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① 如何寫好高考英語說明文 高中英語作文資料



英語寫作要求有一定量的詞彙,沒有詞彙就好比巧婦無米難以下廚。寫作時可能出現要寫的詞記不起來、要用的詞拿不準、尤其是遇到同義詞、更不知用哪一個好、或詞性沒記住,結果亂用……. 這都說明平時對單詞的記憶不夠牢固,理解不清。這就要求我們在記單詞的時候多花點力氣,要從單詞的音、形、義入手,最好不要單獨記憶單詞,這樣容易遺忘,要把它放在句子或文章中一起記憶,這樣可把握單詞的詞義、用法、搭配等詞彙特點。除了課本上的詞彙必須掌握外,還要進行廣泛的課外閱讀,來增加詞彙。


S +V

2. S+V+O

3. S+V+O+O

4. S+V+P

5. S+V+O+C












2. 列題綱


② 無償獻血 英語作文 要說明文120詞 分三段。。。高三水平的 要原創。。。跪求!!!!

Blood donation is to point to to save another life, volunteer will own blood selfless dedication to social welfare undertakings, the donors to not get collection units and donors unit any remuneration behavior. Blood donation is lifelong honor, gratis blood will get social respect and love.
Blood donation is selfless dedication, saving behaviour that is our lofty of the total development direction of blood. Blood donation is the embodiment of the love offerings, making the sick remove sickness or even save their life, its value is unable to use money to measure.
Citizens to economic compensation blood, can make the lofty dedication glorious behavior is covered the shadow of commodities trading. Nearly half a century, the world health organization and the international Red Cross straight to the world by calling for "medical use blood donation" principle.
At present many countries and regions in China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are implemented a blood donation. "During" regulation, our country executes blood donation system.
Blood donation is the only ensure medical safety blood. Only in humanitarian selfless dedication and not with economic compensation for the purpose of blood donation without compensation paid to fundamentally remove blood with all kinds of evils; The quality of blood can be guaranteed; To protect the safety of blood donors; To maximize rece the risk of disease transmitted through blood.
Blood donation little common sense
1. The blood is in the blood vessels and the heart of the constant flow of red liquid. In normal circumstances, a personal blood volume of approximately eight per cent for weight. Weighs 50 kilograms of alts, the whole body blood around 4,000 ml.
2. Blood is composed by visible part and plasma. One visible part has 3 kinds, they are red, white and platelets.
3. The scientists determined the human blood red, live for about 120 days.
4. To 1995 were found 23 worldwide, red with blood transfusion of blood type system, the largest is the relationship between ABO blood group system. The world health organization the ABO blood group system in 1921 to the world for formal unified naming A and B, AB, O four type
5. Of the People's Republic of China began implementing time ring the 1998 was on October 1.
6. "ring the weight of blood" which have specific provision, male citizens to reach 50 kg weight, female citizen to reach 45 kg.
7. Citizens can offer blood whole blood or components, including the whole blood blood sacrifice time interval to reach six months, to offer sacrifice blood composition time interval of platelets) to achieve a month.
8. Citizens when the blood to pass strict health checks, including physical examination and the blood tests, and only after health inspection qualified citizen to donate.
9. The first to find blood type is Austrian medical Carl? Rand Stan Leonard. He's the discovery of security for transfusion opened the door, millions of people around the world the life obtain new life. "The world" is using his donors day of June fourteenth birthday to determine.
10. "world blood donors in 2004," by the world health organization, the Red Cross and red crescent international federation, international federation of blood donor organizations international blood transfusion associations to identify.
11. Blood on human has four functions: (1) transportation function, to oxygen, water and various nutrients delivered to all parts of the body cell and tissue; (2) keep the body ph relatively invariableness; (3) regulating body temperature; (4) resist harmful substances to the human body to invade.
12. Plasma accounted for about 55 percent of all the blood. Plasma of mostly water, more than 90 percent, and the rest are all sorts of protein, organic and inorganic substances.
13. Human manufacturing blood need protein, iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin B12 and so on many kinds of material, protein is the main raw material, manufacturing blood red and iron is the important composition, folic acid, vitamin B12 can make blood mature. These materials, in normal human body doesn't lack, as long as normal diet, can guarantee the normal supply.
14. The mother ring pregnancy is also a type of the fetus.
15. Many people think blood type and personality have relations. Such as blood type A, type B people temperament sensible man of blood type O blood passion, optimistic people are more confident, resolute, etc. Actually the difference of red blood some sort of depends on the surface only polysaccharide substances. Experiments show that, as long as using several special enzymes, within A very short time can put the type B blood into blood type A personality, so blood type and relevant no scientific evidence.
16. The whole blood refers to all the ingredients, including blood plasma cells and all the ingredients.
17. Normal blood can be renewable. So somebody said later, the blood of the body blood will rece, also hurt "qi" this is incorrect.
18. Healthy human accept the hepatitis b vaccine, hepatitis a vaccine immune have an inoculation, need not delayed blood donation; But accept the hepatitis b immunoglobulin injection can donate a year later.
19. Accept vaccinal immune have an inoculation after the last time around, can be blood donation Be bitten by the rabies vaccine after last vaccination a year before it can donate.
20. Before and after three days of women menses temporarily cannot blood donation.
21. Suffering from acute urinary tract infection recover after a month, with pneumonia recover after three months to be able to donate.
22. Appendicitis surgical operation, hernia suture and tonsil surgery at least three months, six months after surgery can be filled with large blood donation.
In internal cause disease lost 23.5 whole blood or component blood, can not blood donation.
24. The state institutes a blood donation system, on the one hand, is to ensure that patients can get health and safety of blood, on the other hand is to strictly regulate the behavior of CaiGongXie unit, ensuring the health of blood donors.
25. The relevant equipment to station after strictly disinfects processing, all the utensils with blood contact are one-off, after use concentrated disposal. So said blood donation is safe, not contagious disease.
26. "gratis blood ring" regulation, I and do not enjoy free medical care and labor insurance medical treatment of directly-related members, e to illness need blood use, can enjoy all or part of the free blood.

