⑴ 如何進行小學英語閱讀教學
培養學生閱讀能力要注意 要獲得好的閱讀效果和理想的閱讀速度,有必要了解閱讀過程的心理機制和特點。要培養學生流暢閱讀能力,就必須了解影響或者促進閱讀的各種因素,一般來說,影響閱讀的因素有: (一)小學生在閱讀中存在的困難: 1. 心理障礙 缺乏必要的背景知識是造成閱讀困難的主要原因之一(Carrell,1983); 小學生知識面窄,常因不了解背景知識而無法順利閱讀。詞彙的擴充是閱讀理解的主要組成部分。詞彙量的大小預示著閱讀能力的高低。 據調查,90%有閱讀困難的學生都有詞彙缺乏的問題。由於小學生詞彙量少,在閱讀中「攔路虎」較多,雖然讀了,但不能理解其內容,往往使小學生對英語閱讀產生懼怕心理,對英語讀物望而生畏,造成心理緊張,而越緊張就越難以讀懂,形成失敗定勢。 2. 缺乏語感能力 語感能力是學生在掌握知識和培養各種言語技能到一定程度時獲得的一種能力。在國內學習英語的環境中,聽、說、寫的機會較少,我們必須是通過大量閱讀各種英語書報雜志來豐富我們的「語感」 (即對英語的感性認識),擴大英語詞彙量,提高英語理解和表達能力。小學生語感能力還未形成,理解力也差,不善於猜測詞義,幾乎每句話都要通過翻譯成漢語才能繼續閱讀,閱讀速度異常緩慢。 3. 缺乏有效的閱讀策略 小學生年紀小,閱讀經驗不足。沒有一套適合自己的閱讀策略。如:不會抓文章段落大意,不會找關鍵詞,不懂得詞義猜測,當面對文章里的一些新單詞,就顯得缺乏信心,變得害怕閱讀。不懂得通過上下文聯系、插圖來幫助自己理解文章意思等。有效的閱讀策略可以幫助那些在詞語解碼(包括詞語認知和詞語辨別)、閱讀的流暢性、回憶閱讀內容以及理解力等方面存在困難的學生。 4. 不良的閱讀習慣 由於缺少系統的閱讀指導和訓練,學生形成了種種不良的閱讀習慣,如機械性地閱讀,用手指點著單詞。一個接一個地閱讀,頭部來回移動。由於缺乏速度和技巧的訓練,很多學生對模糊語義的容忍度較小,見到生詞就查字典,閱讀效率較低。(二)了解閱讀的心理過程 用心理學的角度來看,英語閱讀是非常復雜的心理認知活動,它可分為感知和理解兩個階段。閱讀過程,由於學生水平上的個體差異,閱讀的效率也有所不同。教師應針對不同學生的能力,授予合適他們的閱讀策略。 織夢內容管理系統 三、閱讀教學的開展①自上而下的閱讀過程是指讀者運用自己的知識進行閱讀
⑵ 閱讀課用英語翻譯
reading class
⑶ 傳統的英語閱讀教學法的弊端用英語怎麼說
⑷ 閱讀課的英語怎麼說我待會給懸賞。
reading course
⑸ 如何翻譯下列一段文字一.《英語課程標准》對英語閱讀教學的相關要求:
A. 《 English course standard 》 read related request of the teaching to English:
《 English course standard 》 point out," point of new English course reform is toes change English course to value the phrasing and phrases to remit the knowledge to explain in detail excessively with the inction, neglect to the student physically the language usage ability development of tendency, emphasize the course from the student's interest in the study, life experience and cognize the level to set out, the teaching path of study method and the mission type that initiate the experience and practice, participate, cooperate and communicate, develop the student's comprehensive language usage ability, is the process that language study become the student to become the aggressive emotion experience, active the thinking, brave practice, raise to across the cultural consciousness and become the independence the study ability of process". 《 English course standard 》 read the technical ability target to put forward to stage English in the senior high school to request as follows:
1. Find out main information that the author want to inform;
2. Recognize the language structure, contents, the thing development sequence and proceres according to the request;
3. Recognize, argue to know, the comparison fact, proof and standpoints and informations such as definition and assumption etc.;
4. Carry on the evaluation and judgments to the fact and proof;
5. According to text the fact and proofs provides get a conclusion;
6. Carry on the logic predicts etc..
Two. high test the reading to comprehend of choose the material and set question to decide the senior high school English to read worth mindset of the teaching
Be close to three years high test the reading to comprehend to choose the material pay attention to the topic of diversification, the social intercourse turns and lives to turn, passing the story, reporting the way and talking about etc. form concern society hot point phenomenon, have another the angle demonstration politics, economy, culture and live etc. everyone's noodles;Value permeate of English nation culture graally at the same time, such as English national of history geography, local customs, traditional custom, life style, cultural art, the behavior norm and concept of value etc..In set question since pay attention to language knowledge and the language technical abilities that investigates the student from the linguistics angle, and then lay particular emphasis on from the angle of the psychology investigates the student of related factor of study strategy, emotion, attitude...etc., ability and reasonable forms that synthesize to investigate the ability that the student obtains the information, distinguish and integrate the ability of information and process to develop the information say the ability of information.High test the reading to comprehend of set question the full body of principle and way of thinkings now main core of the new foreign language teaching method.The development that reads the ability is the point of the English teaching of the senior high school.
⑹ 閱讀教學用英語怎麼說
read (or peruse )ecation.
⑺ 英語閱讀課常用的教學方法有哪些(要)英文翻譯
⑻ 圖式理論指導下的高中英語閱讀教學模式用英語怎麼翻譯
A study under schema theory on the teaching model of English reading in high school ecation
⑼ 我們有一節閱讀課和里德老師,用英語怎麼說
We have a reading class with Mr. reed
⑽ 課外閱讀的英文怎麼說
extra-curricular reading
outside reading