1. 2020考研英語閱讀教材,用什麼講解更詳細呢
2. 如何上好新教材中的英語閱讀課
本文根據筆者的教學實踐,提出了幾點教英語閱讀課的行之有效的做法。關鍵詞:《高中英語教學大綱》 英語閱讀課 教學模式 進入高中以後,英語閱讀課是每個單元教學的重心。我們經常可以在教室中看到這樣的教學模式:先教生詞,再講語法,逐句講解,朗讀背誦,大量模仿,彷彿閱讀課文只是為了掌握詞彙和語法。新的高中大綱強調:閱讀是理解和吸收書面信息的手段。也就是說,閱讀教學不僅僅是為了掌握一定的語言知識,而且要從中獲取有用的信息,同時掌握一些閱讀的技能技巧。現在我們正在使用的牛津譯林版新教材閱讀文章題材廣泛,內容豐富,信息量大,知識點多,用以往的老教法來教新教材,顯然是行不通的。那麼面臨著新課程改革下的更富有挑戰性的英語閱讀課,我們應該怎樣有效地組織教學呢?我根據一輪教過來的教學實踐,總結了幾點教學體會。一、精心備課,並充分發動學生,做好課前的准備 1.尋找背景知識介紹等相關的補充素材。語言是文化的載體,每篇文章總會不同程度地反映出作者的思想境界、立場觀點。對不同國家和地區的風俗習慣、社會制度和文化背景下的思維方式和表達的方式等各方面的知識了解,將有助於學生對閱讀材料的理解,增強跨文化意識,減少閱讀障礙。2. 吃透課文,精心准備我們經常可以發現,一些教師在教完幾個單元後,便以為掌握了閱讀課文的一般教法,可以不看教參,不查資料,不作教學設計,步步照搬老模式。殊不知每篇文章的題材不同,體裁各異,閱讀目的也就有所不同,需要根據具體情況採用不同教法。我們同樣也可以發現,有不少有經驗的教師,教學過程銜接有序,教學目標明確,方法得當。有的在上課之前往往在黑板上設計一個表格,或畫一幅圖,在教學過程中要求學生把一些主要的信息填入其中,並以此為線索,組織學生復述或復習課文。雖然他們的課看似上得很輕松,但課前卻作了大量的准備。因此,在教課之前,對本課的教學內容、方法、要求要做到心中有數,這是教好閱讀課文的基礎。3. 預習指導。牛津譯林版教材閱讀文章考慮到中學階段的基礎性,為學生以後的閱讀作準備,所選擇的材料包括各種題材和體裁,具有內容新、時代感強,能吸引學生的注意力。指導學生預習課文,不僅有助於學生課前了解教學內容,把握重點、難點,而且能使他們發現問題,提高興趣。二、教學模式1.速讀(Fast-reading) 採用自上而下模式,側重培養快速閱讀理解能力。「自上而下的模式」是哥德曼(Goodman)1971年提出的閱讀理論模式。按這個模式,閱讀者在閱讀過程中不是逐字、逐句地去理解文章,而是結合自己的預測,在文章中找出有關的信息,來驗證自己的預測。由於強調整體篇章理解,在閱讀時採取跳躍式搜索、猜測等方法,所以有利於培養學生快速閱讀理解能力。隨著信息時代的到來,人們急需盡快獲取各種信息資料,成倍提高工作效率與學習效果,採用自上而下模式正可以滿足這樣的需求。因此,在學生初次接觸閱讀課文時,應該採用自上而下閱讀模式,不失時機地培養他們的快速閱讀習慣、快速閱讀理解能力。可採用問答題、判斷題、選擇題、填圖表等檢測形式來檢測學生的理解。例如:牛津英語模塊八第三單元閱讀課文「Visiting the masters」,讓學生快速閱讀全文後,回答以下三個問題:1.Which countries has Li Ming visited on his trip? 2. How many days did they spent in Paris? 3. Where are they going next?2. 