Ⅰ 如何應對中考英語閱讀理解題
閱讀理解題是中考英語的測試重點,也是中考英語試題中卷面分值最高的一種題型,在各地中考試卷中約佔30%的比例。一般設三篇短文,試題採用「根據所給閱讀材料判斷正誤」或「選擇最佳答案回答問題」兩種形式。縱觀近年來全國各地中考閱讀題,其體裁多樣,有記敘文、議論文、說明文、應用文(信函、請柬、通知、便條、表格、圖表、廣告、圖示和標志等);所選材料內容廣泛,涉及文化、環境、科普、社會、政治、經濟、歷史等眾多領域。文章的體裁富於變化,可謂題材寬泛,形式多種多樣。其特點是:時氣息濃,可讀性強,理解難度較高。閱讀理解題對學生提出了較高的能力要求,主要是考查學生通過閱讀獲取信息、分析信息和處理信息的能力,既要抓住文章的主旨,又要抓住細節;既要理解具體事實,又要理解抽象概念;既要理解文章字面意思,又要挖掘意圖,揣摩隱藏在字里行間的內涵既要理解全篇的邏輯關系又要理解某些細節的意思,並且在讀懂句子和文章的基礎上,將所讀文章進行判斷、分析和推理。概括的說就是這類題注重考查閱讀技能,包括理解短文大意、了解具體細節、通過上下文猜測詞義、歸納篇章大意,以及推斷或理解的態度和意圖等。考生不僅要具有準確獲得信息的能力,還要具有透過文章表層意思理解文章隱含意義的能力。這樣才能抓住中心思想,作出正確的判斷。試題涉及掌握語篇主旨,事實細節、深層含義、推理判斷、猜測詞義等多方面的閱讀能力考查。設題通常考慮以下四個方面。1. 直觀性問題。直接引用原文中的語句或根據短文中原語句稍加改動而編成。2. 常識性問題。考查學生依據短文信息,並根據自己所具備的一般常識作出判斷的題型.3. 理解性問題。考查學生對文章的中心思想,某段的段落大意,某一事實的細節及意圖等的理解程度。4. 推理性問題。這類題需在深刻理解短文後,再經過推理判斷才能選出正確答案。閱讀是一個復雜的心理過程,語言學家古德曼(Groodman)認為,閱讀就是讀者通過其心理和語言活動理解來接受的思想和觀點。如果學生能讀懂一篇文章,則表明寫作時的思維過程與該生在閱讀時的思維活動趨於吻合,這就是說學生的閱讀理解必須實於原文,不可脫離文章憑空想像。對學生進行閱讀技巧訓練還應該從文體角度來訓練,因為一篇文章的設題是受其文體限制的。下面我們分析幾個不同體裁文章的特點,供大家參考。a. 故事類。初中生接觸到的閱讀材料大都是故事類。閱讀故事類的材料,應該抓住人物線索、地點線索、時間線索和情節發展線索。特別注意的是,以上線索往往是並存的。因為情節的發展總是涉及到人物的變化、時間的推移、場景的變換等。而閱讀材料後的閱讀理解題往往會圍繞這些內容設計一些事實類的理解題。凡事實類的理解題都可以從閱讀材料的表層文字中找到答案。在閱讀故事類短文時,應指導學生理解文章的深層含義,也就是它的主題。在此需要注意的是,現在的閱讀理解題在測試事實類的理解題的同時,往往有一道推理類理解測試題. b.科普類。這里所指的科普類是廣義的。它包含有介紹科學知識、社會知識的短文。閱讀這類短文時,要以事實為中心進行思考,抓住事物的特徵、用途、相互關系等.如果是介紹社會現象的文章,要掌握所談現象的內涵。c.圖表類。這類短文是通過看圖或表格等來了解某方面的情況。指導學生閱讀這類材料時,主要從兩方面入手;一是了解圖表的主題,確定圖表的主要內容,二是推敲圖畫語盲或數字,找出它們之間的關聯或試圖表達的含義。d.新聞類。報刊閱讀應逐步成為中學生閱讀的一個重要內容。由於新聞報道強調遵循 5 個 w 和 1 個 H,所以,我們在閱讀時也要抓住這一點去理解。那麼,如何解決閱讀理解題呢?做閱讀理解題,根據實際情況,可用不同的方法。對於一些直接信息類題目,先讀問題後讀短文,帶著問題去讀文章,目的明確,容易抓住文中與問題相關的信息點。對於主觀判斷題,則應該從文章整體著手,認真閱讀綜合分析判斷,作出正確選擇。一般情況具體步驟1. 略讀全文,掌握主旨大意。略讀時要特別注意短文的首段、首句或末句。一般文章的主旨大意就在這里。抓住每段中的關鍵詞語,便可以迅速把握短文的主旨以及主要信息的分布,再答題時就心中有數了。2.推測詞義,注意要點內容。閱讀中不要過分推敲語言點,要捕捉每段乃至整篇文章的綱目,對於文章中出現的生詞或看不懂的句子,可以根據上下文意思猜測理解。3.尋讀。掌握短文的主旨大意之後,應認真閱讀題目,准確理解題意及其范圍,帶著問題到短文中尋找相關答案。一般的事實題可直接從文中找出答案。但也要認真斟酌,透過表層結構,領會其深層涵義。而較為深層次的邏輯推理判斷題,則需要建立在對全文理解的基礎上進行。因此,做這類題切忌摻雜主觀因素。4.復讀審核。初次答完題後,要對照短文內容對所做答案通盤審核,反復斟酌,做出修正,以減少錯誤疏漏。此外學生做閱讀理解題時,還應注意四點1. 注意文章的首段和每段的首句或最後一句。一般說來閱讀題沒有標題,就會給學生了解文章的中心意思造成一定的困難,而文章的首段或每段的首句往往可能是文章或每段的中心,是要說明的對象或要闡述的觀點,尾句是文章的結論或表達意圖、態度、目的。注意到這一點,才能抓住中心,為理解文章奠定良好的基礎。2. 閱讀文章體裁不同,閱讀的側重點也不同,記敘文中要注意 who(人物),where(地點),when(時間),what(事件),why(原因)說明文要注意說明的對象,特徵、細節及數字等;議論文要注意的觀點,論點和論據。3. 要通過文章線索來分析判斷的意圖。文章的結論、中心思想,及深層次的推理判斷,這一點是最難把握的考生做題時要特別注意。4. 要了解英語國家的風俗習慣,風土人情,了解地道英語語言表達習慣,不能以中國人的習慣來理解文章,闡述問題。
