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㈠ 21世紀大學英語快速閱讀第三冊 第三版 答案

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㈡ 誰有21世紀大學生英語快速閱讀第三版第三冊的翻譯 跪求!!!

mosquito (蚊子), cricket (蟋蟀) — all have wings, but they aren't birds; seal:
seal (海豹): donkey (驢), dolphin (海豚) — all mammals; or
seal (海豹): penguin (企鵝) — live both on land and in the water; orseal (印記,圖記): crane (起重機), cricket (板球), sponge (海綿狀物) — all haveother meanings unrelated to animals
dolphin (海豚), sponge (海綿) — all live underwater

1.Having too many people on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up.
2.He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman.
3.In most modern societies women are treated as professional equals rather than [as] servants.
4."Body language" refers to communication through the way you move rather than to speech.
5.He preferred to sit quietly in class rather than risk giving an answer that might be wrong.
6.Andrew is convinced that love rather than money is the key to happiness.
7.Many people nowadays communicate by e-mail rather than (by) phones and faxes.
8.Mrs. Kester made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.
1.if only to attract more readers
2.if only to have a brief check-up
3.if only to make a good impression on his

㈢ 21世紀大學英語快速閱讀(第三版,第三冊)(張增健主編)的第一篇的課文翻譯

搜外語下載中心 這上面大學英語資料非常全
都是免費下載的 ^_^

㈣ 求大學英語快速閱讀第三冊翻譯!!!!!


㈤ 21世紀大學英語快速閱讀第一冊答案


㈥ 跪求《21世紀大學英語-快速閱讀(第三版)第四冊的各個單元READING ONE的文章翻譯


㈦ 求《21世紀大學英語快速閱讀第三版第一冊》每單元第一篇文章的翻譯!!!!


