❶ 有哪些閱讀英語文章的app
不同於APP內的自主學習,照本宣讀,外教一對一在線授課的形式更能抓住孩子專的注意力!屬課程設置在合理的25分鍾,「孩子坐不住,注意力渙散」都不存在的!經驗豐富的外教老師更加懂得如何去引導孩子加入自己的英語學習小課堂,寓教於樂的方式只會讓孩子覺得「歡樂的時光總是那麼短暫」!❷ 哪些理論可以應用於高中英語閱讀
❸ 求一編關於網路閱讀的英語作文
My deskmate admires my fluent English very much and I usually feel encouraged by his compliments.
One day, when we learned the new word 「eccentric」 in class, we were asked to make a sentence with it. I volunteered to do it by saying 「My deskmate is an eccentric boy whose clothes never fit him.」 Hearing this, the whole class burst into laughter and my deskmate』 face turned red. After class, I learned from the teacher that my deskmate would have dropped out of school if he hadn』t been helped by others. My mindless words must have hurt him deeply.
Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways. We should avoid hurting others if we can』t always be encouraging when we speak
❹ 網路閱讀的英語作文
The reader is reading from the literature (recorded knowledge of the carrier) to obtain and use information and knowledge of social practice, the process of physiological and psychological processes. Reading is a basic human access to knowledge and means an important way, as is the text of which have begun, is a text record of human understanding of natural and social practice experience as a symbol, a symbol that they start to have all kinds of literature, , And will have to read the information on the documents. With the social development so far, with the emergence of computer technology, digital and network technology popularization and development of electronic audio book market, expanding the carrier carrying information resources has changed, people's reading habits and books published by the Also means increasing occurrence. According to the 2006 Fourth National Survey of the National Reading: Chinese on-line reading from l999-year rate of 3.7 percent to 27.8 percent in 2005, the average annual growth rate of 107%. Experts point out that digital technology and the development of the Internet has changed the Chinese people's reading habits. The author believes that such a major impact in the following aspects.
A digital network for the promotion of reading
Access to information resources more convenient and efficient. Computer technology has brought about in areas such as storage and retrieval facilities, so that the carrier of information resources in the form of great changes have taken place, most of the information resources have been digitized, from paper to electronic resources, changes in resources, making many In looking for information resources and access to really become faster and more convenient. With the emergence of the network, the Earth is reced to a "village", the distance is no longer an obstacle to the dissemination of information, access to a more simple and quick. In addition, the network is also promoting the digital information resources to enhance the process, more and more digital information resources, networking, in order to more convenient and efficient access to needed resources, the emergence of Bai, Google, Sohu, and other search engines, which Greatly changed the way people access information model, greatly improved people's reading needs
❺ 如何利用網路進行英語閱讀教學
❻ 有哪些閱讀英語文章的app
可以閱讀英語文章的app有:有道e讀、扇貝閱讀、ZoReader、愛洋蔥、阿西吧少兒英語app,比較推薦阿西吧。❼ 隨著網路的日益普及,人們用於讀書的時間逐漸減少。請你根據以下要點寫一篇英語短文。
第三次科技革命結束後,人類步入知識經濟時代,隨著電腦的普及,人們生活越來越豐富,但是,隨著網路的普及,各類游戲也越來越多,人們娛樂時間多了,讀書的時間卻少了,特別是針對一些學生,許多學生放假了就守在電腦前玩游戲,聊天,讀書的時間少了。讀書能豐富我們的精神內涵,陶冶我們的情操,有益於身心健康,我們應該多花些時間讀書,學習,而不是沉迷於網路,正確利用網路,網路上也有許多看書的網站,我們應該去那些健康的網站多多讀書。After the third revolution of science and technology, the mankind enters intellectual economy era, with the popularity of computers, people become more and more rich, however, with the popularity of the Internet, all kinds of game is also increasing, people have more time on entertainment, the reading time is less, especially for some students, many students leave the waiting in front of the computer play games, chat, read a little time. Reading can enrich our spiritual connotation, cultivate our character, is beneficial to physical and mental health, we should spend more time reading, studying, instead of inlging in the network, correctly use the network, the network also has a lot of read a book website, we should go to the health Web sites to read books.(望採納
❽ 網路對英語閱讀的利弊
學生上網的諸多有利之處: 第一、可以開闊視野。上網可以及時了解時事新聞,獲取各種最新的知識和信息,對以後的學習和生活都有很好的指導作用。上網可以充實頭腦,只要留心就可以學 到許多學校里學不到的知識,擴大自己的知識面。滑鼠一點,大千世界便盡收眼底。 第二、可以對外交流。學生的一個被人經常提及的缺點就是缺乏信心,不敢與外界對話、交流。現在有了互聯網,他們可以徹底克服這個心理障礙,並且在對外交流 的過程當中,又開闊了自己的視野。網路為教育資源的交流提供了便捷的通道,不僅老師,而且學生也可以通過互聯網登錄各類教育網站獲取學習資訊。 第三、可以促進青少年個性化發展。消除心理障礙,可以沒有顧忌地向網友傾訴心事,減輕課業負擔所造成的心理壓力;可以在各個BBS里張貼自己對各種問題的 看法和見解,一來可以鍛煉文筆,二來覺得很有成就感;可以提高自己某項業余愛好的水平;自己動手做主頁正成為時尚,把自己喜愛的圖片資料傳上去,開一個討 論區,發一些貼子,和大家交流,在掌握了電腦軟體的運用同時自己做版主的感覺真的很棒,有利於樹立起學習的信心。 第四、可以促進中學生的學業。中學生的本職任務是學習,網路的遠程教育會給中學生帶來無窮的益處。普通的中學生學習知識只能夠局限於自己的學校和一些課外 書籍,傳授知識的老師始終只有幾個,但如果上了網,學生就可以在一個個內容豐富、名師坐堂的網站中任意翱翔,「有問必答」、「題庫」、「專題講座」、「考 前輔導」...一個個分類細致合理的欄目讓學生的學習成績突飛猛進;普通的中學生做題只能做些參考書或數量有限的卷子,如果上了網,網上各種試卷和典型題 目應有盡有,學生就可以任意選擇。 第五、可以掌握最新的教育動態。中學生們特別是高中生可以利用網路了解最新的教育動態,因為這幾年的高考還在改革探索之中,每年幾乎都會出台許多新措施。 而平時好些學生不大關心電視和報紙上的新聞,只一味地埋頭書海,因此可從網上查詢與教育相關的新聞以此來調整復習重點,適應高考新舉措。
❾ 有關於網路閱讀的英語作文,要求,概述它的趨勢和發展,分析它的原因,還有自己的觀點
網路的利與復弊(The Advantage and Disadvantage of Internet) With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet br
網路的利與弊(The Advantage and Disadvantage of Internet) With the development of high technology, Internet is more and more popular. No matter children or the old know how to search the Internet. The emerging of the Internet br