Ⅱ 需要一篇適合初一學生可以閱讀的英語文章,200個單詞以上,不要自己寫的作文
Tomorrow. What crosses your mind when you think of tomorrow? Some people think of the future literally as the next day. To others, it means the unknown. To me, it signifies hope. Let me tell you a story.
Every day, on the way to and from school I pass by a children's hospital. One morning, as I was hurrying to school, I noticed a child staring out of a small window on the first floor. The next minute I tripped and sprawled on the ground. As I slowly pulled myself up and sted myself off, I looked up again and saw the child laughing. In spite of my situation, I was pleased to have made someone laugh. I bowed as though I were a performer. The child clapped and waved at me. As I stepped closer, I saw that the girl's head was bald, a sign that she was a cancer patient. I quickly waved one last time to her before hobblingoff towards the school.
The next morning and the next, I looked out for the little girl and waved to her, doing a little jig just to make her laugh. I thought about her and wondered what her life must be like. 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day.' Those lines from a Shakespearean poem I had learnt in school came to my mind. Was that how the child lived from day to day?
I felt the urge to visit the child. I went to the hospital and looked for the room facing the road. I found the little girl. She was thin and pale. When she saw me, her eyes widened with recognition and she welcomed me with a shy smile. I talked to her a bit and learnt her name, Suki. The nurse who saw me talking to her later told me that Suki was a leukemia patient. Her navy officer father was a widower and was on ty outside the country. The nurse encouraged me to visit Suki so that she would not be so lonesome. As I was leaving, Suki called to me, `?' I understood and said, 'Yes, tomorrow.'