㈧ 21世紀大學英語快速閱讀 第三版 第一冊 1-8單元 第一篇文章的翻譯。急求啊。

21 世紀大學英語讀寫教程(第一冊)課後翻譯答案 世紀大學英語讀寫教程(第一冊) Unit 1 湯姆是個非常好奇的男孩,他不僅對「是什麼」感興趣,而且也對「為什麼」和「怎麼 會」感興趣。 As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 據史密斯教授說,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 你最好把這本書放在你 15 歲兒子找不到的地方。 You』d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can』t get his hands on it. 故事非常滑稽,比爾一邊讀一邊不停地笑。 The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it. 成績優秀的學生未必比他們得分較低的同學在學習上花費更多的時間。 High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 你是怎樣設法說服這些學生修讀快速閱讀課的? How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course? 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one』s abilities counts for much more. 她要求學生獨立思考,而不是告訴他們該思考什麼。 She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. Unit 2 在談及美國英語和英國英語的差別時,他說:「美國和英國畢竟是兩個不同的國 家。」 Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, 「The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.」 史密斯教授鼓勵他的學生獨立思考。他常說:「即使你們對我提出質疑或者完全不 同意我的看法,我也同樣高興。」 Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. 「I am just as happy,」 he often says, 「even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.」 我們請他參加我們關於流行音樂的談話,但他一參加進來就引入一個新的話題, 談起了上周的 NBA 決賽。 We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 司機應對這次事故負責。他的車撞倒了一棵樹和一個騎車的人。 The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 自我們的收音機停止生產後,我們已轉產行動電話。 Since our proction of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the proction of mobile phones. 我們最初的計劃是在北京瀏覽長城、故宮、頤和園等著名景點。 Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing. 學好一門外語絕非易事。盡管我已學了幾年英語,我仍然不能有效地用這種語言 表達思想。 It』s no simple/easy matter to learn a foreign language well. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can』t express myself effectively in the language. 我希望你不僅僅是同意或不同意我的想法,我需要你給我提忠告、出主意等。 I don』t want you to simply to agree or disagree with me. I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on. Unit 3 據我所知,他們必須做的只是來見他們撫養的孩子,並填寫一份表格。 As far as I know, all they have to do is to come and see the child they want to bring up and fill up a form. 隨著他對世事的了解越來越多,他終於厭倦了對名利的追求。 As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth. 小女孩的歌聲給老人帶來了歡樂,幫助他忍受住種種生活的艱辛。 The little girl』s songs brought sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life. 人們紛紛前來向他們祝賀又一座黃浦江大橋的勝利建成。 People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River. 這個 10 歲的男孩小提琴拉得如此嫻熟,在場的人都驚嘆不已。 All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully. 車禍之後,史蒂威重新評價了自己的人生目標,決定更多地注意外部世界。 After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside. 母親即使做夢也沒想到她的兒子會成為一名世界著名的鋼琴家。 Even in her wildest dreams, Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist. 當聽到他們的老師已擺脫了死亡的陰影時,學生們都大聲歡呼起來。 The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death. Unit 4 祖母體弱多病,她卻承擔起了家裡的所有家務。 Sickly and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family. 唱片公司從未對任何歌手這樣滿意過。對他們來說,史蒂威·旺達確實是個難得的 人才。 The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find. 他們住的地方沒有自來水,也沒有煤氣和電這類生活上的便利設備。 They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity. 6 年過去了,接著 7 年、8 年過去了,那位法國藝術家仍杳無音訊。看來他肯定 已離開這個國家去了唯有上帝知道的什麼地方。 Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where. 那年夏天他病得很厲害,但秋天他剛感到好些了,便又重新開始寫作,並在兩個 月內完成了他的最後一部小說。 He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his last novel in two months. 在堅強意志的推動下,亞歷克斯終於完成了他所承擔的任務。 Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken. 在醫生和護士們的幫助下,那位病人恢復得很快,幾星期後便再一次站起來了。 With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more. 望著老人那張滿是皺紋的臉真叫人難過, 因為它說明了老人一輩子所經歷的一切。 It was really sad to watch the old man』s wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had borne/enred in his life. Unit 5 他們是瑪麗的兒子羅伯特和勞倫斯,一個起的是她父親的名字,另一個是她祖父 的名字。 They are Mary』s sons Robert and Lawrence. One is named after her father, the other is named after her grandfather. 他對已有的一切還不滿足。他從來不懂「知足常樂」,真遺憾。 He is not content with what he has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment. 她參與課堂活動非常積極。我相信她將來可以成為一名好教師。 She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure that she will make a good teacher. 你也許有不同看法,但我不喜歡勸酒,尤其是在宴會上更是如此。 You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party. 我們准備在一些枝節問題上對他們作些讓步,但決不在重大的原則問題上與他們 妥協。 We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle. 整整一年中羅伯特通常得不到多少運動, 而他的妻子瑪麗卻大部分時間一直站著。 這就是為什麼他們不可能或至少很難找到一個喜歡的地方去休假的原因。 Robert didn』t usually get much exercise ring the year, while his wife Mary was on her feet most of the time. That was why it was impossible or difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday. 戴維是個自視甚高的青年作家。他認為他的寫作風格是獨特的、高雅的。但遺憾 的是,情況並非如此。 David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case. 我想說的只是,作為個人我們享有很多不同的權利,但卻無權做任何對社會有害 的事。 All I want to say is that as indivials we enjoy many different rights but we have no right to do anything harmful to society. Unit 6 問題在於人們如何看待那些專心追求知識的學生。 The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. 我國政府已決定向教育投入比過去多得多的錢。 Our government has decided to put a lot more money into ecation than before. 我們得培養更多一流的工程師參與同日本的技術競爭。 We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan. 求知好學和勤奮用功的學生應受到表揚並被樹立為其他學生的榜樣。 The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other students. 知道我們消除排斥知識的現象,我們才有希望保持世界級強國的地位。 Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand a chance to remain a world-class power. 我們必須使自己適應時代的要求,否則我們就會落後於世界上其他工業國家。 We must adapt ourselves to the demands of our times, otherwise we』ll fall behind the other instrialized nations of the world. 其他孩子在踢足球,而他們的兒子卻在學英語,做父母的為此感到驕傲。 The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while the other children are playing football. 你真的期望不花費更多的時間學習就能提高你的英語水平? Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it? Unit 7 史密斯先生被認為是一位十分開明的人,除了別的之外,他還認為在法律面前人 人平等。 Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men were equal under the law. 他獲獎並非偶然;他的成功來自艱苦的訓練。 It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes from his hard training. 老師跟白人孩子們談了很多,試圖使他們相信人人生而平等,但在最初幾個星期 里,似乎沒有多少效果。 The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the first few weeks. 因為我剛來到這所學校,所以有一段時間我感到孤獨,也沒有朋友。 As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless for a time. 偉明日復一日堅持與威爾遜夫人進行交談,他的英語口語變得越來越流利,越來 越自然。 Day after day Wei Ming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural. 盡管在最初那幾個星期一些孩子對我很不客氣,一個白人小姑娘卻特別友好。 Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty ring those first few weeks, a little white girl was especially friendly to me. 我後來才知道那位看起來又老又滿臉皺紋的人才 45 歲左右。 I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45. 大學畢業之後不久,他便證明自己是一個稱職而負責的英語教師。 After graating from university, he soon established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English. Unit 8 沒有一個科學家確切地知道信息高速公路將在未來十年中把我們帶往何處。 No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead. 至關重要的是,發達國家和發展中國家應通過更多的交流增進相互間的理解和尊 重。 It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication. 從一開始,大眾傳媒就對這部關於個人電腦的專著給予了特別的關注。 From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer. 我的侄子以為日文跟中文在很多方面相似,很容易學,但結果並不是那樣。 My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it didn』t turn out that way. 你本應該知道得更多些。大學教授講課的方式並不只限於告訴學生基本事實,他 還激發討論和爭論。 You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates. 原來估計這項工程將費時五年。但由於工人和工程師們的創造性勞動,工程大大 提前完成了。 It was originally estimated that the project would take 5 years. But because of the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schele. 構思和寫作自傳花費了那位美國作家三年多的時間,其間他遇到了許多無法想像 的困難。 The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, ring which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties. 醫生們不能肯定他患了什麼病,這就是他已決定提前退休的原因。 The doctors aren』t sure what illness he is suffering from. That』s why he has decided to retire ahead of schele.

㈨ 求《21世紀大學英語快速閱讀第三版第一冊》每單元第一篇文章的翻譯!!!!!!!!

給哥郵箱 我發給你

㈩ 新世紀大學英語閱讀教程3的答案




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