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發布時間:2021-03-09 12:33:33

㈠ 小學英語看圖作文怎麼寫

1.用中文描述圖片 ---- 審題
2.用中文列出要點 ---- 可以先用中文寫要點,時間富裕的話可以先用中文寫整篇文章
3.用英語轉述句子 ---- 句子骨幹
4.用英語組織篇章 ---- 合適的連接詞,另外呢,合適的技巧性句子會有加分作用的哦

㈡ 小學英語看圖作文需要注意哪些


The street cleaner is one be not afraid dirty be not afraid of the tired people, be he is revered by me. Once , my bell at 5 o'clock to get out of bed right away , be to want go to the mountain. I want to go out , to see right away punish, street cleaner who sweeps my family entrance. Scraps of paper that he mounts with the floor etc., satisfying sweeps neat and tidy. You are looked at, he is covered with sweat , wipe to be unable to wipe dry. Drops of sweat all arrive at ground. He all wipes the clothes cuffs wet. His clothes have been all damp , as if seeming to be splashed by water to arrive at. Have to have enforced very much near his look. The street cleaner is holding a barrel , is walking into a toilet. Under the faucet, Sheng Shui , has no way with mop again. He puts forth self's strength the field drags. He has no half barrels yet for saving water , water being held arriving at , can drag such that such is clean but. How dirty water is. The street cleaner still does not exchange for. He walks into my factory lining , clothes is stained carelessly , does it have broken still have not cared. Wash as usual. Street cleaner this indomitable spirit , persistent spirit, let us study well. People all says they are titles of city beautician no wonder.

㈢ 小學英語看圖作文

[小學英語看圖作文]小學英語看圖作文 (經典文章,與大家分享!)Please look at the picture carefully and tell the class what you see in the picture and how you understand it. Write what you would say on the lines below.Possible version:I think the picture shows us our beautiful earth on which we live. I can see in the picture green grass, trees and butterflies flying happily here and there. What a peaceful and beautiful sight! I can also see a hand, which, I think, stands for every citizen. As is known to all, our earth is being polluted. A lot of animals are endangered. To protect our environment and live in harmony with animals is every citizen’s ty. Only when we realize the importance of our environment can we really do something to solve the problem of pollution.春蠶到死絲方盡,人至期頤亦不休,小學英語看圖作文,小學生作文《小學英語看圖作文》。一息尚存須努力,留作青年好范疇。 —— 吳玉章但願每次回憶,對生活都不感到負疚 —— 郭小川人的一生可能燃燒也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我願意燃燒起來! —— 奧斯特洛夫斯基你若要喜愛你自己的價值,你就得給世界創造價值。 —— 歌德社會猶如一條船,每個人都要有掌舵的准備。 —— 易卜生 〔小學英語看圖作文〕隨文贈言:【失敗是什麼?沒有什麼,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什麼?就是走過了所有通向失敗的路,只剩下一條路,那就是成功的路。】

㈣ 小學生英語閱讀書目(帶圖帶英文)

