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發布時間:2021-02-18 03:40:40

1. 」可口可樂」用各國語言的翻譯,急需

英語 Coca-Cola
日語 コカ・コーラ
韓語 코카콜라
俄語 Кокаа-кол

2. 可口可樂英文翻譯

Coca Cola

3. 關於可口可樂公司的翻譯!

Coca-Cola is one of the most famous international brands in China as a dominant proct in Chinese soft drinks market and the series of procts are the most popular in the market. At present, the Coca-Cola Company has more than 50 kinds of different beverages in the Chinese market and the consumers have rich choices on various occasions to quench their thirst. Coca-Cola actively promotes the process of localization. presently, all Coca-Cola bottling plants in China are using concentrated liquid which is manufactured in Shanghai. 98% of the raw materials take local procurement in China, and the annual cost adds up to 800,000,000 U.S. dollars. Since 1979's return to China Coca-Cola's system has been investing in China more than 1.2 billion. By 2005, in the mainland of China 29 bottling plants and 35 factories have been built up. China's annual per capita consumption of Coca-Cola procts is 20 bottles (8 oz bottle or 237 ml). For now Coca-Cola system in China has more than 30,000 employees, 99% of whom are local Chinese employees. Coca-Cola system in China has donated more than 50,000,000 yuan in support of many national and regional public welfare.

---親手翻譯,特供 t2boy - 助理 三級

4. 關於可口可樂的兩段翻譯 比較長 希望高人多多幫助 ~ 採納追加50分~~

ni yao de shi na guo yu yan a ???

