① 英語啟蒙繪本閱讀從什麼時候開始
② 英文繪本如何閱讀
③ 適合短時間閱讀的英語小故事
A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the st.
He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."
He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the st and eat them.
Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."
④ 給孩子讀英文繪本故事學英語的方法真的有用嗎
《Hello, puppy》是汪培珽書單里推薦的英文繪本故事之一,在讀這本書的時候,我遇到了這樣的問題,孩子說,媽媽,我不想聽英語的。當時心裡是有點失望的,不過我就當沒聽見她們的話,堅持讀完了。就這樣大約三四天,孩子習慣了,大約2個周後,這本書孩子就非常熟悉了,熟悉到能接上單詞,後來能自己背出來了。當時真是開心極了。
接下來第二本《Today is Monday》,Eric的書,他的書的特點是語句非常簡單。這本書是學習一周7天的,還有一些食物的單詞。這一周七天的單詞是小學五年級才學習的內容,我自己也覺得讀音並不是很好掌握,也沒抱多大希望。剛開始讀的時候,她們反應平淡,我靈機一動,編成了chant, 打著拍子,說的很有節奏感,她們馬上很感興趣了,聽得哈哈大笑,聽完後讓我再說一遍。我就倒著從周日再說到周一。後來,這本書掌握的比第一本還要快。並且她們還經常願意自己說。
⑤ 幼兒閱讀英文繪本有哪些好處
一、閱讀英語繪本可以加深單詞記憶 家長為孩子選擇他們喜歡,並難度適中的繪本故事給孩子閱讀。繪本故事中會出現幼兒認識或是不認識的單詞,而這個單詞的重復不斷出現,會加深幼兒對單詞的記憶,這種記憶不同於一般的死記硬背,是幼兒在愉悅的閱讀過程中理解記憶的,所以記憶更牢,效果更佳!而經典的繪本故事,孩子喜歡的,他們會不停的反復閱 讀。在育兒過程中我們可以得知,一本好的繪本孩子會不厭其煩看十多遍,並且每一次都會有新的認知和提高。 二、閱讀英語繪本可以培養英語語感 如果具有足夠的閱讀量,對語感的培養幫助是非常大的。就像學母語時也學語法,但是實際上語法的學習對平時交流和寫作並沒有太多實際幫助!憑的是語感,因為有足夠的閱讀量,書中的表述形式會印在大腦當中,漸漸形成語感。這對以後的英語口語學 習也有很大的幫助。 三、閱讀英語繪本可以培養英語思維 培養幼兒的英語思維,從小擺脫中式英語的束縛。原版英文繪本是由國外作家編寫,是他們思維方式最原始的寫照。通過閱讀原版的英文繪本,幼兒會逐漸建立英語思維結構。就不會出現要說英語前,先在腦子生硬翻譯後,然後再生硬說出來。 四、可以增強孩子的文化底蘊,開闊眼界繪本故事有很多分類,科普類、教育類等等,這些內容都會增加孩子的知識,開闊眼界,還能幫助建立健全的人格,為一生的幸福打好精神基礎。 五、讓孩子從此愛上英語,愛上閱讀英文繪本最厲害的地方,是能幫幼兒愛上閱讀。通過小小的繪本,寶寶已經在破萬卷書、行千里路了,眼中的世界更加豐富、也更加美麗起來。
⑥ 簡單的幾個小技巧,讓幼兒輕松愛上英文繪本故事
⑦ 每日英語學習安排
一、 讀
1、 朗讀:一般文章讀2~3遍,帶著理解去讀,而不只是為讀而讀。
2、 背誦:好的文章應背熟,以記住好詞好句,同時培養自己的語感。
3、 速讀:文章第一遍用最快的速度讀完,以提高閱讀速度和理解能力,並逐漸培養不翻譯直接理解英文的能力。
4、 精讀:文章第二遍應精讀,以達到對文章的准確理解,並熟悉語法結構,加深單詞記憶。也可選擇部分文章速讀,對於較好的文章精讀。
5、 泛讀:每天看1小時左右的英文報紙,在有興趣的基礎上閱讀能力會有很大提高。遇到不會的單詞在不影響文章理解的情況下可以略過去,從而提高自己的閱讀速度。如果想記憶單詞,則可查詞典,多次查閱記憶便能記住單詞。(堅持一兩個月就會有明顯效果)
二、 聽
1、 從最初級的聽力入手,聽懂每個單詞、每句話、每段話及每篇文章。逐步增加難度。每天至少半小時。
2、 跟讀英語,一方面加強聽力,一方面訓練口語,同時還能培養語感。注意發音的准確性。
三、 寫
1、 每兩天寫一篇英文日記或作文。
2、 用英語寫信或E-mail。
3、 注意語法的應用和詞彙的記憶。
四、 語法
1、 從基礎到高級,掌握每一個語法點,並作詳細筆記。筆記所記的都是自己所會的,直到把所有語法細節都掌握。
2、 對於不熟悉的語法知識點應反復復習運用,直到掌握為止。
五、 詞彙
1、 每天記憶100~150新單詞,並復習前一天的舊單詞。對於生疏的舊單詞,可記錄下來,安排適當時間記憶。
2、 所有單詞記憶完一遍之後緊接著再記一遍,三四遍並不為多。重復是記憶單詞的最好方法,也是很多記憶的根本方法。
3、 結合例句記憶單詞,效果最佳。記憶單詞應注意力集中,
六、 練習
1、 大量的練習可以鞏固所學知識。
2、 通過練習可以提高閱讀理解能力,增加詞彙量,加強對語 http://www.douban.com/note/82786637/?start=0&post=ok
⑧ 急需英語故事 時間15分鍾
The Wicked Prince
Hans Christian Andersen
HERE lived once upon a time a wicked prince whose heart and mind were set upon conquering all the countries of the world, and on frightening the people; he devastated their countries with fire and sword, and his soldiers trod down the crops in the fields and destroyed the peasants』 huts by fire, so that the flames licked the green leaves off the branches, and the fruit hung dried up on the singed black trees. Many a poor mother fled, her naked baby in her arms, behind the still smoking walls of her cottage; but also there the soldiers followed her, and when they found her, she served as new nourishment to their diabolical enjoyments; demons could not possibly have done worse things than these soldiers! The prince was of opinion that all this was right, and that it was only the natural course which things ought to take. His power increased day by day, his name was feared by all, and fortune favoured his deeds.
He brought enormous wealth home from the conquered towns, and graally accumulated in his residence riches which could nowhere be equalled. He erected magnificent palaces, churches, and halls, and all who saw these splendid buildings and great treasures exclaimed admiringly: 「What a mighty prince!」 But they did not know what endless misery he had brought upon other countries, nor did they hear the sighs and lamentations which rose up from the débris of the destroyed cities.
The prince often looked with delight upon his gold and his magnificent edifices, and thought, like the crowd: 「What a mighty prince! But I must have more— more. No power on earth must equal mine, far less exceed it.」
