sports, extra-curricular involvement, trip, etc. )
(6)Instructi (Please listen, read, get into groups, act, etc. )
(7)Ecational methods (preview, review, discuss, presentation, summary)
6. 興趣與愛好 (Interests and hobbies)
(1)Less (music, dance, acting, sport, etc. )
(2)Games (physical games, computer games, sports, etc. )
(3)Hobbies (collecting stamps, coins, dolls, etc. )
(4)Reading (books, newspapers, comics, etc. )
(5)Cultural events (film, theatre, concert, opera, etc. )
(6)Entertainment (listening to radio, watching TV, playing CD, DVD, etc. )
(7)Socializing (having parties, issuing invitati, going for picnics, going sightseeing, entertaining guests, etc. )
(8)Expressing your reacti to these activities
7. 個人感情 (Emoti)
(1)Describing feelings (happy, sad, angry, upset, pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid, etc. )
(2)Expressing emoti (smiling, laughing, crying, shouting, etc. )
(3)Describing facial expressi and gestures
8. 人際關系 (Interpersonal relatihips)
(1)People (parent, brother, sister, other family members, friend, neighbour, teacher, etc. )
(2)Social behaviours (greeting, introcing, giving thanks, asking for permission, asking for help, solving problems, dealing with conflicts, etc. )
(3)Getting together (making plans / arrangements, time, date, place, event, etc. )
9. 計劃與願望(Plans and intenti)
(1)Planning (holidays, social events, travel, further ecation, jobs, etc. )
(2)Organising ( asking for advice, asking for help, asking for permission, exploring possibilities, expressing needs and wants, etc. )
10. 節假日活動 (Festivals, holidays and celebrati)
(1)Cultural festivals ( Spring Festivals, New Year's Day, Christmas, etc. )
(2)Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Ramada, etc. )
(3)Personal celebrati (birthday, anniversary, graation, etc. )
11. 購物( Shopping)
(1)Planning (shopping list, needs, wants, etc. )
(2)Procts (clothes, groceries, personal items, electronics, etc. )
(3)Selecting (quality, weights, measures, size, colour, style, etc. )
(4)Paying (price, quantity, etc. )
12. 飲食(Food and drink)
(1)Meats (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc. )
(2)Soups (chicken, tofu, vegetable, etc. )
(3)Vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, etc. )
(4)Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake)
(5)Drinks (milk, water, juice, soft drink, coke, alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, etc. )
(6)Fast foods ( sandwiches, noodles, mplings, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, etc. )
(7)Snacks (ice cream, chips, etc. )
(8)Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat, table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork, etc. )
(9)Requesting or offering different foods and drinks
(10)Likes and dislikes (favourite food, favourite drinks, etc. )
(11)Ordering food and/or drinks
13. 健康(Health)
(1)Eating habits
(2)Physical fitness and exercise
(3)Personal hygiene
(4)Illnesses (stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc. )
(7)Doctors, nurses & hospitals
(8)Describing problems (parts of the body, pains, etc. )
(9)Medical insurance
14. 天氣(Weather)
(1)Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc. )
(2)Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc. )
(3)Dressing for the weather ( coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc. )
15. 文娛與體育(Entertainment and sports)
(1)Movies and theatre
(2)Music and dance (folk music and dance, popular music and classical music)
(3)Team games (football, basketball, volleyball, etc. )
(4)Games of two or four (table tennis, tennis, golf, etc. )
(5)Racing (running, swimming, horse racing, etc. )
(6)International sports events ( Olympic Games, World Cup, Football League, etc. )
(7)Spectators and fans
(8)Physical exercises
16. 旅遊和交通(Travel and transport)
(1)Methods of transportation ( walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses, trains, boats, planes)
(2)Travel (scheles, maps, tickets, fares)
(3)Getting and asking directi (left, right, straight ahead, north, south, east, west, etc. )
(4)Safety rules and warnings (traffic lights, caution, walk, stop, etc. )
(5)Inquiring and making reservati (hotels, tourist spots, etc, )
(6)International travel (passport, visas, expenses, currency, etc. )
(7)Describing a journey
17. 語言學習(Language learning)
(1)Differences between American English and British English
(2)Language and culture
(3)Language learning difficulties
(4)Attitudes to language and communication
(5)Language learning strategies
(6)Communicati repair
18. 自然 (Nature)
(1)Plants (green plants, trees, bushes, grass, vegetables, crops, flowers. etc. )
(2)Animals (farm animals, wild animals, endangered animals, pets, etc. )
(3)Heavenly bodies (The sun, the earth, the moon and stars, etc.)
(4)Describing land (cities, farms, hill, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc. )
(5)Natural disasters (Volcano,earthquake, etc. )*
19. 世界和環境(The world and the environment)
(1)Countries and maps (China, Great Britain, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Cuba. etc. )
(2)Issues (pollution, land use and quality, population growth, housing, etc. )
20. 科普知識與現代技術 (Popular science and modern technology)
(1)Recent inventi, medical advances, technological advances, etc.
(2)Computer science
21. 熱點話題 (Topical issues)
(1)Population *
(2)Environmental cervation *
(3)Crime and punishment *
(4)Social differences *
22. 歷史和地理( History and geography)
(1)General knowledge of history and geography about China
(2)General knowledge of history and geography about the world
(3)Historic events
(4)Historical pers
23. 社會 (Society)
(1)Nationality and people
(2)Famous people (contemporary)
(3)Law (rules and regulati, traffic codes)
(4)Ways of dressing (types of clothes, daily clothes or dress, situation and dressing)
(5)Names of religi *
(6)Religi and culture *
(7)Customs and culture
24. 文學與藝術 (Literature and art)
(1)Forms of literature and art (play, drama, novel, essay, poetry, short story)
(2)Famous literary people and artists *
9. 英語24個功能話題是什麼
嗯 ??? 能把問題說的細一些嗎?