1. 大學英語聽力策略與訓練2原文材料(一個小時內解決我給他100分)
1. True / False Questions
Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following lecture. At the end of the lecture you will be given 100seconds to answer the following 10 questions. Mark F if the statement is false. T if it is true. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided.
1. The latest figure of Canadian population is 27 million.
2. Nearly half of the Canadian land is covered by forest.
3. You don't really need a heavy coat in Vancouver even in winter.
4. The German-speaking population in Canada is larger than the Ukrainian-speaking population.
5. The less fortunate in Canada can't afford to go to a restaurant.
II. Multiple-choice Questions (3 options)
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk, you will be given 75 seconds to answer the following five questions. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided.
1. What is the main topic of the presentation?
A. Language and learning
B. Artificial intelligence.
C. The human brain.
2. What is the model for Artificial Intelligence systems?
A. Intelligent behavior.
B. A machine.
C. The human brain.
3. What is an Artificial Intelligence system better than the human brain?
A. When there is a lot of information to remember and process.
B. When questions need to be answered.
C. When intelligent behavior is needed.
III. Multiple-choice Questions (4 options)
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the interview in this section. At the end of the interview, you will be given 75 seconds to answer the following five questions. Remember to mark your answers on the ANSER SHEET provided.
1. Which of the following statements about Professor Paulson is true?
A. he is a socialist.
B. He has written many books on social classes.
C. He has never visited any other country outside North America.
D. He is well-known in his field.
2. Why did he start his lecture with an account of history?
A. To help listener understand better.
B. To show that he has done some homework for the lecture.
C. To illustrate that he is a history.
D. To make clear that people in the past behaved differently.
3. What does the phrase 「time off」 mean?
A. No more time left.
B. A period of time for rest.
C. Unemployment.
D. Time set aside for celebration.
4. What does the speaker want to illustrate by the Roman example?
A. The Romans worked hard.
B. Ancient Romans were eager to be leaders.
C. Even people in the fifth century were keen on having holidays.
D. Roman civilization reached the summit in the fifth century.
IV. Compound Dictation. 20%
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 7 with 4 words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 8 to 9 you are required to fill in 6 words you have just heard. Finally, you』ll hear the whole passage again to check what you』ve written down. Please write on the Answer Sheet.
Saving money is a first step toward wealth. (1)_____ _____ _____ ______ the future also supports the banking system. Banks need (2)_____ _____ _____ ______ to provide money for loans. In the United States, people who want to (3)_____ _____ _____ ______ have many choices. Banks, savings in loans and credit unions are traditional places (4) _____ _____ _____ ______.
Credit unions are cooperative for people who are (5) _____ _____ _____ ______. For example, the members may (6)_____ _____ _____ ______ or a government agency. Most credit unions are non-profit organizations. Savings are protected (7)_____ _____ _____ ______ if a federally guaranteed bank, savings associations or credit union ever fails. Savers have their money guaranteed up to 100,000 dollars.
Banks and other financial organizations pay interest on savings accounts. But the interest rates are low. Certificates of the deposit are another way to save. They pay higher interest rates. With a certificate of deposit, a person agrees not (8)__________________________________for a period of time. The term could be three months or it could be several years. (9) __________________________________ higher interest. People can withdraw their money early but at a cost.
V. Answer the Following Questions. 10%
Directions: Give brief answers to the following questions according to what you hear on the tape. You will listen to this item twice.