He made war with all his neighbours, and defeated them. The conquered kings were chained up with golden fetters to his chariot when he drove through the streets of his city. These kings had to kneel at his and his courtiers』 feet when they sat at table, and live on the morsels which they left. At last the prince had his own statue erected on the public places and fixed on the royal palaces; nay, he even wished it to be placed in the churches, on the altars, but in this the priests opposed him, saying: 「Prince, you are mighty indeed, but God』s power is much greater than yours; we dare not obey your orders.」
「Well,」 said the prince. 「Then I will conquer God too.」 And in his haughtiness and foolish presumption he ordered a magnificent ship to be constructed, with which he could sail through the air; it was gorgeously fitted out and of many colours; like the tail of a peacock, it was covered with thousands of eyes, but each eye was the barrel of a gun. The prince sat in the centre of the ship, and had only to touch a spring in order to make thousands of bullets fly out in all directions, while the guns were at once loaded again. Hundreds of eagles were attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards the sun. The earth was soon left far below, and looked, with its mountains and woods, like a cornfield where the plough had made furrows which separated green meadows; soon it looked only like a map with indistinct lines upon it; and at last it entirely disappeared in mist and clouds. Higher and higher rose the eagles up into the air; then God sent one of his numberless angels against the ship. The wicked prince showered thousands of bullets upon him, but they rebounded from his shining wings and fell down like ordinary hailstones. One drop of blood, one single drop, came out of the white feathers of the angel』s wings and fell upon the ship in which the prince sat, burnt into it, and weighed upon it like thousands of hundredweights, dragging it rapidly down to the earth again; the strong wings of the eagles gave way, the wind roared round the prince』s head, and the clouds around—were they formed by the smoke rising up from the burnt cities?—took strange shapes, like crabs many, many miles long, which stretched their claws out after him, and rose up like enormous rocks, from which rolling masses dashed down, and became fire-spitting dragons.
The prince was lying half-dead in his ship, when it sank at last with a terrible shock into the branches of a large tree in the wood.
「I will conquer God!」 said the prince. 「I have sworn it: my will must be done!」
And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven with. He gathered warriors from all countries, so many that when they were placed side by side they covered the space of several miles. They entered the ships and the prince was approaching his own, when God sent a swarm of gnats—one swarm of little gnats. They buzzed round the prince and stung his face and hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the air and did not hit the gnats. Then he ordered his servants to bring costly coverings and wrap him in them, that the gnats might no longer be able to reach him. The servants carried out his orders, but one single gnat had placed itself inside one of the coverings, crept into the prince』s ear and stung him. The place burnt like fire, and the poison entered into his blood. Mad with pain, he tore off the coverings and his clothes too, flinging them far away, and danced about before the eyes of his ferocious soldiers, who now mocked at him, the mad prince, who wished to make war with God, and was overcome by a single little gnat.