5. 可口可樂用英語怎麼翻譯



6. 要一篇介紹可口可樂的英語文章。要適合高中生閱讀

Coca-Cola 大行其道 which in world each place in its hundred yearsdevelopment advancement, the advertisement has displayed to viewimportant entrusting with heavy responsibility, tightly pastes themarket the advertisement strategy most to have the value brand statusmerit for its establishment not to be possible to wipe. But took theadvertisement core content the advertisement language is the brandlocalization one explicit expression way, arrives the expense crowdthrough each kind of vector, all related markets activities all shouldif coordinate with each other across a great distance, complement eachother. We review the world brand from the Coca-Cola advertisementlanguage change the development course, specially in the Chinesemarket success experience, can have the certain model significance tothe domestic enterprise. " Please drink Coca-Cola " The first bottle of Coca-Cola was published the US territory firstfactory establishment from 1886, the Coca-Cola is at the primarydevelopment phase, need more people tastes the Coca-Cola, please drankthe Coca-Cola to become its active the subject, in after that severalyears, although often could have the new advertisement languageappearance, but mainly was propagandizes from the proct functionstratification plane, relieves thirst, the good flavor, cool ----. Forexample: Fresh delicacy satisfaction is the Coca-Cola; The thirstytime enjoys and so on. 230 ages, are accepted along with the Coca-Cola proct by more peoplewith the cognition, the advertisement language propaganda even moretend to the perception, above the function demand foundation, haveincreased more contents and the meaning, like are happy, friendshipand so on. For example: Fills the friendship the life, happy symboland so on, but this time was still a proct promotion stage, the truebrand status also not completely establishes. Two world wars are a Coca-Cola development important time, theCoca-Cola become the American first choice drink, and follows theAmerican main strength overseas operation to start to flow to eachplace, was stationed abroad the army for the safeguard to supplystarts in some countries to establish the bottling factory. Until now is retaining the ENJOY word in the registration Coca-Colatrademark, has represented the Coca-Cola hundred years history in somekind of significance, one kind of classical style. " Cannot block feeling " After World War II ended is the American economy high speeddevelopment time, also is the Coca-Cola fast becomes long-term, UScarries out its democratic thought and life style while world eachplace, the Coca-Cola and MaC$donald and so on becomes the Americanculture the important constituent. The Coca-Cola establishes thefactory in world each place, the participation significant sportssports event, carries on the many kinds of forms the advertisementspropaganda and promotion, the Coca-Cola can greatly promote inwell-knownness and each place market 佔有率, the brand valuesuccessively climbs. This time advertisement language includes: I havemay the happy world; But Le Jia lives and so on In 1978 the first batch of Coca-Cola proct entered the Chinesemarket, 80's first pooled capital the factory establishment, thenChina was in the reform and open policy the initial period, manyChinese were not familiar with this kind had ' the Chinese nativemedicine flavor ' the drink, and the price was high, the Coca-Cola putwith emphasis the market in several main cities, used the Chinesenative place drink channel the superiority, while rammed eachfoundation work, has brought the brand-new marketing idea, on a largescale invaded while the external culture, the Coca-Cola also thestatus receives the partial people's favour by ' the aristocrat '. Cannot block the feeling was at that time the most popularadvertisement language, also expressed the Coca-Cola to have to taketo people's one kind of spiritual stratification plane thing, in factalso represented the people to be curious to the western culture andto yearn for. Drinks the Coca-Cola not only drinks his flavor, more importantly onekind of feeling ' this was at that time some loyal consumers' personalexperience. The Coca-Cola in main city circuit massive uses propaganda method andso on television medium, outdoors advertisement, cold drink equipment,the use sells the vivid management way, impels the Coca-Cola in theChinese market high speed development. The 90's intermediate stages,the Coca-Cola has initially completed the main city the stationingwork, each place domestic traditional drink comes under the seriousattack. " Is heartily smooth, forever is Coca-Cola " In 1996 Atlanta (Coca-Cola headquarters) the Olympic Games should bethe Coca-Cola in the Chinese market most magnificent time. The nationhad 23 bottling factories, the Coca-Cola brand becomes most has thevalue brand. The proct frequently falls short of demand, maintainsevery year in the Chinese market 20% above the high speed growth. Coca-Cola channel key by wholesale to straight camp shift, requests inthe market bigger area seepage, to service execution request higher,the proct exhibition surface must big, the variety have many, theadvertizing material to have to enrich, the guest sentiment relationswants to be good ----. ' Omnipresent, the thing had the valve, thesentiment has alone is loyal ' becomes the market marketing the mainstrategy, the sales work also becomes the promotion sales volume fromthe past guidance expense. Heartily smoothest, forever was the Coca-Cola both expressed the fullfeeling, and manifested the Coca-Cola to be self-confident and theatmosphere. In fact this time Coca-Cola only then truly found the brand corecontent ALWAYS. Both has the tradition and is classical, and does notlack the fervor and the vigor. 2." Each quarter may be happy, Coca-Cola " Enters for the 21st century, the Coca-Cola starts to feel theunprecedented competition pressure. First is the headquarters places the great expectations to the Chinesemarket, the supervision speeds up the development the step, but alongwith domestic drink profession graally mature, take extremely may behappy, the rising sun rises, 健力寶 and so on snatches the city asrepresentative's domestically proced drink to seize the pond,occupied many 23 levels of markets ahead of time; Pepsi Cola ' gavefree reign to the imagination from ' the new generation of choice 'without the limit ' the minute blows many young people to expend theobject; The consumer expends the multiplicity, causes the Coca-Cola tobe able not but to change the market strategy. Copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle orpolicy, or changes the strain? Each quarter might be happy is proposes based on then marketenvironment. ' Engraves ' manifests in the time, expresses the Coca-Cola to followclose on the time step, by Xie Tingfeng, hundred iris and so on whenred singing star for speaks on another's behalf, the lock-on target ina young people generation, to this achieved contends with Pepsi Colathe goal. Showing regardless of the past, the present and the future,forever will be the Coca-Cola. ' ' Manifests in the space, on the one hand the company shifts fromthe carbonic acid drink to the entire drink company, omni-directionalproct and so on development tea, fruit juice, water. On the otherhand develops 23 levels of cities, and starts to develop the ruralmarket, the price position even more tends to the popularity, thecommon people. Recently several years, the Coca-Cola was 與時俱進, often theopportunity seeks the market opportunity. Development way and so onnetwork marketing, sports marketing attracts consumer's attention.Simultaneously acts according to some events the advertisementlanguage also is worth praising, for example " Holds this to feel " " The Coca-Cola holiday ' time ' adds happy " ; " Looks at the soccer, refuels together, drinks Coca-Cola "; Spring Festival Liu Xiang goes home the version. ' Each goes home thedirection all has the Coca-Cola ' also is each quarter may happyextend. The comprehensive survey Coca-Cola development course, fromadvertisement language vicissitude, is always close connected with thebrand market localization, summarizes has the followingcharacteristic: 1. brief and to the point advertisements languages not only areadvantageous for remembered that, can make the people to be easy tohave the brand association. 2. advertisements languages were locate at that time according to theproct, was for the market development which factor and so on marketniche, competition environment formulated serves. 3. advertisements languages are the brand localization one languageexpression ways, may in the writing expression form change, the corecontent and the direction do not have the easily change. If extremelymay happy ' be possible to be happy from Chinese ' ' is young has not been defeated '; From ' extremely may be happy, extremely chooses '' has the marriage celebration to the present, certainly is extremelymay be happy ', proct localization fuzzy, even is somewhat chaotic.. 4.1 brands generating processes are an unceasing accumulative process,is an unceasingly thorough process. From please drink the Coca-Cola tobe possible to be happy to each quarter, is, the connotation whicharound is connected is graally rich Very many enterprises often feel in the advertisement languagequestion puzzled, in ' changes ' and ' invariable ' in question in adilemma, ' invariable ' is very easy to cause the brand aging; 'Changes ' then is very easy to have the unknown risk. In fact theCoca-Cola success originates from the long-term explicit marketlocalization, through the proct series development, the packingtransformation, the new channel establishment, the marketing methonceasing renewal, specially the advertisement content and the forminnovation, entrusts with this hundred year brands new life and thevigor!

