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⑴ 希望英語第二版綜合教程4unit1


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⑷ 希望英語綜合教程4英語答案

Unit 1 Music
Task 5
1. Many animals can blend with things around them, owing to their protectivecoloring.
2. What they are wearing reflects that the living standard is improving in thecountryside.
3. This dictionary is useful to us studentsbecause it places an emphasison examples.
4. When the army passed, the street was alive with the sounds of thesoldiers.
5. I am sure that the rising prices of goods fueled the recent big wageincrease.
6. They are afraid to contact the socialservice in case they are labeledas a problem family.
7. Generally speaking, courage and confidenceare born of knowledge.
8. In the old times, small seashells were onceused as a primitive kind ofmoney.
9. Mr. Johnsons』 family can trace its history back to the 10thcentury.
10. George claimedhe had met people from other planets but we didn't believe him.
Task 6
1. At fist I didn't want to come into conflictwith her, but what she said fueledmy anger.
2. The young couple』s divorce was born of their frequentquarreling.
3. The new policy is a clear reflection of the Government』sconcern about the current economic situation.
4. To the fisherman』s great joy, the smalllake is alive withfish.
5. Several directors went on record as disagreeing to all thesedecisions made by the board.
Task 7
1. We don't know what made them act like that.
2. He showed great interest in what wasadvertised on TV.
3. I began to recall what I had heard aboutthe pyramids of Egypt.
4. Everyone is required to be responsible forwhat they are doing.
5. Now most people can afford what theyconsidered impossible in the past.
Task 8
1. 戰斗結束後,雙方均宣稱獲勝。
After the battle both sides claimedvictory.
2. 他開始學的是法語,但最後卻成為了一名英語翻譯。
He started out to study French but ended up as an English translator.
3. 我必須強調他們只不過是孩子這一事實。
I must put an emphasis onthe fact that they are only children.
4. 她公開表明觀點,反對在這塊肥沃的農田上建造新機場。
She went on record asbeing against building a new airport on this rich farmland.
5. 那首充滿節奏感的流行歌曲源於他的靈感,深受全世界年輕人的喜愛。
The pop song alive with rhythms is born ofhis inspiration, and is very popular with theyoung worldwide.
Unit 2
Task 5
1. Theguide round up the touristsand then led them back to the bus.
1. Withthe encouragement of her teacher, she expanded her article into abook.
2. Accordingto the contract, they should guarantee these goods against fireand rain.
3. Inmany cases, it is not difficult to estimatethe number of people who tour a place in a certain period of time.
4. Afterspending several hours looking for our lost companion, we finally tracked her down in abookstore.
5. When Iwas young, reading and writingoccupied a lot of my free time.
6. I』msure their present difficulties arisefrom their laziness.
7. Thepeople there utilize thewaterfall as a source to proce electric power.
8. In theeyes of most people, the quickest meansof travel is certainly by air.
9. Beforeentering the station, he shiftedhis suitcase from one hand to the other to reach for his ticket.
Task 6
2. Gatheringinformation needed for their reasearch occupied a lot of time of these scientists.
3. Whenthe house was completed, it costs more than what the builders had originally estimated.
4. Do youknow how the boss respondedto our demand for a pay rise?
5. In a sense,the rich are never satisified.
6. Thecowboy tried to round uphis cows before dark, but failed.
Task 7
1. It』sthought that Michael Jordan is the best basketball player the US has everproced.
2. It』sexpected that the party leader will give a speech at the meeting.
3. It'sreported that a strong earthquake struck Osaka, Japan the day before yesterday.
4. It』ssaid that the murderer is hiding in a tall building two blocks away.
5. It』sfeeled that few stops were taken to settle the problem of unemployment.
Task 8
1. 在大多數情況下,交通事故都是由於司機的疏忽大意造成的。
In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driver』s carelessness.
2. 從某種意義上說,現在的學生對傳統教學方法的反應不佳。
In a sense, student today respond badly to the traditionalmethods of teaching .
3. 在有些山區,獵人們打獵時總是先將野獸圍攏在一起。
In some mountain areas, the hunters begin theirhunting with rounding up the beasts.
4. 如果在購貨後七天內對我們的貨物不滿意,我們保證全額退還貨款。
If you are dissatisfied with our goods within sevendays of purchase, we guarantee to fully returnyour payment.
5. 這家工廠的工人平均每天工作八小時。據估計,如果技術上有重大改進的話,他們就不必工作那麼長時間。
The workers of this factory work 8 hours a day on average. It』s estimatedthat they needn』t work that long if there are some significant technical improvement.