③ 高考英語說明文閱讀技巧


④ 高考英語閱讀理解應用文和說明文有哪些區別

閱讀理解的文章體抄裁多樣襲,包括記敘文、說明文、應用文等;題材廣泛,涉及政治經濟、社會文化、風俗習慣、歷史、地理與科學技術等各個方面。一些與日常生活關系密切的圖表、表格和廣告類,如火車或飛機的時刻表、電視節目表、課表、活動日程表、各種情況的比例圖、事物發展變化(增減)圖、各類標志圖、廣告等實用類文體。 判斷就簡單啦,跟語文差不多。

⑤ 如何寫好高考英語說明文

介紹事物,一定要抓住事物的特徵。所為特徵,就是這一事物區別與其他事物的標志。只有抓住了事物的特徵,才能將其狀貌、性質、成因、功能和意義等說的明白、清楚。任何事物都有其特徵。比方說,我們拿起一隻鉛筆,仔細地觀察它,就會注意到它的顏色、形狀、長度、銳利程度以及硬度等。也許你的作文以「This pencil is of normal size and shape.」開頭,接著你就描寫這支鉛筆所具有的與眾不同的特點。這種寫作方法尤其適用於描寫大家所熟悉的而又具有新的、與眾不同的特徵的事物。再比如下面一段文字:「去年,媽媽從北京給帶回一套西服,質地上乘,做工考究,可棒了。」「質地上乘,做工考究」的服裝很多,這幾個字並未把這套西服的特徵說清楚,因此不會給我們留下什麼印象。總之,介紹一件事物,要考慮從哪方面著手才可抓住事物的具有代表性的特徵。
1、定義法。定義法的目的是讓不知此事物的人對此物有一個起碼的了解,以利於下文的展開。如:A thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature. 就是對thermometer下了一個定義。有些事物也許不好下個明確定義,但我們可以交待這個事物的背景,來源,或列舉出它的一些典型特徵,以便讓讀者明白。這類事物可以是術語,也可以是外國人所不了 的中國的傳統事物,如龍舟節等。2、舉例說明法。舉出具有代表性的例子,能夠真切地說明事物,化抽象為具體,使段落變得有血有肉,豐富起來。舉例時常用的表達有:for example(例如),for instance(例如),as an example of (作為……的例子),take… for example (以……為例)等。3、比較法。為了突出事物鮮明的特點,我們常把它與其他事物進行比較。比方說我們想向讀者介紹什麼是「電腦」,我們可以說「It』s a kind of electrical or artificial (人工的)brain.」這樣把電腦和人腦進行了比較,從而使人們對「電腦」有更清晰的認識。4、細節描述法。介紹一種事物,僅用概述性的詞語如beautiful, friendly, boring, good 或bad 是不夠的。作者要提供一些細節,使被描述的對象更加形象具體,從而加深讀者的印象。

