A. 2008高考英語陝西卷二答案
1. D 2. C 3. A 4.B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B
9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. A 19.D 20.D 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.D 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A 41.B 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.B 47.A 48.C 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.C 53. A 54.A 55.D 56.C 57.B 58.D 59.D 60.A 61.B 62.F 63.G 64.C 65.E
John Brown is London taxi driver who love going to the 76. loves
Theatre .Last week his mother gave him two tickets for a play. 77. √
The tickets were on Sunday evening. Then John read some 78. for
Reviews of the play, which all said it was a terribly one! He 79. terrible
Wouldn』t go to see a play that no one liked it, So two hours 80. 去掉h
Before the play started, he left the ticket on the back seat of 81. tickets
His taxi, Perhaps someone who wanted ∧ see the play would take 82. to Them. However, while John went back home, the tickets were 83. when
Still there. In the fact ,there were four tickets on the seat. 84. 去掉the
Someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of them! 85. had
Dear fellow students,
Our monitor suggests that we have 「Friday New Hour」. I think that it is a good idea.
Everyone knows that we are busy all day. Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad, let alone what we can do for our country. By reading newspapers we can get more information about the world outside. So I think 「Friday New Hour」 can broaden our mind and enrich our school life. What』s more, it will help us improve our reading skills.
As for my suggestion, I think it』s better to have it twice a week. And we should make a choice about what we』ll read. I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.111111111111111111111111111
B. 2008年全國中學生英語能力競賽(nepcs)陝西省初二獲獎名單
C. 08年陝西高考英語平均分
D. 誰有2008年至2011年陝西省高考英語完形填空試題、答案及翻譯,急急急
E. 急用2006---2008年陝西中考英語試卷以及答案
這邊有 http://www.zk5u.com/zhenti/ShowSoft.asp?SoftID=3349
F. 關於2008奧運會英語閱讀理解
I am glad that the Beijing Olympic Organising Committee did not pick some cutesy animal or mascot (like a Panda) for the 2008 games. Yes, the Olympic games are suppose to be fun but its also a serious sporting event, not a carnival. At first glance, the logo looks like a simply-drawn running man but a closer look reveals its hidden calligraphy (it sort of looks like the 'jing' or city character written in Chinese). Plus its shape (like a stone) has an ancient quality to it. Overall, a nice logo in my humble opinion.
Yes, I like it very much. I also think that it looks like a personal stamp that Chinese artists use to imprint (similar as signing by the artists from the West) on their paintings. As others have stated. It combines several things into one simple yet complex symbol. It's simple that a child can easily draw this, whether he/she knows Chinese character or not. It's complex (a running man which represents an athlete, red colour and stone represents Chinese culture, it also shaped as a personal stamp, and the Chinese character "Jing"=」city」, is "Beijing", or in ancient time, this "city" character has a "capital" sense, as 「Jing」 rather just any city) and because it's kind of having a mini-story built-in, which alts will find it interesting to explain to their children or tell them as a short story.
No one delivers spectacle these days like Zhang Yimou. The director's film and opera careers have clearly trained him well in dealing with massive ensembles of costumed performers, resulting in a show the sheer scale and beauty of which the world may never see again.
But what a travesty to have such a pageant undermined by bizarre editing and inane commentators! Why not let Zhang into the control booth to oversee the camera angles, instead of letting the NBC amateurs keep panning up to the digital scrim above the stadium and away from the 2008 dancers below?
Have we learned nothing from Busby Berkeley? Instead of showing closeups of the performers, give us the god's-eye-view of things, so we can appreciate the choreography -- the way it was intended to be seen by those in the stadium. The scripted commentary reveals that the network had access to dress rehearsals, so what excuse do they have for not knowing which camera angles would best represent the show?
And Bob Costas? Must every cultural observation be followed by a witless remark? Take, for instance, the moment in which conversation turned to the dancers' subtle hand movements. Costas quips, "So you order a Big Mac and fries and they give it to you with conspicuous elegance?" Thank you, Bob, for undermining millennia of culture by reminding us of what America contributes to the international equation.
This was China's moment -- bravo! Here's hoping someone proces a proper documentary of the event, with better footage and less chatter.
G. 陝西省英語閱讀八年級下翻譯
H. 2008年陝西小學四年級英語期末考試試題
tuǒ tiē ling téng zhòu wén cì
( ) ( ) 辱 ( )寫 ( ) 恩( )
qí tǘ jǐn shèn kāng kǎi pǐ cháo xùe
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )氣 ( )
嶙 峋(lin ling) 憎 惡(e wu) 擎 著(qing qin)
3. 寫出音節為「xie」的10個同音字,並各擴3個成語。
①、同學們在升旗儀式上,行著隊禮,抬起頭,( )著五星紅旗。
②、課堂上,同學們( )著老師,認真聽老師講故事。
③、老麻雀在樹枝上( )著地面上的狐狸。
④、夏天的夜晚,小明和奶奶坐在院子里( )著星空,正在數天上的星星呢?
①、《林海》這篇課文是巴金先生寫的。( )
②、「能夠傳遞信息的設備,就是多媒體設備。」這句話和原文中的句子一樣。 ( )
③、「五嶺/逶迤/騰細浪。」這句詩朗讀時的節奏是對的。 ( )
④、《兩小兒辨日》這篇文言文中,兩個小孩爭論的問題是太陽早上離人近還是中午離人近的問題。 ( )
⑤、閱讀的時候,有感情地朗讀,是體會課文思想感情的又一種重要方法。 ( )
⑥、《墨梅》、《竹石》、〈石灰吟〉這三首詩都是題畫詩。 ( )
6、春節快到了,我想用一副春聯來恭賀新春 _____________________
7、小剛的書房很整潔,但是缺少一些名言警句,請你送他一句恰當的吧: _______________________________。
8、有的同學平時總愛問爸爸、媽媽要一些錢買這買那,總覺得爸爸媽媽有花不完的錢,請你用一句名言警句來勸告他: ______________________________________
9、「手不釋卷」這個成語出自 你能再寫出幾個這樣的成語嗎?(4個) 、 、 、
題目: 作者 代
12、本學期,我們跟著作家領略了我國不少的秀麗風光,有:「甲天下」的 , 東北的森林寶庫 ,還跟著巴金兩次經過了 。
13、本學期,我從課文中還學到了不少做人做事的道理:《「精彩極了」和「糟糕透了」》明白了 ___________________________________
14、「為是其智弗若與?」這句話的意思是 __________________.選自課文____________________.告訴我們__________________________________________________
① 路上遇到一個外地人問路,你也找不到那個地方。你說: _______________
② 有人對你說:「誠信是商人的事,與我們小學生無關。」你說: _______________
常識(shi shi) 嫵媚(mei mei) 悲憐(lian lin)
不幸(xing xing)厚愛(hou hou) 畸形(ji qi)
( ) ( )
( ) 的無翼鳥 ( ) 的無翼鳥
( ) ( )
3.文中插入了關於無翼鳥的傳說,從全文角度分析,插敘的作用是( ).
7. 賞析「某日人們的審美觀念變了,不再欣賞著畸形的美了,那時候,這鳥又依誰而生活呢?」 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8 .文中本來是寫無翼鳥的,為什麼結尾又想起山鷹來了?
9.「鳥兒是應該要有翅膀的 ,這是常識。」你是怎樣理解這句話的?由這篇文章你想到了什麼?