Unit 3
Task 5
1. Thecompany has recently acquireda new office building in central London.
2. He wasrejected for the armybecause of his bad eyesight.
3. He』dgiven too much attention to his career, worked long hours, thus neglected his wife.
4. Smithinjured his knee and dropped out ofthe team against his will.
5. Whenthe election results were made known, the Prime Minnister acknowledged that he was defeated.
6. Theirfindings revealed that agrowing number of British people are overweight.
7. Youhave to balance thedavantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.
8. They surveyed five hundredhousehoulders and foung that only 40% of them had dishwashers.
9. WhenGeorge was only four years old, his parents got disvorced.
10. The reported took the chance to interview the President aboutthe government policy.
Task 6
1. Hepromised to help us and he stuckto his word.
2. He wasrejected by thearmy because of his poor health condition.
3. Neitherof the two sides would give in, and their talk ended up with a quarrel.
4. Theteacher tried to give apicture of what the boy did at school but his parents just didn』t wantto listen any more.
5. Frankhad to drop out ofschool as his family couldn』t afford his schooling any longer.
Task 7
1. Wethought it possible for John to come later.
2. Ifound it hard to decribe to detail of the accident.
3. Do youthink it necessary to argue with him about it?
4. Theyfound it a good idea to put up a new building by the riverside.
5. We allconsider it a pity that you didn't』t come to our pary.
Task 8
1. 自從俱樂部新經理上任以來,已有3名成員退出了。
Three members have already droppedout since the club』s new manager arrived.
2. 我們等那麼久還是值得等,因為我們買到了想要的票。
It was worthwhile forus to wait so long, because we bought the ticket we had wanted.
3. 他是老師,而不是作家。
He is a teacher rather thana author.
4. 她喜歡什麼就買什麼,結果負債累累。
She bought whatever she liked and ended up in heavy debt.
5. 如果他們不遵守諾言,我們將停止與他們合作。
Unless they stick tothe promise, we will stop working together with them.

⑸ 急!!希望英語 綜合教程1 的課後練習參考答案

Revision Test I
Part II Vocabulary & structure
Section A
16-20 BCACB 21-25 BADCA
Section B
26. wouldn't have made 27. expressed 28. additional 29. causing 30. more quickly
31. to shake 32. responsibility 33. being invited 34. to be 35. her marrying
Part III Reading Comprehension
36-39 CBDA 40-43 ABDA 44-47 DBAD 48-51CDCB 52-55 CCAA
Part IV Translation
Revision Test II
Part II Vocabulary & structure
Section A
16-20 BBBAD 21-25 CABDC
Section B
26. changed 27. basis 28. skillfully 29. specialist 30. (should ) fall
31. limited 32. originally 33. being 34. globally 35. relaxed
Part III Reading Comprehension
36-39 ACBD 40-43CACD 44-47 DBAD 48-51ACDD 52-55 CBCC
Part IV Translation

⑹ 希望英語第二版綜合教程1revision test1(unit1-4)的答案

Revision Test I
Part II Vocabulary & structure
Section A
16-20 BCACB 21-25 BADCA
Section B
26. wouldn't have made 27. expressed 28. additional 29. causing 30. more quickly
31. to shake 32. responsibility 33. being invited 34. to be 35. her marrying
Part III Reading Comprehension
36-39 CBDA 40-43 ABDA 44-47 DBAD 48-51CDCB 52-55 CCAA
Part IV Translation

⑺ 新希望大學英語綜合教程1聽力


⑻ 誰可以幫我,哪裡有希望英語綜合教程2 的聽力資源下載

您好,我看到您的問題很久沒有人來回答,但是問題過期無人回答會被扣分的並且你的懸專賞分屬也會被沒收!所以我給你提幾條建議: 一,你可以選擇在正確的分類下去提問,這樣知道你問題答案的人才會多一些,回答的人也會多些。 二,您可以到與您問題相關專業網站論壇里去看看,那裡聚集了許多專業人才,一定可以為你解決問題的。 三,你可以向你的網上好友問友打聽,他們會更加真誠熱心為你尋找答案的,甚至可以到相關網站直接搜索. 四,網上很多專業論壇以及知識平台,上面也有很多資料,我遇到專業性的問題總是上論壇求解決辦法的。 五,將你的問題問的細一些,清楚一些!讓人更加容易看懂明白是什麼意思! 謝謝採納我的建議! !



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