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『壹』 用英語寫一小段話,說一下你喜不喜歡麥當勞和理由

Firstly, I donot like to be a fat guy. it is probably to add too much fat in my body if I eat too much junk food, such as hamburgers,fried chicken and others sold in MacDonald's.
secondly, what they cooked are really attractive for me because there color taste, and even their smell, so that I cannot help to buying those fat food. this is really hurt my feelings.
moreover, it is a food shop from America.

『貳』 麥當勞的優缺點有什麼用英語回答

your answer is proper but easywho can complete the answer? we are in need of your own and particular opinions!

『叄』 簡述對麥當勞的喜歡與不喜歡的原因


『肆』 英語閱讀理解,答案有,只要原因,10道題全部原因

1. 【解析】選C。考查形容詞的用法。根據句意: 它和其他七個行星繞著太陽轉。seven other planets「其他七個行專星」。屬故選C。
2.【解析】選B。考查動詞辨析。根據句意: 我們把八個行星和太陽稱為太陽系。call sth. sth.
3. 【解析】選A。考查介詞(短語)辨析。根據句意: 第一個緊靠著太陽的行星是水星。next to「緊靠著, 緊挨著」, 故選A。
4. 【解析】選D。考查名詞辨析。根據句意: 它離太陽有五千八百萬千米遠。故選D。 5.【解析】選A。考查代詞辨析。根據句意: 我們的行星地球是第三個, 故選A。
6.【解析】選B。考查語境理解。根據上下文可知: 木星、土星、海王星和天王星都比地球大。故選B。
7.【解析】選A。考查連詞辨析。聯繫上下文可知, 但是金星、火星和水星都比地球小, 故選A。
8.【解析】選C。考查語境理解。聯繫上下文可知, 動物、樹和人類只能生活在地球上。故選C。
9.【解析】選A。考查語境理解。聯繫上下文可知, 太陽系的其他行星上都沒有空氣和水, 故選A。
10. 【解析】選D。考查名詞辨析。根據句意: 其他星系的行星上有生命嗎?故選D。

『伍』 為啥會做錯很多做英語閱讀時,明明讀得


  1. 沒有找對選項在原文中的還原點。

  2. 判斷選項的細微差別沒有區分版清楚。有權的含義縮窄,有的含義擴充,都不能選。

  3. 閱讀要抓住主線,所有細節題都圍繞主線,沒找對主線,會錯2-3個細節題。

  4. 選項中的單詞在原文中沒有出現過,盡量不要選,屬於含義擴展,選了就錯。

  5. 文章主旨題盡量要概括的片語,而不要選細節,你可能選了某處細節題。

  6. 所有句子不要理解其表面含義,而要對應文章主線去理解,否則就錯。

『陸』 新視野英語讀寫教程2 第一單元麥當勞的翻譯··

第一家麥當勞餐館 雖說第一家麥當勞餐館只售漢堡和薯條,它還是成為一種文化象徵。如今,在加州南部唐尼市,人們正努力保住歷史上第一家麥當勞餐館。然而,麥當勞卻稱這幢房子應該拆掉。 坐落於加州唐尼的這家餐館建於1953年,是美國所有帶雙拱形金色標志的建築中歷史最久的,它的設計也是麥當勞最早的建築設計。 許多人對於那家老餐館有著美好的回憶。這些人想到餐館連同他們的美好回憶一起將被摧毀,感到很氣憤。 麥當勞方面解釋說,那家老店在一次地震中遭到損壞,因此必須拆掉。不過,唐尼的許多人卻不同意這種說法。 有位女士說,「 我認為這種說法令人討厭。他們在利用那次地震作借口。這是一個極大的謊言。」 另一位唐尼市民說:「 我非常難過。他們一點也不尊重公眾的意見,甚至都沒試著這樣做。他們可以稍加修理,使它再成為一家好餐館。」 麥當勞的經理們說餐館設在那個位置一直在虧本。那兒沒有地方可以開辟「免下車外賣窗口」,裡面也沒有地方安排堂吃座位。他們說,那次地震後這個餐館就沒辦法修了。不過那些經理們想在其他位置按原餐館再仿造一家。 但是房屋檢修人員說該建築是可以修理的,不過費用昂貴。許多人說這個費用麥當勞當然承受得起。有人認為麥當勞想關閉這家餐館的真正原因與金錢無關。 現代的麥當勞餐館常常有一個牌子,聲稱有個叫雷克羅克的男人於1955年在伊利諾州開張了首家麥當勞餐館。然而事實是,克羅克先生的快餐生意實際上是從唐尼市的迪克麥當勞和麥克麥當勞那裡學來的。後來克羅克先生買下了他們的餐館。因此,盡管公司竭力否認,唐尼鎮的許多人還是認為麥當勞是想篡改歷史。 在當地的歷史學家看來,這種解釋頗有道理。有位歷史學家說:「歷史不容篡改。雷克羅克沒有創建麥當勞。創建麥當勞的是麥氏兄弟。 這些天來,一組歷史學家希望將該處建築列入國家歷史文物保護單位名冊,這樣,唐尼鎮就能使麥當勞免遭拆除。麥當勞的經理們非常惱火,因而將房屋棄置一旁。 人人都希望麥當勞經理們與唐尼的居民很快達成一致。房子仍在,但窗子用木板封了起來。即便如此,人們仍開車來紀念他們的麥當勞,想搶在它被拆除前拍照留念,留下歷史上的珍貴一刻。

『柒』 麥當勞肯德基在中國流行的原因(英文的)!!