After that, I popped in to visit Suki after school every day. We played card games, Scrabble and read together. Even though, Suki was only ten, I found that I could get along with her very well. I was not visiting her out of pity. I really looked forward to her company. At the end of each visit, she always asked, `Tomorrow?' and my reply was always, 'Yes, tomorrow.'
Two months later, Suki told me the good news. She was well enough to be discharged from hospital. On the day that was scheled for her father to take her home, I visited her one last time. She gave me an envelope and said that it contained her email address. I promised to write. After Suki left, I opened the envelope. It was a short letter. Suki thanked me and told me how my answer to her question 'Tomorrow?' had given her hope from day to day. She believed that she recovered because of this. At the end of the letter, she wrote `Tomorrow?' followed by her email address. I smiled and said to myself, 'Yes, Suki, tomorrow.'
Ⅲ 英語作文和閱讀理解
Tom gets up at six o』clock everyday. He eats his delicious breakfast at six fifty, and then happily leaves for school at ten past seven. He has classes at eight and finishes school at four thirty. At nine o』clock in the evening, he gets in bed and drifts off to sleep.
首先根據孩子所學課文單元主題(即出題者角度)來判斷「Tom的一天」是「每一天」還是「某一天」,如果正在學習動詞的一般現在時,那麼應該是「每一天」,要求寫Tom通常一天是怎麼過的;如果正在學習動詞的過去時,那麼應該是「某一天」,要求寫Tom在特定的某一天是怎麼過的。相應的動詞時態要發生變化。前者用一般現在時,句子後面加上用相應的時間副詞everyday;如果是後者動詞時態用一般過去時,作文開頭最好交代這是哪一天。比如,It was Monday, a school day. 從閱讀理解的題目來看,你家孩子的作為應屬練習動詞的一般現在時用法。所以一般過去時的版本我就不寫了。
getting up
having breakfast
reading English
going to school
having lessons
playing sports
going home
eating dinner
doing homework
going to bed
Ⅳ 寫一篇關於"閱讀對初中生的好處"的英語作文
Reading is good for ourselves. By reading books, I can know a lot of things. They are not known before. And reading books can make me write compositions easily. At the same time , reading can make my life colorful. So I love reading all kinds of books.
Ⅳ 中學生如何閱讀英語文章 英文作文
How to Do Reading
In my opinion, when it comes to reading English articles, I think it's necessary to look through all paragraphs, so that we can get the main ideas of the article.
If you don't have enough time to go through it, then just get the main idea of each paragraph. Basically, there would be a hint at the beginning of the article, which will tell us what this article is all about. And in the following paragraphs, the key idea usually exists in the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. Then, run to the conclusion part to get the writer's opinion on this.
Ⅵ 初一英語完形填空 閱讀理解附答案
(1)John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a (1)______ student when he was young. He was often late for (2)_____ and didn't like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn't understand much, (3)______ he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher (4)_____ the students a question, 「When Jack was ten years old, (5)_______ brother Bob was twenty, Jack is fifteen now and (6)______ is his brother Bob?」John said, 「That's easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.」
Another time, the (7)______ in a science class asked, 「When it thunders(打雷), (8)______ do we always see the light before we (9)______ the sound?」
「But, Miss,」said John quickly, 「don't you (10)______ our eyes are in front of our ears?」
( )1. A. good B. tall C. rich D. fat
( )2. A. sleep B. lunch C. class D. play
( )3. A. so B. and C. or D. but
( )4. A. sent B. asked C. told D. found
( )5. A. your B. my C. his D. her
( )6. A. how many B. how old C. what D. who
( )7. A. teacher B. farmer C. nurse D. policeman
( )8. A. what B. when C. where D. why
( )9. A. break B. make C. hear D. smell
( )10.A. read B. hope C. study D. know
這是一篇記敘文,文章主要介紹了現在成名的作家John 小時侯上學的情況。故事形象生動,詼諧有趣。
1.A. John 現在成名了,但他小時候可不是好學生。這由句中的連詞and 可以看出來。
2.C. 由於John不是好學生,因此他經常在上課時遲到。
3.D. 根據上下句即可知道這里是一個表示轉折的詞,but最合適。
4.B. 老師應該是問學生問題,這是一個基本常識。
5.C. 根據主語Jack可知答案。
6.B. 根據Jack is fifteen 可知老師要了解的是Bob的年齡。
7.A. 這里應該是老師在science class 上問學生問題。
8.D. 根據上下句和四個疑問詞的意思可知答案。
9.C. 聲音應該是聽到的。
10.D. 根據所給詞的詞義可知答案。
(2)Carol and Susan are very good friends They are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_ home at weekends (周末). Now they are _3_ eight years old. Carol's mother has got a new baby. Carol is very _14_ to have a little sister. So she is always talking about her to Susan. At first she is very _5_ in the new baby because she doesn't have any brothers or sisters. But _6_ some time she begins to get tired of Carol's endless talking (喋喋不休地談論) about it. She also fells a little jealous (嫉妒) of her friend.
One morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground, Carol says to Susan, "Do you _8_, Sue, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (體重增加了半磅) this week."
"That is not very _9_." answers Susan. "I know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day."
"Oh, that can't be _10_." answers Carol laughingly. "Whose baby is it " "An elephant's" says Susan.
1. A. grade B. table C. class D. group
2. A. each other's B. their C. theirs D. each other
3. A. all B. two C. both D. either
4. A. angry B. sorry C. surprised D. glad
5. A. interesting B. interested C. happy D. satisfied
6. A. before B. for C. after D. at
7. A. play B. meet C. weight D. walk
8. A. hear B. think C. find D. know
9. A. much B. many C. few D. little
10. A. impossible B. wrong C. true D. sure
8.選D.這里是Carol告訴Susan,所以說Do you know…即"你知道嗎 "這里用不著Susan思考或發現,故應排除BC兩項,容易混淆的是hear後接賓語從句時作"聽說"解,"聽說"的是別人的事,自己家的事一般不會問別人是否聽說,故A項也不正確.
(3)Bob and Sue are in the same school, 1 they are in different 2 . They go to school on weekdays. 3 school , Bob and Sue often play games with 4 friends.
Classes begin 5 eight in the morning. Now Bob and sue are in their classrooms. They are listening to their 6 . Bob's studying English. His teacher is talking 7 English. Sue's 8 a Chinese class. Her teacher is talking 9 writing. They study hard. They love their teachers and they like their 10 .
l. A. but B. and C. or D. when
2. A. classes B. class C. lesson D. lessons
3. A. In B. When C. To D. At
4. A. his B. her C. other D. their
5. A. about B. in C. at D. on
6. A. friends B. father C. teacher D. teachers
7. A. with B. at C. in D. for
8. A. having B. listening C. getting D. sitting in
9. A. at B. about C. for D. like
10. A. home B. family C. school D. clothes
3."在學校"可用at school或in the/a school.容易混淆的是A答案,需要注意的是如果用in,school的前面須加冠詞,選D.
8.本題意思是"Sue在上漢語課",have a class表示"上課",由於前面已有is,故應用have的現在分詞,選A.
9."教師在講授寫作",表示"談論"用talk about,答案選B.
Ⅶ 初二英文英語作文閱讀
At present, only a few students read after class. Here are several reasons: First, some students are so busy that the don』t have time to do reading e to teachers leaving them too much homework. Second, some students are not likely to read at all. Because they spend too much time in watching TV, searching the Internet and playing games. Finally, as the whole society do not attach importance to reading, parents do not urge students to read.
I feel it』s a pity that students do not read as much as before since books are the main resource of knowledge. Books also can take us to where we can』t really go, can help us experience the things we can』t really see. In addition, when you feel upset or irritable, reading is a good way to comfort yourself or make you calm down. I suggest that no matter how busy you are, you should spend some time in reading. Once you stict to it, you』ll get benefits.
Ⅷ 適合初中生閱讀的英語故事小短文
Bertrand Russell
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love ,the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy -- ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it , next, because it relieves loneliness-- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world , into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what -- at last -- I have found.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much I have achieved.
Love and knowlidge , so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of lonelines, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.
這篇文章 是標準的英語專業四級作文範文,英語專業必備,所有的精美英文收集書中都有這一篇。
英語專業八級 ,希望能夠幫到你。