A. 關於英語閱讀
B. 中英雙語對照讀物如何閱讀效果最佳主要指翻譯方面!
C. 有哪些免費書籍較多的雙語閱讀APP(英語閱讀帶有中文翻譯)如果好用,一定採納。
D. 一篇英語閱讀女主是諾貝爾獎獲得者,一戰之前是美國最著名的女性
E. 學習英語閱讀雙語版有什麼好書
F. 英語雙語閱讀
1,建議先自己通讀英語,用鉛筆把自己不會的詞畫出來,通讀一遍之後,按照自己的想法先理解全文,就像在考試中一樣,畢竟考試時是沒有中文對照的,對吧? 進行自己的理解之後,可以對照著看中文,但是請不要只滿足於中文翻譯中的解釋,因為一般的英語單詞都對應有至少3個英文詞條,而且意思也不大相同,所以第二次閱讀的時候,建議你根據自己用鉛筆畫出的單詞先對應中文翻譯,然後還可以查字典,爭取完全攻克每個單詞。這樣也不枉你學習一片文章。按照這種方式通讀一遍之後,估計你就完全理解文章大意了。第三遍,跟著聽力反復的朗讀,最好理解性背會,把文章變成你自己肚中的墨水。
2. 它可以在很大程度上擴充你的詞彙量,因為一般這些課本之外的英語文章的詞彙是沒有4,6級的限制的,所以你就可以學到很多高級的詞彙,還有很多地道的表達方式,希望你好好利用這些資源,取得長足的進步!
另外,個人建議: 看書只能擴充你的詞彙量,但是遠遠不能滿足聽力和口語的提高, 推薦http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos 這個國際英語學習網站,完全長期免費,
如果需要幫助,可以聯系我,郵箱 [email protected].
G. 關於成功女性的英語作文帶翻譯
Yu Dan, a famous professor in Beijing Normal University, has already given millions of Chinese lots of wonderful lectures on CCTV. In this special way she introces traditional Chinese literature to make it more popular. Her words are so interesting and humorous that many people admire her very much and become her fans. In their mind, Professor Yu makes understanding Chinese literature easy.
Influenced by her father, she began to enjoy Chinese literature when she was a child. She is now a very experienced teacher, who has also published a number of books. She is said to be an excellent teacher, a great lecturer and a successful writer.
H. 英語閱讀理解裡面有紀念女性對社會貢獻很多
Women have made great contribution to the development in politicy,but they are still facing various forms of ***- discrimination.In politics,they are undergoing boring trifles which could make differences between victory and defeat,but chance for them to promote a higher position is slim while men could always get credited.In economy,vast majority of women usually get a lower-paid and impromising job.Though at the same position,men are outpaid women forever.However,many people would rather take it as the consequence of diversity in social division of labor than ***-discrimination.Many American women are even content to be inferior citizens in socity.Therefore,it is a long and tough way to go before American women earn real equality. 現代社會中的女性
I. 急求一篇關於現代未婚女性所面臨的壓力的文章 英語的
來源:騰訊英語頻道 時間:1年前 閱讀:4169 次 [劃詞已啟用]
標簽: 口語 閱讀 雙語
High-quality marriages are the best stress-busters for women
A new study has found that all women need to lower their stress levels is a strong and happy marriage.
A new study has found that all women need to lower their stress levels is a strong and happy marriage.
A team of researchers led by James A. Coan, a University of Virginia neuroscientist has found that women under threat who hold their husbands' hands show signs of immediate relief, which can clearly be seen on their brain scans.
Coan, an assistant professor in the U.Va. Neuroscience Graate Program and the Department of Psychology, and his team concted a study involving several couples who rated themselves as highly satisfied with their marriages.
The researchers designed a functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) study in which 16 married women were subjected to the threat of a very mild electric shock while they by turns held their husband's hand, the hand of a stranger (male) or no hand at all.
They found that the MRI was able to show how these women's brains responded to this handholding while in a threatening situation.
The researchers noted a large decrease in the brain response to threat as a function of spouse handholding, and a limited decrease in this response as a function of stranger handholding.
Moreover, spouse handholding effects varied as a function of marital quality, with women in the very highest quality marriages benefiting from a very powerful decrease in threat-related brain activity.
"This is the first study of the neurological reactions to human touch in a threatening situation." said Dr. Coan.
The study is published in the December 2006 issue of the journal Psychological Science.
J. 有哪些中英雙語版書籍適合送女生