1、good service attitude, the shop looks clean, fast speed food temperature just right.


2、cheap, fast, sanitation and quality assurance, good environment, clean bathroom.


3、Accounting for 30-40% of the children and parents market, the right to consume is basically decided by alt parents.


The decision makers of western fast food consumption are basically alts, not children, especially in the "fast food health crisis" frequent today.


4、From the very beginning, KFC has worked hard to develop procts that better suit the tastes of Chinese consumers.


There are twice as many KFC chains in China as McDonald's, and the opposite outside China.


5、When Chinese people think foreign food is good, M and KFC are foreign food, so "foreign food" is good.







『捌』 考試的英語閱讀理解錯很多,但是感覺很反常

就你所說 你是高三來應源屆生了 有沒有想過是壓力的問題呢 而且 三次考試都在英語上失利 會不會就是最後一次考試五題全錯的原因 你意識到了自己再英語上的失誤增加 下意識地就過於注意在這方面的考慮 反而導致因想得過多 甚至偏離試卷內容的丟分 做英語題 尤其是英語閱讀 最重要的就是不能想當然 只憑借自己的生活經歷去判斷選項 閱讀的答案都是以文章內容為依據的 絕不能脫離文段答題 要做到有理有據 而且 據你說 各科成績差不多的話 那應該是學習蠻好了 千萬別再這時候給自己太大的壓力 尤其是無謂的壓力 要做好自己的心理調節 嗯 最後 過個好年 多收壓歲錢 祝高考折桂

『玖』 英語作文,喜歡肯德基的食物的原因和不喜歡麥當勞的食物的原因,字數60字左右,急急!!!!

Fast Food and Traditional Chinese CuisineSince American-style fast food was introced into Chinese market, it has been spreading at a blazing speed. Many people like to go to McDonald's and KFC for hamburgers, French fries and ice cream, but I still prefer traditional Chinese meal.First of all, by eating traditional Chinese meals, one can keep a well-balanced diet. Foods in McDonald' s and KFC typically contain high calories and excessive calories will accumulate in the form of fat in the body; this may make people overweighed. But a typical Chinese food provides one with enough vitamins and protein that are needed to keep the physical fitness of humans.Therefore, although one can eat western fast food once in a while for a change, eating Chinese food is more healthy and enjoyable.

『拾』 英語最差的原因是閱讀作文

Reading has two types, one is recreation type, is obtaining a type.
Pastime reading like other pastimes, is a human in order to adjust the height of the physical and psychological tension, relieve tiredness and a kind of spiritual activity. Pastime reading for reading subject knowledge accomplishment, aesthetic ability does not make excessive demands, as long as have the realistic, empirical knowledge of the people can be engaged in the reading. Reading main body does not attempt to reading material cutting depth and interpretation, not for aesthetic purposes, but not to ask to read the text in depth reading and thinking the creative new ideas, but it is expressed in the process of reading level and consumption. On the choice of reading material, reading subject is from feeling and interest, and rarely consider the text value and artistic value thought.
Acquired reading can be divided into two types. The first is with pastime reading diametrically opposite. In the face of reading the text, reading main body attitude is obtained by reading knowledge, enlighten the mind. In the process of reading for the text to convey the surface or shallow layer meaning of simple cognitive and master to meet, but eager to obtain new aesthetic experience and survival of enlightenment, and make our own spiritual realm and thought up into the hitherto unknown height. This reading of the super realistic utilitarian makes reading in reading the body becomes an indispensable and irreplaceable, the senior spiritual activities. This kind of reading with clear purpose, reading main body in the entry on the text before, do some preparation work, such as understanding and text knowledge about the information in the reading of the text, the receiving process, pay attention to refine, absorb and digest the text to convey new information, and then with the inherent thinking through the conflict, coexist and achieve integration degree. In the process of reading and ability training and knowledge to accept both.
Another access reading is actually a pastime reading extension, i.e. in the text of the reading process, originally held for recreational purposes is graally from the text to obtain higher spiritual enjoyment and aesthetic expectations are replaced. This method of obtaining a reading than before, the purpose of desalination, for reading main body self-discipline demand is not high, the subject of reading the text from the shallower to the deeper cognition, hold and re-creation is composed of its own in the reading process of changing desires graally lead and import. Therefore, on the subject of reading in the reading process of mental state, the more relaxed, and reading object between more full of tension, and therefore subject to object reading text initiative is also more prominent, more easy to reach for a text creative reading and interpretation necessary for the independent free state. Of course, this kind of reading to the reading main body oneself accomplishment, knowledge is more demanding. Because in the course of reading from the text, to get a feel for the reason of surface meaning above, shaded by the deep connotation, without sufficient knowledge and the esthetic ability is absolutely impossible.
If the text will appear to humans into civilized society, then, for word reading ability or not, can be used as a division of civilization and civilized people sign.
In our present university department of Chinese literature ecation, literary history, literature, the writer's life and creation research, while the writers are abstract and conceptual explanation, lack of targeted, to cultivate the students' aesthetic ability and thinking ability the experience introction. The result is the abstract literature, writers and other ideological knowledge, students are familiar; as to the appreciation of literary works, in addition to a commonplace talk of an old scholar style theme theory, artistic characteristics on, again also could not say why, more do not talk to go up to obtain very high aesthetic enjoyment, or hypertext creative interpretation. Results make the fresh and vivid literary art, become dry didactic tools or wording templates, literary creation and appreciation of literature lost its idealism.



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