細讀(Intensive reading) 這一步驟主要引導學生逐步仔細閱讀課文,了解課文的主要情節和細節,就課文內容情節提一些問題,讓學生分析段落大意以及段落之間的聯系或中心思想。對文中尚未學過的生詞和習慣用句式,可鼓勵學生根據上下文利用已學過的知識去猜測去推斷。目的是培養學生獨立分析、獨立思考和邏輯推理的能力,以及用英語思維的習慣。這一階段的教學設計主要如下:(1)、細讀課文。可採用全文閱讀,逐段閱讀,合段閱讀等閱讀方式。(2)、檢測理解。可採用問答題、判斷題、討論題、選擇題等檢測形式。(3)、閱讀析評。可採用學生發言、教師總結或師生一起討論歸納等雙邊活動形式。3.復讀(Re-reading activity)在速讀和細讀的基礎上,可引導學生再次閱讀課文,從整體上把握課文或作者的思想,鞏固文章的內涵和語言點,最終達到運用的目的。這一步驟既可在課上進行,也可在課後進行。目的是將課內所學到語言知識延伸到課外某個相似的話題中,創造性的解決問題,從而培養學生舉一反三的能力。例如:在完成」Visiting the masters」閱讀後,可以設計以下問題:1.As students,what can we learn from Van Gogh』s life experience? 2.What should we do and what shouldn』t we do while visiting the art museums? 三、強化練習,不斷鞏固在教材的基礎上適當增加提高閱讀技能的活動,比如:教師可以精心挑選和補充閱讀理解訓練題型對學生加以訓練,課外閱讀也是提高學生詞彙量和閱讀量的有效途徑,教師可為學生介紹一些英文方面的報刊和讀物,鼓勵學生用英語寫日記、辦簡報等活動。閱讀是一個綜合過程,閱讀技能的提高更是一個循序漸進的過程。上好閱讀課,既有利於教學目標的達成,即在知識、技能、情感態度、價值觀等方面達到既定目標,又可以幫助學生建立新舊知識體系之間的聯系,通過將閱讀策略與技能培訓、思維訓練相結合,可以鍛煉學生的邏輯思維能力,使學生變得更聰明,同時又可以提高他們的人文素養。教師若能結合學生的認知水平,合理、靈活地進行閱讀課文教學,高中英語閱讀教學目標是完全能夠實現的。 參考文獻:1.《高中英語教學大綱》2. 杜萍.「高中英語閱讀策略與教學方法的研究」[J].中小學外語教學,2004年第四期
3. 小學英語閱讀教材有哪些哪套的教學方法比較好些
4. (轉)如何閱讀一個英文原版教材
現在很多大學都會開設雙語課程, 於是也會採用外國的原版教材. 對很多學生來說, 這真的是一件頭疼的事. 是啊, 看到那動不動近千頁密密麻麻的小字, 誰都會受不了. 我希望將我讀這些書的一些經驗分享給你們. 在這里, 我說的原版書是指英文的, 我並不了解其它語言的.讀原版書的三個誤區1、覺得自己詞彙量不夠. 你可能費了半天勁, 最後得出的只是這一個詞的一個中文鏡像而已.另外,真正的技術類書籍, 一般只是由 低級詞彙 + 專業詞彙組成. 其中, 專業詞彙總是有限的, 並且, 在每章的重要概念里, 一般這些專業詞彙都會出現. 所以, 不要將詞彙當成負擔.2、覺得自己閱讀能力差. 這也是誤區之一. 我想說的是, 和整天看英文說英文的美國人來說, 你對英文的熟悉程度要差很多. 但事實上, 你的閱讀能力並沒有想像的那麼差. 你或許不具備一目十行還能抓住重點的能力, 但是慢點看也是可行的啊.3、希望完全藉助於翻譯版的教材.很多人覺得自己看不懂外文, 於是去圖書館借原文的翻譯版. 我也嘗試過這樣的事, 但是, 我這樣做的結果, 就是我再也沒翻過那本翻譯教材. 我看到的那本書, 翻譯的實在太爛了. 差不多就是用電腦翻譯完再稍作編輯的結果. 這讓我及其失望.
