A. 快樂驛站七年級上冊英語答案。
你加加看 互動作業 這個APP,搜索一下這本寒假作業,可能有答案(但我還是想說寫作業這種事要靠自己 ̄m ̄)
B. 快樂學習報英語第17期答案七年級
C. 初一英語《學生雙語報》快樂閱讀版和綜和復習版的答案
D. 英語七年級上冊《快樂大本營》答案
E. 七年級上英語閱讀訓練 長江作業本短文翻譯
1、 生活豐富又精彩,快樂辛勞緊相隨。一年汗水一年累,換來碩果一大堆。優秀先進全是你,獎金分紅也不虧。願你2016再努力,公司興旺你最美!
2、 鮮花的香味抵不過你的碩果累累,美酒的甜美抵不過你的成績卓著。快樂的掌聲在你身邊響起,成功的笑容在你臉龐綻放。願你在新的一年繼續努力,取得燦爛的業績!
3、 新的一年要到來,努力奮斗創未來。大家一起來努力,公司會有好業績。同事難得在一起,開開心心生福氣。2015已過去,2016更美麗。
4、 在前進的道路上,不被問題擊倒,也不被歧路迷惑。不因壓力放棄,也不因成績懈怠。向前走,是一片朗朗晴空,待來年,創一番輝煌佳績。願我們一起奮斗,共同進步。
5、 成功和歡笑,淚水也苦惱,拼搏和支持,寬容和自豪,點點滴滴都是我們一起品味分享,在這個嶄新的時刻,衷心祝福我們合作愉快,公司的前途更美好,幸福屬於每一個為公司奉獻的新友和舊交。
6、 歲末年初,回首過去,拼搏與汗水,換來今天的喜悅與收獲,總結過去,勤奮加努力,得來今天的幸福與成功;展望來年,願你再接再勵,鼓勁加油,爭取創造更大的輝煌!
7、 作別昨日開創的輝煌,我們同心協力的記憶還在閃光;看看今天驕人的成功,我們密切配合的一幕拉成過往;迎接明天的燦爛繁華,握手誠信,相邀團結,祝福我們的明天會更好。
8、 過去一年你勤奮又努力,灑下汗水把成績攬在懷里。新的一年即將開始,告別驕傲繼續努力,創造輝煌勝過過去。願你在新年裡樹下凌雲志,滿載喜悅幸福歸!
9、 歲末,又到歲末。感謝您一年的付出與拼搏,感謝您與公司一起快樂的成長。展望,就有希望。希望明年您一如既往的工作,收獲加倍的快樂,充實幸福的生活。祝你健康,幸福吉祥!
10、 好漢不提當年勇,過去的已經是歷史,新的一年又將開始,讓我們勵志揚鞭揚帆起航,攜手共贏未來共創輝煌!2016年祝願公司宏圖大展,蒸蒸日上!
11、 歲月不居,天道酬勤。過去的一年裡,我們歷經風雨,盡管道路坎坷,盡管困難重重,但卻成績輝煌!新的一年又至,更需大家努力,攜手共創奇跡!祝大家身體健康、闔家幸福、喜事多多、好運連連!
12、 過去的一年,你付出了勤奮努力,收獲了成功喜悅,在人生的道路上留下了輝煌的一筆;嶄新的一年裡,願你付出拼搏進取,在人生的旅途中畫下燦爛的一筆;新的一年裡,加油!