介紹事物,文字要力求簡潔、明白、准確。比如:The cover of the magazine is very nice. 在此句中「nice」一詞的意義不夠明確,如果改用「artistic」就清楚了許多。再如下句:We wish to state that this electric car was designed with the idea of safety in mind. 此句冗長,不夠簡潔,應改為:The electric car was designed for safety. 除講究語言平實准確的前提下,我們還可以運用描寫的方法,來增添文章的可讀性。例如在寫題目為「My Pencil Box」這一文章時,若寫成「I have a pencil-box, which was given to me by classmates as a birthday present. On it are three little bears. Inside are my pencils, a rubber and a pen-knife.」這樣的表達是不是顯得乾巴巴的,毫無情趣?若能對三隻小熊憨態可掬的形象加以描述,則會給讀者留下深刻的印象。另外,在介紹事物時,語言易流於單調,若插入傳說、趣事,或引用詩文、成語,或運用比喻、擬人、反問等修辭手段則可使語言生動形象,引人入勝。

⑥ 高考英語作文都有哪些模板呢

書面表達旨在測試學生的英語書面表達能力。高考的書面表達是一種指導性寫作。試題對寫作的目的,對象,體裁及字數等都有明確的規定。提供給學生的材料形式為文字,圖畫或圖表。試題要求學生根據所給的情景和要表達的意義,寫出一篇 100 字左右的文章。高考中常見的文體為記敘文、說明文、議論文和應用文等。
1. 時間、地點、人物、事件,這幾個要素在寫作時要交代清楚。
2. 人稱:記敘文一般可以有第一人稱和第三人稱兩種敘事方式:第一人稱是作者以當事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以「我」的所見所聞的方式來敘述,第三人稱是寫作者從旁觀者的角度來敘述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和見解。
3. 記敘文的線索一般為時間,即按照事件的發展順序來寫。以可以按照地點的線索來寫,即以地點的轉移為順序。
4. 重點突出,層次分明,詳略得當。
5. 注意文章的完整性。
6. 所用的時態通常為一般過去時。
例: NMET 2004 遼寧卷
注意:1. 短文必須包括所有圖片的主要內容,短文的內容要連貫,完整。
2. 短文單詞數 100左右。
3. 參考詞彙:貨攤 stand 搶奪 snatch 逮捕 arrest