5. 關於英語閱讀參考書。
readers choice 第四版的,很貼近美國生活,新鮮有趣,但是需要有一定的基礎。
6. 新版閱讀英語一1-28課全文翻譯
7. 新概念英語看完後還有類似的閱讀型教材嗎
Adjustments to a New Culture
I had to find more friends. After several weeks in school I knew a couple of students but saw them only a few minutes, perhaps three times a week. I decided to learn a few more names. I came ten minutes early to my News Media and U.S. Government class. Two young women, one black and one white, were already there. I told myself to be aggressive and went up to them.
「Hi.」 I tried to be casual. 「My name is Liu Zongren. I come from Beijing, China.」 I stressed Beijing, hoping that might create some attention.
「Oh, really? How do you find it here?」 The white woman seemed interested.
I couldn』t understand what she meant. 「I came here by plane, of course.」 I must have looked lost. The white woman added quickly, 「I mean, do you like this country?」
「Well, I don』t know.」 How foolish I was. Why had I said this?
「My name is Ann. This is Geri.」
Several other students had arrived by now. I didn』t know if the two women wanted to go on talking. I began feeling nervous when I realized I was standing in the middle of the classroom.
Ann started to move away. 「Glad to meet you, Mr. –」
「Liu,」 I said in haste, 「Just call me Liu. My last, no, my first name is too hard to pronounce.」
「Glad to meet you, Mr. Liu,」 Ann repeated.
「Thank you,」 I said, my face turning red. I wondered what I had thanked them for, as I made my way to a seat.
After the class began, most of what the professor said escaped my ears and I left as soon as the lecture ended. I had no other class that day and I didn』t want to go back to the loneliness of the McKnight house, so I explored around the grounds. Many students were entering a particular lecture hall. I stopped and checked my list of classes. It was a history class. Good.
I went in. I sat in a seat away from the lecture stand. Nobody paid any attention to me. I saw several Asian faces among the crowd. I relaxed, took out my notebook, and opened the school newspaper, pretending to be an old hand. A young man sat down beside me and smiled. It was five minutes until class. Perhaps I could strike up a conversation with this friendly looking man. I started my set introction. 「My name is Liu Zongren. I come from Beijing, China.」
「Glad to meet you. My name is George Christi.」 He seemed ready to talk.
「Please write down your name for me.」 I handed my notebook to him. 「You know, it is very hard for me to remember American names without seeing them spelled out.」 I said this out of a desire to speak two more sentences, rather than as an explanation. I looked at what he wrote. 「Is yours the same name as that British woman who writes mystery novels?」
「Sort of,」 he answered.
Seeing me at a loss, he asked, 「How do you like the weather here?」
「Much the same as that in Beijing. We have cold winters, too.」
「I hope someday I can go to Beijing.」
「You』ll be welcome. If you wait for two years, I can show you around.」 I was so very eager to make a friend of him.
Unfortunately, the professor appeared and the class began. I would be sure to come to this class again and locate this friendly person.
I didn』t try my luck anymore that afternoon. Instead I found a seat in the library and tried to finish some assignments. I took out my books, but my mind refused to absorb anything. I glanced around the library; some students were doing their homework; a few were dozing on the sofa along the wall. Looking at those tired students, I remembered an article in the newspaper had reported that the 1981 fees would be $6,900. How could I blame them for not wanting to talk to me? Costs were so high; they had to put their time and energy into their studies.
I closed my books and began a letter to Fengyun, but couldn』t finish it. Sad, I packed up my books and walked slowly back to my room. I knew my sadness came not only from missing my family, but also from the frustration of being unable to learn. People in Beijing must be thinking I was enjoying myself here in the richest country in the world. Yet I was suffering, not because people in America were not accepting me, but because they didn』t understand me and didn』t seem to care how I felt -- and because I didn』t understand them, either. After my three classes each day, I walked without aim around the grounds like a lost soul. I had no place to go.
I felt better when sk fell, knowing that another day had passed.
8. 自學考試英語專業《英語閱讀一》教材
9. 關於新高一英語閱讀教材
高中就看 「5.3」高考題 都是高考題,有解析,很清楚
10. 考研英語閱讀教材哪些比較好啊