13、 時間記錄著你的腳步,業績肯定了你的努力。所有的驕傲和成功都是留在過去的一年裡,新的一年即將開始,讓我們在新的起跑線上再次拼搏,願你能擁有更輝煌的明天。
14、 失敗是弱者的終點,是強者的起點。沒有人會永遠失敗,除非他自己放棄。在這辭舊迎新的時刻,每個人都要做好新的准備,與其為過去懊悔,不如為將來努力,加油吧!你們就是強者,都是我的英雄。
15、 人生難免有低谷,就看你是否能給自己搭一個跳板;事業難免有不順,就看你是否能給自己一束陽光;不管過去有多失敗,將來都是未知的,只有努力者才能獲得新一輪的成功,加油!我看好你喲。
F. 快樂學習報答案七年級英語33 期作文
Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to jinan
by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,「Jill, don』t do anything halfway.」at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。 was very happ
G. 初一英語快樂閱讀第期第一篇答案
H. 快樂英語閱讀初一翻譯
Annoying cattle have a lot of problems
Colonia kingdom of cows in a big farm, the farm has a lot of fertile green grass, surrounded by water on three sides, to the east side is a cliff, cliff and sky high and steep walls
In the cliff top lived a very special cows, all other cows called him Ma Moomia May, it means in the old saying is "the smart one", he lived in a cave, and it often sits at the mouth of the cave for a whole day, no one has to know too much about him, except a cow or even nobody asked anything about his
The bull named Randy, but all the other cattle call him Muckamoo Mee, meaning that hated.
Randy never stop asking questions, wake up every morning with a lot of questions to ask his parents
"Why is the sky blue?" Randy asked his father.
No one knows. His father said.
"How do we know it will not yellow or red?" Randy asked another question
"Randy, I can't spend all time to answer your question, why don't you go to the stream to play?"
Randy really to play.
Second days Randy asked her mother "grass look like"
No one knows, his mother answered
So how do you know it will keep growing, he asked another question
I am very busy, Randy, why don't you go to the stream to play
Randy went to the brook
"The smart one is how to the cliff top." one day, he asked an old ox
"No one knows" old ox replied.
"So how do we... Never mind, "Randy said," I need to go to the stream to play ", the cow nodded.
But this time, all the cattle are called "Muckamoo Randy Mee Mana Swa", meaning that annoying swims very well
Annoying cattle have a lot of problems
Colonia kingdom of cows in a big farm, the farm has a lot of fertile green grass, surrounded by water on three sides, to the east side is a cliff, cliff and sky high and steep walls
In the cliff top lived a very special cows, all other cows called him Ma Moomia May, it means in the old saying is "the smart one", he lived in a cave, and it often sits at the mouth of the cave for a whole day, no one has to know too much about him, except a cow or even nobody asked anything about his
The bull named Randy, but all the other cattle call him Muckamoo Mee, meaning that hated.
Randy never stop asking questions, wake up every morning with a lot of questions to ask his parents
"Why is the sky blue?" Randy asked his father.
No one knows. His father said.
"How do we know it will not yellow or red?" Randy asked another question
"Randy, I can't spend all time to answer your question, why don't you go to the stream to play?"
Randy really to play.
Second days Randy asked her mother "grass look like"
No one knows, his mother answered
So how do you know it will keep growing, he asked another question
I am very busy, Randy, why don't you go to the stream to play
Randy went to the brook
"The smart one is how to the cliff top." one day, he asked an old ox
"No one knows" old ox replied.
"So how do we... Never mind, "Randy said," I need to go to the stream to play ", the cow nodded.
But this time, all the cattle are called "Muckamoo Randy Mee Mana Swa", meaning that annoying swims very well
I want to learn Japanese, American English, British English French Spanish, Korean, may have similar translator? As the global translation, but only as global translation translation of English is the most convenient, there is no translation more national language can be very convenient and efficient and easy to understand?