7. 誰翻譯了「可口可樂」啊

1927年,上海街頭悄然增加了一種飲料——「蝌專蝌啃蠟」。 名字屬還不是這種飲料最古怪的地方。它棕褐色的液體、甜中帶苦的味道,以及打開瓶蓋後充盈的氣泡,讓不少人感覺到既好奇又有趣。 古怪的味道,加上古怪的名字,這種飲料的銷售情況自然很差。於是,在第二年,這家飲料公司公開登報,用350英鎊的獎金懸賞徵求譯名。最終,身在英國的一位上海教授蔣彝擊敗了所有對手,拿走了獎金。而這家飲料公司也獲得了迄今為止被廣告界公認為翻譯得最好的品牌名——可口可樂。它不但保持了英文的音譯,還比英文更有寓意。更關鍵的一點是,無論書面還是口頭,都易於傳誦。 這是可口可樂步入中國市場的第一步。 然而,在22年後,隨著美國大使館撤離,可口可樂也撤出了中國大陸市場。自此之後的30年內,大陸市場上再沒出現過這種喝起來有點像中葯的飲料。 1979年,在中美建交之後的第三個星期,第一批可口可樂產品從香港經廣州運到了北京。可口可樂再度返回了中國大陸市場。 如今,可口可樂融入了中國人的生活,同時也見證了中國融入世界的過程。

8. 誰翻譯了[可口可樂]

1927年,上海街頭悄然增加了一種飲料——「蝌蝌啃蠟」。 名字還不是這種飲料最古怪的地方。它棕褐色的液體、甜中帶苦的味道,以及打開瓶蓋後充盈的氣泡,讓不少人感覺到既好奇又有趣。古怪的味道,加上古怪的名字,這種飲料的銷售情況自然很差。於是,在第二年,這家飲料公司公開登報,用350英鎊的獎金懸賞徵求譯名。最終,身在英國的一位上海教授蔣彝擊敗了所有對手,拿走了獎金。而這家飲料公司也獲得了迄今為止被廣告界公認為翻譯得最好的品牌名——可口可樂。它不但保持了英文的音譯,還比英文更有寓意。更關鍵的一點是,無論書面還是口頭,都易於傳誦。 這是可口可樂步入中國市場的第一步。然而,在22年後,隨著美國大使館撤離,可口可樂也撤出了中國大陸市場。自此之後的30年內,大陸市場上再沒出現過這種喝起來有點像中葯的飲料。 1979年,在中美建交之後的第三個星期,第一批可口可樂產品從香港經廣州運到了北京。可口可樂再度返回了中國大陸市場。如今,可口可樂融入了中國人的生活,同時也見證了中國融入世界的過程。