1. 審題:理解圖意,將幾幅圖連成一個完整的故事。
2. 列出要點:
3. 將要點擴展成文,注意上下文的連接,用適當的連詞,副詞。
4. 通讀一遍,改錯。
Possible Version:
One Sunday morning, there were some people in Zhongshan Park. At a stand, a woman was buying an ice cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. She shouted, 「Stop the thief! He』s snatched my bag!」 Hearing this, a few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher』s legs. The young man fell down on the ground hard. Soon two policemen came in a police car and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness.
1. 觀點鮮明,文章一定有一個明確的中心論點。
2. 層次分明,一個中心論點通常有幾個分論點支持,不同層次之間要分明,過渡清晰自然。
3. 最後一段一般要總結全文,得出一個符合邏輯的結論,突出中心思想。
4. 一般採用一般現在時。
5. 語言簡潔有力,一般不採用口語。
目前,學校存在少數學生考試作弊現象。某英文雜志社擬對此現象向中學生徵文,標題是「My opinion on Cheating in Examinations」,請根據下列提示用英語寫一篇徵文稿。
1. 短文必須包括所有內容要點,可適當發揮;
2. 短文標題與開頭已為你寫好,不計入總詞數;
3. 詞數:100左右;
4. 參考詞彙:作弊 cheat (v.)
1. 首先審題,確定要點——本文的中心論題是:My pinions on Cheating in Examinations ,所以首先要提出中心論題,點題。
2. 接下來從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分做兩段,現分析這種現象的產生原因, 然後很自然地過渡到自己的看法。在講述自己看法時要有鮮明的觀點及支持觀點的論據。
3. 最後對自己的觀點做簡短的總結,點題。
Possible Version:
My opinions on Cheating in Examinations
It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.
As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don』t work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.
In my opinions , it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What』s more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.
In a word, it is wrong to cheat in examinations.
例: NMET 2004 江蘇
1. 回信中不能使用「江城 」以外的地名。
2. 詞數:100左右。信的開頭與結尾已為你寫好,不計入詞數。
3. 參考詞彙:經濟 economy n.
Dear Bob,
It』s very kind of you to write me and let me know about our beautiful city. Now I』d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.
1. 首先確定這是一篇描述地方的說明文。
2. 確定寫作要點:根據所給信息,大體可以分為三個部分——城市簡介,可以按照地理位置、自然環境、城市面貌和變化發展這樣的邏輯順序寫,接下來寫你看到的問題,最後寫你的一些看法和建議。
3. 各層次之間注意使用恰當的連詞,讓過渡自然,結構合理。比如: however, in my opinion 等。
Possible Version:
Dear Bob,
It』s very kind of you to write me and let me know about our beautiful city. Now I』d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.
The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang river. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses, and roads have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that we』ll have a better hometown in future.
1. 寫好開頭,提一提來信里談到的各項事情,順筆寫來。
2. 一般先答復對方的問題,然後再談自己想要說的話。
3. 結束信時要向對方表示友善或親切的問候。
4. 語言要自然、平實、簡潔。
Useful Expressions:
1. I』m very pleased to hear from you yesterday.
2. I』m sorry I』ve taken so long to answer your last letter.
3. We were all so pleased to hear you will be coming to visit us.
4. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
5. Please write back soon.
6. Do write to us when you have time.
7. We hope to hear from you soon.
8. Give my best wishes to the family.
NMET 2005北京卷
注意:1. 信的開頭已為你寫好。
2. 字數不少於60。

Dear Jeff,
I』m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing School. I』m very happy to learn that you』re going to stay with my family while you』 re in Beijing.
1. 審清圖意 信的內容包括以下幾點:住宿、上學、就餐和課後活動。
2. 信可以分為三段來寫,力求結構清晰,思路完整。
3. 注意語言親切自然,避免使用過於書面的語言,比如過多的從句或過於華麗的詞彙。
Possible Version:
Dear Jeff,
I』m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing School . I』m very happy to learn that you』re going to stay with my family while you』re in Beijing.
While you are here, we』ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You』ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we』ll eat at the school dining hall. I』m sure you』ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4:00 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing games or swimming. It will be a lot of fun.
If you have any questions or requests, please let me know. We』ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
Ladies and gentlemen
Boys and girls
May I have your attention , please?
I have something important to tell you.
結尾時會以以下句子結束:That』s all. Thank you.
May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students』 Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, July 13, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building. It will begin at 7:30 PM. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. You may bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.
Don』t forget: 7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. It』s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.

⑦ 向外國學生介紹中國的高考制度,150詞左右,說明文. 英語作文,🙏🙏🙏

.Starting New
A Moment Of Choice There are times in our lives that lend themselves to starting something new. The beginning of a new year, finishing school, leaving a job, or changing homes 梩 hese all are times that turn our minds to fresh starts. Their advantage is that th

⑧ 我高三了,英語閱讀議論文說明文每句話似乎都懂,但是看完整篇文章前面的信息好像都不記得了.怎麼辦呢


⑨ 高考英語作文會考說明文嗎




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