I. 快樂寒假天天練七年級英語答案
七年級英語答案 Unit 1 1-5 C A B C C 6-10 B A C A C 11-15 B B B C A 16-20 C B C A B 21-25 A C B B C 六、完成句子 26. I ask you a question? 27.Sit down on the chair. 28.I have a pencil case. 29.Her teacher is there. 30.Where is my book? Unit 2 1-5 C B C A B 6-10 B C B C B 11. sweaters 12. red 13. white 14. 5 15. 6 16-20 C B A C A 21-25 A C B B B 六、完成句子 26. This is the way the walk to school 27. I like oranges. 28. What』s your favourite colour. 29. Whose dress is this? 30. She is wearing red pants. Unit 3 1-5 B C C A C 6-10 A C B C C 11-15 C B A C B 16-20 A B B C A 21-25 F T F T T 六、完成句子 26. It is hot today. 27. Take your right hand out. 28. John』s hair is blond. 29. Ouch! I cut my finger. 30. Do you feel happy today? Unit 4 1-5 B B B A A 6-10 C D E B A 11-15 A C B B C 16-20 A B A C B 21-25 C C B A B 六、完成句子 26. I want to drink, I』m so thirsty. 27. Would you like some mplings. 28. They are having breakfast. 29. We do our homework in the evening. 30. I have twenty books. Unit 5 1-5 B B C A C 6-10 A B C A B 11-15 A B B C C 16-20 A B A A C 21-25 A C C B A 六、完成句子 26. My father is a taxi driver. 27. I have a big family. 28. I like playing games on the computer. 29.Jenny, it』s time to go to sleep. 30. We should brushour teeth every day. Unit 6 1-5 A B A A C 6-10 C B A B A 11-15 F F F T T 16-20 C C B A B 21-25 C C B B A 六、完成句子 26. Would you like to go to the theatre with me tonight? 27. My father works in a grocery store. 28. I go to school by bike every day. 29. We see a lion in the zoo. 30. A panda lives in the forest. Unit7 1-5 A B A C C 6-10 A B C A B 11-15 B B A C A 16-20 A C B B A 21-25 C B C A B 六、完成句子 26. When is your birthday, Danny? 27. It is rainy today. 28. We go to see movies on Sundays. 29. I』m so thirsty. Please give me something to drink. 30. My mother will go to the sotre to buy clothes. Unit 8 1-5 C B A B A 6-10 A B A C C 11-15 B A C C B 16-20 A C B C B 21-25 A A B C C 六、完成句子 26. Wei Fang lives in the south of China. 27. Our family wants to go Australia in this Spring Festival. 28. Canada is an English speaking country. 29. What is the capital city of China? 30. The teacher is standing in front of the class.
第一頁 一, D 二,略 三,1.比喻2.比喻.3.擬人4頂針.5.誇張6.誇張 四.A⑤④B②沒有路可以到達 五,略 第二頁 1.直角,相等,平分 2.10 3. 3 .4 .5. 20 24 4.120°.60° 5. 4 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.等腰直角三角形.(過程好難打上去,,回學校再抄) 10提示:菱形的對角線互相垂直,求出一個小三角形再乘以4 第三頁 一 1---8::BDACBDDA 二 ,1.林則徐,,鄧世昌 2.1840 鴉片戰爭 3.<辛丑條約> 三, 1.慈禧太後 2.1895年簽訂的<馬關條約> 3.清政府腐敗無能 四,中國領土和主權進一步喪失 第四頁一.略 二,C 三, 1.城春草木深 2.得無楚之水土使民善盜耶? 3.夜闌卧聽風吹雨 4.人生自古誰無死 四,參考: 我們每個環保志願者都有義不容辭的責任,當浩盪的江河變乾枯、我們生態難以維持,人類怎能健康,我們的子孫後代怎麼辦,當地球母親換了絕症,他的兒女們又能生存多久!我們在發展經濟同時,更要保護自己美好的家園,因為保護環境就是保護我們自己,是我們每一位公民的權利和義務,參加到綠色事業中來吧! 五.參考: 它的本意應該是引導人們多做善事,向那些需要幫助的人伸出援助之手,「贈人玫瑰,手有餘香」這句話也很生動,當你給於別人幫助的時候自己的心靈也受到一次洗禮,自己也會得到快樂,其實樂於助人是一舉兩得的事情 第5頁 一. 1-5BCABB 二. 1-5叉勾勾勾叉 三. 