蔣彝(Chiang Yee)(1903年—1977年),畫家、詩人、作家、書法家。「中國文化的國際使者」。江西九江人。 由於他對中西文化交流所作出的貢獻,受到西方人的尊敬,在英國被選為英國皇家藝術學會會員;收入五十年代英國編纂的《世界名人辭典》;是美國哥倫比亞大學終身教授;先後獲美國赫復斯大學、長島大學、香港大學、澳大利亞堪培拉國立大學頒贈的榮譽博士學位;被選為美國科學院藝術學院院士。

9. 跪求可口可樂英文廣告語,最好是官方的,帶翻譯最好

1886 Drink Coca-Cola
1886 請喝可口可樂

1904 Delicious and Refreshing
1904 新鮮和美味 滿意――就是可口可樂

1917 Three Million a day
1917 一天有三百萬!(人次)

1922 Thirst Knows No Reason
1922 口渴沒有季節

1925 Six Million a day
1925 真正的魅力

1927 Around the Corner from everywhere
1927 在任何一個角落

1929 The pause That Refreshes
1929 世界上最好的飲料

1932 Ice cold sunshine
1932 太陽下的冰涼

1938 The best friend thirst ever had
1938 口渴不需要其它

1939 Whoever you are,whatever you do,wherever you may be,when you think of refreshment,think of ice cold Coca-cola
1939 不管你是誰,不管你在做什麼,不管你在哪裡,當你需要提神,那麼你就想一下冰鎮的可口可樂

