導航:首頁 > 英語語法 > 非你莫屬英語牛人語法


發布時間:2021-01-02 14:58:27

Ⅰ 有幾個句子需要英語牛人翻譯一下(必須要保證對,附帶語法點最好)

1、 Who provided the information to him?
2、回At weekends,答I『d rather watch books than chatting on the Internet.
3、His teacher asks him to take daily notes carefully .
4、If you haven't reached the top of the mountain,you must think it is easy to do.
5、The TV programme showed last night made my sister recall the experience of teaching in the village two years old.

Ⅱ 求英語牛人幫我做下這語法填空

MOre than 80percent of university students in China want to syudy abroad,according to a new online survey.
The survey,concted by the China youth daily and 【involved】 more than2,400 university students,revealed that more than 80 percent of university studnets want to study abroad 【with】only 16 percent has on such intention.
The survey showed 42percent____(develop).It also showed 66 percent felt students with overseas ecational background were more【competitive】 than graates from domestic universities when it came【to】job hunting.
"The CEOs of Nasdaq-listed Bai and Shou【both】received an overseas ecation," said a student from Qinghua University,adding【that】the variety of majors offered by universities abroad was a significant factor.
Contrary to the high percentage of students【who】are confident of the competitiveness of holding an overseas diploma,only 2.5percent of respondents said staying in China had more advantages in job hunting.
The survey also found of the students who want to study abroad had clear career plan【with】41 percent hoping to set up their own ventures after coming bacj to China.
Statistics from the Ministry of Ecation showed that in 2008 more than 200,00 Chinese went abroad for【further】 study,an increase of about 25% from the previous year.

註:(develop) 那個空沒法兒填,語義不連貫;若是因為句中漏了字什麼的請補充後追問。

Ⅲ 英語牛人是怎麼學習的


Ⅳ 求英語牛人幫我做一下這篇語法填空


Ⅳ 不學語法,揭秘這10萬英語牛人是如何堅持學英語的

肯定能聊上只要努力 能過4級語法和漢語對照著來 特別要搞清楚詞性,詞性的排列順序,這就要和漢語對照 背單詞 更要知道詞性, 不同詞性之間的連接有規律 慢慢掌握 你會發現 很簡單

Ⅵ 《非你莫屬》中最後選擇了SOHO中國的一位牛人叫

李一舟 清華的博士

Ⅶ 英語語法牛人請進!!!!!祈使句


Ⅷ 英語語法高手一定要進哦

1. 樓主理解基本正確。
1)主句:What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind
2)(時間狀語)從句:the moment she found her lost son

2. 不過,主句還應該是一個以what引導的感嘆句。正因為是感嘆句,所以句子出現了倒裝。
還原成正常句序為:the mother felt a great weight taken off her mind
再如:He is a clever boy. 其感嘆句變成:What a clever boy he is.
其中,the mother是主語,felt是謂語,a great weight是賓語,而taken off her mind為過去分詞短語做賓語補足語。

3. 時間狀語從句分析:
引導詞the moment,主語she,謂語found,her lost son為賓語。
一般來說,the moment就等同於連詞,後面的that可加可不加,不過一般不加。
名詞短語做連詞的有:the minute, the second, the instance, the + 序數詞 + time 等。

Ⅸ 求牛人英語改錯~求英語牛人幫忙把下面這段話改錯一下~語法錯誤~感謝~

The purpose of this article is to 中式說法
This article is designed to ....
第一句:This article is designed to analyse and discuss an example (an instance也可,後面才知道你講的是哪個例子,這里要泛指用不定冠詞) using(through是通過,你想表達通過什麼方法,用using或via) colour theories and applications.

As why I choose this movie poster, there are several reasons as follow.語法錯(前有why後有reason,這兩個詞不一起使用在一個句子中的)
The reasons that I choose this movie poster are as follow

there are lots of theories and applications to show in this poster
在海報展現出很多理論,理論是被show出來的,用被動,或索性不用to show也行

In this article, the range of the colour will be identified and, in the second part, the poster will be deeply analysis and discussion based on the colour theory and functional.

另外,是不是沒有完結,因為只有firstly,後面的secondly, thirdly呢?

Ⅹ 英語牛人請進,幫忙分析下面兩個句子的語法結構,把各個句子成分幫我清晰地梳理並翻譯一下,詳細點哦,謝謝

1 收款人來,即將要收取匯源票金額的那個人(以支票形式 )
2 匯票就是書面形式的,寫有支付給某人的,有具體金額的一種單據.

1 payee(主語),the person(同位語) 後面是定語從句修飾 the person.
這個從句中, whom 是引導詞, 因為是在從句中充當介詞賓語,所以介詞可以提前,就是to whom
the face value(面值) 是從句主語 of a bill of exchange是他的後置定語, is to be paid是謂語(被動形式)
其實換種寫法,賓語從句, 你可能就清楚了: the face value( of a bill of exchange) is to be paid to (who will get the money)

2 A bill of exchange is a written order 主謂賓 後面是分詞結構做目的狀語(你把他理解成定語結構也可以,別太拘泥 ) ,



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