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 四.1.廣東 2.山東 遼寧 3.瓊州第6頁 1.(1)60° ,120° (2).120° ,60° 2.(1)8,10 (2)9,7 4.ABCE或ACDE 5.22或20 6.14,根號45,84 7.十位上的數是2,個位上的數是9(列方程解) 第7頁 一.略 二1.喧囂 2.龜裂 3.溫馨 4.清廉 三.1.解釋:像魚鱗和梳子齒那樣有次序地排列著 造句:上海市區高樓大廈鱗次櫛比,道路寬闊,車水馬龍.(僅供參考) 2.解釋:走路遲緩搖晃的樣子 造句:小明因腿部受傷,不得不蹣跚地走著. 四. 棟 個 次 碟 條 縷 個 棵 卷 五.1.(1)總是,就; 錯誤 (1)被……拖累 (3)暫且 2.(1)凡事要做就做,否則就會耽誤了一生的前途啊! (2)如果我們這一生只等明日,那麼一切事情都將錯過. 3.表達了作者告誡人們要珍惜時間,批駁了虛度光陰的行為 4.反問 第8頁 1.(1) 20 8X=Y 時間 水溫 (2)36 6 (3)3 (4)1--10 28--100 2.D 3.(1)當X小於等於(符號不知道怎麼打)100時,0.57X=Y 當X>100時,0.57乘以100 (X-100)乘以0.5=Y (2)一月用電138度,二月用電112度,三月用電80度.共用電330度(過程自己寫) 4.圖略,關系:關鍵詞----平移 第9頁 一..1---7 BCCDBCC 二. 1.的近代化, 封建專制統治 2.三民主義 1912 中華民國 3.思想啟蒙 三 1.洋務派;維新派,革命派 2.洋務運動:戊戌變法;辛亥革命 3. ①歷史背景:都發生在世界資本主義進入帝國主義階段,清政府極端腐敗,中國面臨嚴重的民族危機。 ②目的:都為改變現狀,救亡圖存,發展資本主義。 四. 洋務運動沒有使中國富強起來,但它引進勒西方先進的科學技術,使中國出現勒第一批工業企業,在客觀上促進勒中國資本主義的發展,推動了中國近代化的進程 第10頁 一, 他在屋裡轉了一圈,看到一隻綠鸚鵡,它停棲在一個用拖布把釘成的木架上,一雙亮得像珠子似的眼睛正盯著山米. 二.A 三.三江上游的原始森林是調節長江水量,防止水土流失的重要保障 四.略 五.人要活到老學到老 第11頁 一.1---5CAADB 二.1.B 2. A 3.D 4.C 5.F 6.E 三. 1. 14 朝鮮 俄羅斯 2 .34 23 5 4 2 3.青海 青 四川 川 湖南 湘 4.雲南 廣西壯族自治區 廣東 台灣 廣西壯族自治區 廣東省 第12頁 1--3 BDD 4.設原來每天定額加工X個零件,則提高工效後每天加工(1 120%)X個零件,列方程得 (1 120%)X×(30-16)=32 30X X=40 原來計
J. 七年級上快樂假期英語的答案
Schoolmates want to pay attention to safety , still have , bring about when the beginning of the term, the parents advice note accomplish school assignment carefully, ,'' Heavens, is inferior all such, when actor's line does not all change. Words of song that I have remembered abruptly: "... ... Schoolmates all are absent-minded/ being counting time being holding minor difference/, ,'' The guiding principle taking a look at the wrist watch , the wall clock again has solidified seemingly , has worried person really. "All right, have had a holiday like this"! "Europe"! Ha, have enred to the destination! As if grasping up the schoolbag , the arrow flying proces campus , school assignment , what end of term tests achievement disregarding what vacation he be , has been cast to the winds at this moment. Bicycle disease his person who is relaxing , driving is giving vent to in the heart be ravished with joy. Be flashing past one idea abruptly, in the brain , be having a holiday except representing bold unrestrained play , what to be representing? With the quickest speed get back home, one throws away the schoolbag , previous sit , just become able to do anything of one's own free will to the sofa, have lost calmness in the past , have seemed to have become another I. Suddenly, the old mummy gives off without the knowledge of from anywhere , look at the old mummy rictus needing to speak, I just anticipate single-step: "Finish writing vacation first plan ". "How do you know "? The old mummy is a little bit perplexed. "This has 我只有這么多,剩下的自己寫吧