1942 The only thing like Coca-cola is Coca-cola itself
1942 只有可口可樂,才是可口可樂 永遠只買最好的

1944 Global high sign
1944 全球最高標志

1948 Where there』s Coke, there』s hospitality
1948 哪裡好客,哪裡就有可樂

1949 Coca-Cola along the highway to anywhere
1949 可口可樂----沿著公路走四方

1952 What you want is Coke
1952 你想要的就是可樂

1956 Coca-Cola makes good thing taste better
1956 可口可樂---使美好的事情更加美好 輕輕一舉,帶來光明

1958 The cold, crisp taste of Coke

1957 Sing of Good Taste
1957 好品味的象徵

1958 The cold, crisp taste of Coke
1958 清涼,輕松和可樂

1959 Be really refreshed
1959 可口可樂的歡欣人生 真正的活力

1963 Thing go better with Coke
1963 有可樂相伴,你會事實如意

1969 It』s the Real thing
1969 它是真實的事情

1975 Look up America
1975 俯瞰美國

1976 Coke adds life
1976 可樂加生活

1980 Have a Coke and a smile
1980 一杯可樂,一個微笑

1982 Coke is it
1982 這就是可口可樂

1986 Coca-cola red, white and you

1987 Can』t beat the feeling
1987 不能被擊敗的感覺

1990 Can』t beat the real thing
1990 不能垮掉的事實

1993 Always Coca-Cola
1993 永遠的可口可樂

2000 Coca-cola. Enjoy
2000 可口可樂.加入

2001 Life tastes good

10. 求英語翻譯:關於可口可樂的文章

1.Coca-Cola 大行其道 which in world each place in its hundred yearsdevelopment advancement, the advertisement has displayed to viewimportant entrusting with heavy responsibility, tightly pastes themarket the advertisement strategy most to have the value brand statusmerit for its establishment not to be possible to wipe. But took theadvertisement core content the advertisement language is the brandlocalization one explicit expression way, arrives the expense crowdthrough each kind of vector, all related markets activities all shouldif coordinate with each other across a great distance, complement eachother. We review the world brand from the Coca-Cola advertisementlanguage change the development course, specially in the Chinesemarket success experience, can have the certain model significance tothe domestic enterprise.
" Please drink Coca-Cola " The first bottle of Coca-Cola was published the US territory firstfactory establishment from 1886, the Coca-Cola is at the primarydevelopment phase, need more people tastes the Coca-Cola, please drankthe Coca-Cola to become its active the subject, in after that severalyears, although often could have the new advertisement languageappearance, but mainly was propagandizes from the proct functionstratification plane, relieves thirst, the good flavor, cool ----. Forexample: Fresh delicacy satisfaction is the Coca-Cola; The thirstytime enjoys and so on. 230 ages, are accepted along with the Coca-Cola proct by more peoplewith the cognition, the advertisement language propaganda even moretend to the perception, above the function demand foundation, haveincreased more contents and the meaning, like are happy, friendshipand so on. For example: Fills the friendship the life, happy symboland so on, but this time was still a proct promotion stage, the truebrand status also not completely establishes.
Two world wars are a Coca-Cola development important time, theCoca-Cola become the American first choice drink, and follows theAmerican main strength overseas operation to start to flow to eachplace, was stationed abroad the army for the safeguard to supplystarts in some countries to establish the bottling factory. Until now is retaining the ENJOY word in the registration Coca-Colatrademark, has represented the Coca-Cola hundred years history in somekind of significance, one kind of classical style. " Cannot block feeling "
After World War II ended is the American economy high speeddevelopment time, also is the Coca-Cola fast becomes long-term, UScarries out its democratic thought and life style while world eachplace, the Coca-Cola and MaC$donald and so on becomes the Americanculture the important constituent. The Coca-Cola establishes thefactory in world each place, the participation significant sportssports event, carries on the many kinds of forms the advertisementspropaganda and promotion, the Coca-Cola can greatly promote inwell-knownness and each place market 佔有率, the brand valuesuccessively climbs. This time advertisement language includes: I havemay the happy world; But Le Jia lives and so on In 1978 the first batch of Coca-Cola proct entered the Chinesemarket, 80's first pooled capital the factory establishment, thenChina was in the reform and open policy the initial period, manyChinese were not familiar with this kind had ' the Chinese nativemedicine flavor ' the drink, and the price was high, the Coca-Cola putwith emphasis the market in several main cities, used the Chinesenative place drink channel the superiority, while rammed eachfoundation work, has brought the brand-new marketing idea, on a largescale invaded while the external culture, the Coca-Cola also thestatus receives the partial people's favour by ' the aristocrat '. Cannot block the feeling was at that time the most popularadvertisement language, also expressed the Coca-Cola to have to taketo people's one kind of spiritual stratification plane thing, in factalso represented the people to be curious to the western culture andto yearn for.