1. How many people have been killed in the bomb attack?
2. What had the nine injured policemen been called to do?
3. What happened to the second bomb?
4. What did the doctors treating the injured say?
5. Who has claimed responsibility for the blast?
2. 0基礎學英語練聽力和閱讀平時應該聽點什麼看點什麼
聽力部分是四六級考試裡面最容易拿分數的部分。總分20分裡面,如果聽力水平較好,拿16-18分不成問題。所謂的水平好,我覺得只要能聽懂voa stand english,應付六級就足夠了。作為我個人,我沒系統聽過歷年四六級考試的題目,但是考試估分,聽力都是16-18分。
最開始的時候,我連聽voa special english都很困難。我的方法是:一個sp要聽4-5次,把裡面不懂的英語單詞的發音,含義全部搞清楚,然後每天堅持2個小時的聽力訓練,狂攻sp。如果沒事,就拿一個MP3吊耳朵,讓自己慢慢習慣英語語境。2個月後,我聽了一盤四級英語考試磁帶,發現自己原來根本聽不明白的東西變的簡單了。
現在,你已經具備了一定的聽力基礎。接下來,可以進行一些special的聽寫,嘗試聽stand English。這個階段真是打擊你信心的時候^^:聽寫出現很多拼寫錯誤,stand聽起來象天書,然後就想:我的水平還是不行啊,5555~~~不過沒關系,其實你已經在進步,只是你沒察覺到而已。堅持下去,慢慢就發現自己的聽寫正確率提高了,而且stand也變得越來越熟悉。當聽寫special覺得簡單的時候,就可以開始嘗試聽寫比較短的stand。如果能堅持進行訓練,半年左右,你就已經達到了六級外語聽力的要求。因為六級對聽力的要求不是特別高,能聽懂stand的話,你真是會覺得六級的語音真的挺慢的。
最開始的時候,因為基礎比較差,太難的文章肯定不適合基礎差的朋友。先可以看一些"書蟲"(高中水平)一類的改編小說,練練感覺。當單詞量積累到一定程度以後,就可以正式開始提高閱讀水平了。第一是做真題,從四級到六級,力爭把真題里的句子、單詞都弄明白,並且對其中的難句做一定的分析,特別是語法結構。這里有一個問題:最開始你做題目的時候准確率會很低,千萬別灰心,堅持下去,從每一篇閱讀裡面吸取精華,很快就會發現:閱讀真的沒那麼可怕。第二,對於六級,平時可以看看China daily一類的新聞雜志,即可以提高自己的興趣,又增強了閱讀水平。現在我每天晚上都喜歡看1-2版英文報紙,已經成習慣了。
3. 想要練習英語聽力,不知道一天需要聽多久因為日常學習任務比較重,不能抽出太多時間聽.
1. 多看國外的英語電視節目、電視劇
2. 多與外國人交談、聊天(面對面或網上都行)
3. 多看英語書報雜志,吸取最新詞彙
4. 平時看書時,如果可以,就一邊讀一邊念出聲,以訓練自己的口語+聽力
5. 讓老外糾正你的發音,不能讓中國的英語老師糾正
6. 上網盡量看英語的網站,增加閱讀的機會,同時也可以讀出聲
4. 開心學英語課時單元練習組合7(六年級上)聽力內容
5. 課時練聽力英語
6. 3年級英語課時金練聽力內容音頻有沒有下載
我發現一個地方有哦 ,中小學自主學習網 裡面有一個課時金練在線音頻,好像只能在線聽,不能下載,如果有的話,請把我的回答作為最佳答案啊,謝謝!
7. 全科王同步課時練習英語七年級下聽力下載
應該有3個原因: 1、那個給你下載英語聽力的資源已經變更,所以你下不下來。 2、你的網路設置,比如禁止下載等,也可能造成不能下載。 3、可能你下下來了,但是打不開,可能是因為一些格式原因。
8. 練英語聽力時候自己學的是美音但是練英音材料的時候要跟讀嗎
9. 八下英語課時練聽力哪裡有下載
學習一門外語,詞彙是基礎也是開始,所以能准確的拼讀和默寫單詞很重要專,除此之外,還要弄明白每個屬單詞的意義和用法。學習語言的基本標准就是聽說讀寫。因此練習聽力至關重要,為了達到好的效果,就得花時間去練習聽力,經常磨耳朵,時間長了,聽到的內容就會被正確的反應在我們的大腦中了 樂 其 有小班英語口語課堂,可以免費試聽一次