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4. 高級英語視聽說教程1 的聽力原文誰有阿
Lincoln and Kennedy: Similar Destinies
John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln lived in different times and had very different family and ecational backgrounds. Kennedy lived in the 20th century; Lincoln lived in the 19th century. Kennedy was born in 1917, whereas Lincoln was born more than a hundred years earlier, in 1809. As for their family backgrounds, Kennedy came from a rich family, but Lincoln』 family was not wealthy. Because Kennedy came from a wealthy family, he was able to attend expensive private schools. He graated from Harvard University. Lincoln, on the other hand, had only one year of formal schooling. In spite of his lack of formal schooling, he became a well-known lawyer. He taught himself law by reading law books. Lincoln was, in other words, a self-ecated man.
In spite of these differences in Kennedy and Lincoln』s backgrounds, some interesting similarities between the 2 men are evident. In fact, books have been written about the strange coincidences in the lives of these 2 men. For example, take their political careers. Lincoln began his political career as a congressman. Similarly, Kennedy also began his political career as a congressman. Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1847, and Kennedy was elected to the House in 1947. They went to Congress just 100 years apart. Another interesting coincidence is that each man was elected president of the United States in a year ending with the number 60. Lincoln was elected president in 1860, and Kennedy was elected in 1960; furthermore, both men were president ring years of civil unrest in the country. Lincoln was president ring the American Civil War. During Kennedy』s term of office, civil unrest took the form of civil rights demonstrations.
Another striking similarity between the 2 men was that, as you probably know, neither president lived to complete his tern in office. Lincoln and Kennedy were both assassinated while in office. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, after only 1,000 days in office. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 a few days after the end of the American Civil War. It』s rather curious to note that both presidents were shot while they were sitting next to their wives.
These are only a few examples of the uncanny, or unusual similarities in the destinies of these 2 Americans – men who had a tremendous impact on the social and political life in the United States and the imagination of the American people.
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到目前為止,無論是白宮還是國務院都表示擔心的是,在談判結束時達尼洛夫任何具體協議。而缺乏任何來自政府更充分的說明,許多問題仍然存在。首先,會發生什麼俄羅斯科學家根納季扎哈羅夫的逮捕上個月在紐約從事間諜活動而導致丹尼洛夫的拘留?日期還沒有確定扎哈羅夫在布魯克林的審判,以及對在布魯克林司法部的代表今天表示,美國律師與會者對扎哈羅夫的辦案指示等待。有人認為,可能會返回扎哈羅夫在稍後日期為蘇聯的一個或多個監禁蘇聯持不同政見者交流意見。此外,還有美國決定驅逐其聯合國特派團2005年蘇聯人員在這里的問題。有幾個已經離開了紐約,為驅逐,其餘的截止日期為周三。蘇聯威脅要報復,如果不撤銷該命令。沒有文字是否同意釋放丹尼洛夫包括關於2005年蘇聯,這自然導致了最後一個問題,任何事情:有丹尼洛夫的釋放所帶來的今天,美國和蘇聯更接近首腦會議? Secretaqry舒爾茨曾表示,峰會可能不會採取不丹尼洛夫獲得了自由的地方。這已被刪除,因為一到峰會的障礙,但蘇聯人稱為扎哈羅夫情況和2005年蘇聯外交官的障礙問題向首腦會議以及。直到細節公布該協議的舒爾茨和謝瓦爾德納澤制定,也不會知道究竟是什麼東西首腦會談的前景確實是。這是在紐約邁克舒斯特。