1. 五年級下冊快樂英語閱讀翻譯
五年級下冊快樂英語閱讀翻譯成英語是:The fifth grade 2 Happy English reading,見下圖網路翻譯
2. 快樂英語閱讀錄音哪兒能下載
3. ,快樂英語閱讀小學六年級第1卷unit1英譯中文
我發現@有道翻譯官 的翻譯挺准,原文:My READING
One day a judge was working in his room. A neighbour ran into his house, and said, "if one man's cow kills another's, should the owner of the first cow be responsible?"
"It depends," answered the judge.
"Well," said the man, "your cow killed mine."
"Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, a cow is not responsible, and it means that its owner is responsible either,' answered the judge.
"l am sorry, Judge," said the man. "I made a mistake meant that my cow killed yours."
The judge thought for a few seconds and said, think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy at first." Then he turned to his clerk and said, me that big black book from the shelf behind you."
4. 蘇教版快樂英語5年級第一卷第一課內容
蘇教版? A new term 星期一的早晨,李老師和她的學生們正在上課.這是新學期的第一節課. :歡迎回學校,男生和女生們! :很高興見到你,李老師! :今天星期幾,楊玲? :星期一. :早晨你們上什麼課,高山? :我們上的語文 英語 數學和科學. :這學期我們有八門科目.它們是什麼,劉濤? :是語文 數學 英語 社會科學 科學 美術 信息和體育. :你喜歡什麼科目,蘇海? :我喜歡數學. :你呢.蘇揚? :我喜歡英語.它有趣. :我們一周上多少節英語課? :四節.
5. 快樂英語閱讀五年級上the iittie horse and the river鳳凰