保亭思源實驗小學 陳義花 小學英語教學是一門科學,作為一個入門階段,要想掌握好英語,除了需學習一定的語音,詞彙、語法知識外,還得練就扎實地聽說能力。在小學英語教學中,主要任務是通過看、聽、說、玩、演唱等一系列的教學活動,對學生進行聽、說、讀、寫、等能力的基礎訓練,激發學生的學習興趣,培養好的英語學習習慣,並且通過學習一定量的詞彙,接觸一定量的日常交際用語,培養以聽說能力為主的初步交際能力,為進一步的英語學習打好基礎。那如何培養小學生的聽說能力呢?在這里,我提出了我的幾點建議。 一、視聽模仿培養良好的聽的習慣 小學三年級是英語學習視聽說的入門階段。在第一冊課本里沒有出現文字,只有五彩繽紛的圖片,使學生初學英語時,能集中全部注意力聽錄音。小學生的聽力訓練首先要避免枯燥,應採用靈活多樣的,學生喜聞樂見的手段進行訓練。一些聽的練習,可以盡量結合游戲進行,聽力訓練設計要靈活多變,可以多用圖文並茂,學生喜歡的形式,激發學生的學習興趣,使學生集中注意力,保持良好的狀態。例如:在教學單詞時,教師不急於叫學生一聽就模仿讀,而是教師先示範發音,學生邊聽邊看教師嘴形,注意力觀察其大小扁,圓及變化情況,做到看明、聽清。當教師做手勢一、二讀了兩次後,到了手勢三時,全班齊聲模仿,這樣,發音易到位,模仿效果好。又如在句型,日常交際用語教學時,可以用教師發出指令學生做出相應的動作來訓練聽的能力。教師發出:a .stand up! b. sit down! C.Turn right/left d. Touch your nose/eye/face/leg學生做出相應的動作,這個練習培養了學生的聽力,提高其反應速度。 二、盡量用英語組織教學,培養學生良好的聽說的習慣 用英語組織教學可以烘托英語課堂氣氛,增強學生的求知慾,提高學生的聽說能力。在每次課前教師可跟學生進行free talk , 從簡單的日常用語開始。如:每天可問候:Hello! Everyone ,How are you today 學生都可以回答:Fine thank you ;How are you ,Miss Chen 。在每節課前由值日生作英語報告。開始練習時,可用簡單的知識內容運用到值日匯報的內容中去。值日生可談論天氣,談論家庭,或學校,自己的好朋友等等,這些都是訓練聽說能力及語言表達能力的好素材。 三、利用一切教學媒體,為學生創造良好的聽說環境 實物、圖片、簡筆畫、燈片、投影、錄象、錄音、是英語教學中常用的直觀教具,為學生創造一種逼真播的運用英語進行教學的情景,讓學生置身於真實的語言環境中,從而產生運用英語的真實需要和激情,並得到一些促進真實交流的幫助,從而使學生更自覺、更有興趣地參加課堂的交際活動,最大限度地發揮學生說英語的主勸性和積極性。而且,利用電化教具,可以多讓學生聽地道的英語錄音,培養學生聽懂地道的英語的能力。讓他們在聽的過程中能夠模仿人家的語音,語調,以防學生出現吞音,丟音的現象。 四、扮演角色。進行會話表演,培養學生的聽說能力 把表演帶進課堂或經常在課堂上把句型、對話課文編成短劇,讓學生表演,把講台變成舞台,盡量讓學生把所學內容,按設定的情景結構演出來,做到盡情結合,使學生得到大量的聽說機會。如:三個同學分別叫Sue ,Kate和 Mary ,Sue和Kate是同學,Mary是Kate的朋友,她們在街上相遇,Kate向 Sue介紹她的朋友Mary (叫三個同學上來表演) Kate:Hello ! Mary ! Mary :Hello ! Kate ! Kate:Sue , This is Mary, she is my friend。 This is Sue ,she』s my class mate. Mary:Glad to meet you ! Sue:Glad to meet you ,too ! 在做表演對話時,教師應注意,要求學生根據情景用英語恰當地進行表達,聽者根據實際情況作出合理的反應,說英語的時候語音,語調,輕重音,要基本正確,要帶有感情色彩。 五、加強語言實踐,開展課外興趣活動,培養學生的聽說能力 教師要從課內到課外盡可能為學生創造語言實踐機會。如:組織語言游戲,競賽,開辟英語角,舉辦英語興趣小組。排演英語文娛節目。強調師生間同學間用英語問候,另外,還要求不管是在見面,課內外,回家路上等環境中,都盡可能要求學生把所學英語用到日常生活中去,這些活動不僅能激發學和學習英語的興趣,幫助學生消除心理障礙,克服怕開口說英語的緊張心理,開創敢講英語,爭講英語,愛講英語的局面。 六、收集一些西方國家風土人情的內容,增長學生的見識。 除了教材的聽說內容訓練外,在選教標材時,教師盡量選一些與英、美等西方國家的文化生活習慣有關的內容,這樣既能使學生了解英語國家的人民生活情況及風俗習慣,又能使學生開闊眼界,增長知識,為將來的英語正常交際打好基礎。 總之,小學生學習英語階段,主要是側重聽說能力的培養,所以教師要採用靈活多樣的教學手段,行之有效的教學方法,努力提高小學生英語的聽說能力。

㈤ 小學生關於感恩的英語配圖作文





㈥ 求小學生英語閱讀材料10篇 帶翻譯

The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the st.

He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."

He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the st and eat them.

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.






㈦ 小學英語看圖作文(圖文)





㈧ 適合小學六年級學生閱讀的英語文章

One day,an old man was selling a big elephant.A young man came up to the elephant ang began to look at it slowly.The old man went up to him ang said in his ear,"Don't say anything about the elephat before I sell it,then I will give you some meat"."All right."said the young man .After the old man sold the elephant ,he gave the young man some meat and said,"Now,can you tell me hou you can see the bad ears of the elephant?" "I didn't find the bad ears."said the young man ."Then why did you look at it slowly?"asked the old man .The young man said,"I have never see an elephant before,and I want to know waht it looks like." 一天,一老人出售的一頭大象.一名青年男子走到大象跟前開始仔細的看.老人走到青年旁邊對著他的耳朵說, 「在我賣掉這頭大象之前不要說任何有關的話,然後我會給你一些肉。 」「好的」青年說。之後老人賣掉了大象,他給了青年男子一些肉並說: 「現在,你能告訴我你是怎樣看到大象壞掉的耳朵 ?」 「我沒有發現壞的耳朵。」青年說。「那你為什麽一直仔細的看著大象?」老人問。 青年說「之前我從來沒有看到象,我想知道它看起來像什麽」
Why the young man still look at the elephant?
Because he has never see an elephant before,and he wants to know waht it looks like.

㈨ 英語,,閱讀短文,給圖片排序

請問是哪個本練習題,我也想買一本 。可以告訴我一下嗎 謝謝



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