導航:首頁 > 英語聽力 > 有關鄰居的英語對話聽力


發布時間:2021-01-30 00:51:23

1. 假如鄰居太吵,如何解決問題.英語情景對話

Excuse me.please don't be noisy.I want to sleep.Thank you very much.

2. 英語翻譯"房間隔音不好,能聽到外面和鄰居的聲音" 謝謝!!不要機器翻譯哦!


Room sound insulation is not good, I can hear the sound of the outside and neighbors'.

3. 關於抱怨鄰居的英語小對話

A I am so angry.
B what is wrong?
A the man live next door makes much noise and I can't sleep well.
B You can call 110 for help
A I'll go now

4. 一篇關於兩個鄰居,其中一個受傷了的英語對話

喔 順便說一下,現在我報讀的ABC夫下口語的助教要我明白 若想征服英語應該是不費力地;必然需要個恰當的學習環境和闇練口語對象,外教水平很重要 口語純正才是最好,堅持天天口語練習,一對一個性化學習才可以有.好.的學習成果~學習後需要回放復習課程錄音音頻 更可以加深印象;若真的是沒人幫忙,最好能到可可或愛思得到課余學習材料學習,多說多問不知不覺的口語能力會進步許多,學習效益是絕對迅速明顯的。A-Jack,youseehowbadthetrafficis.B-Yes,.A-Itnktsproblemwillnot confusethepeopleliveincounty.B-Yeah,Itnkso.A-Nowadays,thepopulationingrowsrapidly..B-.A-Finally,theiscrowedofpeople,wchalsocausebadtraffic.B-So,itis.But,whysomanypeoplewanttomoveto?A-,likeecation,joborothers.B-Actually,.But,thatdoes not .A-Yes,.However,someaudltsfromcountyworkin,sotheymovetoforconvenience.And,meanwle,.B-Yes,..A-.B-Youareright.Inmyopinion,.Tsistherootcause.A-Iagreewithyou.,.B-Yeah,.A-Theisbadlypollutednow..B-Haha,sojustforyourself,willyouchoosetoliveinorcounty?A-Rightnow,Iwillchoosetolive in.You,.Countyisgood,.B-Youjusttthepoint.So,.And,improvetheireconomy.A-.B-Yes,.A-Thatissogreatofyou.B-

5. 求英語學霸!!!明天英語考試,求一篇英語作文,題目是,寫給吵鬧鄰居的信

Dear neighbors, hello:
專I live next to your tenants, the middle of the night to sing for you, I stand for a long time, so I can not sleep every night, I do not have a good sleep can lead to not focus on the next day, learning very well, dear neighbor, please stop singing in the middle of the night, I think I have a soundly, thank you!屬
Chu: Dear neighbors, to find a suitable time to sing.
Your neighbor: Liu

6. 告訴鄰居不要發出噪音,英語作文

you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person. You have someone who cares about your needs and your property, who is helpful in the little day-to-day situations that come up, and who is supportive in times of crisis.
A good neighbor is someone who, for instance, understands that your children may occasionally run across his lawn, even though you tell them not to. He'll realize that children can be careless about things like that, and he won't make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing. In the same vein, he knows that you'll understand if some of the trash from his trash cans blows across into your yard. IN other words, he is sensitive to the unintentional things that can happen. He doesn't make a big deal about them.

7. 求一篇英語對話。關於鄰居互相抱怨。內容要是狗和垃圾的


8. 假如你的鄰居太吵,你怎們辦寫一段英語對話。 快快快快快!Help me!

Your Neighbor(): Who is it?
You (U): It's me,XXX, your neighbor. We'd appreciate it if you'd keep the noise down.
YN: Oh! I just got out of the shower! I can't answer the door right now!
U: And about those guests and the music...
YN: I'm sorry. I can't hear you! I'll talk to you in half an hour, all right?
U: You'd better.
(half an hour later)
YN: Excuse me, you wanted to talk to me?
U: Yes, the noise you've been making is unbearable. In fact, you...
YN: I haven't heard any noise. Maybe it was coming from below you.
U: No, it was definitely from upstairs.
YN: Well, maybe it's your next-door neighbors, because I haven't heard a thing.
U: Humm!Anyway, just tame it down!




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