Drinks the Coca-Cola not only drinks his flavor, more importantly onekind of feeling ' this was at that time some loyal consumers' personalexperience. The Coca-Cola in main city circuit massive uses propaganda method andso on television medium, outdoors advertisement, cold drink equipment,the use sells the vivid management way, impels the Coca-Cola in theChinese market high speed development. The 90's intermediate stages,the Coca-Cola has initially completed the main city the stationingwork, each place domestic traditional drink comes under the seriousattack. " Is heartily smooth, forever is Coca-Cola " In 1996 Atlanta (Coca-Cola headquarters) the Olympic Games should bethe Coca-Cola in the Chinese market most magnificent time. The nationhad 23 bottling factories, the Coca-Cola brand becomes most has thevalue brand. The proct frequently falls short of demand, maintainsevery year in the Chinese market 20% above the high speed growth. Coca-Cola channel key by wholesale to straight camp shift, requests inthe market bigger area seepage, to service execution request higher,the proct exhibition surface must big, the variety have many, theadvertizing material to have to enrich, the guest sentiment relationswants to be good ----. ' Omnipresent, the thing had the valve, thesentiment has alone is loyal ' becomes the market marketing the mainstrategy, the sales work also becomes the promotion sales volume fromthe past guidance expense. Heartily smoothest, forever was the Coca-Cola both expressed the fullfeeling, and manifested the Coca-Cola to be self-confident and theatmosphere. In fact this time Coca-Cola only then truly found the brand corecontent ALWAYS. Both has the tradition and is classical, and does notlack the fervor and the vigor.
2." Each quarter may be happy, Coca-Cola " Enters for the 21st century, the Coca-Cola starts to feel theunprecedented competition pressure. First is the headquarters places the great expectations to the Chinesemarket, the supervision speeds up the development the step, but alongwith domestic drink profession graally mature, take extremely may behappy, the rising sun rises, 健力寶 and so on snatches the city asrepresentative's domestically proced drink to seize the pond,occupied many 23 levels of markets ahead of time; Pepsi Cola ' gavefree reign to the imagination from ' the new generation of choice 'without the limit ' the minute blows many young people to expend theobject; The consumer expends the multiplicity, causes the Coca-Cola tobe able not but to change the market strategy. Copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle orpolicy, or changes the strain? Each quarter might be happy is proposes based on then marketenvironment. ' Engraves ' manifests in the time, expresses the Coca-Cola to followclose on the time step, by Xie Tingfeng, hundred iris and so on whenred singing star for speaks on another's behalf, the lock-on target ina young people generation, to this achieved contends with Pepsi Colathe goal. Showing regardless of the past, the present and the future,forever will be the Coca-Cola. ' ' Manifests in the space, on the one hand the company shifts fromthe carbonic acid drink to the entire drink company, omni-directionalproct and so on development tea, fruit juice, water. On the otherhand develops 23 levels of cities, and starts to develop the ruralmarket, the price position even more tends to the popularity, thecommon people. Recently several years, the Coca-Cola was 與時俱進, often theopportunity seeks the market opportunity. Development way and so onnetwork marketing, sports marketing attracts consumer's attention.Simultaneously acts according to some events the advertisementlanguage also is worth praising, for example " Holds this to feel " " The Coca-Cola holiday ' time ' adds happy " ; " Looks at the soccer, refuels together, drinks Coca-Cola "; Spring Festival Liu Xiang goes home the version. ' Each goes home thedirection all has the Coca-Cola ' also is each quarter may happyextend. The comprehensive survey Coca-Cola development course, fromadvertisement language vicissitude, is always close connected with thebrand market localization, summarizes has the followingcharacteristic: 1. brief and to the point advertisements languages not only areadvantageous for remembered that, can make the people to be easy tohave the brand association. 2. advertisements languages were locate at that time according to theproct, was for the market development which factor and so on marketniche, competition environment formulated serves. 3. advertisements languages are the brand localization one languageexpression ways, may in the writing expression form change, the corecontent and the direction do not have the easily change. If extremelymay happy ' be possible to be happy from Chinese ' ' is young has not been defeated '; From ' extremely may be happy, extremely chooses '' has the marriage celebration to the present, certainly is extremelymay be happy ', proct localization fuzzy, even is somewhat chaotic.. 4.1 brands generating processes are an unceasing accumulative process,is an unceasingly thorough process. From please drink the Coca-Cola tobe possible to be happy to each quarter, is, the connotation whicharound is connected is graally rich Very many enterprises often feel in the advertisement languagequestion puzzled, in ' changes ' and ' invariable ' in question in adilemma, ' invariable ' is very easy to cause the brand aging; 'Changes ' then is very easy to have the unknown risk. In fact theCoca-Cola success originates from the long-term explicit marketlocalization, through the proct series development, the packingtransformation, the new channel establishment, the marketing methonceasing renewal, specially the advertisement content and the forminnovation, entrusts with this hundred year brands new life and thevigor!



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